• Member Since 1st Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 50 minutes ago

The Psychopath

My very first (self-published) book can be found on Amazon Kindle for 5 or 12 paperback! If you love dragons, give it a look! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CSM7QQ2M


After a display of dissatisfaction turns into a revolution, Celestia found herself meeting a most unfortunate end at the hands of the mob. Being powerless to stop them or even muster up the courage to sway their minds, Twilight flees Canterlot and vows to bring Celestia back to life.

Through this vow the young unicorn starts to venture into territories of magic either hidden, forgotten, or unknown. On this path she encounters creatures and ancient entities that boggle her mind and aid her in her quest, but Twilight fears she might be losing the grander picture. Is the end of her journey bringing her beloved mentor back to life or is she slowly being corrupted by the miasma she now wades through?

Now on EqD!

Art by StDeadRa on DA. Hover over the cover art here to see the source link.

Chapters (44)
Comments ( 343 )

After a display of dissatisfaction turns into a revolution, Celestia found herself meeting a most unfortunate end at the hands of the mob.

So I guess Luna and Cadence don’t exist in this universe?

Interesting concept. I look forward to seeing where it goes.

Well this is an interesting story, I'll keep tracking on it.

Hmm... So Twilight never hatched Spike in this universe? At first it sounded like the divergence point was sometime after the Summer Sun Celebration, but now it doesn't seem like it.

Chap 3 has your answer now

Why didn’t you reply to my comment?

A nice backstory, so now we know what happened during the exam.

I'm actually surprised how fast your able to produce new chapters even with thousands of words, never seen a story upload chapters this fast with this many words, definitely not complaining though.

That means that the "real" Spike has been dead for a few years, and that this Spike is just another baby dragon.

All my respect to an author so committed to his story

Because that would be a spoiler, although you're right.I should've said something. Sorry.

Well, I sorta dropped off with Left Behind because I had pretty much given up and lost all motivation to do anything. After self-publishing my book and getting it in my hands, I'm slowly getting reinvigorated.

Twilight was panicking and bouncing around the body, unsure of what to do. "What did you do?" she asked Spike. "Is he breathing?" She watched the farmer's chest and sighed in relief. "Sir, are you still awake?!" Despite his now-glassy eyes being open, the stallion would not respond to any stimuli. "Ooooh!"

Well that's his fault, should have minded his own business.

I'm gonna guess that this inconvenience will have consequences later on but I hope not.

My mistake, I thought you would use the design of the series

Antes de que Twilight pudiera responder, una luz púrpura brillante invadió la visión del granjero, y de las ramas crepitantes de los árboles y arbustos surgió el esqueleto de un dragón adolescente, de tres ponis de altura. El unicornio lavanda fue apartado agresivamente por el viejo semental.

Wow.... three ponies tall, now I know why it's a teenage dragon and not a baby dragon.

Oh so Twilight doesn't have Celestia's body and there currently finding it, I'm gonna guess they either dismembered the body and placed it all around Equestria or burned the body leaving only the skeleton somewhere.

I do have one quastion though, if Celestia is dead, who is raising the sun and moon? And whatever happened to Luna, the story hasn't gotten into much detail about that.

It makes sense that "they" would have done that with Celestia's body, much like what Rey Sombra did with Amore's remains. My theory is that Luna is dead or sealed again, maybe in this Celestia AU if she was able to defeat her. I also have a question, what happened to Cadence and Shining Armor? They are both very important in Celestia's government and I doubt they agree with her death.

Yes however I am wondering about the crystal empire, we don't have a clear point in time where this story takes place but I am guessing that since this seems to be taking place several years after the events of Nightmare Moon than I'm going to guess that maybe the story takes place around season 7 which does bring up some concerns of some other major plot points, like Discord, the changeling attack, Tyrek, and alot of others, unless they simply never happened however with Celestia dead I am wondering what happened to the castle, was it torn down? Or is it simply abandoned.

With Celestia dead and Twilight not having access to the elements of harmony, it does bring up alot of questions.

As for sealing away Luna that would be impossible, the reason why Celestia never killed Luna in the first place was because she had access to the elements of harmony and they bannished Luna to the moon, however, after Luna was bannished she couldn't use the elements anymore so if Luna was to ever attack again without finding the new bearers than she would have no choice but to simply attack Luna until one of them is dead or knocked out and maybe then capture the other, I mean there are magic suppression rings to stop Unicorns and Allicorns from using magic but than that would also bring another quastion such as where would Luna be if she was successfully captured, and if she is than does that mean she is still Nightmare Moon since the darkness wasn't expelled from her? And following up on the previous question, even if she did get captured, was she also killed just like Celestia?



I missed these theory debates so much.

Ok so Cadance does exist, and so does Shining Armor, does anyone know that Shining Armor and Twilight are siblings?

