• Published 6th Mar 2024
  • 136 Views, 12 Comments

The Girokon Incident: A Living the Dream Side Story - Corah Il Cappo

An incident on Equestria's northern border brings the country to the brink of war. Prince Blueblood gathers some bronies to diffuse the situation.

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Words Unspoken

For he is everything and nothing
Hero and fool
Potent, helpless
And with one word of truth or treachery
He will save or damn the earth
Because he is mad and sane
Cold and passionate
Lost and found.
-Stephen R. Donaldson.

There was a certain time of day that was neither morning nor night. A time when the horizon was a blurry smudge of violet and golddust while stars drifted off to sleep. The moon still glowered swollen in the sky just as the sun’s first tentative rays reached lazily to drag it down. The world was silent, wrapped in a peaceful ambiance that swallowed up the mutter of morning noise. Deep shadows still stretched through the rustic cottages and manicured oak trees of Ponyville as Prince Blueblood strode down the wide, cobbled streets toward the city library. The air teemed with the smells of autumn; stiff, crisp leaves, ripe apples, and the faint, ethereal aroma of the inevitable.

Blueblood stood outside the Ponyville Library, squinting as the sunlight blossomed in the windows. It had been a long time since he set foot in this town. As a rule, he avoided sleepy provincial towns full of backward yokels as much as possible. Today, however, he couldn’t. He ascended the creaking wooden steps, took a breath, and knocked on the door.

There was a shuffling from somewhere within, the click of a latch, and the door opened. Twilight Sparkle stood in the frame, her mane a mess and her eyelids drooping. She blinked sleep from her eyes and tried to take in the situation. She yawned and smacked her lips, squinting as she lazily lolled her head to one side.

“Blueblood?” Twilight groaned, rubbing her eye with the back of her hoof. “What are you doing here?”

“Good morning.” The Prince said, standing stiffly on the porch. “It’s uh…” His voice trailed off into the whistle of the breeze. He exhaled slowly, running a hoof through his mane. “It’s been a long time, hasn’t it?”

Twilight nodded, leaning against the doorframe. “Not since you dragged me off to Saddle Arabia. I only just now got all the sand out of my mane.”

“Your efforts in preserving the peace between the camel tribes were most appreciated.” Blueblood managed a half smile. His eyes drifted towards the door. “May I come in?”

She stepped aside and gestured for him to enter. “Coffee? Toast?”

He chuckled. “You’d oversweeten my coffee and burn my toast.”

“Shut up.” She shoved him before sinking into a seat at the kitchen table. Blueblood remained standing, holding a hoof to the back of the chair.

“It’s been a long time, hasn’t it?” He repeated, sighing deeply. “I’ll admit, it’s nice not having you around in Canterlot. Your constant friendship lessons gave me a headache, and the general ambiance is greatly improved when I don’t have to see your face.”

“And here I thought you might’ve turned over a new leaf. Maybe embraced a little kindness.”

“No. Never.” The Prince shook his head. “Though I’ll admit the place feels… strangely empty without you there.”

Twilight managed a small smile. “Careful, that’s dangerously close to a compliment.”

“Don’t push your luck.”

“Things have been busy.” She scratched her mane. “Y’know, with the wedding and the kids and all the bronies…”

Blueblood looked her over with an inscrutable eye. “Speaking of, is your husband home?”

“Upstairs in bed. Why?”

“He’s why I’m here. I just need to talk to him for a moment.”

“Is he in trouble?”

“Not yet.” Blueblood headed for the stairs. A single slanted sunbeam drifted in through the library window, illuminating a universe of dancing dust motes. Twilight was staring at him with a defensive glint in her eye.

“Blueblood, if you hurt him…”

He smirked. “No promises.”

“Blueblood!” She glowered. “Don’t. Please. He’s sensitive.”

“Twilight, death itself hasn’t stopped him. What's the worst I could do?”

“If anypony knew a fate worse than death, it would be you.”

“Well, he already married you.” Blueblood nearly fell from the stairs as he jolted back, a bolt of violet lightning burned itself into the wall mere inches from his face. A plume of white smoke rose from Twilight’s hoof as she glared at him. “Too far?”

