• Published 14th Feb 2024
  • 560 Views, 9 Comments

Echoes of Another Realm - Bossypants

A young man finds himself trapped in a world of Fantasy. Meanwhile dark powers plot in the shadows...

  • ...

Chapter 1: Just a Dream

A groan escapes my lips as the resounding beep of my phone's alarm blares to my right, its shrillness cutting through the morning silence like a knife. The blasted thing just won't shut up, and ever so slowly, my eyes drift open, heavy with sleep and reluctance.

"Ugh, dammit." With a half-hearted swipe, I reach over and press the snooze option on my phone, the digital display glaring back at me accusingly before I turn over and burrow deeper into the cocoon of warmth provided by my blankets. The comforting embrace of my bed lulls me back into sleep, and for a moment, everything starts to fade away into blissful oblivion...

...until the alarm goes off again.

"Ughhhhh!" I slam my head into my pillow in frustration, the persistent sound piercing through the fog of sleep like a relentless tormentor. With a groan, I force myself to roll out of bed, my movements sluggish and disjointed as if I'm wading through molasses. A dull ache throbs insistently at my temples, a relentless reminder of last night's indulgence, though I swear I didn't drink all that much. The pounding in my skull leaves little doubt—I'm definitely nursing a hangover.

"Another miserable day, that's perfect. Just what I needed on a Mon...day."

I slap my forehead in resignation as my body slowly begins to stir into motion, the impending dread of another Monday looming over me like a dark cloud. Early class beckons, and the last thing I need is to miss it because of a late-night party. The fog around my brain begins to dissipate, replaced by a growing sense of urgency—I need a booster if I'm going to make it through the day.

Quickly shuffling into my tiny washroom, I navigate the cluttered countertop with practiced precision, my fingers fumbling for the cold handle of the sink... only for nothing to happen. I scowl at the traitorous faucet, its stubborn refusal to cooperate a testament to the perpetual maintenance issues plaguing my residence.

I stand there for a moment and look into the mirror. A zombie like creature stares back. My flowing, curly brown hair is a mess, and quite a bit of stubble was finally showing itself. My broad shoulders and decently toned body was hunched slightly from exhaustion, and my left hand idly scratched my skinny right arm. I gave a huff.

'I gotta hit the gym more. I look like a damn skeleton. A strong skeleton, but a skeleton no less.'

Groaning in annoyance, I rub the sleep from my eyes as I stalk back into my main room, my bare feet padding softly against the worn carpet. I head straight for the fridge, the lack of illumination inside a stark reminder of the power outage from last night. With a resigned sigh, I resign myself to keeping the doors closed as much as possible to preserve what little coldness remains within.

Grabbing a small yogurt container, I close the fridge door with a gentle thud and make my way to my cluttered work desk, navigating the maze of textbooks and discarded papers with practiced ease. I set my makeshift breakfast down with a sigh, my gaze sweeping over the chaos that surrounds me—a testament to my ongoing battle with organization.

My room, a canvas of organized chaos, bears the unmistakable imprint of my hurried lifestyle. Despite my best efforts to maintain a facade of cleanliness, my parents would undoubtedly have a field day with the state of my room if they could see it now. But jokes on them; amidst the chaos, I know exactly where everything is.

I pause briefly to think about them. Growing up an a farm meant it was usually my mother caring for myself and my younger brother. Life was good when I was young, but I guess it's like that for most people. I wish it was like that currently, but stress, money, and just being a typical University student seemed to slam me into the ground whenever the opportunity arose.

Rummaging through my drawers, I pull out a pair of medium-wash jeans and a white short-sleeved shirt, their fabric soft against my fingertips. But before I can slip them on, a sudden realization strikes me—I'm still wearing the same underwear I slept in last night. With a grimace, I resign myself to the fact that a shower is out of the question, the lack of running water rendering me dependent on deodorant to mask the remnants of last night's festivities.

Quickly locating my 'Stud Puffins' boxers—a whimsical gift from my aunt—I hastily don them before pulling on my jeans and shirt, the familiar routine of getting dressed a comforting anchor amidst the chaos of my morning.

As I slide on mismatched black socks—another casualty of my hasty morning routine—I glance at the phone beside my bed, cursing as I note the time. Ten minutes to get to class—talk about cutting it close!

