• Published 7th Mar 2024
  • 483 Views, 2 Comments

🐩 Who let the drakes out?! 🐕 - Kikio3000

Spike introduces his dragon friends to the human world to discover a few of the intriguing intricacies of dog life. They freak out, afraid of their new bodies, forgetting that home is a mere portal jump away. ...Looks like they're in for a ruff time.

  • ...


It seemed like an ordinary day in Equestria.

The birds were singing sweetly, the sun was shining with its golden, honey-like rays, and the many creatures across the land were either playing, working, or planning the day ahead of them.

The same thing was occurring on Earth, as humans toiled or planned play-dates, hangouts, and romantic dates together, with animals also spending time with their own species or working hard to hunt for their families; every creature felt as if the day ahead would totally be normal.

One small dragon was mulling over past events, reclining in a chair that was placed on the balcony, light shining on the bright crystal and giving the surrounding view a warm and inviting glow.

'Crunch! Chomp-chomp, chomp-chomp!'

The peaceful scene of the castle balcony was broken by a sharp yet satisfied crunching of branch-colored potato chips.

...Or was that...dog biscuits?!

The drake paid no mind to the outside beauty as it could not penetrate his wandering thoughts. His subconscious cantered through the twists and turns of his young mind, finding forks in the road and even roadblocks where things about their world - nay, their universe - did not seem to make sense.

Even with all of this self-reflection, his occupied brain still debated the typical musings the child usually owned, well, they were the things he thought about when there was no work to be done, such as recognizing the library. Because of the lack of duties, the dragon could focus on the wanderings of his brain's original wanderings.

"Hmmm...I wonder what Rarity is doing right now..." Spike thought, his reclining body drooping at the thought. "Would she be too busy to go on the date she agreed to go on? Hmmm...wait, it's Spring Fling season - all of those college prom and future gala dresses need to be made, so she'll likely be available at the end of the month. Yeah, she would be too busy to accept my offer because of this "previous engagement," as she calls her really long work days."

Spike's newly acquired wings shot up in embarrassment, bouncing a little. The romantic part of his mind hung in the balance, and he pushed the feelings down for the moment, as he disallowed the manifestation of wayward distractions. He shook the innocent, yet intrusive thought from his brain - realizing he could not waste the day away.

"Maybe I will try to help her if she becomes backlogged on orders. Since this is my day off, I should do something else, like go visit my dragon friends for the day."

He had already spent a few hours just writing in his diary about current events - both in the Pony world, and in the Human world. It was strange how both realities were so similar, yet so different from one another. What was even more confusing, was that he was a purple and green puppy in the other world, not a baby dragon. On second thought, since Twilight and other Equetsrians turned into homo-sapiens because based on the world's rules; they were to fit into the human world and not arouse suspicion. (Unless someone were to run into their similar but different Earth world counterpart; in which case, your cover would be blown) - it would make sense that a possibly fictional or extinct animal only seen in legends would be taboo in a world that had previously owned no magic. That was actually a valid reason for why he transformed into one, into a little dog.

He wondered how Dog Spike would deal with walking on two legs - (or would he become a version of himself but walking on four legs?) - If he were to cross the portal and become a sentient reptile, like Spike? Questions for another day, perhaps?

"Wait..." Spike muttered, "If I become a pup when I cross over from Equus...would other dragons become dogs on Earth, too?!"

Spike jumped up from his cozy, comfortable, crystalline reclining chair.

Being alone at home tended to make one either drum up an interesting idea or a crazy impulse decision that likely would not have been made if Twilight Sparkle had been at home.

But, just his (good) luck - Twilight was not.

And this was definitely a crazy impulse decision.

"You know...I wonder what different dog breeds could come out of a trip to the other world. I should get the dragon gang - we could have so much fun! Provided we don't stray too far from the mirror on our first adventure. Woo-hoo! This sounds like fun!"

