• Published 20th Jan 2024
  • 2,684 Views, 17 Comments

The Oracle - Harsh productions

Celestia wants to ask a very important question to The Oracle of equestria. But It may cost her, her sanity.

  • ...

The Oracle

“You got everything ready?” Cadence said beaming with excitement.

“We think so, surely The oracle will enjoy some of sweet apple acres’ tasty treats.” Luna said as shook a small basket of apples.

“I think he’ll eat just about anything,” Cadence snickered. “Didn’t you say The oracle was an omnivore Celestia?”

“Yes he is,” Celestia answered. “Also do you think he would discard an unhealthy food item?” She asked holding up an unopened bag of marshmallows.

“We do not know for certain, he hasn’t been known for tossing out offerings.” Luna answered to the best of her abilities.

“I think I’ll pack a few chips, just in case.” Celestia said as she levitated the marshmallows into her bag with various other bags of chips.

“Why are you trying so hard to impress him?” Cadence asked. “All I’m bringing are these steamed vegetables.” She said holding up a bowl of vegetables with a magic shield over it to preserve the hot temperature for the trip.

“I’m just trying to convince him to answer my question,” Celestia said. “Considering he has been known to deny answering questions before. I just want to make sure he can’t ignore me.”

“I bit preposterous, don't you think sister?” Luna responded. “To think that The Oracle might bless you with a rare answer because your gift is the largest. It is quite foolish prospect.”

“Maybe…” Celestia said. “But I can’t speculate any longer, I must know.”

“ What is it you even want to ask him?” Cadence asked.

“Nuh uh uh.” Celestia said with a hoof wave. “You know the rules. We cannot discuss our wishes before telling The Oracle, or else he won’t ever answer them.”

“Oh yeah, you’re right.” Cadence said. “Enough distractions then. Let’s go meet him already,” She said as she used her magic to strap her luggage to her hips.

The other two princesses follow in her footsteps and secured their own luggage to themselves and headed outside to catch a ride on their personal chariot to fairy them to the mountain The Oracle resides in. This will be Luna and cadence’s first time meeting The Oracle, Celestia however, will be visiting him for the third time.

The first time anybody heard of him was when rumors of a tall, bipedal creature donning black, thick and warm looking clothes was spotted seeming lively in a cave on top of a mountain. Rumors only began after a large blast of light was seen from the very same mountain. Celestia began to worry when the rumors came to her attention, unsure of the creatures intentions
so she investigated the disturbance to hopefully quell the worries of the ponies in the surrounding area. When Celestia arrived, she was quite nervous but yelled into the cave for him to come out, and that she meant no harm.

He eventually stepped out, wearing a big black jacket with the hood up over his head and warm black gloves, he also donned jeans and worn out black tennis shoes. He also wore a piece of cloth over the bottom half of his face to keep it warm and the jacket had a strange foreign phrase on it. It was an all black hoodie, except for a red text that said metallica. Celestia suspected this to be his name but never brought it up. Eventually he stepped out of the cave and into the moonlight, he then looked up to the sky and said his first words.

“She hasn’t escaped yet?”

This took Celestia by surprise, and frightened her to her core, it also sparked a ton of questions. She questioned how he, as a creature who has never been seen before somehow knows that the “mare in the moon” is actually somepony in the moon. Did he know it was her sister? And most importantly, how did he know she was going to escape? Celestia didn’t even know that was going to happen. He answered none of these questions, but when he learned that Celestia did not know that nightmare moon was going to return she told Celestia to “wait right there” and rushed deep back into his cave. He eventually returned telling her a premonition of the future.

“When your faithful student twilight sparkle, writes you a letter that says ‘My dearest teacher, my continuing studies of pony magic have led me to discover that something really bad is about to happen! For you see, the mythical Mare in the Moon is in fact Nightmare Moon, and she's about to return to Equestria, and bring with her eternal night! Something must be done to make sure this terrible prophecy does not come true. I await your quick response. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle. you must write of her worry as just reading dusty old books, and send her to ponyville. To oversee the summer sun celebration that will be happening and tell her to make some friends as well.”

Celestia was completely flabbergasted, unaware of how he knows of this information, and even more unaware of what to say now. The information was way too specific to just be crazed ramblings from a madman. He had to know something Celestia didn’t.

She awkwardly thanked the strange creature, and went off on her way. And for the next three years, she became anxious around every Summer Sun Celebration, anticipating a letter from twilight sparkle. Until eventually she received a letter that was those exact words he warned her about. Word for word it was exactly what the creature predicted it to say. Her heart dropped to her stomach, but was also kind of amazed at the accuracy. She remembered what he told her to write back to her, and began to write, she made sure to include the dusty old books line, and successfully sent her off to Ponyville, unsure of the true reason for it, but felt obligated to trust the creatures judgment. It eventually paid off when twilight actually did make friends and was able to free Luna from nightmare moons influence with them, which she thought to be impossible.

Word eventually spread that the creature a top the mountain successfully predicted nightmare moons return, and was know as The Oracle from that point onwards. Many ponies would come to him to ask of their future. Sometimes they would get an answer, other times they didn’t, but everytime they did, it was correct premonitions of the future. Eventually the tradition of offering tributes to him in the form of food formed, because one pony handed him some food and The Oracle was overjoyed by the kind gesture. Now ponies got in the habit of bringing food up the mountain for him, even if they didn’t have questions, they would leave offerings at the cave entrance as a sign of good faith.