With a sense of urgency propelling me forward, I grab my typical plaid longsleeve from the back of my chair and throw it on, leaving it unbuttoned for ease of movement. Next come my worn black shoes, their brand a mystery lost to the depths of time—I've never been one to splurge on fancy footwear, and these have served me well enough thus far.

Hoisting my trusty computer bag over my shoulder and with yogurt container in hand, I step towards the door, the weight of impending deadlines and missed opportunities bearing down on me like a tangible force. But just as I reach for the doorknob, a nagging feeling worms its way into my mind—I can't help but feel something is amiss.

Turning, I my furrow my brows as I look around the room. Everything seems in place, but something still feels off.

"Screw it." I mutter before pulling my door open...

...and walking into a massive throne room.

My legs refuse to move as I stare straight ahead. I feel like a deer caught in headlights as I take in the grand marble pillars, the intricate spirals on the roof, and the stained glass windows depicting strange things. The sun shines with a cozy brightness through the windows, bathing the room in a colourful, but refreshing glow. A plush, blood red carpet travels the room down the middle, and the edges seem to have a golden trim.

Looking up slightly, I see stairs leading to a throne of sorts. Flanking the throne are two imposing blue banners. Strange patterns are depicted in their fabric, and they seem to loom over the room like sentinels.

A sound greets my ears, and my gaze flickers towards the throne. I can hear what seems to be hooves clopping on the sleek, marble floor, but I can't seem to find it within me to move. My vision was becoming a bit hazy, and my headache seemed to pick up ten-fold. Looking down, I noticed that both my hands are shaking.

The clopping stops, and I once more turn my gaze to the throne. It is here that my breath catches in my throat, and my head seems to grow light like a feather.

A beautiful white horse stares at me with wide, expressive eyes. Her coat shines like the sun, yet is as pristine as a blanket of snow, her hooves are adorned by polished golden horseshoes, and a massive horn juts out from the top of her head. A billowing, ethereal mane waves in a nonexistent--

Wait, a horn? Are those wings?? WHY IS THE HORSE'S MANE DOING THAT??!!

I blink, and everything seems to come back into focus. I can see the horse is slowly, carefully walking up to me, and I simply stare at it. I can feel my heartbeat through my chest, it's thumping sounding like thunder in my body. I can't move, I can't even breathe.

Where am I?? What is this place?! Holy shit, holy shit, oh my God!!

I can see the horse's mouth moving, but that shouldn't be possible. Up close, I can see it wears a golden chest ornament, and a flashy crown sits atop its head, She is as tall as me, and concern seems to be the dominant feature on its face, but that isn't possible. This thing is a horse after all.

Suddenly, everything stops. I can once again hear my surroundings, but a slight ringing seems to be in my right ear. I stare at the horse as my mind is flooded with memories of my childhood. They flash by like a rogue wave, and I'm left staring blankly into the horse's eyes like a vegetable. That song... that song I haven't heard since I was seven years old is now playing over and over in my head.


I blink upon hearing the horse's voice. Smaller horses in golden armour are approaching from behind the horse now, but I pay them no mind.

"Are you okay?"

I just stare at her, judging by the voice, it is a her. A smile works its way onto my face, and I can feel a giggle welling in my throat.


My shoulders begin to shake, and my mouth tries to open. The moment stops for half a moment, and I continue staring at the horse. It's ears flick, and it's head tilts in confusion. I can't help it, I can't stop it!


I can't hear my laughter, but judging from the way the horse and the smaller ones recoiled, I can only imagine it was quite loud. At this point, I've nearly doubled over, the feeling of nausea taking over my stomach. Either this is a dream, or I've finally lost it.

My world swims around me, and with a final great shuddering breath, I collapse face first onto the floor. The last thing I hear is the concerned voice, the clanking of metal on marble, and that damn song ringing in my ears.


My eyes flash open with a start, instantly assaulted by the cacophony of sounds and the bustling activity of the change room. A firm pat on my shoulder draws my attention, and I turn to James with a bright smile.

"Helluva game, eh Tyler?" he says, his voice tinged with excitement.

"Yeah, first place, here we come!" I respond, the thrill of victory still coursing through my veins.

James chuckles and takes his seat, joining the other players as they begin to peel off their gear. I feel the weight of my shoulder pads finally starting to drag me down, and I release a tired sigh. Despite the post-game fatigue, my spirits remain high. There's nothing quite like the adrenaline rush of a hard-fought win against the former number one team.

