• Published 12th Feb 2024
  • 375 Views, 2 Comments

Swings and Roundabouts - Ms Rarity

I encounter a lost pony and she doesn't seem to be from around here.

  • ...

A Tale of Unbreakable Connection

Author's Note:

For this story I took some inspiration from The power of Three by Twilights secret stash. So I contacted them and discussed with them the idea for my story, they gave me the green light.

I thought I would try to get out my comfort zone and change my writing style, because if the little grey cells are not exercised, they grow the rust.


I never thought that I would find love let alone in the most unexpected place as I did. It all started on a cold wet night when I stumbled upon the deserted play park in the old part of town. I was taking a walk home to clear my head after a long day at work when I saw her. She was sitting on a swing, her long flowing hair covering her face as she shivered in the harsh cold.

Curiosity got the better of me, I slowly approached her not knowing what to expect. As I got closer, I noticed that she was not like any other woman I had ever seen. She had a delicate horn sticking out of her forehead, her white fur had a soft glow, and her green eyes had a magical sparkle...and were those hooves?

"I'm sorry to disturb you, but are you okay?" I softly asked, trying not to startle her.
She looked up at me with sad eyes and replied, "No, I'm not. My transportation spell backfired, and now I'm stranded in this unfamiliar place."

I was taken aback by her response. A unicorn? Was I dreaming? She sat cold, her body was shivering unable to hide the sadness in her eyes.
'My name is Mark. What's yours?' I introduced myself, not knowing what else to say.

'I'm Sweetie Belle,' she smiled weakly.

I gently wrapped my coat around her then sat down next to her on the swing and listened to her story. She had been on her way back home from a disastrous date with a colt by the name of Rumble, explaining how he hadn't done anything romantic and then expected her to go home with him. She told me how she finally lost her temper with him, then in her anger the teleportation spell went wrong, and she ended up in this human world. She had been searching for a way back home but had no luck.

Without thinking, I offered to help her. I didn't know how such a task possible, but I couldn't just leave her alone in this unfamiliar place in this awful weather, but to my surprise she accepted my offer with gratitude.
As she hopped down off the swing onto all fours, I fastened my coat the best way I could around her barrel making her giggle for the first time. It was so nice seeing her smile like that.

We finally made it back to my place, it wasn't much but it was home. I turned the key in the lock opening the door and gestured the filly to head in. "Thanks, you're a gentlecolt...which is more than can be said for Rumble that no good piece of...." I hollered from the almost baron fridge, changing the subject. "Say there, are you hungry, Sweetie Belle?"
The unicorn stopped in mid sentence as her belly began growling on cue. "I wouldn't say no to a hay burger. I didn't get to eat much with being so upset with Rumble."
I smiled softly. "I'm sorry sweety, we don't have those here..." I try to think of something quickly for her. "Um, how's about cheese and tomato pizza?" I watched as her green eyes lit up. "You have pizza? Oh yes please!" She squeaked with jubilation making me laugh.

We spent the whole night talking and getting to know each other. It felt like we had known each other for years. We laughed, we cried, and we shared our dreams and fears. I never thought I could connect with somepony so deeply in such a short time.

As the sun rose, we made a plan to find a way to send Sweetie Belle back home. We searched around town for a magical expert who could help us. After hours of searching, we finally found someone who could fix Sweetie Belle's spell and send her back home.
It was an old shop on the edge of town named the Crystal Moon Emporium.

As we walked inside the smell of dragons blood filled our nostrils, a profound earthy fragrance with a hint of sweet musk. The smell instantly danced around me as the sent of thick smog enveloped my every sense giving a perfect calming aroma to our hectic day. Stepping up to the counter I called out for the Wiccan. She eventually came out from the back room coughing from the clouds of smoke enveloping her, straightening her strange hat and rubbing something from her zebra striped blouse.
"Can I help you?" She finally asks.

After we explained everything what had happened, she went to work opening an old book of spells and incantations then started opening the old wooden doors full of oils, and candles. "Aha! Found it!" She cried out holding it up like some type of grail. "Behold, the black candle. It is the most powerful. Light it at midnight say the incantation then the unicorn must use her transportation spell. I'm not going to lie this may work or it may go horribly wrong, I cannot guarantee success."

She watched how the man looked to the unicorn and she him, surprised of the strong bond which had forged between them over the short time they had known each other, she could see a strong energy around the pair.
The Wiccan rubbed her chin thinking a moment before rifling through another book.