Once this ‘Oracle’ reputation had been established, Celestia decided to visit him again to ask him if Twilight was worthy to become an alicorn. His answer was vague but it heavily implied that the answer is yes. Now she seeks to ask him a question that may not be answered, but she needs to know. The curiosity is too strong to ignore now.

The three princesses now stand at the entrance to the cave, bundled up in scarves because of the cold temperature present on top this mountain. They examined the plates and bowls neatly stacked to one side of the cave's wall from past offerings. Just in front of the cave, stood a rather large bell with a mallet hanging off of a nearby hook had been erected with the words “ strike once to summon your fortune.” Engraved into it.

“Don’t remember a bell being apart of this ordeal.” Cadence said to no one in particular.

“I funded its creation,” Celestia said. “Because the cello player Octavia passed it up my chain of command that The Oracle wanted something like this so ponies didn’t have to scream into the cave to get his attention.”

“Do you wish to have the honors then.” Cadence said gesturing a hoof to the bell.

“No. One of you go, I’ve already met him.” Celestia said kindly.

“Well, we were his first prophecy,” Luna began. “It would be poetic, in a sense, if I was to be granted the privilege of ringing the bell.”

“Be our guest.” Cadence said while bowing sarcastically.

Luna smiled and rolled her eyes as she began to walk past her, marching closer towards the bell. Her magic enveloped the mallet and she lifted it off the hook and into the air. She paused for a moment, and took a deep breath to calm her nerves. She raised the mallet higher before striking the bell, the bell let out a loud gong noise that bounced across the cave walls going deep into the cave, until echoing back out the entrance. They all stood in silence as the sound of the bell slowly faded, waiting for him to emerge.

Soon the distinct sound of his footsteps could be heard from the back of the cave, slowly moving towards them. Eventually his silhouette could be made out, causing the two princess accompanying Celestia to become a little nervous. Eventually the sunlight hit him, and his features could be made out. He was still wearing the same outfit he had worn since the day he arrived.

“Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and princess Cadence.” The Oracle said. “Such esteemed guests. To what do I owe the pleasure.” He said with a bow.

Luna and Cadence were stunned at how he already knew their names. Nervousness overtook them again as they struggled to find the confidence to speak for themselves. Celestia looked at the two of them and rolled her eyes with a smirk before speaking for them.

“We have come bearing gifts, and hopefully you will grant us a brief glimpse at your wisdom.” She said with regal authority.

“I shall do my best to accommodate your wishes of what the future may entail for you.” He said with a voice that sounded like he rarely ever speaks. As if it is only ever used for when he is summoned.

“And if we require guidance?” Celestia asked.

“Then I shall try to aid you to the best of my abilities.” The Oracle answered.

“Good,” Celestia said with a smile. “Now, my friends would like to go first.” She said as she pushed the two nervous princesses forward with her magic.

Luna snapped her head back and shot a dirty look back at Celestia, who snickered in response. Cadence cleared her throat and began to speak up first.

“U-umm, I have, no no. I’ve come baring, Ack-no.” She stammered nervously before snapping herself out of it and regaining her composure.
“I come baring a simple, but thoughtful gift of steamed vegetables. I have even gone through the effort of casting a protective spell around it to keep its temperature nice and warm for you.” Cadence then pulls out the bowl of steamed vegetables, glowing with a magical aura. She then pulled out a fork with a similar magical aura.
“ Once the tips of this fork makes contact with that magical shield, it will lower and allow you to consume your offering.” She said with a bow.

“Wow.” The Oracle said with a hand over his heart. “That is, so thoughtful of you.”

“You are very welcome.” Cadence nodded.

“My offering is a simple, yet delectable treat.” Luna began with her chest puffed out. “Crisp, red, and juicy apples. From the famous ‘Sweet apple acres,’ so you can be assured they are quality fruits and a worthy offering.” Luna said, also ending with the bow.

“Lovely.” The Oracle responded. “I always love when ponies bring anything from sweet apple acres, and the rarity of these delicious treats makes them even more special to me.”

“Well then, thou art very welcome.” Luna said with overjoyed expression, clearly happy that she made The Oracle’s day.

The Oracle then turned his attention to Celestia. “And what about you? You have anything for me?”

“I do, but I should wait. I have a lot to give you and my question is a tall request.” Celestia said, eliciting a skeptical grunt from The Oracle.

“Well, in that case, which one of you two would like to go first?” The Oracle said gesturing at the two princesses in front of him.

The two princesses look at each other and shrugged.

“Uhhh, well you did say it would be poetic to ring the bell. How much more poetic would it be if you went first.” Cadence said with a nervous smile.

Luna saw through cadence’s thinly veiled excuse and raised and an eyebrow at her. She was almost impressed with how bad of a cop out it was. But Luna reluctantly went ahead and tried to ask her question.

“As you are already aware, my past has been… a rocky one, to say the least.” Luna began sheepishly. “I have since moved on from that era of my life, but sometimes I worry that something may happen to drive those old influences back to guide my actions again. Hopefully they are unsubstantiated, but I must be certain. I stand here requesting of you to peak into the future, and put my worries to rest. So that I may know nightmare Moon is gone, for good.”