As I shake my head in disbelief, I find myself standing next to my girlfriend, Sonya. Her sparkling blue eyes, framed by wavy brown locks, captivate me as always. She offers her congratulations on the game, leaning in for a kiss that sends a flutter through my heart.

But just as I lean down to meet her, something catches my eye.

A figure cuts through the crowd of parents and hockey players with deliberate, almost hypnotic movements. Despite the chatter around me, I can discern a faint humming emanating from the figure as it draws nearer.

Sweat beads on my forehead, and I try to turn my head to look down at Sonya, but my neck refuses to cooperate. Panic tightens its grip on my chest as the figure approaches, its silhouette shrouded in dark navy blue with a glint of metal catching the light.

'Wake up, please wake up!' I silently plead, but the world around me blurs, colors swirling into an incomprehensible haze. Nausea churns in my stomach, and my consciousness reels in the opposite direction.

With a sudden jolt, my eyes shoot open, and I'm overwhelmed by the urge to vomit. In a panic, I throw off the sheets and scramble out of bed, paying little heed to the unnaturally plush carpet beneath my feet. In my frenzied state, I dash toward the washroom, only to collide painfully with a wall.

"Aggh!" I cry out, clutching my throbbing nose as waves of pain and nausea wash over me. Crumpled on the ground, I retch uncontrollably, unable to see what spills from my stomach, the remnants of last night's supper no doubt.

I sit there for who knows how long, retching and vomiting what seemed to be every single one of my organs. I hardly notice the fact that a figure is sitting beside me, and a cloth is wiping across my mouth and face.

Finally, it stops. The smell causes my nose to crinkle slightly and I gag out of reflex. I hear the figure beside me sigh in what appears to be annoyance.

Without looking up, I give the figure a weak thumbs up.

"I-I'm good, thanks for the help, whoever you are."

There was a moment of silence before a feminine giggle escaped from the person's mouth. My heart seemed to come to a stop, and my eyes widened. What the hell was a girl doing in my room? How did they get in?? Apparently my mouth decided to speak ahead of my brain.

"Heh, you have a cute giggle."

I immediately grimaced in embarrassment at my own words. I wasn't very good at talking to girls, and here one was inside my dorm room. Either this was my lucky day, or God decided to punish me with my shitty social skills.

"T-Thank you." The girls voice was barely audible, and I groaned as I realized I likely made her uncomfortable. Forcing myself to one knee, then onto two legs, I sheepishly rub the back of my neck.

"I'm sorry about that, my mouth ran off on--" Looking around, I couldn't spot the women in my midst. Even more confusing were my surroundings, that could wait for now. Who the hell talked to me? I hear a polite cough from below me, and as slow as a snail, my eyes travel downwards, getting wider and wider as I saw what stood before me.

A small, light blue pony wearing shiny golden armour stared up at me with wide, cheery and expressive eyes. I could only stare blankly at the waist-high equine as my brain decided to short circuit. The ponies smile faded slightly, and her head tilted to the side in a rather adorable manner. Her tail swished on the floor, and what appeared to be wings attached to her side ruffled slightly.

Then the memories hit me.

I saw the throne room, the familiar dais, and the white... Pegacorn whom I was somewhat familiar with. Scouring my memory some more, I recalled a name. Celestee, or Celestial or something.

"Yep, I'm still dreaming." I mumble matter-of-factly. However, a smile grows on my face. I always found horses rather cute and goofy, and the one sitting before was downright adorable. I mean look at that armour, and the huge eyes! How could I not pet that, not matter if I was imagining it or not!

"Now aren't you the cutest little thing!" I chuckle and bend down to her eye level. The little horse -- no, pony, gives me a strange look as I reach forward. Her eyes track my hand with uncertainty, and I can see her begin to move back. "No need to be afraid, I won't hurt you. It's just a dream after all." I chuckled again as the pony gave me a a raised eyebrow, but that soon changed as my fingers began idly scratching under her chin.

"Ooohh, that feels nice..." The little pony murmerd, causing me to chuckle.

A sudden bang reverberates through the room, jolting me from my thoughts and nearly causing me to leap out of my skin. Whipping my head around to locate the source of the noise, I'm caught off guard as a heavy weight envelops my upper body, yanking me down to the ground and leaving me staring up at the ceiling. Panic surges through me as I struggle against the unseen force, attempting to free myself, but all I manage to do is twist my head to the side, the muscles in my legs protesting with the onset of a cramp. Hissing in pain, I freeze, straining to listen to the commotion unfolding around me.

