• Published 28th Feb 2024
  • 3,251 Views, 160 Comments

My name is Comet Tail, and I have died many times. - Sol Nemesis

My name is Comet Tail, and I have died many times.

  • ...

CHAPTER II: Live. Learn. Die. Repeat.


That’s all that comes to my mind right now as I lie broken on the kitchen floor. My front hooves are bent at an odd angle, several of my teeth are missing, and my left eye is swollen shut. I’m pretty sure I’m bleeding out from somewhere in my gut because I can feel something warm spread across my chest.

I gaze upon my distorted reflection on a saucepan that had fallen during the struggle. What in the hell was I thinking? Of course, these changelings weren’t going to be pushovers, I knew they would put up a fight, but I had no idea how outclassed I was.

It made sense. These changelings had infiltrated the castle; it likely took months if not years of planning and preparation. Of course they would know how to fight. They were soldiers planning and executing an invasion for a cause that was yet unknown. I on the other hand, am a scrawny kitchen employee, who can’t do magic. The closest thing to a fight I’ve been in was a table flip over a game of Monopony. How could I hope to defeat these monsters. Speaking of monsters, the changeling that was once Berry Mix didn’t look happy and Minty wasn’t backing down.

“Back off Zasz! He’s mine for the harvest.”

“The Queen’s orders are clear. Any ponies in the castle that resist violently are to be killed. We have our orders Rotex. Now move aside...!”

Resisting. Was that what I was doing? I remember dodging one of their paralyzing spells and charging the fake Minty. What happened next was kind of a blur. Lots of flailing hooves on my part. Wasn’t much of a fight really. All Minty had to do was keep her distance before the rest of her goons dog piled me.

An angry hiss broke me away from my brooding as I looked up with my good eye. The changeling that was once Minty stood between me and another changeling. Now that I was no longer a panicked mess, I got a good look at these changelings. Black, armor like chitin, with a seemingly soft underbelly and joints.

“Let her have her prize Zasz. I know I’ll be enjoying mine.” Snarled a changeling beyond my field of view. There was a dark cackle and a muffled scream as the changeling was currently feasting on Juniper. I gulped involuntarily and swallowed liquid that tasted like copper.

“No. The orders are clear. Stand aside Rotex. You have led us well, but the signal is given and now we follow the Queen.”

“I have spent months cultivating this prey. You will not undo months of work just because he grew a spine.”

I developed a spine huh. Progress, I guess.


There was movement beyond my field of vision. For some reason I wanted to call out a warning. Lingering attachment to my best and only friend, I guess.

"Get off me!" I hear her hiss.

“Subdue her!” Somepony else hisses back.

A scuffle. I got kicked, most likely by accident but it still hurt like Tartarus. I took the momentary distraction to begin crawling, by pushing myself along the floor with my hind legs trying to get to safety. My hind legs slip on the wet surface and the smell of urine made it to my nose. I realize that the warm feeling, I felt wasn’t my blood, but urine. I wet myself. Fun. I barely reach the threshold of the bathroom when a chitin hoof grabs me and turns me over.

“If you don’t struggle. I’ll make it quick.”

The changeling called Zasz held a butcher knife in his hoof. My eyes go wide as I realize what was going to happen to me. I kicked my rear hooves, but they were merely swatted away by the changeling. I try to scream, maybe beg for my life but I gurgled on that copper taste instead.

I don’t want to die.


The changeling frowned as if sensing my thoughts. Any thought of mercy must have been quickly dismissed as he brought the knife down quickly. Before I could meet my end, time slowed. My eyes are focused on the knife point as a faint aura surrounds the knife’s tip. The sleek blade jerks to a stop barely scratching my fur above my heart. After years of neglect, my magic was still there, answering me during my hour of need. Any sense of surprise or joy was squashed by my desire to live. The changeling tilts his head confused but then shakes his head.

“And here I thought you couldn’t do magic.” He hissed. “No matter.”

The changeling simply grasped the knife with his other hoof and leaned forward. Placing all his weight upon the hilt. The blade began to sink, drawing blood and going deeper.

“No. Please. Stop.” I spit out blood as tears ran down my cheek from my good eye. Begging for my life. How pathetic.

“I’m sorry. I’ll do anything. I’ll… …”

No matter how much magic I poured into the knife, It just wasn’t strong enough. I felt my heart hammer itself against the tip of the knife as my magic failed. Then the changeling, feeling no resistance, shoved it forcefully into my heart.


Then he twisted the wicked blade.


I gurgle out as fresh blood fills my mouth with my death rattle. The pain wasn’t better or worse than having my heart ripped apart, just different. But you know. Details.


Cold water runs over my hooves. I withdraw them from the cold and not bother to turn off the faucet as I make my way to the door. I swing it open with violent force.

“Oh!” Minty says with a hoof raised, as if about to knock. “I was just about to get you. We need to get started on…Uh…Why are you looking at me like that?”