Luna peered up at The Oracle, the cloth he wore to keep his face warm obscuring most details of his expression. But in his eyes, she could see sympathy for her plights in them. He bent down and looked into Luna’s eyes on her level.

“Nightmare moon died the day she escaped from the moon. Only Luna remains now.” The Oracle said.

Luna smiled, and jumped out and hugged The Oracle. At first she thought she might have overstepped, but he quickly reciprocated the hug. They both separated from the hug, and The Oracle shifted his focus to The princess of love.

“Now, what would you like me to answer?” He asked.

Cadence swallowed nervously. “Me and my husband just recently had a baby. You are probably already aware of what happened shortly after I showed my sister-in-law, Twilight, and her friends the baby. But anyways, the frigid cold weather seems to have given flurry heart a cold. Perhaps I’m just being a worried parent, but I think it might be worse then just a cold because the relentless blizzard beyond the crystal empires borders was once inhabited by the evil king Sombra. Again I might be wrong, but I must ask somepony who will know for certain… Will flurry heart be alright?”

Tears began to form in Cadence’s eyes as she kept thinking of the worst possible outcomes. The Oracle came over to her and rested a hand on her shoulder.

“Flurry heart is destined for great things. What those things are, we’ll have to wait and see... But her story does not end here. So put those worries to bed, and continue keeping flurry healthy.” The Oracle said.

Relief washed over Cadence and she began to cry from mixed emotions she was feeling about this whole situation. The Oracle was there to hold her as she let out her anxiety in the form of tears. Once she was finished she separated from The Oracle and used her scarf to wipe away her tears.

“Sorry, sorry. That’s embarrassing.” Cadence said with a laugh.

“Don’t be sorry. Your reaction is understandable.” The Oracle reassured.

He then shifted his gaze to the last pony left.

“Whatever you have it better be good enough to have kept me waiting this long.” The Oracle joked.

“Oh, it is.” Celestia said confidently before reaching into her satchel and pulling out her offerings. “To start off small, I have these bags of chips. Unhealthy yes, but also very tasty and we all deserve a cheat meal don’t we?” she asked rhetorically. “There is also, these marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate bars to roast by a fire if you feel like having some s'mores one of these nights.” Celestia now reaches for the last few gifts. “ And finally, coming all the way from the dragon lands, it is the highest quality meat in all of Equestria. Along with that I also brought you a mini stovetop to cook the meat how you prefer.” Celestia ended with a cocky smile.

The Oracle was stunned by the thought put into her offering, and how much she was offering as well. The Oracle then looked up at Celestia, and raised an eyebrow at her.

“What could you possibly want to know that would warrant such a plethora of, thoughtful gifts?” He questioned.

“How are you aware of future events so accurately in which you are sometimes capable of reciting Word for Word, what a pony says in private conversation, and events unfold, exactly how you say they will. How is it you also know exactly what a pony should do in those situations. Because when we first meet, you told me word for word what the letter was going to say that twilight eventually did send me, and when I followed your advice, it led to an outcome I didn’t even know was possible. How do you do it.”


Dead silence.

Nopony dared to speak a word. Only the howling of the wind could be heard as The Oracle and Celestia stared daggers at one another. Cadence and Luna were also struck with fear, unsure of what to do. Celestia stood still, but not in fear. In determination. If she didn’t get her answer now, She would stay outside this cave for weeks until she did.

The Oracle could sense this and groaned in annoyance. “How certain are you that you want the answer to this question?” He asked.

“Certain enough to have already made plans that if I do not return from this trip, Luna will be placed in charge of equestria in my absence.” She said still unwavering in her resolve.

“You never told me you did that?” Luna piped up.

“Hopefully it doesn’t have come to that.” Celestia said, continuing to glair at The Oracle.

“If I answer this question,” He began. “You must be sure you are mentally capable of hearing it. The answer to the question you seek may cause an existential crisis like no other. Even I am unaware of how this information may impact you.”

“I can handle it.” Celestia said confidently.

“I’m warning you. I strongly advise against knowing how my abilities works. You may not like what you hear.”

“Duly noted. Now answer… My question.” Celestia said sternly.

Silence fell over the mountain top again. The Oracle and Celestia stared at each other for what felt like hours. the other two princesses stood motionless, unsure of what do to still. Finally The Oracle relented, and cursed under his breath.

“Luna, Cadence. Go to the base of the mountain and wait for Celestia to return.” The Oracle ordered. “As for you, princess. follow me, and when you receive your answer you can not tell anypony else… got it?” He said as he began to walk back into the cave.

“Understood.” Celestia began to follow The Oracle and scooped up all three of there offerings in her magical grasp. “See you girl in a bit.” She said to the other princess with a smile.

“Good luck sister.” Luna said as her and Cadence began to walk down the mountain.

Celestia happily trotted into the cave, deeper and deeper as The Oracle brought her closer to his dwelling. The light from the entrance of the cave became dimmer and the cave appeared to get warmer ever so slightly. It was apparently warm enough for The Oracle to finally remove his gloves and that cloth from the bottom half of his face. Revealing a thin and unkempt brown beard, and a very flat face compared to a ponies snout. This was probably the most anypony had ever seen of his face.

“Careful, there’s a large drop here.” The Oracle warned before jumping down a very sudden and steep cliff.