"Private Dusk, step away from the creature!" A gruff voice barks from the entryway, the urgency in its tone causing me to freeze. I can hear the nervous shuffling of the little mare I had been scratching, adding to the tension in the air.

"Sergeant Stopper, the creature was posing no danger to myself! I-" The Private's protest is cut off abruptly, replaced by the authoritative growl of the Sergeant.

"Stow it, Private! For the next two days, you are on latrine duty! Your insubordination will be brought before the Captain." The Sergeant's voice drips with authority, and I can almost feel the tension crackling in the air. Despite the gravity of the situation, I can't help but chuckle involuntarily, a brief moment of levity in the midst of the chaos. The sudden silence that follows my laughter is as swift and brutal as a thunderclap, and I grimace, bracing myself for the inevitable backlash.

"You got something to say, ape?" The Sergeant's voice is a menacing growl, and I meet his gaze defiantly, trying to suppress the smirk that threatens to spread across my face. His horn was ablaze with a pale glow, and he seemed to be sweating slightly. His Roman-esque helmet and poised spear add to his intimidating presence, but I can't help but find the whole scene absurd.

"You ponies are too adorable to be intimidating," I retort, unable to resist the urge to poke fun at the surreal situation. A ripple of amusement courses through me. Who knew my dreams could be so realistic? However, a sudden sense of unease washes over me, the nagging question lurking in the back of my mind threatening to disrupt my fragile sense of security.

'What if I'm wrong?'

I shake my head, dismissing the thought as absurd. It must be a dream, or perhaps the result of some hallucinogen. After all, reality couldn't possibly be this bizarre. Especially not with beings from a show I watched nearly a decade and a half ago.

The pressure around my body dissipates suddenly, and after a moment's hesitation, I slowly rise to my feet, taking in my surroundings with a mixture of curiosity and cavalier. The Sergeant, now seated on the ground and nursing his horn, garners little more than a passing glance from me as I survey the room.

To my right, a Victorian-era chair sits beside my bed, invoking a sense of nostalgia reminiscent of my grandmother's home. The room itself exudes an air of opulence, with a plush carpet underfoot and regal purple drapes adorning the windows. My gaze drifts to the door, where marble pillars reach to the roof, their intricate carvings obscured from my vantage point.

However, my attention is drawn to the wall blocking the entrance to what should have been my bathroom, a stark reminder of the surreal nature of my surroundings. Obviously I wasn't in my residence. I shake my head, attributing the strange occurrences to a vivid dream or a hallucination induced by sleepwalking. Yet, the lingering sense of discomfort remains, fueled by the unsettling realism of the experience.

Glancing down at the vomit-stained floor, a shiver runs down my spine. Despite my efforts to rationalize the situation, a lingering doubt gnaws at the edges of my consciousness, casting a shadow over my fragile sense of certainty. Shaking my head, I once again dispel the thought entirely.

"I'm gonna go find that white Pegacorn." I state as I look down at the trembling Private. I realized then that my bag is missing, and once again chalk it up to the hallucination. I reach down and give the little pony another scratch before walking towards the door.

"S-stop, creature!" The Sergeant stands in my way, but I see him wince in pain as he tries to light his horn. I lean down with a sneer and give it a flick, causing him to yelp and topple over sideways.

Snickering, and with a smirk playing on my lips, I stride confidently out into the hallway, only to be greeted by a scene straight out of a fairy tale. The plush carpet beneath my feet cushions each step, its rich texture inviting and comforting. Sunlight streams in through the arched windows, casting a warm glow that bathes the corridor in a golden hue.

As I glance around, my eyes are drawn upward to the majestic pillars of purple-hued marble that rise like sentinels, reaching ever upward in graceful arcs. The ceiling, adorned with intricate carvings and delicate patterns, looms overhead, its height giving me the feeling of vertigo. A sense of awe washes over me, the sheer grandeur of the surroundings leaving me momentarily speechless.

Gold trimmings adorn the walls, catching the light and casting shimmering reflections that dance in a kaleidoscope of colors. The air is imbued with a sense of magic and wonder.

It was incredible what the human mind could create.

Outside the windows, cherry blossom trees sway gently in the breeze, their delicate pink blooms adding to the ethereal beauty of the scene. It's as if I've stepped into a world straight out of a dream...