I regarded minty for a moment, biting back the vitriol that threatened to spew out of my mouth. Instead, I force a smile.

“Oh. You know. Dead set on getting to work.”

Minty recoiled slightly, not liking my emphasis on the four-letter word.

“Don’t need to get all serious on me. Once we’re done with the cake, the hard part will be over. Then it’s just mingling with the nobles and serving champagne.” She stopped for a moment, tilting her head down and pawing the tiled floor. “Maybe afterwards…you and I could do something fun?”

I laugh out loud at this.

“Yeah. Fun. Sure.” I brush past her, not bothering to look at her shocked expression. Looking at the ponies who were decorating the cake, I pick up my pastry bag and begin working on my section. My eyes wander ever so slightly to Berry Mix, who was diligently making decorative floral patterns on his layer. My eyes then dart to the cabinet underneath me. After a moment I place the pastry bag down and give myself a little stretch. Juniper is eyeing me strangely probably wondering what I was doing. I open the door casually and look at the number of pans neatly stacked inside. Tentatively I try to lift one with my magic. A decent sized saucepan lifts slightly before my magic fails, and it clatters noisily to the ground. I sigh. This is going to take some practice.

“Oh ho! The stallion CAN use magic.” Chuckles Berry Mix.

“Better late than never I always say.” I respond with a chuckle of my own, perhaps a little too enthusiastically.

“Less talking, more Icing!” Shouts a pissed off minty. She’s giving me the death glare. I’ll deal with you soon. Don’t worry. I think to myself. Berry Mix winces and heads back to icing. I lift the saucepan with my hoof and test its heft. I know there’s a cast iron skillet here somewhere…

Then I felt the pulse rippling through the air.

Meh. It’ll do. Berry Mix barely had the time to smirk as he turned around to face me, or rather the saucepan I held in my hooves. The sound of metal meeting Zasz’s, er, Berry’s face was satisfying to say the least. I daresay I broke something.

Zasz toppled over to the floor and tried to scramble to his hooves. I didn’t let him. Bringing the saucepan up with my hooves, I brought it back down with extreme prejudice. The changeling, still in pony form, brought up its hooves to protect itself, but it was useless. I connect with several satisfying hits before I get tackled to the floor by Swifty.


I struggle hard against him, but the hotshot Pegasus was strong having been a wonder bolt candidate prior to his tenure as a royal kitchen employee.

“Let me go Swift! They’re going to kill us!”

I yell out for all the good it would do. I probably should have waited until they made their grand reveal. Ah well. Live and Learn I suppose. Swift didn’t have time to reply, as he was struck in the back by a bolt of green, he toppled off his hooves and I took the opportunity to scramble away. Green bolts fly over my head as I use the center kitchen counter for cover.

Berry Mix, now in his true form as Zasz, was recovering from my previous blows and managed to get up on all four hooves. He was charging a green bolt on that wicked horn of his.

“Oh no you don’t!” I yell and tackle him with all the strength I have. I am successful in catching him off balance and we tumble to the floor. Zasz’s paralyzing spell goes wide in the air. I can hear Juniper scream as the other changelings subdue her, she must be putting up a fight, but I know I can’t help her right now. There will be time to save her later. Hopefully.

Right now, I am more concerned with holding my adversary down. He strikes me with his black hardened hooves trying to kick me off. I manage to hold on for dear life, not knowing where I should go from here. I scan around the kitchen for something useful. I find it. A steak knife that had somehow gotten dislodged from its hanging space over the stove. I reach for it with my magic, and it flies to me, albeit unsteadily. I grab it with my hoof. The bug doesn’t notice until it’s too late. Its eyes go wide as I plunge the knife deep into its soft underbelly and twist.


“We Were friends!” I cry out. Tears leaking as I violently withdrew the weapon from his underbelly drawing green blood with it.

“We went out for drinks!” I stab him again, and again, and again.

"We sang songs drunk off our flanks!" Tears are flowing freely now.

Something hard clashes with my face and I can feel the bones in my muzzle break. I look up. The Royal Guard pony from the hall had arrived. His form shifts with a green shimmer as he transforms into his bug form, and he looks at me with pure fury. I held the knife out with my hooves daring him to come closer. The other changelings form a protective circle around the now dying Zasz. I give a weak battle cry, or as much as I can with my broken muzzle. The changelings’ approach in unison snarling. The changeling I vaguely recognize as Minty, charges me. I lash out wildly. She grabs my hooves and disarms me and with slender movement I had only ever seen in those cheesy martial arts films. Having rid me of my only defense, she flips me onto my side before grabbing me in a chokehold.

I struggle, but to no avail.

“You were my friend Mints. I trusted you, I thought I…” I couldn't get my last words out as she clamps down tighter on my neck.

“I’m sorry.” She whispers.