She nodded, and he hurried up the steps. The landing at the top of the second floor was dotted with photos of a violet filly dashed with crimson stripes. Twilight's son. As Blueblood glanced up from the picture, he saw the same filly leering at him from the nearest doorway.

“Uh… Who are you?” The kid tilted his head, ears flopping to one side.

Blueblood felt about in the pocket of his suit. He tossed a butterscotch disc to the filly, who caught it with a grin. “Just a friend of your dad's.”

“Wow! Thanks!” The filly scuttled back into his bedroom, slamming the door behind him. Blueblood walked past the bathroom, past a laundry closet, and came at last to the master bedroom. He didn't bother trying to enter silently. The door and floorboards both muttered their creaky complaints as he strode confidently inside. There, wrapped from head to toe in blankets and snoring like a chainsaw, was his quarry.

Canterlot High society had always said he was a freak, but Blueblood wasn’t one to take the word of the common rabble, even if their pockets were lined with diamonds. He preferred to make his own personal judgment on their outcasts. That said, what he faced in the bed was freakish beyond even their descriptions. Its bright scarlet zebra stripes, messy hair, fur that looked like it hadn’t been properly bathed since Discord’s return and strange reptilian eyes made Blueblood’s nerves tingle. The fact that some ponies willingly shared a bed with monstrosities like this made him wince.

Blueblood took a seat on the edge of the bed. He had a feeling this wasn’t going to go well.

“Mr. Greenfield,” He spoke, his voice cold and authoritative in the shade. “You and I need to talk.”

Lance rolled over in his sleep, grumbling futilely into his pillow. “Twilight, c’mon, lemme get ten more minutes…”

“Your wife calls you Mr. Greenfield?”

“No, she calls me-” His voice cut off. His eyes opened wide and he sat straight up in bed. He blinked, staring straight at Blueblood with draconic pupils. “You’re not my wife.”

“I’d prefer at least a first date before marriage.” The prince replied dryly.

“Ew! What are you, gay or something?”

“Or something.”

“Well, I’m straight.” Lance thumped a hoof against his chest. “So get out of my bed!”

“Mr. Greenfield,” Blueblood repeated, remaining seated where he was. “We have a lot to discuss.”

“Who the hell are you, anyway?” Lance raised an eyebrow. His eyes went wide and he suddenly slapped the sheets with a hoof. “Wait, wait, wait! Don’t tell me! You’re that one guy from season one!”

“I’m what?”

“You’re uh… Crap, I know this.” He rubbed his temples as he tried to jumpstart his brain. “Grand Galloping Gala, right?”

“I’ve been to one or two, yes.”

Lance clapped his hooves together with a crack. “Fancy Pants!”



“Crown Prince Vladimir Blueblood, first of my name.” The Prince flourished a hoof and bowed. “And nopony says ‘buck’. Who in Celestia’s name taught you that?”

“Oh right! You’re that asshole from the gala!”

Blueblood arched his brow as his tail flicked stiffly. “Have we met?”

“Nah, but uh…” Lance fumbled for an explanation but decided against it. “Whatever. This is my house, and you need to leave.”

“I’m just here to talk, Mr. Greenfield.” Blueblood crossed one leg over the other. “Or do you prefer Girokon? I can never really be sure with your kind.”

“Whoa, what do you mean, my kind?

“You… What did you call yourselves again? Oh, yes. Bronies.” Blueblood laced the word with enough venom to make a dragon retch.

Lance sat up, kicking his hooves over the edge of the bed. He puffed out his chest and tried to look intimidating, which was tough given that he was standing in his threadbare polka-dot boxers. “Listen, dude. I don’t know who you think you are, but you’re talking to a bonafide hero of Equestria! I’ve fought evil gryphons! I’ve fought serial killers! I’ve fought cults and cannibals and The Nightmare itself!” He stalked forward, poking the prince with every point. “And what the buck have you done? Sit on your ass in the palace with all your rich friends being lazy bitches?”