The middle school-aged creature rushed off to assemble his scaly friends who were visiting Ponyville that day.

He had an idea.

Spike waited in front of the mirror portal in Twilight's throne room and study. He tapped his tiny clawed feet impatiently, waiting for his friends to arrive.

His friends swooped in one by one, starting with Ember, followed by Smolder, and her brother Garble, with Clump and Fuma - Garble's best mates - following after him.

"This had better be good," Garble stated, irritated. "I am missing my lunch break."

"We're here for an adventure!" Smolder exclaimed, waving her clawed hands. "And I thought that today is your day off from dragon duties."

"It is," Garble said, flatly, "but it's still lunchtime. And I want to at least be back in time for dinner. I am NOT looking forward to the long flight or train ride back home."

"I'll buy you lunch later," Spike rolled his eyes dismissively. "Now I have to show you guys this world, even if we just take a sneak peek!"

"Yeah!" Garble's friends yelled.

"OK, let's fly!" Smolder exclaimed.

Spike had expected Smolder to remember what he had told her about the human world, but her excitable expectations were at the forefront of her mind.

"(Yes...for as long as you have wings...)" Spike mumbled under his breath.

"Say what, now?"

"OK..." Dragon Lord Ember agreed apprehensively, "And you are sure that it's safe, Spike?"

"Yes, Ember," Spike replied, "For the last time, it is perfectly safe, but being worried is perfectly alright. It IS a strange new world after all, and we do not have to explore all the things I told you about, concerning the place. Even a few feet from the portal is fine. I just want to show you the world's coolness and the informative time we will have together."

"Right..." Ember replied, almost assured. "Wait, a few feet, is that my feet or your feet? 'Cause your feet are tiny."

"Uhhhh...human feet...twelve inches."

"Oh, ok...do humans usually have big feet for their small bodies? Or at least in comparison of teenage dragon heights to human ratios."


"And is Princess Twilight aware of your galivanting on your own, here?"


"I know she is letting you make more of these decisions, but do not be hasty, now!"

"Um, I left her a note, and I am NOT planning to take you dragons beyond safe limits."

Spike sweated more than he had done when his conversation-neigh-interrogation with Ember had started. Spike put a semi-confident thumbs-up as Ember nodded politely.

"As you wish, young one. I have faith in you and your improving guidance."

"Thank you!" Spike thanked, beaming.

"Now let's go!"


Spike ran head-and-claws-first into the magic mirror like he usually did.

"Except when you go running into unknown portals."

Ember shrugged and slowly jumped through, lightly gasping in surprise at the new feeling, the magic enveloping her and sucking her into the mirror the rest of the way.

"Ah! I'm am not sure y'know...I am reconsidering following you into the unkno-"


"No way am I going in some creepy portal," Garble said, adamantly. "I don't know what in the dragon lands could happen to me!"

"Suit yourself," Smolder retorted, giving her college-age brother a flat look. "But don't be a scaredy-crab. We'll be fine."

She scoffed and walked up to the giant reflection, waiting to see the cool place that Spike was yammering on about.

"Don't be a slowpoke either," she taunted, shaking her tail in an immature, annoyance-provoking gesture. "Scared to release your BARK side?"

"Hardly," Garble snorted.

"Well then, come on!" Smolder waved back to him and stuck the claw into the mirror, half-expecting it to thud softly against the glass.

To her shock, she found that was not hallucinating and that her hand and her friends had honestly gone through solid glass. Her mind had to wrap around the fact that her limb had painlessly morphed into a paw, her claws had become shorter though thinner and stick-like, (yet, sharper all the while); the transformation even came with squishy paw pads!

Smolder's mouth worked wordlessly, and squeaks came out breathlessly.

"WHAT?!" Smolder shouted. "This is really real!"

She unconsciously placed her other hand in the mirror and pressed her soft paw against her other one. She mentally screamed.

Garble and his friends watched, dumbfounded.

"Scared? You can back out, you know."