For what? I don’t get to contemplate it. With one clean movement, she snaps my neck. Have to say, least painful way I’ve died so far. Things are looking up.


I wake up and immediately move to the bathroom door, again not turning the faucet off.

“Wait for it.” I whisper. Adrenaline coursing through my body as the need to avenge my death overcomes all thoughts of self-preservation.

The door looked like it was about to fly off its hinges as Minty Knocked. Right on Cue I kick the door open with violent force, I hear a satisfying crack as it connects with my target. The girlish scream of pain made me flinch. For barely a second, I remembered the last time I saw Minty get hurt. It was a bar fight with some drunkards. She kicked their flanks. I, of course, did nothing and watched the whole event unfold. The nostalgia fell away as quickly as it came, and I snarled.

“Buck my life. Buck you bugs and BUCK YOU MINTS!”

I charge out of the door and connect with a bloodied Minty on the floor. Without hesitation, I grab the petite mare around the barrel and heft her out the window before she can react. Glass shatters as she makes contact. I follow her fall. She tries to transform. But not before being flattened on the stone six stories below.

I can feel everypony’s eyes on me as I slowly turn around. The look on my face must be fascinating, because theirs sure as sugar was…


Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Die…


I regain consciousness to the sound of crashing waves and the feeling of pleasantly warm sand beneath me. My eyes flutter open to make sense of these sensations and I find myself on my side. A vast and dark ocean lies before me. The sky is cloudless and adorned with streaks of oranges, pinks and blues. I look up and barely see the stars. Is it after sunset or right before dawn? There’s a proper word to call this time of day but I can’t recall it right now. Ah well. I’ll think of it later. Right now, there was no death. No changelings. No pain. Just this beautiful view, and the feeling of a brush going over my coat and mane.


So enamored am I by this view and sounds on this magnificent crashing of waves that I only now realize that I am not alone. Somepony behind me was brushing my coat. I tense as I feel this stranger moving a fine brush up and down slowly and gently. Suddenly I feel like a little colt again. Whenever I was feeling terrible about life as a colt, which was admittedly a lot back then, my mother would brush my coat and mane. It wasn’t so I could look better, it’s just that she knew I enjoyed the feeling of a brush on my coat.

Then I could hear humming. It was a mare, and it sure as Tartarus didn’t sound like my mother. Shifting, I try to lift my head to get a good look at the mystery mare, but a firm hoof holds me down.

“Do not look at me Comet Tail. The consequences for doing so could be dire.”

I tense even more at the word “consequences.” The mare, after noticing my unease changes her tune and tries to reassure me.

“Don't fret. You're safe. For now.”

This mare does not sound familiar. Her voice was kind, but firm. There was power behind it. The kind of power I only ever heard when Princess Celestia or Princess Luna addresses their subjects. Not the Royal Canterlot voices, this was the exact opposite of that.

“Who are you?” I dare to ask. The response was preceded by a pause and then a quiet and somehow bitter laugh.

“A friend, I think.”

I raise an eyebrow at this but let myself relax regardless.

“Where am I?”

“Heaven. You died remember?”

“Bout time.”

Another laugh. This one sounded more sincere.

“It was a jest Comet.”


I stayed quiet for a bit after that. Despite the many questions I had buzzing my brain I let the peace of the moment heal my frazzled psyche. I don’t know how long I stayed like this. It felt like hours, all the while the mare stayed with me humming her tune and brushing my fur. Sometimes she’d move up to my mane and straighten it.

The entire time I resisted the urge to get good luck at her. Not that I wasn’t curious. It just felt rude to deny her wish when she asked so nicely. Instead, I turn my attention to the beautiful picture before me. What was that word that described this period between night and day? Ah. I remember now.

“Twilight. That’s the word.” My voice is raspy and quiet.

The mare freezes her brushing halfway past my shoulder. I clear my throat trying to get the cobwebs out.

“This twilight setting is beautiful.” I say relishing the ability to make small talk without somepony trying to kill me. I felt the mare relax as she rested her brush on my shoulder. I hear her sigh.

“I’ve seen better.”

I frown. Though her voice sounds level, somehow, she sounds incredibly sad. I don’t want to push her, so instead I try to change the subject.

“Seriously though. Where are we?”

“A place of rest. You’ve been pushing so hard. You came dangerously close to going insane. There are many things magic can fix, but a broken mind is not one of them. Magic can help, but, if you’re too far gone…”

She let the silence between us speak for itself. I, for my part, was doing my absolute darndest not to freak out. This mare knows what is happening to me. I feel equal parts overjoyed and terrified. Overjoyed at the fact that there was at least one pony who recognized my struggle. Terrified at the fact that, if she knew what was happening to me. She could be responsible. I prayed she couldn’t feel my heart hammering against my ribcage. I gulp down some air as I gather up my courage.

“Why is this happening to me?”

There was a pause. The mare had stopped brushing me as well. There was a long and deep sigh.