Blueblood exhaled sharply through his nostrils. “Mr. Greenfield, I’m trying very hard to be polite, but you’re testing my patience. Please, take a seat so we can discuss-”

“I’m not discussing anything with you!” Lance spat, petulantly crossing his arms. “I’m a busy man! I’ve got a wife and two kids. Now why don’t you head on back to Canterlot and-”

Lance suddenly doubled over in pain as Blueblood kneed him in the crotch. He opened his mouth and puffed out a wheezing gasp as he clenched his forehooves between his legs and sank. Blueblood sighed, unwound his scarf, and shed his jacket. “I really did want to make this as easy as possible for you, Mr. Greenfield. But you’re forcing my hoof here. Now sit down and listen.”

“You dickpunched me, you ass!” Lance grunted through clenched teeth.

The prince ignored him. “Are you aware of the fact that you’ve pulled Equestria to the brink of war?”

“I didn’t do anything! You’re the one who broke into my house and punched my balls!”

“I would never do something as uncouth as breaking and entering! Twilight let me through the front door. Now shut your mouth and listen.” Blueblood glared down at Lance. “Last year, a group of bronies thought it would be funny to cross the border into the Gryphon Kingdom of Klienkrieg and attack an outpost there. Now, I’ve got-”

Blueblood yelped as Lance delivered a solid uppercut between his legs. His eyes watered as he stumbled and pressed his back to the wall, coughing hard as the sharp pain lit up his body like lightning.

“Yeah! Let’s see how you like it!” Lance said as he braced himself against the bed and stood.

“You damn gelding!” Blueblood choked out. “Did you hear a single word of what I said?!”

“Uh… What’s a gelding?”

“It’s what you’re going to be if you don’t-”

“Twilight?!” Lance trotted past the prince and to the bedroom door. “Is breakfast ready yet? I’ve gotta meet Greg and Peter for that dodgeball tournament later!” He glanced over his shoulder with a smirk at Blueblood. “You wanna join our team? We’re the Ponyville Phoenixes, and we’ve got a pretty good record. Might even make it to the championships. We’re going up against the Manehattan Manticores, and we could use an extra player!”

Blueblood’s horn glowed as he used his magic to roll up his sleeves. The pockets of his coat jingled as a flurry of sparkling shards emerged from within. Twenty fragments of meteoric platinum hung quivering in the air around him. “Fine. Let me put this in a way you’ll understand.”

A mote of Blueblood’s blade embedded itself into the door, then jerked back to slam it shut. A pair of them latched onto Lance’s boxers, yanking him across the room by his waistband. Lance prepared to struggle, but just as he reared back, the rest of Blueblood’s sword rested against his throat.

“What the hell is your-” Lance went quiet as he felt the blade press against him close enough to shave bits of fur from his throat.

“You’re going to listen, and you’re going to listen well.” Blueblood’s voice dripped like venomous honey. “Equestria is on the brink of war. Do you understand me, Mr. Greenfield? War. Death and suffering on a scale your infantile brain can scarcely comprehend. Do you understand?” He quickly added. “Don’t speak. Just nod.”

Lance swallowed hard, feeling the razor of Blueblood’s sword on his Adam's apple. He nodded slowly.

“Good. As I was saying, some of your bronies decided that they should risk all our lives so they could get petty revenge against an entire nation for some mare they barely know.” He seethed, leaning closer to Lance as he dropped his voice. “They didn’t get far, but Gryphons are a vast and spiteful people. An attack from within Equestria’s borders, no matter how small, is a casus belli like none other. Kleinkrieg could march over the mountains tomorrow, and they would have the law on their side. I’ve worked for years to preserve the fragile peace we’ve had in the north, signing treaties, making concessions, declaring rights to this and that. And now a few selfish bastards threaten to undo it all.”

Lance’s eyes shifted from side to side, as if looking for an escape. Blueblood gave him none. He inched closer, his blade flickering as the full brunt of the morning sunlight shone through the window. “That’s my problem with you and your ilk, Greenfield. You never think! Everything is a spur-of-the-moment choice for your hedonistic pleasure, never thinking about what your actions mean. Houses destroyed as collateral damage, fillies traumatized, treaties spat on and disregarded… Not one of you considers that you’re guests in this world, a world that is not your own. Now, you’re going to-”

Sparks exploded in Blueblood’s vision as another pain ripped through his nether region. His grip on his magic faltered and his blade dropped to the floor with a clatter. “Bastard! What was that for?!”