...I frowned. This was just a dream. When I wake up, all this will be gone.

"Y'know, it's not that impressive. I mean, sure it's the VIP wing, and the colours seem to pop during the spring, but it's nothing special."

I glance down and see the pegasus is once more at my side. I frown in thought, both at her words and her presence. Surely she would have disappeared by now? Usually, when I dream, details aren't often repeated. Even with such questions, I can't help but take a deep breath. The air is so very fresh, and a sense of giddiness washes over me. What I would give to actually live in a world like this!

"I think it's impressive. But then again, the mind is a powerful thing. To see such details and have such realistic things while dreaming and on drugs is quite a feat if I had to hazard a guess. Hah! And I even get to partake in a world that I saw on TV as a seven year old kid! If this is what happens when you get high, then I've gotta try it more often! Can you show me the way to the white Pegacorn? I've always wanted to see a Pegacorn!"

I rub my hands together as I look down either end of the hallway. I can see various ponies, many of which are maids. A few seem to have seen me and frozen on the spot. I don't really care, this is all to exciting!

"You aren't going anywhere, creature." I hear a grizzled voice from behind me. I groan in annoyance as I see the Sergeant staring up at me. My gaze flickers to the spear held level with my chest, but I can only smile.

"Sure I am. Watch this."

Pivoting on my heel, I begin marching left down the corridor. I hear the Sergeant pony give a cry of surprise before he gallops past me. He turns on his hooves and shoves the spear at me, causing me to pause. Even if it was a dream, anyones natural reaction would be to not get poked.

"No. You aren't permitted to leave until the Princess permits it!"

Hearing a huff, I look down and see Private Dusk roll her eyes. She too now holds a spear, but it is held in an upright position. Her fuzzy pony ears are slightly wilted, and she sticks her tongue out at the Sergeant.

"Come on, Sarge. It wouldn't be very nice to keep it all locked up. Plus, remember the Princess said not to agitate it-- hold on," she looks up at me, "are you a male or a female?"

"I'm a toaster-oven." I immediately quipe, causing the mare to scowl. I give a little smirk. "I'm a dude."

"The hay is a dude?" The Sergeant asks. My eyebrows raise in actual surprise at the question, and I stutter as I try to answer them.

"Well, a dude is like a cool... guy? Yeah, it's just slang for cool guy. So I'm male." I state as I scratch the back of my head. Upon my movement, the Sergeant raises his spear ever so slightly, and his glare hardens. I give a scoff.

"Please, as if you could hurt me. Even if--"

"For ponies sake! Stop saying you are hallucinating, it's getting annoying. We are going to see the Princess so you can get sorted out." Private Dusk growls as her wing flaps open and nudges against my rear. There is a surprising amount of strength there, and I stumble slightly from the sudden force. Thankfully, Sergeant Stopper had moved his spear, otherwise I'd be a Human shish-kebab.

Grumbling, I follow Dusk as she trots down the hall Even with the ponies moving at a faster pace, I'm more than able to keep up. Being six foot three, I can only imagine what it must be like looking up to talk to me from their perspective.

"Still a dream, it's just a dream. You are dreaming, nothing to it!" I notice Stopper give me a side eye, but pay it no mind. There wasn't a chance that any of this was real, right? I'm just a student, nineteen years old! I've lived a relatively normal life. I have a loving family, and some of the best friends a guy can ask for. Only an act of God could send me to a place such as this! I haven't picked up my bible in some time, but I think I just might have to...


As myself and the two guards came to a stop, a frown was deepening on my face. I woke up in my room on campus, but upon exiting, I ended up in a world with talking ponies. If this is in fact real, then maybe it was a a portal of some sort? Like if my door opened up into this world, but if I were to look out the window, it would be regular old Nova Scotia.

My anxiety began to climb, and I could feel my hand beating rhythmically on the side of my leg. My eyes began to dart around, taking in every detail. I saw the suspicious look the guards at the door were giving me. I saw Dusk looking up at me with some concern. Stopper was talking to the guards, explaining why I was here.

I suddenly began to sweat, and tugged at the collar of my shirt. The fabric felt like it always had, and the air feels normal, if a bit more crisp and full. There weren't any swirling colours, or shaky visuals, or even random things popping up. Nothing to discern if this indeed was all a figment of my imagination.