“I don’t know how much I can say without ruining everything. Even in my advanced years, I lack full knowledge about the functions of chrono magus. In my experience, the best way to figure things out is to experiment.”

I feel her hoof leave me and she waits, at least I think she’s waiting. She hasn’t said anything for a long while. Does she want me to turn? I think to myself. She said the consequences COULD be dire, so maybe this is what she meant by experiment. Hoping to not come across as rude I slowly shift. I pause before I look back, waiting for her to stop me. When she says and does nothing, I force myself to turn away from the beautiful twilight view to get a look upon the mare behind me. I freeze. It was an alicorn. An alicorn I had never seen before. She was dark, beautiful beyond any mare I had ever seen (even Celestia) and yet I couldn’t help but scream in complete and utter terror.

You see it wasn’t so much that seeing royalty terrified me, it was the vast landscape of death and destruction that was behind her. Corpses of various creatures. Some fresh, some so old they had become bone. Ruins of towns, cities and carriages. All of this wouldn’t have been so bad, had she not been sitting on a throne made of bones and flesh. I backed away so far and so fast that I fall into the ocean.

“Oh my. This might not have been the best idea after all…”

She says apologetically.

I wanted to ask, “who are you really?” But fresh screams come out instead.

“You are not a strong pony Comet. In fact, you are weak. But you must become strong. Everyone is counting on it.” Her eyes give off an ethereal green glow. Her pupils dilate red.

“Brute force is not always the answer.” She appears to be fighting something internally, but that is the least of my concern as I continue to backpedal further and further into the water.

“Trust in what little magic you have left and remember…”

She gives a girlish giggle which slowly turns into a loud and hearty laugh.

“…you’ve got a friend in me.”

I bolt into the ocean and start paddling, choking down saltwater as I fight the waves to get away. I used to fear the ocean and what lay beneath it. I fear it far less now than the mare cackling behind me.


I awake as if from a bad dream, yet somehow refreshed.

What was I dreaming about? I can’t really recall. Dreams always seem to slip away from me much like this cold water slipping over and around my hooves. Still. It must not have been too bad because I somehow feel myself to be in a rather good mood, despite my situation. I turn off the water and take stock as I look at myself in the mirror.

I had been at this for a while, and I was getting closer to clearing that kitchen. I wasn’t getting physically stronger, but my reaction time had been improving slightly. Still reaction time can only get me so far. There are occasions where my brain moves faster than my muscles can keep up with causing problems and more than one painful mistake.

I sigh as I remember my latest mishap. The enemy had gotten hold of that blasted butcher knife somehow and threw it at me. I saw it coming from a mile away and I quickly tried to move it out of the way, but I wasn’t fast enough. The knife buried itself in my eye socket. This was the first of a long string of events during that run that led to my very painful death. I wince a bit but push the memory aside. Pain was just a fact of life now. I had finally accepted that. More important than reaction time was anticipation. Being able to know what each changeling was going to do is a very important factor in my success.

Nine out of ten times, the changelings would react the same way. There were always a few outliers, but those were few and far in between. There are a few things that stay consistent. For one, they always target Swifty first. They obviously consider him to be the biggest threat.

I chuckle. I make them regret that every time. It’s obvious that these changelings have been doing their homework.
The other thing that stays consistent is that they always try and capture us alive, unless of course I react with lethal intent.

One final thing. Whenever they do capture me. They drain me of something until I pass out. I always wake up before something kills me again. I always thought they drained me until I died but, now I’m not so sure.

I frown. Come to think of it, Minty said when all this first started that she was going to use me as cattle. What did she say? She would water and feed me everyday. Somepony killing me later doesn’t make sense. My frown intensifies. There are many things about this whole changeling invasion I don’t know. There’s a Queen, I know that. Where she is I do not know. What were the changeling’s battle plans? Were my friends’ changelings the whole time or had they been taken out and replaced shortly before today. My heart leaps into my throat as I realize that it was possible that the real Minty was already captured and stuffed in a closet somewhere, much like that guard I had tripped over in one of my earliest runs. Also…there was something else I needed to verify…

The door looked like it was about to fly off its hinges from all the knocking.

“Did you fall in Noodle Hooves? Come on, this cake isn’t going to ice itself!”

Horsefeathers. I need more time to think!

I take a deep breath. It was time to try it again. The gambit that never quite works out. I open my mouth as wide as I can before sticking a hoof in it to activate the gag reflex. It doesn’t take much to throw up all over the sink. Hello hay fries, my old friend. I make sure to exaggerate the throwing up noises.

The door swings open.

“Oh, my goodness! Comet are you alright?!”

Minty comes galloping up to me, careful to stay away from the putrid mess all over the sink and the floor.

“Sorry Mints. I don’t think…I feel very good. Must’ve been lunch.” I really ham it up. But I am convincing enough to where Minty brings over a towel to help clean me up.