I'm also kinda curious if we will see Twilight turn into an Allicorn in this story, that's something that I realized because the elements of harmony are what turned her into an Allicorn, Celestia only sped up the process and helped her along the way so it's not impossible for Twilight to turn into an Allicorn even with Celestia dead, would be interesting and if she was an Allicorn I wonder what she would be the Allicorn of, magic? Necromancy? Princess of the undead? That would be a very interesting concept.

Twilight going power hungry is also concerning, but maybe there are ways to avoid that, maybe since her special talent is magic, that includes all types of magic? Meaning she wouldn't go power hungry or lose control? Never know, only the Arthur can decide.

Although if Shining Armor is alive I wonder what he thinks of Twilight, does he think she's dead?

I have a theory that the story takes place between season 4 and 5, as for the other enemies, Dircord is probably still sealed in stone since it is practically impossible to defeat the unreformed Discord without the elements of harmony and I doubt that the council secretly be alicorns, King Sombra is only strong if he has enough time to gather strength but the crystal heart can finish him off, Chrysalis and the changelings may stay hidden in the shadows to attack at a good time (I doubt Chrysalis will go to waste the opportunity since Celestia is dead) and Tirek has also been waiting for the right moment. Personally I feel that the most relevant would be Starlight or the Storm King, Starlight wants to impose her way of thinking by force and I doubt that the council is in favor of that, while the Storm King sees Equestria as an open treasure chest without his dog guardian (Celestia), that's what I think.

And regarding Luna's situation (or Nightmare Moon).... it is complicated, either she is dead or she is being held prisoner (not banished to the Moon), that could explain the situation regarding night and day. But it would be very difficult to control her magic.

El unicornio trató de ver mejor la luz amarilla oscurecida por el cuerpo de Silvery, pero no pudo ni siquiera vislumbrar la fuente antes de que Jam cerrara la puerta. Mientras daba un paso adelante, Twilight se dio cuenta de que cada otro paso producía un fuerte ruido metálico. No pasó mucho tiempo para ver por qué. Era una pegaso maltrecha con muñones en lugar de alas y una pata delantera izquierda de madera. Estaba equipado con articulaciones y parecía moverse con cada flexión de los músculos de su hombro, pero era un movimiento rígido. Su pelaje era de un color rosa vibrante, y su melena y cola eran de color uva con tres finas rayas verticales de color amarillo diente de león que las atravesaban. Los ojos amarillos y ásperos de la yegua le dijeron a Twilight que este pony no era alguien a quien molestar. Fueron años de penurias en ellos.

I swear when I read this for a moment....she is Cadence but pegasus. That made me theorize that in this universe Cadence never got her wings and her life went downhill from that point, until she ended up with a prosthesis and her wings completely lost.

"Escuché que la Emperatriz Cadance y el Emperador Shining Armor han estado denunciando el estado de Equestria ante el mundo, difamando al consejo que nos gobierna a 'todos'", reflexionó la yegua.

And with that my theory died suddenly, it was a good theory in my head but then I realized that the hair color and the eye color were not the same.

I think they do know the sibling relationship between Shining Armor and Twilight, he was the captain of the royal guard and she was Celestia's protégé, obviously both were somewhat known in the castle, and therefore the council must know about they.

I believe in the possibility of Twilight becoming an Alicorn, it is possible but I doubt it will happen in this story, Cadence was able to become an Alicorn on her own while Twilight needed years of guidance and training from Celestia to achieve it. She is entering a very dark field of magic, I doubt that if she becomes an Alicorn it is due to necromancy, alicorns are synonyms of harmony and order (Nightmare Moon does not count anymore, Luna was infected with the nightmare after becoming an alicorn )

There is a phrase that says: The end justifies the means, but we must not forget either, the means define the end. The Twilight at the end of this story will not be the same as the one at the beginning.

Now we just need to know if the Shining Armor and Cadence of the Crystal Empire are the same as we think, if Twilight changed who says they didn't?

You use a Spanish translator?

I'm actually surprised there hasn't been any attacks on Equestria yet, one would think that the month Celestia is dead there would be a full out war, without the elements of harmony and Celestia is dead, Equistria is completely vulnerable, nobody could stop a war from happening, not even the guards would be able to get close.

As for controlling Luna's magic I doubt that, only the elements of harmony can change Nightmare Moon back to Luna, and so if Nightmare Moon is captured I doubt she would give up her power, and I also doubt Luna would give up her power once she realizes that her sister has been killed, she would probably rather die than give up her power.

Maybe the villains in this universe is nicer? Either that or they don't care what's going on in Equestria. I'm still surprised people would even want Celestia dead in the first place, I mean she litterly controls the fricking sun!! If she wanted to she could crash then sun into the entire planet ending all life! I'm surprised Celestia even allowed herself to die.

