• Published 2nd Mar 2024
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Equestrian Education - Dragonboy111

Harry Potter is back from his vacation in Equestria, and this time he's got more magic and friends than ever on his side.

  • ...

Chapter 7: The Sorting Surprise

There was, of course, something different about the start of this year. The question posed itself as soon as the students got off the train station at Hogsmead.

"So, if the thestrals are gone, how do we get to the castle?" Ron asked.

Harry had almost forgotten that the thestrals had been relocated to Equestria. Harry had visited the island outside of his first visit if only to talk to Buckbeak or impress Aurora, Chime, and other foals with magic. The thestrals were withdrawn, used to being invisible or avoided. Out of all the island's inhabitants, they adjusted the slowest to their new lifestyle. Thestrals made Hermione look like a party pony.

"What's this about thestrals?" Sunset asked. "I really need to catch up on things."

"Last year, Harry worked to kidnap every unicorn, pegasus, thestral, griffon, and hippogriff and send them to Equestria," Hermione supplied. "I checked, it's the largest scale crime since the last wizarding war."

"Seriously? Didn't know you had that in you," Sunset said, punching Harry in the shoulder.

"Ow!" Harry rubbed his arm as they walked down the path to where the carriages would have taken them to school. "Well, Celestia did all the work. She just needed me to find them."

"It's more than I've done for Equestria," Sunset moped.

"You helped save everyone from the sirens," Twilight added.

"You know, one of these days you're going to have to explain all these stories to us," Hermione said.

"Hey, where's Hagrid?" Ron asked, looking around. "He normally directs the first years."

Harry looked around, trying to find Hagrid. True to Ron's words, the half-giant was nowhere to be seen, and Hagrid was certainly too large to hide himself anywhere nearby. The first years were meandering around the station, directionless. Professor Grubbly-Plank was at the end of the station, directing fist years to form up near here. The head boys and girls were trying to herd them to her, but all nine of them lacked the presence of one Rubeus Hagrid.

"The real question is why McGonagall is here," Neville spoke, pointing at the end of the station.

True to Neville's words, the deputy headmistress was standing at the end of the train station, obviously looking for something or someone. She must have spotted what she was looking for, because she started walking forward through the student, right at Twilight and Sunset. She stopped right in front of their group.

"Ms. Shimmer, Ms. Sparkle, welcome to Hogwarts," McGonagall said.

"It's great to be here!" Twilight said with enthusiasm.

"Yep," Sunset agreed with less energy.

"Teaching assistants aren't jobs we've had in my time here. Now, here's the procedure. You two will come with me, we have to make a quick stop at the Headmaster's office to finalize a few details. Then you will be introduced to the school and take your seats. Is that understood?" McGonagall asked.

"Crystal clear," Twilight said.

"Excellent. Come along then." With her part spoken, McGonagall turned and left to walk toward the castle. Harry waved goodbye to the two Equestrians as they walked with the professor.

Harry and his friends followed behind a small way to where the carriages normally were. To Harry's surprise, there were carriages taking students to the school. These were pulled on their own, no thestrals. Most students didn't notice the difference, and those who did weren't going to question it. They must have been enchanted this year. Harry was glad wizards were moving past the disruptions "Celeste" caused. Hopefully, the gap left by the unicorns would fill itself in time.

Suddenly, the carriage in front of them collapsed, the magic pulling it forward apparently pulling it apart.

"Well, they're still working the kinks out with the new carriages," said Ron awkwardly.

The four of them loaded into the next carriage, which stayed intact for the ride.

Twilight and Sunset walked into Dumbledore's office with plenty of time before the first year's sorting. The room was still as strange as Twilight remembered, full of odd devices and an aura of strange magic. The old man was reviewing a few papers as McGonagall ushered them in. He set the papers down and took off his reading glasses as he took notice of the two.

"Ah, Ms. Sparkle, Ms. Shimmer, welcome to Hogwarts," he said with a smile. He placed two sets of papers down. "I'll just need you two to sign these final papers, then we'll have one thing left to do."

Twilight walked to his desk and read the papers. They were forms to finalize their positions as teaching assistants, nothing serious. She signed her set of papers and then handed them to Dumbledore.

Sunset also read the papers, then said, "What was that 'one thing' we have to do?"

The look in Dumbledore's eyes could almost be called mischievous.

"It is merely a tradition," Dumbledore spoke, "but I would like you to try being sorted. You may decline, though students often find the experience enlightening."

"Can I have a moment?" Sunset said, already dragging Twilight back through the door, removing them from the office.