"Nope..." She shook her head, as awestruck as her brother. "Can't back away from a challenge. Let's go!"

She grabbed her brother's hand and shot through the mirror, barely allowing his screams of protest to be heard.


Spike was groggy, dazed, and confused at the screams, pondering: "Where's the fire?!"


After the initial shock of the epilepsy attack of the magic and body transformation, Spike realized that everydragon - everydoggy - was running around barking loudly and/or yelling at the top of their lungs; scared out of their wits and bumping into each other violently - not even able to enjoy the beautiful scenery or newly acquired, flameless, dog bodies.

Everyone was acting as if a school fire drill had just been announced as a real emergency, all braveness and coordination were gone; the calmness had been sapped out of the group.

Spike sucked in a break, desperately trying to remember how Twilight took control of these types of situations.

Maybe Spike should have just stuck to coming up with ideas about the universe in his notebook. His fantasies were definitely way safer than THIS. Well, unless he had unwillingly conjured up a nightmare. And this was starting to look like one.

He felt like backing out and abandoning the adventure for everydragon's mental safety! It was a good thing dogs could not breathe fire. The canines were both less harmful and less powerful, though they could still set fire to the place...all it took was a candle to be knocked onto a curtain - a can of gasoline tipped onto firework powder...


Spike shook himself awake from his thoughts. Everybody was ok, and no fur had been shed.

Spike, though having the sense of smell and hearing of a bloodhound, was a Mongrel or Mutt himself, Ember was a Labrador or Retriever, Smolder was a Cocker-Spaniel, Garble was a German Shepard, Fuma was a Fluffy Poodle, and Clump was a menacing Bulldog. For some reason, Spike could see the white and pink drake Fizzle as a Husky and head-in-the clouds crackle as a slightly derpy, yet lovable version of a rescue-happy Saint Bernard...if they had been there to share in the loud fun. Discord would love this chaos. In fact, there he was right now! Either the humanoid or Equestrian version, hovering and chewing popcorn right there - right over there-not really.

Spike blinked blankly and sniffed the air, smelling everyone's combined fear stronger than he ever could as as a dragon (excluding the ancient, lingering fear of the loving crystal ponies.) He restlessly scratched at an itch absentmindedly, temporarily ignoring the chaos around him. He did this in favor of fleeting happiness at the fact that his skin and water poodle-esque fluff were back to normal.

He tried using his voice and soft calming touches to calm everyone's restlessness, but it did not work.

"Smolder, I need you and Spike's help! And promise me that you won't laugh. I could have sworn I was a fluffy-puffy doodle-poodle."

Spike snickered at Garble's choice of words and earned a dagger-edged glare in return.

Thankfully, during the fur-raising experience, all everyone managed to do was painfully crash or fall into the river, forest, rocks, and plants around the school; no firestarting necessary.

Even though everyone was safe, the wet trio of males in the situation were getting angrier by the minute, as if they wanted to attack. The cause of this distress was because of the physical and possibly mortal changes to their bodies - the wet fur bogging them down, as well as the scary fact that the hot sunlight and water of the river felt as if they burned their very flesh because they were not used to not having fire-proof scales! Though not pain-proof, their scales did save them from most environmental perils.

"What have you gone to us?!" Garble yelled -water dripping- looming over poor Spike like an angry wolf, his packmates behind him, looking ready to strike out of fear and anger despite Spike's feeble and futile attempts to defuse the already exploding situation by putting his paws up defensively.

When the big red dog swiped his clawed paw, Spike nimbly dodged to the side, as quick as a whip.

"Garble, wait, I am sorry! But look at yourself! -You assume that you are hurt, but you are fine - you are safe! Please - listen to me!"

Spike's guard was down by a fraction of an inch as if he was a royal guard that had barely lowered his sword and shield to talk some sense into a dangerous, monstrous enemy. Oh, he wished that Twilight's pacifying speech-giving skills would come back to his memory!