"Here, come here! This one is on the house. As it is the day of the Valen, I give this one to you as a gift." She pulled out a red candle, pouring a few drops of oil on to it before putting it to one side. Then she crushed a bay leaf and sage together and let it softly burn as she then took a red silk ribbon and bound the mans hand to the hoof of the unicorn. She looked at both of them as she could see their confusion.
"Red candles represent passion, power, sex, courage, and victory."
She then pulled the red candle back across lighting it's wick. As the flame began to rise she placed her hands over the ribbon which bound the pair closing her eyes and cast the incantation.

"May this flame of passion burn within your heart, from me, you will not part. Let all aspect be true and right, free will remains with all this night. Our fates entwine, you will be mine, aflamed my heart is now lit.
When you hear my magic call, deep in love we both shall fall. When the sun and moon raise twilights star, one of us shall journey far.
Until the day comes to meet, I shall see you in my dreams again."

The Wiccan then blew out the flame dramatically, before falling asleep. I left the money for the black candle and a thank you note on the counter before we left.

Sweetie Belle smiled taking my hand in her hoof. "So, you think that spells real? That somehow we're now intertwined by some magical force?" Mark smiled warmly. "Well I'm talking to a magical unicorn who's transported herself into my neighborhood...so, I'd say anything is possible at this rate." They giggled holding each other close as they carried on walking. "What did she mean, when she said it's the day of the V...alet?" Mark giggled softly. "Not valet, it's the day of the Valen. Which means it's valentine's day, a day which brings people closer together and celebrate their love for one another.

Sweetie Belle smiled gripping his hand tighter. "Ohh we call it heart and hooves day where I'm from! And that's when my date got ruined." I watch the smile slipping from her face as the bad memory washes over her. I gently lift her chin looking into her beautiful green eyes. "Sweetie Belle...w-will you be my valentine?"
She raises an eyebrow. "Are you asking me out, after we've just had a love spell cast on us by a crazy old lady?" I thought it sounded stupid, and I begin scolding myself mentally, I feel so stupid. But then the unicorn smiles softly kissing my cheek. "Yes!" She simply stated. We both giggle as I take her by the hoof. "I'll take you for a proper date and show you how it's done."


It was getting late the spell had to be cast at precisely midnight for Sweetie Belle to get home. We were snuggled up together on my couch, listening to soft romantic music. "Thank you for the meal, I've really enjoyed our date." She kissed me softly on the lips. The warm air from her nostrils caressing my face as I pressed my lips to hers. My clock struck the hour ringing out ten chimes. "Time to go." She whispered softly.

We headed back to the park hand in hoof neither one of us wanting the to let go. It was just after eleven when we finally reached the park. I was going to ask her where the spot was when she arrived but soon saw a circle of crispy leaves burned in to the ground. I went over to it, kneeling down in the soft damp leaves, I began setting the candle and herbs. I put my arms around her feeling her soft fur gazing into her mesmerising eyes. "You really think the love spell is real and we'll somehow meet again?" I ask her, giving her one last kiss. She smiles softly. "Well you're talking to a unicorn who can cast spells." She smiles again as her horn glows and I feel my jacket hugging me as the zipper reaches my chin. "Don't want my date to get cold." She teases me.

My watch chimes midnight. It was a bittersweet moment as we said our goodbyes. I didn't want to let go of her, but I knew this was the best for her. As she disappeared into thin air, I couldn't help but feel a void in my heart. But little did I know that our encounter in the park was just the beginning of a magical love story. Sweetie Belle and I would find our way back to each other, and our love would only grow stronger with each passing day.

Who would have thought that a man and a unicorn could fall in love? But sometimes, the most unexpected love is the most beautiful one. And for me, that love will always be Sweetie Belle.

Comments ( 2 )

Hi Ms Rarity, I've just finished reading this and I think it's a really good concept of my original story and the way you've kept it short and sweet.
It's a nice little twist to the tale on how Mark actually wakes up in Ponyville, as the red string of fate has intertwined him.
I wasn't to sure about your idea of the space time continuum when you first came to me with your idea, but I'm pleased you changed my mind!

Keep up the good work!!

Hey there darling!

Thank you! I'm so happy you like it. I've been enjoying the Power of Three so much, reading of Sweetie Belle and Mark's plight and such like so much that I thought I'd give a little hearts and hooves day shout out to them. :twilightsmile:

I'm quite nervous but excited at the same time to find out how your story will end, you have me in suspense darling! :rainbowlaugh:

I'm so pleased you've enjoyed my concept of your wonderful idea.

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