Celestia fluttered down with her wings, and finally was able to see his dwelling. She placed down all the offerings and then used her horn to lighten up the room she found herself in. It looked like… an apartment. Very little resemblance to a cave now, with sharp 90° corners and even a window, although its view did not lead to the outside, it was simply embedded in the cave wall. There was even a ceiling fan, but it seems like it was unable to be used and just sat up there collecting dust. The light switch for the fan was even mounted on the cave wall behind her, as well as a door that led nowhere. The most interesting part was a shelf with what looked like about 14 thin plastic books. Directly under the shelf was a large black, rectangular device mounted to the cave wall. The Oracle reached behind it and suddenly the black reflective screen of this device lit up, illuminating the room enough for Celestia to stop using her horn. She then looked up to the shelf of what she thought were books, but the ponies on the spine. They were scarily familiar.

“I’m not from this world.” The Oracle began to answer her question, before she could ask a new one about the books. “I’m from a world completely devoid of magic. We are left only with our minds to create stories to entertained others, and as our technology advanced, we evolved from simple writing in a book and having the reader imagine what the story is describing, but now we are able to visualize our stories. They were called movies, they were shot in live action which is achieved by having a series of photos taken milliseconds before each other to simulate motion. Also known as a motion picture. They usually last for two and a half hours. These motion pictures could also be drawn, also known as animation.” He paused before dropping a reality shattering bombshell.

“That’s what you are. A fictional animated motion picture TV series called ‘my Little Pony: friendship is magic.’ That lasted for nine seasons and two hundred twenty two episodes from October tenth, two thousand ten, till October twelfth two thousand nineteen.”

“You do understand how utterly ridiculous that sounds right?” Celestia said trying not to believe what she just heard.

“I’m aware.” The Oracle said flatly. “Which is why I’m going to show you this.”

He then proceeded to eject a thin silver disc, similar in shape to a doughnut, from a black rectangular box underneath the black rectangular device that she previously did not see. This thin silver disc had artwork on one side. Again. Scarily, familiar ponies faces stared back at her. He then grabbed the a book off the shelf, when it was revealed not be a book, but a case to hold these disc’s as he placed the disc inside it with a click, and then snapped it shut. He then pulled out the first case on the shelf, opened it, put the disc into the black box, and the rectangular device lit up with a strange image. A red screen with a lot of text flashes on screen for a short moment, not long enough for Celestia to read all of it, but she did read the big bolt words.


A sound was then produced as a stuttering and fuzzy image appeared on screen, with a strange jittery noise to accompany it with another logo slowly appearing.

SHOUT! factory.

More questions were being raised then answered right now, but before she could say anything about it, another thing started to play on the screen. Music that sounded like it would accompany a king started to play before text was shown on screen that Celestia had never seen or heard of before, but for some odd reason she felt attached to it. As if this name, or whatever it is, has been with her since she was born.

Hasbro?” Celestia said out load. “Why does that… seem… familiar?”

“Just. Wait.” The Oracle said with his hand raised.

Celestia obliged, even though her heart was racing, she wanted to see where this goes, but at the same time feared what she was going to see next. She then saw, Equestria. It had to be, that was Twilight and spike in a pink hot air balloon with her Canterlot castle visible in the background. Twilight was then depicted gliding through the clouds before her friend Rainbow Dash flies through the cloud, breaking it apart to reveal ponyville from a Birdseye view before quickly zooming in to reveal Twilight’s friends Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy standing in positions that captured their personalities all while this cheerful and catchy song played that seamlessly only had one lyric. ‘My little pony.’ The background suddenly smeared to a solid purple color, keeping twilights friends intact, before they were moved to the side to reveal a logo that made Celestia’s heart nearly stop.

My little pony: friendship is magic.

No, this was some prank. He was playing some joke on her he had to be. Right?

The Oracle then grabbed a black rectangular bar with a bunch of buttons on it, and used it to highlight an option under the logo that read ‘play all episodes.’ Celestia was scared, her knees began to shake and she had to sit down. Was this real? Was her entire reality a lie? It couldn’t be because she was living in it. But then how does this thing exist? And does she even want to know what is about to start playing?

The screen goes black. Darkness envelops the room. Before it starts back up with something she recognizes, and she didn’t like it, that she recognized it. A brown book opened up to a white page that read ‘once upon a time.’ The camera then dove into the book, enveloping the screen in a bright white light. Then somepony spoke…

It was her…

“Once upon a time in the magical land of Equestria,” her voice narrated. “ there were two regal sisters who ruled together and created harmony across the land.” It now depicted a younger version of herself, and Luna standing upon a cloud in a storybook artwork style. “To do this. the eldest used her unicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn. The younger, brought out the moon to begin the night.” Her voice said as the visuals depicted those very things happening. “thus the two sisters maintain balance for their kingdom, and their subjects. All with different type of ponies.” The visuals, then showed the old flag of Equestria. Celestia couldn’t believe what she saw, it was truly terrifying to hear her own voice narrate basic history of Equestria.

The narration and story book visuals began to describe Luna’s dissent into nightmare moon, and one of the hardest things she had to do. Permanently banish her dear sister to the moon. But it was told as if it was some kind of lighthearted fairy tail. Then the narration that was in her own voice, began to slowly fade out, and a new voice faded in. Another very familiar voice.