I don't think Cadance and Shining Armor changed to much, there probably not allowed to enter Equestria due to them being royalty along with Celestia before Celestia died, Shining Armor might have changed a lot if he thinks Twilight is dead or missing and same goes for Cadance but we aren't sure yet. If Shining Armor isn't allowed in Equestria then he wouldn't have any information about her sister so he will probably just assume the worst.

Eeyup :eeyup:
Sorry for the grammar, English is not my main language, I only use the English translator when I write very long comments, I hope you don't mind.

I didn't notice until you shared the translated sections of my story. Aside from the excessive use of commas, it looks fine to me.

Wait, there's a giant city bigger than most cities on the entire planet inside a mountain? From what seems to be hundreds of not thousands of years ago?

First off, how is that even possible?
Second off, how is something that big and massive easily forgotten about?
And third off, how in the world did nobody even find it until Twilight found it.

This is weird.

Panting from exhaustion, Twilight picked the medallions up then looked at the wall where she always felt a strange presence. Three rectangles had come into view, but badly faded. What had happened?

I'm trying to to figure that out myself, I'm a little confused.

So far what I'm understanding (or think I'm understanding) is Twilight asked some kind of entity to locate and find or bring back Celestia using an amulet? Or medallion? And I'm guessing something went wrong and she failed?

So, I'm guessing that presence is either Celestia, or a very malevolent presence which is why the city is forgotten/left-alone. Either way, Twilight's in for a bad time, just as whomever the next poor sod that finds this city next.

No. Just bigger than Manehatten, and she didn't ask the entity anything. That was just an accident that she got its attention.


I don't know how to reply to this. :facehoof:

Big world. Bigger breaches in reality :>

Wow....without realizing it Twilight is gathering a small army in that ancient city, it is obvious that at some point in history those "failures" could be useful for her.

First of all, the cave systems can be huge and she takes into account that in this AU there are magical species with abilities that we don't know about.
Secondly, it is very possible since we as humans are a living example of that, even today we discover remains of civilizations that we did not even know existed (the best example that comes to mind right now is the Moais).
And last but not least, keep in mind that in this AU we do not know how technologically advanced the ponies are, I doubt that they have explored "all" the territory of the continent or at least have mapped it.

Applause to the author of this story for all the background he is giving to the magic since it is very well developed.

So Twilight met AppleJack and Rarity? Did Twilight stumble upon the edges of Ponyville or no? So Twilight could sense the magic within them? So she can sense the elements of harmony? That's interesting.

I just came up with a new theory, so Nightmare Moon could be trapped somewhere, Twilight stumbles upon the other bearers of the elements and either becomes friends with them or gets captured and then becomes friends with them and then they learn about the full story or part of the story of Luna and they find the elements of harmony and then free Luna.

Either I'm wrong or the order I said this is wrong.

Nightmare Moon could also be hiding, maybe she learned what happened to her sister and avoids going to Canterlot, maybe she's not even anywhere near Equestria, I'm also curious what happened to the other villains.

Maybe part of the reason why the villains aren't attacking is because Equestria isn't the peaceful sunshine and rainbows type kingdom they thought it was after Celestia died.

I think you are giving Nightmare Moon too much prominence in your theory, I think it is best to wait for the author to give some clue about her whereabouts in this AU or she may not even appear.

That town is definitely not Ponyville, and I'll also bet my left kidney that a certain crystal tree in the Everfree Forest was responsible for sending Applejack and Rarity to that town. It is obvious that they will not have the best opinion of Twilight in the future (good first impression). Now we just have to wait for other characters to appear in this story and what impact they will have on Twilight's plans......Murphy is waiting for the worst moment to show up.

I'm more focused on Nightmare Moon because she is the only Allicorn that hasn't been detailed in the story, Celestia is dead, Cadance is ruling the Crystal Empire, but no idea what happened to Luna, since there doesn't seem to be a lot of talking about it then I'm going to assume Nightmare Moon didn't make some kind of big appearance.

We also know Celestia died before Nightmare Moon was free from the moon otherwise Twilight would be in Ponyville and would know about the elements and the bearer's.

Something else I realized, Celestia died because she didn't want to fight her subjects, but Nightmare Moon wouldn't have a problem with that so I'm gonna guess that she isn't captured but instead hiding although it should draw concerns that the image of the mare on the moon disappeared after Luna was free, maybe they did quastion it but stopped questioning it a couple years later?

But yeah your right, just gonna have to wait for the next future chapters.
I just love theorizing. :twilightsheepish:

Wow....I knew Twilight had a bad time, but not that bad. The best comparison I can think of is that Celestia was Marie Antoinette and the inhabitants of Canterlot were the French, the rest is left to the imagination.