“It’s okay. Let’s get you to the castle nurse. You’ll be fine I promise.” She’s doting over me. She’s always like this whenever I get hurt. Guess she doesn’t like it when her “cattle” gets injured. She tries to escort me out of the kitchen, but I gently wave her off.

“It’s okay, I can make it on my own. You need to finish that cake.” I open a cabinet slowly and reach into it, grabbing a frying pan.

“Mind if I take this, in case I throw up again.” I pant slightly and wobble on my hooves as if I was fighting the urge to hurl again.

“Of course, Comet. Take your time.” She rubs my back. I nod before making my way out of the kitchen. Out of the corner of my eye, Berry casts me a curious look before going back to icing. The first checkpoint passed. It happened only once, but Berry called me out for faking being sick. Not sure what triggered it, but it doesn’t matter now as I clear the threshold of the kitchen. I walk a little faster now, awaiting the guard’s pony that I knew was coming.

The royal guard unicorn rounded the corner right on cue. He was the reason why this approach never worked out. Even if I could outrun or escape him. He always found me or came out on top in the end. What makes it even worse is that this changeling’s fighting ability was miles ahead of Minty and her changelings. I could not hope to match his speed or combat ability, no matter how often I tried. Even if I caught the pony by surprise, the armor he wore made it difficult to incapacitate him.

Trust what little magic you have.

Huh? Where did that thought come from? Oh well might as well give it a shot.

I pass the changeling posing as a Royal Guard in the hallway. I begin the countdown.




Right on cue. The pulse ripples across the castle.

I hold up the frying pan, trying to keep it steady with my magic. Besides my reflexes and foresight, I had also been getting better with my magic. Every advancement was purchased at the cost of grueling trial and painful error. Thank Celestia the art of magic was at least fifty percent mental power. The rest was about forty percent magical aptitude and ten percent sheer power of will. If I work hard enough, I may be able to use my telekinesis somewhat reliably. I lift the pan with my magic as if I’m pretending to hurl into it. It was shaky, which only added to the act. I watch the solar guard imposter’s reflection in the stainless-steel pan. He stops, turns around and flashes that fanged grin.

“Halt. Citizen.” He commands. I see the flash of green light in the reflection. Without turning, I whip the pan around to the back of my head with my magic. Hoping against hope that my aim will be correct this time. My magic fizzles out as the spell makes contact, but the desired result is achieved.

As my pan drops, I spin around to view the effects. The guard was hit, square in the face and was visibly trying to shake off the effects.

“Score.” I say smiling like a mad pony.

The changeling guard looks at me surprised. He recoils at the look on my face. I should check myself out at some point. My war face must be terrifying when I get down to business. No more contemplation. I grabbed the handle of the stainless-steel frying pan and swing it up in an uppercut motion. I connect, with hard chittin in the armors gap in the neck perfectly. The guard recoils and staggers back. I charge him and pin him against an open window. With one mighty effort I heft the paralyzed guard up and over. The poor changeling was too paralyzed to scream as he fell all six stories. It was always satisfying hearing bugs get crushed by gravity. Extra points for the sound he made because of his armor.

“Booyah.” I whisper as I moon walk backwards in a little jig. Something I picked up from Berry at one of the earlier royal kitchen parties. The sound of violent commotion in the kitchen stops my little celebration. As I pick up my frying pan and bolt through the hallway.

This was the furthest I had ever gotten. I’m not going to waste it. The sounds of battle echoes around the castle as I move quickly, but carefully. I make sure to stay far away from the sounds of ponies screaming for help, or flashing lights of green.

I avoided a group of ponies who looked panicked and were looking around confused. They were more than likely changelings trying to lure me in, I told myself. I took a hard right down a small stairway in the direction of the closest guest bedroom. The diplomat room specifically. This was one of the only rooms in the whole castle with privacy spells in place. Luckily, as a member of the royal kitchen staff I knew how to activate them. I opened the first door I could find, and would you know my luck? It was empty. I threw myself inside and immediately close the door.

Thinking quickly, I scan the door frantically for what I knew was there, somewhere. Eyeing green gems by the door hinges I press a hoof on it. The door glows blue briefly before the magical glow dissipates and the noises of battle die down to nothing.

I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding and take a moment to catch my breath. I let the frying pan clatter to the stone floor and move to the dead fireplace intending to curl up on the oversized comfy pillow reserved for dignitaries of foreign nations. I freeze for a moment before a thought occurs to me. I turn back to the door and start placing every piece of furniture I can physically move to bar the door. The privacy enchantment should reinforce the door, but just to be sure…

A shadow passes the oversized window behind me, and I turn in panic. Thinking quickly, I sprint over and tear the curtains closed. Trying to ignore the horde of bugs that were quickly descending onto Canterlot.