“The elder sister, took on responsibility for both the sun and moon. And harmony has been maintained in Equestria ever since.” Halfway through the voice changed. It was Twilight sparkle’s voice now. “Hmm, elements of harmony. I know I’ve heard of them before. But where?”

This was beyond horrifying. That was not a story book style animation. That was real life. That was a depiction of Twilight, breathing, living and moving. That was reality, but something was off. It seemed weird, something she couldn’t identify. It was scarily close to real life, the colors, the movement, the voices it was all reality, but there was something uncanny about it. It unsettled her. Something was wrong about that scene but she couldn’t figure out way it was uncanny and unsettling.

In contrast to how Celestia was feeling on the inside, that joyous, upbeat music, started to play again. Was this the theme song? Twilight was singing it, but she never sang that. The lyrics were nonsensical, they Didn’t make any sense to Celestia. None of what is being depicted here ever happened. But that letter at the end. The one spike blows magical green breath on and sent to a depiction of herself… that was real.

Twilight did send her a photo of her, and her new friends after they had released Luna from nightmare moons embrace.

It was that exact photo.

Celestia felt like she was going to throw up. It was like realizing someone had been stalking her, her entire life. But there was no stalker. But then how did this thing know about that photo? How did it have access to it? How did they use her voice for that narration? How is this possible?

Celestia looked up to see more text on the screen she felt attached to… Lauren Faust. Was that her creator? Is that her god? It felt like it. She had the same familiar feeling that she had when she had seen the nameHasnro. But this didn’t make any sense. This is the first time she’s ever seen that name. Lauren Faust. Why does she know that name.

The uncanny depiction of reality started up again, but Celestia was barely paying attention. She recognized the three ponies on screen. Twilight old classmates. But she was still hooked on… that name. there it is again.

“Friendship is magic, part 1”
Written by
Lauren Faust

What does it mean ‘written by?’ That would imply this is a story. But it isn’t. She knows this happened. She’s now watching twilight run across the courtyard of the castle. Again. The first time this happened, the real time this happened, Celestia, watched anxiously from her room as twilight ran up to the study that she frequented, and basically lived at. Waiting to see if that dreaded letter would be sent.

Twilight is then depicted rummaging through various books, Celestia didn’t catch why. She was too wrapped up in her own thoughts to pay any attention. But then Twilight on the screen said something that captured her attention.

“Take a note please. To the princess.”

No. Is this thing going to depict what she thinks it is?

“My dearest teacher, my continuing studies of pony magic have led me to discover that we are on the precipice of disaster!”

“Hold on. Preci... preci...”



“Uh, brink?… Ugh, that something really bad is about to happen! For you see, the mythical Mare in the Moon is in fact Nightmare Moon, and she's about to return to Equestria, and bring with her eternal night! Something must be done to make sure this terrible prophecy does not come true. I await your quick response. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.”

“Twi... light Spar... kle. Got it!”

“Great! Send it.”

That was the letter.

The letter The Oracle warned her about. The letter she was anxiously waiting for that day. Her breath began to get ragged and shaky. She was really beginning to lose her grip on reality. But before she could gather up enough brain power to ask The Oracle any other question. Spike received the letter she sent Twilight that day, and he began to read it.

“My dearest, most faithful student Twilight. You know that I value your diligence and that I trust you completely. But you simply must stop reading those dusty old books! My dear Twilight, there is more to a young pony's life than studying, so I'm sending you to supervise the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration in this year's location: Ponyville. And, I have an even more essential task for you to complete: make some friends!”

Word for word. That is what she wrote down that day. That was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Celestia began to hyperventilate, her vision became blurry, and her senses became numb. The world around her seemed to feel like it was falling apart, but at the same time, the room she was in felt like it kept getting smaller and smaller. She back up against the wall, her eyes fixed on that screen. That accursed scene. She couldn’t handle it anymore, this was all too much, she should have never asked this question, she should’ve taken the hint and left with no explanation for The Oracle’s power, anything would’ve been better then this feeling. Celestia couldn’t handle it anymore, this felt like a bad dream she couldn’t wake up from, she was stuck, she didn’t want to except what The Oracle had said about her reality, but how could she explain what she saw. Celestia then gripped her skull, her hoofs didn’t even feel real anymore.

She screamed. Load. Long. Screams. It was the only thing she felt like she still had control over. Tears streamed down her face, her screaming being the only thing keeping her from collapsing in on herself. She felt as if she was on the edge of a cliff, and if she stopped screaming, she would fall. She continued to scream, and scream, and scream. She screamed until her throat was sore and couldn’t scream anymore, and when she stopped screaming, she began to cry. It was all too much for her, she was wrong earlier, she couldn’t handle it. The answer to the question she seeked is something nopony should ever be tortured with. She continued to cry in the fetal position, until she realized she was being touched by someone.

She looked past her hoofs to see The Oracle gently stroking her mane, with a worried expression on his face. This, grounded her enough for her to ask one simple question.

“Who are you?”

He looked down for a moment, before raising his head and answering.

“My name is Anon.” He answered. “I was dropped into this world suddenly, and without explanation. Like I said earlier, my world is devoid of magic, it’s a mythical concept. So suddenly appearing inside the universe of the show I was currently watching at the time, made me freak out just like you are now.”

“Why did you… why did you tell me exactly what twilight was going to send me that day, and what to write back?” Celestia said still choking on tears.