With his clouded judgment, Garble bore down on Spike again and lunged again - this time too fast for him to dodge.

Ember quickly leaped in the air and jumped in front of the attack, roaring and the hit barely phased her. Smolder ran up from under Ember's underbelly due to the size difference, missing her wings. and howled defensively. Garble and his buddies put their paws down, backed away, and wined sincere apologies, snapping out of the emotional trance.

"I'm sorry, Garble!" The terrified baby dragon-baby mongrel...squeaked, protesting, "I-I didn't remember how scary the transformation is the first time, but we'll be alright, we can go back! Home is right behind us-"

"Can you send a letter to Princess Celestia or Twilight?!"

The crazed Smolder asked, obviously feeling peril, wishing the rest of the Student Six were there. She was closing her eyes and hugging her surrogate aunt Ember tightly, the royal gasping at the realization - hugging back and copying Smolder's body language - forgetting all pretense of dragon glory, strength, and coolness.

"Well, now, I can'-"

"-We're doomed!"


The fear of the unknown only got worse when Spike reminded Smolder that he could not send letters or breathe fire in the smaller fluffy form. She and Garble shrieked as Spike told her that he could not send messages to "namby-pamby Pony Princesses by himself anymore and that the only thing he could do was write a message with his mouth or pawprints and manually push the paper through the portal or even use Sunset Shimmer's diary.

"Everydrake, stop running!"


Spike began to tell both real-life and fictional tales of humans that were very interesting, and even that human myths and legends coincidentally included mentions of or seeming sightings of Equestrian dwellers - such as unicorns and dragons - a long, long, really long time ago. What was weird was that ancient pony culture shows the existence of Earth and similar-yet-different stick-figure ape creatures as well!

These universes really were parallel and similar in historical timelines!

Even though everyone was slightly creeped out at the existence of the ever-wild, magical, disturbing, unnatural, and untamed Everfree Forest, everyone kept a straight face; (except for a few beads of sweat that lightly trickled down their cheeks) - a weirded-out emotion Spike could get behind!

He even gave concurring and congruent opinions of the matter of another reality similar to their own - it's existence was weird, fantastical, and unbelievable, but it sure was cool!

He also told them that being dragons and still having a magical affinity toward fire, they could still strike sticks or stones to create fire, and their flames would light up immediately, in the color of the individuals' magic. They could even create color-coded or color-meshed campfires! Provided next time, they bring the smores.

Though it was hard, they could all find some other way to use their dragon abilities as dogs (not even as diamond dogs, just ordinary dogs;) and everyone laughed when they discovered that they were mercifully the same height as they had been before they had left Equestria...well, in relation to each other - each one was still smaller than they had been previously.

Despite mentally panicking, everyone sat down and listened patiently for Spike's explanations for how the non-magic inclined Earth world worked, and how beautiful and similar it was to Equestria, with or without Equestrian magic.

Everyone still would have preferred magical communication on Spike's beck and call, on a whim, but now, they were starting to understand and enjoy the world's nuances and interesting intricacies.

Everyone went from forcing themselves to cease fire, to appreciating the field trip they had all been invited on. Well, by fire, I mean, imaginary fire.

On a lighter note, Spike, Ember, and Smolder unleashed their chasing instincts when Smolder saw and chased away a stray cat, and later on, Spike and Smolder chased a squirrel. The dogs thought that the "hunt" was all fun and games, but the frightened squire did not see it that way. Thinking it was going to be eaten, it slipped and zipped away. The squirrel turned tail and sped up a tree, then three some of its dinner nuts so hard, that it knocked out both the little and large canines.



After a day of chasing tails and literally "crying wolf" on their transformed states, they all put their paws in, hoping for another day of adventures, interactions with humans and creatures such as dogs, as well as planning more tail-wagging romps in the nearby flowers in the forest.

(Someday, this would be a laughing matter - a funny story to tell their grand-drakes...but not today...not just yet.)