After looking around bug eyed for any more points of entry I moved to the fireplace. I briefly consider lighting it before I dismiss the idea. Smoke would surely give me away. Finally satisfied that I was safe, I move onto the massive pillow and try to get comfortable. Perhaps a little too comfortable as I feel sleep threatening to overcome me.

I give an annoyed huff as I get up and begin pacing the floor, desperately ignoring the siren calls of the king sized four poster bed and fireplace pillow. Instead, I look at the ornate grandfather clock ticking quietly in the corner. 1:05 in the afternoon.

I occupy my mind with pleasant thoughts.

“Maybe If I hold up here, Celestia and her guard will get a handle of this situation.”

I grin. Hope swelling in my heart.

“Yes of course, and if not Celestia, then maybe Luna. Surely, she’ll wake up from all this ruckus. She’ll come down, save the day and everything will be over.”

Tears well up in my eyes.

“That would be ideal, wouldn’t it?”

However, my heart of hearts told me it was not to be. Still, it was nice to hope. There was still something that had been bugging me though. No pun intended. All I had to do was wait to confirm it.

I occupied my thoughts by practicing my magic, using the various items in the room. I stuck mainly to telekinesis because that was the only spell I knew. I had lost the ability to perform most spells when I stopped using my magic. I couldn’t even perform the signature spell that gave me my cutie mark. I frowned.

Dropping the items I had been levitating, I lift my head and focus the magic in my horn, trying to imagine that wonderful and happy day when I got my cutie mark. My horn gave a few sparks, but nothing more than that. I sigh defeated. Maybe one day. Picking up the various items I had been using for practicing I resumed my telekinesis training.

Every so often I glanced at the clock.



I sense somepony at the door. I hold my breath for a full minute as I fear the worst. After that minute. Whoever it was had moved on. I let out the breath I was holding.



Then I feel it.

My eyes bug out.


An invisible force is digging into my fur. Grabbing hold of my still beating heart. I let out a cry of pain at the familiar sensation before my heart is torn in two.



I scream as I shatter the mirror, and almost rip the sink out of the wall. Of course it didn’t make sense for the changelings to kill me. I was a food source! Why would they kill their food source! It was likely what they were doing here in the first place!

“Comet what’s wrong?” Minty comes charging in.


Minty to her credit took the hint, probably from the crazed look in my eyes, and shut the door.

I lock the dead bolt and begin pacing furiously.

“This is exactly like before. EXACTLY. Twilight and I are LINKED!”

I buck the wall causing decorative tiles to shatter. It makes sense. Twilight Sparkle was a national hero. An element of harmony. A defender of Equestria. She would be a threat to be reckoned with. The bugs would go for her. She would resist. She would be killed. Somewhere, somehow at 2:16 PM, Twilight Sparkle would be killed.

They would kill Twilight Sparkle.

A hero of Equestria. My hero.

They would kill her.

That sweet filly turned into a national hero all grown up.

They will kill her.

My sacrifice. My regret.

They will hurt her.

I smell smoke, but I don’t care. All I see is red.

The pulse ripples through Canterlot castle. With fury, I kick open the bathroom door, shattering the dead bolt. The changelings had already transformed. Swifty and Juniper were already paralyzed and lying in a heap on the floor. The rest of the changelings turn to me. The one I recognize as Minty turns to me surprised by my aggression but gathers her resolve.

“Surrender Comet. You are surrounded. I promise you won’t be hurt.”

She must see something scary because she takes a few steps back. A burnt lock of my mane flutters down. Huh my mane caught fire at some point, how did that happen? Oh well. Bugs to kill.

With one swift motion I rip off the cabinet doors to the cutlery and levitate two frying pans, one cast steel and the other stainless. They float menacingly to my side as if I wielded two legendary swords. I crouch into a comfortable fighting stance. I had a clear objective now. But first. I needed intel.

“The only thing I am surrounded by…” I grumble. My voice sounding strange for some reason.

“…Is crushed bug.”

Comments ( 49 )

Seems Death has found reason to favor him. A shame about his visibly slipping mental state.

With one swift motion I rip off the cabinet doors to the cutlery and levitate two frying pans, one cast steel and the other stainless. They float menacingly to my side as if I wielded two legendary swords. I crouch into a comfortable fighting stance. I had a clear objective now. But first. I needed intel.

“The only thing I am surrounded by…” I grumble. My voice sounding strange for some reason.

“…Is crushed bug.”

Now that is metal... cast steel and stainless to be exact I am going to have a real heart attack CAN'T BREATHE AHAHAHAHA

Live. Die. Repeat.

about his metal state, it is understandable, conscious beings are not designed to withstand the stresses that brings life and death situations without training and his frustration at not being able to get out of the loop was killing him mentally, now has reached the critical point that many come to conclude, a 0% fear of death and a 100% absolute rage against their aggressors

About the pony that got interested in the... Well, I don’t think it got to be death... unless of course, the name Twilight has a meaning beyond its own

It's not trauma, it's character development!

“…Is crushed bug.”