“Because of something you said when we first meet. It tipped me off to you not being aware that nightmare moon would return. I felt obligated to warn you.” Anon said. “I’m sorry I kept this character going, but I felt like sometimes I needed to steer certain ponies in the direction that’s depicted in the show. Or else something bad might happen.”

“Like what.” Celestia said fearfully.

“ I have no clue,” Anon said. “ But in season five episode twenty five and six. Starlight glimmer edits an old spell from Starswirl the bearded and ends up time traveling with Twilight and it’s this whole butterfly effect thing. I think if I don’t try and guide certain events to play out how they do in the show, it might have terrible repercussions.” Anon spits out in a frantic and worried tone.

“H-how, do you know that the butterfly effect is in play here?” Celestia asked.

“Because things have already changed in the show already, even with my influence.” Anon said as he stood up and began pacing the room. “Like in one episode applejack says ‘can somepony lend me a hand’, instead of ‘lend me a hoof’ for some reason. In another episode, applejack was sleep deprived, and she laughed at her warped reflection in trophy, that never happened before. But the biggest change happened in episode 100, which is supposed to depict cranky and Matilda’s wedding.”

“I remember that day.” She said with a slight smile, before it faded quickly. “What changed?”

“Twilight came to me a day prior to the wedding asking me if anything bad was going to happen on cranky and Matilda’s wedding. I warned her of the bugbear that would attack because it did in the episode. But for some reason, them having prior knowledge to the bugbears eventual attack completely changed the focus of the episode. It used to focus on twilight and her friends stopping the bug bear before it ruined the wedding. Now, for some reason it focuses on the other citizens of ponyville trying to get ready for the wedding. Like Derpy Hooves, octavia Melody, Lyra heartstrings and special agent, sweetie drops even you and Luna’s bickering over who forgot the gifts. I didn’t even know that happened before the episode changed.” Anon the fell back into a bean bag chair that Celestia had somehow failed to notice before.

“How is that possible? If these events have already been written. how are they able to be changed?” Celestia said, her voice still shaky.

“I have no idea. But this is why I feel like it’s my duty to guide ponies to… their destiny, I guess you call it.” Anon said.

“But if our actions have already been written, aren’t we all unknowingly forced to go down that path anyways, With or without your involvement?” Celestia asked.

“Well, considering you didn’t know Luna could be saved. I don’t think so.” Anon said. “I didn’t want this job, but I feel like I was transported to this land for a reason, and I will try, to the best of my ability to make sure things follow the events of this show as closely as possible.”

One last lingering question echoed in celestia’s head. Tears began to well up in her eyes as she looked down at the floor.

“Am I real?”

It was one of the most heartbreaking questions The Oracle had ever been asked. Anon got up from his seat and walked over to Celestia and pulled her into a hug, as she began to quietly sob into his shoulder.

“Yes you are.” Anon said softly. “I knew you years before the events of this show took place. You behaved the same way then, as you do now. All of your experiences, memories, thoughts, and emotions are yours. Not something someone wrote.” Anon said as he separated from the hug enough to look Celestia in the eyes. “This world is real. I thought it was fictitious before, I myself arrived here and am now living and breathing in this once thought to be fictional realm… When I touch you, you feel real… You are real.”

Celestia hugged Anon again, as it felt like she was beginning to return to her body. It felt like forever since she felt like a real pony, even though it had only been six minutes or so since her total freak out. Now she was finally able to think rationally about this situation and come up with some kind of theory as to why those scarily accurate depictions of herself and Equestria’s citizens exist in the first place.

“Okay, maybe this show only exists because we exist.” Celestia began. “Despite your insistence on your home reality being devoid of magic, perhaps your people have magical abilities that not even yourselves are aware of. Maybe you’re able to peak into distant realities, and believe you come up with a fictional story to tell. But unbeknownst to your people, that world is as real as any other.” She says waving a hoof at herself to emphasize her last point.

“I think for your sanity, that should be what you believe.” Anon said lightheartedly.

Celestia tried to laugh the last bit of existential dread out of our system. But she had one last question to ask this reality hopping creature.

“How much further into the future can you see?” She asked gesturing a hoof to the now paused image of Twilight that is show on the television.

“Uhhh,” anon said as he scratched the back of his head. “Hold up a second, I gotta figure out how to word this correctly.”

“I understand, take your time.” She said, seemingly to have regained a bit of her regal composure, although she was still kinda freaked out.

“Okay, so… I can still accurately depict the future for the next three or four years. Then there’s a bit of a gap for about fifteen years, before my knowledge of the future finally ends.” Anon said.

“That would be the end of the show?” Celestia asked.

“Yeah, the series finale.” Anon confirmed.

Celestia let out a big sigh. “Well then, this as been… a lot.”

“Yeah, tell me about it.” Anon said sarcastically. “And before you get the idea that the series finale will end the world. There exists a sequel series to this show so your universe continues, for at least seven more generations.”

“Thank you… I guess.” Celestia said with a weak smile. “What do I do now?” She asked.

“Live your life,” anon replied. “Or at least try to… just try not to think about it to often.”

“Yeah… I’ll try.” Celestia said with a smile.

“Let me walk you out.” Anon said rising from the floor and walking over to turn off the television.

“Thank you.” Celestia said courteously, her weak smile a bit stronger now.

“It would be my pleasure, princess.” Anon said with a bow as he reentered his character of The Oracle.