Sitting quietly in the grass was a stark contrast to the emotional baggage they each had obtained for different reasons, heightening the stress of the situation. They had calmed down enough to notice the effort humans put into their buildings and infrastructures due to the calm vibe everyone radiated now.

Spike gestures with his paw, beckoning everypuppy to lie down on their backs and enjoy the moment further.

Watching the beautiful and puffy white clouds of the sunset and cool eve with his friends, Spike mulled the disorienting day. Everyone was safe and content, though they were starting to complain about being starving - pining for Equestrian food as soon as possible.

At least no-one wandered across the road so Spike did not have to explain car safety or rescue any lost souls. Everyone had merely lost their minds. Even tree branches seemed like snakes to the emotionally stressed-out brains. The terror that had gripped their hearts was not real, but it was just as gripping as if they had not been one to six feet away from home and returning to it to escape the new reality. The real danger was just in their minds.

A day of chaos was now a day of learning and fun.

As the forest's bright green trees started to turn into a dark patch of wood, everyone thanked Spike for the amazing home-away-from-home kind of adventure and walked back through the mirror, relieved to see the true forms of their clawed hands and wagging, un-fluffy tails once again.

"You are so welcome, guys! But next time, I will give you a more detailed warning about this strange new world."


Princess Twilight Sparkle walked into the room with the portal since - according to the hastily written note - it was where Spike should have parked himself.

Leading up to the portal Spike, and his older friends lay in front of it curled up in a dog-like way, crumbs of dog biscuits and trails of muddy paw-to-clawprints all over the floor.

The confused Twilight shook her head at the obvious display of an impulse decision. She looked closer at her sleeping brother and smiled fondly. She was happy that an adventure had occurred with seemingly no peril to the participants. Then her eyes caught the mess again and it ruined her mood once again. The annoyed alicorn made a quiet, guttural growl.


She rolled her eyes and slowly trotted away, thinking of the work they had caused her which prevented her from falling asleep right then. She would leave the mess to the tornados that were her reptilian friends, but she had to figure out what to say to the dragon guard - that the dragon Lord and a Student of friendship (and their friends) were in her castle, and they would not be leaving until the next day or even week. Mulling over her friends' body language in her mind, she could sense the peril they had gone through and could tell that it could only be rectified with an ecstatically elongated emergency sleepover.

They would probably attempt to play musical chairs with the castles' crystalline cutie-marked thrones.

Twilight once again smiled jovially despite her tired eyes from the long trip home she had just endured.

She returned to the throne room and sighed. She levitated something over to Spike's open claws, inadvertently awaiting the arrival of the object. She then magically placed blankest and pillows both under and over the platonic dragon cuddle pile. (Neatly.) She cantered quietly away, seeing the happy little drake's expression as he hugged the toy tightly, his Rarity plush being gently squashed against him.

She smiled with glee, beaming with pride and mischievousness.

"Spike was brave to venture to the other world alone, but since he could have gotten hurt, that date with Rarity will be put on hold until next month. He won't be getting the surprise free-day Rarity had taken off tomorrow. He is so grounded. He won't be dating until he learns not to make a startling impulse decision every time I leave the palace."

Twilight stopped short when she heard a loud, phone-like buzzing from a book above the portal. The princess looked up and recognized the leather-bound pages and sun cutie mark. It was Sunset's diary. She must have been confused to see a gang of what had likely been dogs gathered around the Canterlot High Horse Statue a while ago. Twilight put a hoof to her mouth and chuckled; wondering what hijinks her gaggle of scaly creatures had gotten up to in the past few hours.


Spike peacefully snuggled into his marshmallow-soft, pillow-like plushie, unconcerned; blissfully unaware of the lecture to come.

He may have been punished, but at least he had gotten his rough-and-tumble dragon friends to join the bark side.

Comments ( 2 )

XD Thanks; I added more to finish it off! :)

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