• Member Since 14th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday



There's something wrong with Luna's bed. Twilight is sure of it.

A commission for my mate Zon from a fundraiser for a friend we did a while back. The request was for 'Luna/Twilight romantic horror'

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 22 )

This story is so very visceral, and I'm not sure if Twilight is meant to be a metaphor for OCD or anxiety (or maybe both) here, but it's portrayed so well here, it makes your brain itch. It doesn't really matter whether Twilight is freaking out over nothing, or if there really is something wrong that she knows but can't detect, either way the world is off somehow and the results aren't going to be good.

Thanks for this. =)

It took me halfway to the story to realize that itʼs a psychological kind of horror weʼre dealing with.

Excellent work, Seer. Gave me the chills.

After I read the title and short summary I immediately thought of this:

Twilight becomes obsessed with copying an old book.
Rambling Writer · 2.4k words  ·  577  8 · 9.1k views

Almost thought this was going the direction of the red lamp. Wasn't expecting to find my own neurosis reflected back at me.

They say ignorance is bliss, but I'd never know, and apparently; neither would Twilight.

Given the name of the chapter I was expecting Twilight to actually find something insane under the bed. I think the way things actually played out was much much better though. I am curious as to what drove you to title this Golgotha though

Twilight leant in and captured Luna’s lips in her own. The taste was sweet, almost surprisingly so for someone like the princess. Many would probably imagine her to be an uptight, austere sort of mare. Twilight knew differently, however.


And then she picked it up and slammed it back down until the wood shook and groaned and cracked and splintered and she scratched at the wound in her mind until it festered.

I love this so damn much-

Because Luna's smile looked crooked.


I didn't realize until I read this comment.

Twilight Snapple

Yup. At first, I was like, “There must be some sort of monster or Eldritch horror on or under the bed.” It wasnʼt until Twilight started smashing the bed that it realized that Twilight herself is the problem. The story is depicting perfectionism to an unsettling degree, with Twilight being to destroy anything that doesnʼt align with her version of perfect. The bed was titled, so she smashed.

Lunaʼs smile is crooked. What is she going to do Luna?

Twilight leant in and captured Luna’s lips in her own. The taste was sweet, almost surprisingly so for someone like the princess. Many would probably imagine her to be an uptight, austere sort of mare. Twilight knew differently, however.

This thing really caught me off-guard :trixieshiftright:

I was actually kinda hoping that Luna kept an Eldritch Horror under her bed.

Thanks mate glad you liked it :)

Thank you I appreciate the kind words

Not sure I know that story! Will have to look it up

When I was thinking of chapter names I was thinking along the lines of 'cross to bear', which then became Golgotha as I thought it was a bit less exposition-y and is also a pretty unsettling word in and of itself

You've really captured intrusive thoughts here. The way they appear almost at random, often during the worst possible time. How they start off seemingly mundane then suddenly morph into something nasty. How Twilight knows that she she shouldn't be doing this, knows everything is perfectly fine, and hates herself so much for doing, but she can't stop.
And I also think you did an excellent job with Luna as well. She admittedly doesn't have too much screen time, but even then so much is implied about her. You could tell how much everything is affecting her, how watching her marefriend's anxiety slowly get worse is eating away at her. Not to mention the last line, talk about a cliffhanger.

It's a story of what a guy experienced while unconscious after a head injury, in which his mind apparently constructed an entire scenario where he lived for years.

Eventually, he becomes fixated on this lamp in his house which he feels is "wrong", somehow. His life begins to fall apart until he suddenly wakes up moments after the initial head injury.

It even has a Know Your Meme page now. Wow.

good work :)

Brilliant & chilling. Brilling!

Everything would be fine when she found out what was making the bed crooked.

Yeah, that's when i gave up hope of a rational solution.

Oh dear..

(She'll smash Luna- :trixieshiftright:)

Absolutely unhinged. Love it.

¿Pero quién podría concentrarse en esas cosas mientras esta cama obviamente no estaba nivelada?

Hahahahahahahaha, damn Twilight, hahahaha. :rainbowlaugh:

this story is absolutely perfect, I needed this, thank you. I'm not sure if the last line is meant to mean she'll smash up Luna in a non sexy way or if Luna was forcing a smile because she's very very worried about Twilight, but either way, thanks for writing!

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