They both climbed out of the cave and began to make their way to the cave entrance. Ironically Celestia had to squint as she tried getting used to her own sun’s brightness again. When they existed the cave Celestia took a deep breath through the nose and out the mouth. She gazed upon the beautiful land of Equestria, and looked back to see Anon doing the same. They both stood there for a while, admiring the view. Celestia seemed to appreciate the world she lived in a little bit more now than she did before. The intricate beauty of Equestria is something no foreign creature can accurately represent. Once she saw Equestria again with a fresh pair of eyes, she was able to figure out what was so uncanny about that unsettling depiction of Equestria. It lacked details. When Twilight was sent to ponyville for the Summer Sun Celebration, she had dark rings under her eyes from late night studying. Her hair was also very matted because at that point she didn’t take many showers, with late night studying being the reason for that again. The show did not include that about Twilight. Nor did it include all the fur she had, it was a solid color. So yes, the show accurately depicted events in Equestria, but it was like what a dream of those events would look like. The fact that something like that show exists in the first place was still terrifying and still frightening Celestia to her core and gave her a nauseous feeling every time she thought about it. But when Anon said that he guides ponies to their ‘destiny’ and that event in the show have apparently been able to be changed before, it was strangely an easier pill to swallow knowing that the show doesn’t dictate her life. She wasn’t forced to walk a down a predetermined path her whole life. She could change future events the show depicts at anytime.

“You alright?” Anon asked.

“Hmm? Oh. Yeah… yeah I am.” Celestia said with a smile.

Anon simply smiled in response. “What are you going to do now?” He asked.

“That show does not define my destiny. Im determined to make sure of that, and I will be making my own decisions in life. With or without your counseling.” Celestia said glancing over to him.

“Butterfly effect Celestia, be careful with what actions you choose to take.” Anon warned.

“Don’t worry. I won’t be getting myself in life-threatening danger or anything.” Celestia reassured. “It’s just… I feel like the show, Has made my life nothing but paperwork. I want some excitement in my life.”

“I’m not going to stop you. Just remember to be careful.” Anon said.

“I will.” Celestia smiled.

“Oh and just a reminder, don’t tell anypony what you saw in there.” He reminded.

“Don’t have to tell me twice.” Celestia said half joking.

They both stood there for a little while longer, before Celestia remembered the other two princesss are waiting for her.

“I should get out of here now.” Celestia said before turning to walk down the mountain.

“See you later.” Anon said.

Celestia paused. “One more question though,” she said turning back to face him. “Once your wealth of knowledge of the future dries up… what are you plan on doing after that?”

“I… I never really thought about that.” Anon said.

“If you believe it’s possible, you could come down from the mountain… live amongst the ponies.” Celestia offered.

“That sounds nice…” Anon said. “Maybe… I’ll think about it. Okay?”

“Sounds good.” Celestia said with a smile and a wave.

Anon waved back at her as she trotted out of view.

“I named her flurry heart because of the swirling masses of snow the storm brought, and because she shattered the crystal heart.”

“We still think she could have been named something more elegant.”

“Wow, okay. Would love to hear you try to come up with a name for your child.”

“It will be a beautiful name.”

“Yeah sure, I can see it now. ‘Put you hoofs together for… Priscilla midnight’ HAHAHAHA!”

“We would not name our kin something so pretentious! Perhaps something more simple like, Izzy Moonbow.”

“Ohh okay, that’s actually pretty good.”

“Told you. Elegant.”

“Did you get Luna on the topic of baby names again?” Celestia said with a smirk as she reached the bottom of the mountain in time to reach the tail end of the conversation.

“She started it.” Cadence said.

“We did.” Luna said confidently, having nothing to hide.

The three of them giggled as they all walked to the chariot together.

“So, sister.” Luna began. “Did The Oracle give you a satisfactory answer?”

Celestia let out a heavy sigh. “It took me a while to except it, but yes. I got my answer.” She said with a gentle smile before signaling the Pegasus pulling the chariot to fly back to Canterlot.

“So Celestia, you gonna tell us more about what he told you?” Cadence inquired.

“No.” Celestia said sternly. “He made it perfectly clear that I am the only one that will ever know. Alright Cadence.”

“Alright, I won’t bug you about it anymore.” Cadence said backing off.

“Shall we discuss baby names some more?” Luna proposed with a smile.

“What’s with you and baby names all of a sudden?” Cadence said with a smirk.

“Thy might have given me the, baby fever.” Luna said sheepishly.

Cadence squealed like a school filly as they both continued to talk about the joys of parenting, while Celestia began to ignore them while she peered over the side of the chariot. They passed by the mountains peak and as the did she saw Anon standing outside the cave waving at her. Celestia waved back at him, with a smile plastered over her face she couldn’t seem to get rid off.

“What about you Celestia?” Cadence said.

“Huh? Sorry what are we talking about? I wasn’t paying attention.” Celestia said with a laugh.

“Baby names Tia,” Luna said with her chest puffing out. “ What shall you name your kin?”

“Ha. I’ve never given something like that much thought. Been way too busy ruling Equestria.” Celestia said.

“Thy is making excuses.” Luna accused.

“I most certainly am not,” Celestia insisted. “ I would love to have a foal, but ruling Equestria and raising a kid at the same time seems like too much work.”