Twilight could tell Sunset was very nervous.

"Hey, Twilight?" Sunset whispered.


"I don't think I'm going to go through with sorting," Sunset confessed, fidgeting with her hair. The former unicorn paced up and down the door's threshold. "I mean, what if I get placed in Slytherin?"

"I'm sure you'll be where you'll fit in best." Twilight encouraged her friend. She placed a hand on Sunset's shoulder, keeping the girl rooted. "You can say no."

"You heard what Hermione said. They're ambitious, and you know what I was like. Ambition could sum up my entire life! What if- what if it puts me there because of who I was? I've tried so hard to change, but what if it's not enough?"

"Then it'll be dead wrong," Twilight declared with confidence. "Sunset, you choose who you get to be. And if that hat can't see that, we'll feed it its brim and put you where you want to be."

Sunset smiled a bit more, posture straightening as she gained confidence. "Yeah, that makes sense. I'm not here for magic, I'm here because my friends are."

Twilight opened the door to Dumbledore's office and walked back in.

"I guess we can let the hat sort us."

Sunset sat down, anxiety hitting all-time highs. Dumbledore placed the hat over Sunset's eyes, plunging her into darkness.

"Well, well, well, what have we here?" an old voice spoke softly. "A unicorn? I've had students who were part one thing or another, but you're nothing like that... You're unique. Sorting you will be such a difficult job; I like that. But what to do? Let's see... You're powerful, there's no doubt about that, maybe more so than any human student. There's a special fire in you, I can see that. Your mind is truly remarkable; clever and loyal."

Just don't put me in Slytherin and I'll be fine, Sunset thought meekly.

"Not Slytherin? Why not? You could be great there. Slytherin wants those with potential like yours."

I don't want to be great, I don't deserve that.

"Yes, yes, I know," the voice spoke with pity. "It's all up here, in your mind. You're afraid of being the wayward student you once were. But is that fear befitting of Gryffindor?"

Wasn't Hermione's mind befitting Ravenclaw? Sunset spat back.

"There's that fire in you." The hat chuckled. "I've had many difficult choices. I once placed a student in Gryffindor because they had the potential to be brave. You're a challenge. I've never been wrong, but you are proving to be the hardest decision yet. So much conflict. I doubt you even know where to go."

That's not my fault. People change, we're not the same when we grow up. Why do you even sort? Isn't that just confirmation bias? The more people act like their house's expected trait, the more people associate the house with that trait. The more bad people are sorted into Slytherin, the worse they look. Then good people avoid Slytherin, leaving the bad apples to rot together.

"Hm... fair point; that is a conundrum. But I can't just put them wherever; I need to sort them as my makers wanted!"

The people you sort are eleven-year-olds in the middle of puberty. Personalities change rapidly, even overnight. The houses create an echo chamber. The more I think about it, the more I think this was a mistake. Just say you can't figure me out or something.

"No, wait! I've almost got you figured out. I'll be able to sort you soon."

Sunset reached her hands up to the brim of the hat. Too late.

"Wait, stop! The answer is—"

Twilight noticed the look of resolution on Sunset's face as she pulled the hat off. It had been nearly ten minutes, and the hat hadn't done anything. Dumbledore said it would declare the house when sorting, but it hadn't said anything. She didn't look downtrodden about the decision, but it was clear she was conflicted about it.

"Did it pick a house?" Twilight asked.

Sunset shook her head and shrugged.

"Don't know," Sunset admitted. "I took it off before it could decide."

"Why?" Twilight asked.

"Because I've never let anyone decide my fate for me," Sunset confessed, shrugging. Sunset looked at the old, faded Sorting Hat before she handed it back to Dumbledore. "It had reasons to put me in every house. It even considered putting me in Slytherin. I don't belong in that house, not with its reputation. I think I'll remain unsorted if that's alright with you."

"That is your choice," Dumbledore said. He lifted the hat. "Now, Ms. Sparkle, would you like to try?"

Twilight took a seat and the hat was placed on her.

"Another one of you? This is a year of firsts..." the hat's voice spoke.

"So how does this work? Do you read my mind, ask me some questions, or do you read my destiny or something? I've never talked to a magic hat before," Twilight questioned.

"There's the curiosity Ravenclaw is known for," the hat whispered. "Everything I need is in your thoughts, which I hear as well as any voice. Let's see, you are very curious, that much is plain. Brave, too, especially for your friends. And there's plenty of power in you, more than any human I've sorted, that's for sure. Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin would die for an alicorn like you to join. Oh, but there's lots of loyalty toward your friends, very befitting of a Hufflepuff. They seem very important to you."