“You had a sword to my neck! What did you expect?!” Lance stepped back, rubbing the spot where the blade had scraped his flesh. He snorted, kneeling beside Blueblood. “But you know what? If it's true that bronies have bucked things up with the gryphons, then bronies better help make it right. We came here for a better life, and we can’t ruin it for the ponies we love. I couldn’t live it down if Twilight got hurt because of me.”

Lance extended a hoof to the collapsed royal, snickering under his breath. “So I’ll help you, even if you are a dick.”

Blueblood took the offered assistance, managing to force himself to stand with a grimace. He shook out his mane and brushed it daintily. Within seconds, he looked as prim and perfect as he had when he walked in. “Good. I’ll expect you in Canterlot within a few hours. The Gryphons have agreed to meet with some representatives from Equestria before they begin any operations. They’ve specifically asked that you and your… bronies… be seated at the table. Bring whoever you think can prevent a war.”

“Will do.” Lance nodded solemnly. “Hey, I think the two of us got off on the wrong hoof, y’know?” He stuck out a hoof and smiled. “Lance Greenfield.”

Blueblood clasped him by the foreleg. “Prince Vladimir Blueblood, First of His Name. High Diplomat of the Solar Court and Heir Apparent to Her Majesty Princess Celestia.”

“I’m gonna call you Vlad!”

“No, no you will not.” Blueblood rolled his eyes. “I will be addressed as ‘your grace’ or ‘your majesty’. Or if you’re uncomfortable with using proper convention, as Prince Blueblood.”

Lance rubbed the back of his neck, shrugging. “Whatever you say, Vlad. I’ll see you in Canterlot. I gotta shower and gather the troops first.”

Blueblood exited the room with a disinterested nod, slamming the door behind him. He waited until he heard the water running to descend the stairs and meet Twilight in the kitchen. She sat peacefully in her reading nook, nestled against the cool glass of the window with a steaming hot mug of coffee and a brick-sized novel hovering in front of her.

“Leaving so soon?” Twilight raised an eyebrow from across the room as Blueblood stopped in the entryway. “You’re sure you don’t wanna stay for breakfast? Y’know, for old times' sake?”

“I’d stay, but there’s much to do.” The Prince said, lingering on the lintel. He gnawed his lip as a certain thought buzzed at the back of his skull. He had to at least ask. “You won’t come with us?”

She closed her book and rapped a hoof against the leather cover. “Blueblood, you know I’d love to, but I can’t. I’ve got a kid to take care of now.”

“But think about all the other kids of Equestria. They used to tell stories about you, you know.” He stepped closer, unwilling to take a seat and commit himself to the conversation in earnest. “They would prattle on endlessly about how they wanted to be like you. How they would grow up and defeat Nightmare Moon, or outwit Discord. It’s been a long time since your name was on their lips.”

“Because that’s not me anymore, Blueblood.” She sighed softly. “I’ve settled down now. I know the adventuring life is exciting, but I have a husband who loves me, a child learning more and more every day, and plenty of books to read. I’m happy here.”

“Are you?” Blueblood winced and bit the inside of his cheek. His ears flattened as he slowly exhaled. “Is this what you dreamed of, Twilight? Settling down in Ponyville?”

“It wasn’t my dream, but… You know how life is. You never really know what’s around the corner.” She took a slow sip of her coffee. “Lance wouldn’t want me to be in danger. Besides, somepony has to keep an eye on the homefront! If the gryphon’s cross the mountains, I’ll be the first one out there to lead the defense!” Twilight chuckled as she gave him a mock salute.

The Prince managed a sliver of a smile. “I’ll see you on the frontlines, soldier.”

“Promise me you’ll keep him safe?”

“I’ll try.”

The two stood there in an awkward silence for a moment, punctuated by the mournful croak of a southbound crow. Blueblood wrapped his scarf around his neck and tied it off as he turned and headed for the door. He paused half in and half out of the house. A cold blast of wind ripped through him as he bit his tongue. He didn’t dare say what he thought. He had a reputation to uphold after all. Without another word, he stalked off into the frosty fall morning. The words, “I miss you” lingered unsaid on his lips.