“I can back her up on that.” Cadence said. “ Trying to raise flurry heart and rule the crystal empire at the same time, it’s… it’s very stressful.”

“Perhaps you’re right.” Luna said. She thought for a moment before speaking again. “ we could always retire.”

“Retire?” Celestia neary shouted. “Who would rule in our place if we were to retire?”

“Sister, we both know who.” Luna said with a knowing grin.

“You think twilight is capable of handling something like that?” Celestia asked.

“We could always ask The Oracle.” Luna proposed.

“No, that won’t be necessary. We can make our own decisions on this matter.” Celestia insisted.

Luna shrugged. “Alright then. We will discuss it more at the castle.”

“Yes, we shall.” Celestia said with a smile.

a fews years later, after Celestia had her existential crisis in anons cave, she was determined to not let that television show dictate her life. She did appreciate The Oracle for doing what he could to ensure a safe and happy Equestria. But she wanted to do stuff she hadn’t done before, she attempted to be in a play, which was something that she’s always wanted to do. But the biggest risk she took was going out of the castle with Luna, with the excuse of it being an emergency so they could to do what twilight and her friends do all the time. Save the day. She suspected she might be pushing her luck, because she had the urge to ask for The Oracle’s guidance on the matter. But she ultimately decided against consulting him though.

A flash of light then emanated from the season nine DVD of My little pony in Anon’s collection. He immediately became worried, the last time, a flash of that big emanated from one of his DVDs, episode 100 changed completely. He frantically popped the DVD into the DVD player and searched through the episode list to see what changed. Season nine episode thirteen. It changed from a fluttershy centered episode about her, trying to figure out why those giant turtles kept attacking Equestria, to a slice of life episode about Celestia and Luna going on vacation. Anon smiled as he watched the episode, he was initially very worried at first that this change would be a negative one. But the two royal sisters seem to have had fun at the end of the day, and the rest of the twelve episodes are completely unchanged. A thought rang in the back of Anons mind that maybe his dedication to guiding this world on the path the show laid out, was all superstition. Maybe he didn’t have anything to worry about.

Suddenly a load gonging noise echoed through his cave, breaking Anon from that train of thought. The Oracle must emerge now. He put in his gloves and face mask and made his way to the entrance of the cave, where he saw a familiar face.

“Do I my eyes deceive me?” He said jokingly.

“They do not.” Princess Celestia said with a smile. Still in her vacation clothing. “May I come in?”

“You may,” Anon said. “Besides we’ve got a few things to discuss.”

Author's Note:

Woof… first story i’ve published in a while. I’ve been writing other stories. Slowly…

I’m a professional procrastinator. Even when it comes to writing which I love to do. Hopefully I’m able to get more stories out. But I wouldn’t hold my breath.

Comments ( 17 )

A lot of fun, thanks!

This story is so amazing keep up the great work!
I really enjoyed it

That was an interesting take on the brony in Equestria scenario. Could use a proof reader as there are a few grammatical errors. I do like the fact that when something deviated from the story it changed the show. While I wouldn't be a hermit in a cave, I can very much understand his moral and ethical dilemmas to knowing the possible future. Being terrified that your influence could ruin everything.

A novel idea well executed.
I enjoyed reading it.
Definitely one of the better ways to interact with a known fantasy world without deviating from the canon.

The twist where our version of Mlp is the one that Anon’s changes caused is nice touch and certainly unique.

This story slapped

That was fun.
Anyway, you should write at your own pace, you're doing it because you like to tell stories, right? I don't think you should make it a chore

Brilliant story! I love how this scenario brings up the question, “Would you change a world you already know by knowing its future?” (If that even makes any sense XD)

It’s fascinating seeing your take on something like this and gets my mind thinking, especially in different fandoms. Hopefully, you do more like this in the future. Hell, I’d be more interested in a sequel to this to see how Anon would truly adapt outside of his established knowledge on the show’s events. More or less, he’d probably go into retirement like Cele and Lulu. Anyways, I’ll say it again, brilliant story!

I really enjoyed this take on a brony in Equestria scenario and acting as an oracle to those seeking advice or to see the future.

I trust it's a good story, but I'm still in the beginning and I noticed a few things. First, introducing the backstory was done a bit awkwardly, using a bit of the 'As you know, Bob' style; and second, you keep flipping tenses around seemingly randomly. And there are just missing words, like in "The first him was when rumors".

It'd be good to fix these. Making the reader dodge potholes degrades the story.

Yep, I’ll do a re-read and edit these minor mistakes as I go. Thank you. The urge to write for me happens when I’m tired and getting ready to go to bed, that would explain most, if not all those minor mistakes like the missing words.

The only thing I could pick at about this was how easily Celestia got over it. I expected her to say something to Luna and Cadence along the lines of 'He was right about the existential doubt and while I don't regret it, I'm going to take his advice next time' instead of 'yep, I got a satisfactory answer'.

>error in the description
This bides well for the rest, I'm sure.

By personal rule I dislike all anon fics, but this shit is good

Posh #14 · January 22nd · · 17 ·

This is the top of the featured box, huh?

Sign of the times, I guess. :ajsleepy:

Elmoz #15 · January 22nd · · 15 ·

Makes me wonder if people even read their own stuff before they click publish.

This is definitely an interesting spin on a familiar take.

Really nice story, but it needs some serious copyediting.

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