Twilight answered, thinking, more than anything else.

"Then, perhaps you would do better in Hufflepuff, they are all about loyalty. Perhaps you would do better with others like you..."

Why's that important? Twilight asked. Surely that was a test of some sort?

"Whatever do you mean?" The hat asked, incredulous. "Do you not know of the houses? Hufflepuff values loyalty and integrity, qualities found in friendship. Is one of the Elements not Loyalty? Why not Hufflepuff?"

Well, you're not wrong, but that's not how friendship works, Twilight countered. She thought back to her many friends in Ponyville, and what made them special. Friends can come from all walks of life. You don't need to be similar to have a strong connection. There may be four houses, but that shouldn't limit who I can be friends with. I have friends who do all sorts of things, our differences don't push us apart, they remind us of what brings us together.

There was a moment of silence before the hat spoke again.

"You truly believe that." The hat sounded choked up, on the verge of crying.

Are you okay? Twilight asked in her head. Can I hug a hat?

"I haven't been worn by people like you since the founders split. I now know where you go—


Twilight took off the hat and placed it back on the table.

"That was... interesting," Twilight said. "I mean, the hat was in my head, I don't know how to feel about that, but it seemed nice."

"I've never seen two hatstalls before," Dumbledore said. "I must have been just as disoriented as you."

"Hatstalls?" Twilight asked.

"When the hat takes a long time to decide, more than five minutes, it's called a hatstall," Dumbledore explained. "It happens once every fifty years or so. I believe Miss Shimmer now holds to record." Dumbledore picked up the old hat and carried it gently as he stood up. "Now, I believe we have a sorting cerimony to attend."

Just like the last time she was here, four long tables lined the hall, each decorated with different colors. The four tables were lined with students, all merrily conversing. Twilight and Sunset followed Dumbledore into the room as he moved to the staff table. As they did so, the whispers and rumors from the other tables sprouted up. Most were focused on Twilight, as some remembered her from last year's ball.

Dumbledore pointed to two empty seats at the staff table, reserved for the two new teaching assistants. The seats were near that one teacher Harry had complained about, the one who substituted for Hagrid the previous year. She also noticed a new teacher at the table. She wondered if Dumbledore had found a replacement for Defense against the Dark Arts. Twilight and Sunset took their seats quietly.

Twilight spotted Harry and waved her hand as covertly as she could. Harry noticed this and returned the gesture with a thumbs up. Twilight was fairly certain that was a good thing. The doors of the Great Hall opened, and McGonagall walked in, a new batch of students not far behind her.

"So, you're our new teaching assistant?" asked the professor to Twilight's right. Flitwick, if she remembered correctly. He held his hand out in greeting.

Twilight shook the professor's hand.

"Correct. I'm Twilight Sparkle."

"It's a mite odd of a name," Flitwick said.

"It's my real name. It's perfectly normal where I was born."

"Oh, I don't doubt that. Who am I, Filius Flitwick, to judge? I just wanted to welcome you to Hogwarts. Dumbledore told us about you two, I'm sure you'll fit right in."

McGonagall held up a list of papers and began reading the first names.

"Euan Abercrombie!"

The boy stumbled forward and put the Hat on his head; it was only prevented from falling right down to his shoulders by his very prominent ears. It didn't take the hat long to decide "Gryffindor!" Twilight watched in fascination as the ceremony continued in earnest. Student after student came and went, and each one was sorted in less than five minutes. At last, the final student was sorted.

McGonagall reached for the hat when its "mouth" opened again.

"Today has been the best in generations!" the hat shouted, loud and joyous. It sounded on the verge of crying, again. "How rare it is that I find those who see beyond the confines of houses! The founders of our noble school thought they could never part. Today I saw two who are willing to cross that great divide. If today were my last, I would be a happy hat indeed."

The hat twisted to the staff table as it said, "I wish you well, Daydream, and you, oh Princess of Friendship."

With its last cryptic lines said, the hat closed its "mouth" and went silent. No one quite knew how to react.

"Does it normally do that?" Twilight asked.

"Not at all," Flitwick said.

McGonagall picked up the hat and stood and put them behind a door to the left of the staff's table, looking confused all the while. Dumbledore stood up, recapturing the whole school's attention.

"To our newcomers," said Dumbledore in a ringing voice, his arms stretched wide and a beaming smile on his lips. "Welcome! To our old hands, welcome back! There is a time for speech-making, but this is not it. Tuck in!"