Personally I would have gone with “The only thing I’m surrounded by is cutlery…and dead bugs.”

But gotta save the badass one liners for when he really reaches his peak.

changelings be like "why do i hear boss music?"

Huh, going quite a bit darker than I thought. And quite fast too. While I like the time loop idea, I don't think Twilight would want to spend time with a murderer. I don't see how he and Twilight can even socialize after this. He can't get out of this being even remotely normal. He'll be a psychopathic mass murderer that has been through the trauma of death countless times. He would make military veterans look like happy functional citizens. But hey, at least Death seems fond of him, so there's that.

After doing something so many times. You start entering the flow state. The flow state makes a master out of a neophyte. Let's see how much his will last.

I yell out for all the good it would do. I probably should have waited until they made their grand reveal. Ah well. Live and Learn I suppose. Swift didn’t have time to reply, as he was struck in the back by a bolt of green, he toppled off his hooves and I took the opportunity to scramble away. Green bolts fly over my head as I use the center kitchen counter for cover.

You were my friend Mints. I trusted you, I thought I…” I couldn't get my last words out as she clamps down tighter on my neck.

“I’m sorry.” She whispers.

Is she starting to feel bad for lying to him and everything

Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Die…

Man I cannot imagine having this kind of ability I will lose my freaking mind if this keeps happening I wonder how these people who get stuck in those groundhogs days scenario

“…you’ve got a friend in me.”

Toy Story reference very nice

As my pan drops, I spin around to view the effects. The guard was hit, square in the face and was visibly trying to shake off the effects.

Just like Tangled the frying pan is a very perfect weapon lol

“Maybe If I hold up here, Celestia and her guard will get a handle of this situation.”

Yeah about that....

An invisible force is digging into my fur. Grabbing hold of my still beating heart. I let out a cry of pain at the familiar sensation before my heart is torn in two.

What the heck killed him?? 😳


Huh, going quite a bit darker than I thought. And quite fast too. While I like the time loop idea, I don't think Twilight would want to spend time with a murderer. I don't see how he and Twilight can even socialize after this. He can't get out of this being even remotely normal. He'll be a psychopathic mass murderer that has been through the trauma of death countless times.

Very reasonable deduction. I wonder if this will come up later in the story. :pinkiehappy:

He would make military veterans look like happy functional citizens. But hey, at least Death seems fond of him, so there's that.

Hey now. I'm a military veteran and I am a happy functioning citizen. :twilightsheepish: Though some of us have actually seen some harsh stuff. Thankfully I'm not one of them. Veterans have to deal with a lot of stuff that has been drilled into our brains day in and day out. It's a happy time when you finally get out and just slowly turn back into an ordinary joe. Though some require some therapy.

With one swift motion I rip off the cabinet doors to the cutlery and levitate two frying pans, one cast steel and the other stainless. They float menacingly to my side as if I wielded two legendary swords. I crouch into a comfortable fighting stance. I had a clear objective now. But first. I needed intel.

“The only thing I am surrounded by…” I grumble. My voice sounding strange for some reason.

“…Is crushed bug.”

Dang that is actually pretty epic I like that


0% fear of death and a 100% absolute rage against their aggressors

I like to think Comet thinks of it as a win win. If he dies for real, his suffering ends, but if he doesn't he's one step away from digging himself out of this hell hole somepony put him in.

About the pony that got interested in the... Well, I don’t think it got to be death... unless of course, the name Twilight has a meaning beyond its own

How to say it without saying it. I tried to be as obvious as I can while still rewarding those who read close enough.


What the heck killed him?? 😳

In the prologue, it's shown that if Twilight dies his heart stops, ending the loop by killing him. Either his power is directly linked to Twilight, or whatever/whoever is controlling the loops is very interested in her survival.

Legitimately want to scroll through my music album and find some music as Comet turns into a Dark Souls boss...


You were my friend Mints. I trusted you, I thought I…” I couldn't get my last words out as she clamps down tighter on my neck.

“I’m sorry.” She whispers.

Is she starting to feel bad for lying to him and everything

She has been fairly consistent with how she treats Comet that's for sure.

Wow this is pretty crazy right now so apparently it didn't work very well for Comet that he didn't realize how strong they are not just their magical abilities but their strength and Agility even though he keeps on repeating half the time but he still can't figure out how to beat them but once the changeling killed him something pulled him and talking about not let your mental and insanity disappeared because he keeps on dying a lot which that's always drives you insane but somehow whoever that is trying to get him to realize that he is the only one he can save them somehow then once again what he had to do is basically kind of went for physical attack again but this time he figured out what they were going to do but once again minty who was in Disguise killed him but somehow apologizing did she feel guilty or something but then he snuck around the castle just before the invasion started and somehow he made it to the room so he can barricade himself until everything settles while this was happening he tried to practice his magic since he probably needs them in the future but while he was writing something killed him and he woken up again and he has no idea what happened but then he realized something back in his childhood when Twilight died they repeat again and somehow he realized that him and her are connected to each other either that something must have killed her so now he has to figure out where to find her and protector as best as she can but he needs to stop the changelings in the kitchen well I hope he can find a way to get to Twilight well I guess we'll find out next time

Yeah I just realized it I almost forgot about it that Twilight and Comet Tail is connected to each other

I was kind of thinking of Final Fantasy boss since I don't know anything about Dark Souls 😅

Let me specify then. Military veteran that saw conflict on active duty. They usually suffer pretty bad PTSD. Which I'm pretty sure Comet already has and it's bound to get worse.