"Alright, go ahead. The Princess knows you have arrived." I snapped back to the present and watched as Sergeant Spotter saluted the two sentinels at the entranceway. I gulped and tried steady my breathing, but an oppressive blanket seemed to be smothering any courage I had. The longer I stood here, the more I began to hyperventilate.

Soft, sleek feathers touched my back, and I jumped. I looked down at Dusk with wide, and what I can imagine would be wild eyes. I was scared, but I don't know how much was showing on my face. The lie I have been telling myself was starting to break apart, along with my sanity.

Looking into Dusk's eyes, she gave me a reassuring smile before giving me a gentle nudge. I obliged and stepped towards the doors. The two guards pushed on their respective doors, and the throne room was once again revealed in all its splendor.

That is, if you ignored the large wooden and metal cube sitting in the middle of the room. Said cube had pipes jutting out every which way, and its pale colour seemed to absorb the vibrancy of the room. Wires stuck out like hairs, and my heart sank as I noticed the large window facing me. The blinds were closed, and no matter how much I didn't want to believe it, I knew what was behind them

Our little group walked at a brisk pace down the corridor, but not once did I take in any of the rather beautiful architecture. Instead, my focus shifted to the large white pony sitting on the throne. Her eyes seemed to burrow into my skull as I stared up at her. With my world crashing down around me, I finally began to understand the situation I'm in.

Blinking, I force a neutral mask onto my face. Fear would not help me, nor would panicking. I watched as the Princess raised an eyebrow at me, but otherwise remained silent. It was then that I noticed to other ponies off to the side of the throne. One was beige/yellow with a tattoo of three apples on its flank. It came just above my waist, and of all things, was wearing a stetson cowboy hat. The other pony was nearly pure white, but not to the majestic degree of the Pegacorn on the throne. It's purple hair was twirled and well maintained, and it sported obvious fake eyelashes. I immediately Marked the two as female, judging by their similar stature to Dusk, the only difference being height. Both these ponies looked at me in curiosity.

Finally stopping about ten feet from the throne, my two escorts lowered into a bow. I merely raised an eyebrow and glared up at the white horse on the throne above me. My temper was finally at an end. I no longer knew what was real and what wasn't, and my anger was growing at a rapid pace.

As the two guards looked up at me, as if expecting me to follow suit, I chuckled. If the universe was going to fuck with me, then what more did I have to lose?

After a moment of silence, I finally said what was on my mind.

"I bow to no one."

I hear multiple gasps, and I can't help but notice the horrified looks the two guards and two ponies are giving me. I just don't care anymore, so I merely raise an eyebrow. After another moment of silence, the Princess slowly stood from her throne before making her way towards me. I gulped as she slowly, methodically walked down the red ramp, her face betraying nothing.

'In retrospect, saying that may not have been a good idea.'

Finally the Princess was at my level, literally. We were the exact same height (minus the horn), and we stared at each other in a silent contest of wills. I could feel... something extruding from the equine in front of me, but I could not see it. It was as though her mere presence place a weight on reality and tried to warp and bend it.

After a few more seconds of staring, and only moments before I broke eye contact, the Princess smiled. She took a step back and slowly raised her hoof towards me. The ponies in the room, who were no standing, stared in shock.

"Welcome, creature, to Canterlot. I'm sure you have many questions, as do I, so I'd like to cordially invite you to sup with me this afternoon."

I stared at her in shock for a moment, but ever so slowly, I realized what she was getting at. I gently grasped her hoof in my right and shook it. However, I figured to take it a step further, and quickly bent down tow kiss the top of her hoof. I held back my unwarranted disgust, and was happy to see the look of surprise on the face of the Princess. It quickly melted away and was replaced with a soft, motherly smile.

"A very interesting creature indeed. Tell me, what is your name?"

"Uh...uhm..." I stumble on my words. I truly did not expect this to happen. Then again, I didn't know what to expect. Whether this was real or not, I decided to play along. "My name is Tyler. Tyler Mackenzie. I'm a Human. It's, um, a pleasure to meet you, Princess.

The Princess's smile grew.

"It's nice to meet you Mr. Tyler. If you will follow me, we will go to the dining area. It is nearly three in the afternoon."

'What the fuck have I gotten myself into.'

With a shake of my head, and a look at my guards, I began to follow the Princess.

It was time I got some answers.

Author's Note:

Yep. You know all this already.