There was an appreciative laugh and an outbreak of applause as Dumbledore sat down neatly and threw his long beard over his shoulder to keep it out of the way of his plate, for food had appeared out of nowhere so that the five long tables were groaning under joints and pies and dishes of vegetables, bread, sauces, and flagons of juice. Twilight carefully selected food to add to her plate. She hoped feasts wouldn't be here every day, she might have to watch her weight.

Wait, why should I? Celestia eats enough for two ponies, and she remains in perfect shape. I wonder if I have a matching metabolism.

Sunset had less concern, placing new food Twilight was unfamiliar with on her plate. It was a long few minutes before Dumbledore stood up again as the feat died down.

"Well, now that we are all digesting another magnificent feast, I beg a few moments of your attention for the usual start-of-term notices," Dumbledore said. "First years ought to know that the forest in the grounds is out of bounds to students— and a few of our older students ought to remember that by now. Mr. Filch, the caretaker, has asked me, for what he tells me is the four hundred and sixty-second time, to remind you all that magic is not permitted in corridors between classes, nor are many other things, all of which can be checked on the extensive list now fastened to Mr. Filch's office door.

"But, more importantly, we have had several changes in staffing this year, and by that, I mean four. We are very pleased to welcome back Professor Grubbly-Plank, who will be taking Care of Magical Creatures lessons while Hagrid is unavailable. We are also delighted to welcome a new member of staff this year. Professor Slughorn,"

An old man (evidently Professor Slughorn) stood up, his head gleaming in the candlelight. He was rather... rotund, balding, and quite old.

"is a former colleague of mine who has agreed to resume his old post of potions master."


The word echoed throughout the hall as people wondered whether they had heard right. Twilight herself was surprised; she knew Snape had been the professor for years, and if she wasn't mistaken, Snape still sat at the staff's table. If Slughorn was teaching potions, then who—

"Professor Snape, meanwhile," said Dumbledore, raising his voice so that it carried over all the muttering, "will be taking over the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher."

Twilight was certain she heard Harry shout "No!" at the Gryffindor table and barely resisted the urge to slap her face. Conversations sprouted up like weeds at this information. Most of the hall burst into conversation at the reveal of Snape's new position. Dumbledore coughed loudly and the students quieted down.

"And finally," Dumbledore said before gesturing to Twilight and Sunset. "Today we have the opportunity to welcome two teaching assistants for the first time in a long while. Allow me to introduce Miss Sparkle and Miss Shimmer." Twilight and Sunset stood up. "They are here to help both the professors and students with the balance of coursework this year."

The whispers and rumors from the other tables returned in full force.

"Those wishing to play for their House Quidditch teams should give their names to their Heads of House as usual," Dumbledore continued. "But now, a good night's rest awaits you all, and I know that your top priority is to be well-rested for your classes tomorrow, both new and returning. Let us therefore say good night."

The hall was filled with screeching stools as students stood up. Prefects, Head Boys, and Head Girls shouted over the noise for first years to follow along. Twilight spotted HArry moving with the rest of his house to the Gryffindor tower. We can talk tomorrow.

"Ms. Shimmer, Ms. Sparkle," Dumbledore said. "We ran out of time earlier, so I'd like to see you in my office tomorrow to discuss the fine details of your job. Until then, I'd recommend you get to know some of the students."

Twilight shared a glance with Sunset. "I wouldn't mind visiting Ravenclaw."

Sunset was silent for a drawn-out moment before saying, "Strange as it seems, I think I'll visit Slytherin before I go to bed."

"Can I ask why?" Twilight inquired.

"I think it might be worth a shot, getting to know them," Sunset said.

"Then I'll see you tomorrow," Twilight said as she went off to find the Ravenclaw tower.

Author's Note:

Alright, I want to get a few things out of the way. Houses.
There's the nerd house, the side character house, the villain house, and the main character house. I think we all know which is which. We never got a significant Ravenclaw character until book FIVE, and one of them was wasted on a love interest who practically vanished after the book. The most significant Hufflepuff lived to die, that's it. And Slytherin? They are the bad guy house Rowling wrote to incite conflict in book one, not knowing how her story would evolve.

Sorting Twilight into Ravenclaw made sense. I'm not putting her into the "main character house" just because she's brave. But Sunset? I spent too long rationalizing my decision. Even post "My Past is Not Today", her personality is still in recovery from being evil.

Anyway, I'm sorry for the long wait, but there's nothing I can do about that.