I'm waiting for the diplomancy (yes that is spelled that way on purpose) run where he tells her he knows and has always known just to screw with her head. Just really abusing the random snippets of knowledge learned over thousands of loops to get her to just let him walk out of there.

I have some suggestions:

Although in this case I think the original might actully fit better

But if we're sticking purely to Dark Souls then I think this'd have to be my pick:

Una #28 · April 15th · · ·

Remember the Name) by Fort Minor

Zasz toppled over to the floor and tried to scramble to his hooves. I didn’t let him. Bringing the saucepan up with my hooves, I brought it back down with extreme prejudice. The changeling, still in pony form, brought up its hooves to protect itself, but it was useless. I connect with several satisfying hits before I get tackled to the floor by Swifty.


He got past the guard. I say keep exploring that route. Maybe he needs to wake Luna or divert the killing blow from Twilight? Distract Chrysalis?

Comet’s respawn point is really rough. If he gets past this, I hope he gets serious about preparedness.

He needs to practice his magic and work out more after this

This is awesome!

This is quickly becoming one of my fav stories on this website

Toon #35 · April 16th · · 1 ·

That alicorn- hear me out-


Buck yeah! Let's gooooo!!!

Oh, this is getting very nice.
Love it.

All of this is being caused by a future Twilight? Knew it! Probably the OG timeline one, searching for a timeline where they both live... Maybe she hopes she can use him to prevent the calamity, beyond thanking him for saving her life...

Patience is key but with this story I need the new chapters pronto or I will combust like a bomb that combusts.

This fic is pretty darn good, don't forget that!

One thing the people who write the 'groundhog day time loop' stories don't seem to take into account is that the mind can only take this much of abuse before it goes on a possibly permanent vacation. I.E. the looper goes insane and is no longer the person they were.

So... The more correct descriptor would be:

"Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Learn. Die. Repeat. Live. Go insane. The end."

im pretty sure smart's job was to watch over magical artifacts like the hourglass. there is likely a seporate orgenisation for looking out for spys

Looking forward to read more. Do not be in rush or worry about writing on time. I will try to voice any my concerns as and if they come.
The core of the story is a premise, in your case you have struck gold now it is matter of not going astray too much and keeping things relatively coherent.
If you ever have trouble doing that imagine current pieces of story as puzzles that in one or two sides must fit to the previous pieces but on the other one or two sides you can decide their shape.
Or you could try to describe the motif your story and then, when introducing new ideas ask if and how it fits.
Hope my comment helps somehow.

I guess you deleted the other two chapter because some people didn't like the idea what you were trying to do and to be honest it was a very weird concept what you're trying to do hopefully we get to see the time Loop story again and probably not go too crazy whatever the two chapters were

I see the latest two chapters have been redacted, it’s good they’re going to get another grammar pass, but secondly do not be discouraged by the reaction to the story’s plot/elements. I don’t know if this is a fully fledged out idea and you have plans to pay off a human character (not named Anon so +100 points for not taking the low road) or maybe the story is flying by the seat of your pants. Be like water, unyielding in your conviction, but willing to flow with it around obstacles in your narrative path.

And ya know be sure to enjoy your work, when you enjoy it the readers will too.

To add to this; if you go crazy long enough in a timeloop, you'd almost certainly go all the way back around to sanity again. It'd take time ofc, but there's no shortage of that now is there.

Don't think that's going to work. Mind is much harder to fix than body. The only real way to fix that would be a 'hard reset' where everything is brought back to how it was before looping, including wiping the looper's memories. But what is the point in looping then?

Honestly after what happened at the end of the last chapter, that chapter and the one before it suddenly being redacted is fitting haha.

It's certainly much much harder to fix. But when you have infinity on your side its possible. Just think about it. You snap and spend 10000 loops afterwards just mentally broken, not even killing yourself just laying there.. You have no sense of time, urgency no goals just madness. But even madness has patterns if you give it enough time. All it would take is a stray thought like "why?" And if it persists for another 100000 loops (and with infinity it's statistically possible. Stupidly highly unlikely but infinity means forever so bound to happen eventually) they then think "find out" and suddenly there's change after so many loops. All I'm saying is, given enough time they will claw themselves back to sanity because they have forever to do so.

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