Poor Twilight, if it weren't for the unexpected allies (griffons, minotaurs, and Saddle Arabians) she would already be dead, which suggests that it was not a simple revolt, it was a total uprising from simple citizens to members of the royal guard. When the "mafia" rises there are only two options: you are with them or against them, and if you are against them it does not matter if you are an innocent civilian, your destiny is death.

Obviously at the time it happened, all of Cadence and Shining Armor were outside of Canterlot because at no point is it mentioned that anyone has interacted with Twilight since that moment, and I don't know if that voice in her head is simple imagination, bipolarity, paranoid psychosis, effects secondary to necromancy or some nightmare parasite but I'm sure that "it" will use Twilight's fury as fuel for her to break her ideals.....she saw her teacher die decapitated and how she was persecuted to have the same end, she definitely has depressed anger and at some point she will explode.

The unicorn dragged a hoof across her face. She was going to have to dig again. If anything went wrong, she could always use her medallion, but she would hate to have to do the trip back again. Twilight surrounded herself and Spike with several barriers of protection that would grant her a bubble of air and protect her eyes and ears from sudden pressure changes or sand getting in them and went to work. The sand was surprisingly compact thanks to the 'roots' of the trees that seemed to go down deeper and deeper than Twilight initially though. Inspired, the mare kept going until she found herself in a sand cavern created by the fake trees above. Sand ran down everywhere in rivers and streams along the 'walls' and pockets surrounding the single piece of solid, albeit pockmarked, ground. The unicorn and Spike had managed to dig through one of the few bits of wall that weren't covered by a seemingly infinite flow of sand, and to Twilight's morbid delight, she could see many mummified remains sticking out of the walls and flowing down with the sands, be they pony or other. What she hadn't noticed was an enormous, sapphire-blue eye looking at her from the walls.

I tried looking up MLP characters with sapphire eyes but I couldn't find any, or atleast any that would live underground.

I'm gonna guess either imagination (insanity), a Nightmare Parasite, or because she uses necromancy which I believe is dark magic which isn't that what made Sombra the way that he was? I do wonder what being the element of magic means for Twilight though because "magic" isn't exactly specific, it could be any type of magic, maybe it's impossible for Twilight to go power hungry but who knows.

Oh, there you are. You scared me. Thought you vanished.

Sorry, when I got notified a new chapter appeared I was tired so I was already starting to go to sleep so I decided to wait till I woke up, I was already awake for about 18 hours at the time.

And plus even if I did read the chapter I would be to tired to even type down my theories!

Sleeping is like sanity: Better in teeny doses every forty-eight hours

I did that once, in fact one time I stayed up over 100 hours, probably, the longer you stay awake the harder it is to tell time and remember the last time you checked the time along with remembering what the time was when the last time you checked the time.

Twilight gleefully conducted her experiments, comparing the state of decay and dessication between bodies and placing them in designated piles to be marked for later. She had so many more theories to work upon in the future and test their truthfulness or falsehoods. This part of the 'job' was what Twilight adored the most. She sometimes wondered what she would have done had Celestia not been... temporarily incapacitated , but it was too late to wonder about that anymore.

Eh, Twilight is not missing much, Twilight would have gained 5 friends, defeat villains and stop world disasterers every once in a while, like every week, than she would reform villains, saving Equestria, the world, the princesses, her friends, she would be an Allicorn, then she would basically be a friend to every creature in existence, so yeah, she ain't missing much, oh yeah and then she becomes the only ruler of Equestria.

Very strange how one thing changes and then the entire future is in ashes., or atleast should be ashes since Celestia died before Nightmare Moon returned, if Celestia died after Twilight because an Allicorn than Equestria would have a 100% chance pf being safe, but what about have happened in this story is there should be external night, chaos would be all around Equestria, changelings would be everywhere and all ponies would be dead, Tyrek and Sombra would be ruling over Equestria and maybe killing Nightmare Moon, who knows, or maybe discord or the changelings would do that first. Basically the entire world should be a giant wasteland, how none of this happened? Who the hell cares! Appeared logic got thrown out the window! But that is what makes this story enjoyable, but I do want awnsers.

So what I'm understanding is Twilight stumbled upon an entity within the caves, the entity wants to help? Or is going to use her by also helping her.
So I'm guessing she is gonna learn more about necromancy and gain more knowledge in the process to also revive Celestia?

Logic is like chaos: Stinky and inferior.


I’m really liking this story so far

So the crystal empire? I wonder if we will see some interactions between Twilight and Shining Armor or Cadance, that will be exciting to read.

Who even says first anymore? What? I never took it as a challenge to be the first to comment.

I just thought it would be funny

Alright, I don't know how it would be funny though.

I just seen other people do it and I’ve never done it myself I thought it be kind of funny if I did it here

This is really interesting!

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