• Published 11th Jan 2024
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MLP G5 Sunset: Tell Your Tale: Season 2 - JesusG0987

What If: The Mane 7 adventures continues while facing a snow leopard enemy that is on the lose in Equestria.

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Chapter 1: Icy Prints

Chapter 1: Icy Prints

At the Crystal Brighthouse, the rainbow is shining bright as Zipp flies by and around the Brighthouse and up to the sun as she brings out her headphones and puts them on as music begins to play.

(Bestie Life Song:)
Everypony needs a good friend
Every now and then, Yeah

Zipp flew quickly to Maretime Bay at high speed as the ponies smiled at her while waving. Jazz and Dahlia are chatting with each other at the flower stand while Zipp speeds right past them.

“Morning, ponies!” Zipp greeted as she flew by.

“Morning, Zipp!” Both Dahlia and Jazz greeted back with waves and smiles.

Izzy and Misty are levitating a jump rope while also moving Senor Butterscotch and Madame Taffytail as Zipp flies in. “C’mon, ponies! You can go faster than that!” She encouraged as she jumped on the rope.

“Yeah, we can!” Izzy cheered as she and Misty focused their magic on their horn as they made the rope go faster as Zipp jumped faster before she flew off as the two unicorns waved to their friend.

When we are together
Everything is great, yeah

Zipp flew straight as she saw Sparky and Hitch in front of her, who saw her and smiled and waved at her as Hitch brought his hoof up and stomped it down, using his Earth Pony magic to make a hoop for Zipp, who flew straight to it as she gave a wink to them as Hitch chuckled and waved to her as she flew by.

Fly straight
Fly high
This life
Getting better, every day

At Mane Melody, Pipp came out of the salon as she waved her mane around before turning to the crowd. “Alright, ponies. Who’s ready to look, iiiicccooooooonnnniiiic!?” She sang proudly as Zipp flew by and made a wind draft for her sister that blew her mane proudly in the wind.

I'm livin' my bestie life
When I got you by my side
Nothin' that we cannot do
All I really need is you

The bestie life, the bestie life

Pipp finished singing with a smirk before she turned to her sister. “Thanks, sis!” She called to Zipp as said pegasus flew around in the sky.

I got my bestie life
When I got you by my side

At the smoothie stand, Sunny and Sunset are searching through a crate full of fruits as they toss them up.

“Ready, Sunny?” Sunset asked with a smirk.

“You know it.” Sunny answered with the same smirk as they flew up before Sunny brought out her Alicorn form as the two levitated the bananas, peeled them off, and put them in the blender as they started blending them.

Nothing we can not do
All I really need is you
The bestie life
Our bestie life

After a few minutes, the two Alicorns finished making the banana smoothie as they looked out of the stand, “One banana smoothie ready!” Sunset called out with a wide smile.


“Order up!” Sunny added as she tossed the banana smoothie in the air, and then Zipp flew in and caught the smoothie as she took a sip.

“Delish always, you two Alicorns!” Zipp complimented them with a wink as she flew off.

“Thanks, Zipp!” Sunset called as she gave a smile.

“We do our best!” Sunny added as they waved Zipp as she flew away.

Everypony needs a little boost
When it’s time to cut loose, hey
Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh, yeah

Zipp is still listening to the music on her headphones as she dodges some trees and steps on some branches before landing on the ground, but then suddenly, she slips and drops her smoothie and headphones. “Whoa!” She exclaimed in shock as she landed on her rump.

Zipp got her bearings, she looked around and noticed that the entire area she was in was completely frozen in ice as she stood up and looked around. “Why is everything frozen?” She asked herself before she looked down and widened her eyes when she saw a big footprint on the ground as she shuddered. “That’s no ordinary pawprint.” She muttered as she brought out her phone.

Zipp then started recording on her phone. “Hey, Sheriff.” She started with a wave, making a recording for Hitch. “Ever heard of a huge snow critter here in the woods, because…” She said nervously as she showed the pawprint to the camera. “...Yeah. It’s probably nothing.” She said before she turned the phone back to her. “Just thought you should know in case there’s a giant town destroying frost monster or something.” She said nervously as she gave a nervous laugh. “Imagine that.” She added as she ended the recording.

She then selected Hitch’s email on it as she tapped on the screen. “And send!” She said, but then she slipped and fell to the floor with a yelp. “Whoa!” She cried as she landed on her stomach, which caused her hoof to tap into all the emails she got as the video was sent to everypony she knew in Equestria as it came out from her phone and shot up into the sky as it spread out to everypony.

At the smoothie stand, Sunny and Sunset are on their break while going through the book they found from the Canterlot Library's restricted area as they go through it.

“This book will definitely bring back Twilight. And this time, with her body.” Sunset said while carefully looking through the spell book.

“Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s get started while we’re on break!” Sunny exclaimed in excitement, wanting to see her idol in the flesh.

“It’s not that easy, Sunny.” Sunset said as she shook her head. “This is a very complex and hard spell. And this spell is so powerful, it will take some time to bring a pony back into the living, even with us Alicorns have limits.” She stated cautiously.

Sunny gave a concerned look. “Well, what happens if it’s not done right?” She asked.

“If it’s not done correctly, then it might be the last we might see of her if we have to do it again by scratch.” Sunset said while holding up the necklace she kept that helds Twilight spirit before she closed it. “It might take some time, but we have to be patience and persice if we want to do it right. And it may require some large amount of magic and preparations if we want to get it correctly.” She said while gently touching the necklace as she gave a sigh. “I know that Twilight want us to move on, but just having her with us seems right. And I still miss her from time to time.” She added.

Sunny gave a small smile and gave Sunset a side hug. “Don’t worry, Sunset. We’ll bring her back one day. But for now, at least we have each other and our friends. Huh, sis?” She asked with a smirk.

Sunset gave a warm smile as she gave Sunny a full hug, which the Earth Pony returned with a warm smile as well. “You’re right, sis. We have each other and our friends.”

Just then, their phones started beeping as the two ponies broke the hug and picked up their phones. “It’s a message from Zipp.” Sunny spoke.

“Knowing her, if she send both of us messages, it gotta be something. What did she found this time?” Sunset questioned, knowing that if she and Sunny got the message at the same time, it’s gotta be important as the two clicked opened their message and watched the video as their eyes widen in shock. “What the…” She started in shock at what she and Sunny are hearing.

A short while later, the ponies and critters in Maretime Bay all started panicking and running around town as Skye Silver came in front of the camera.

“Scenes of panic in Maretime Bay today as a giant town-destroying frost monster is on the loose.” Skye called out as he turned and saw Zipp looking around in confusion as Skye walked up to her. “Oh! And here's the pony who discovered this mystical monster – Zephyr Heights' own Princess Zipp.” He said as she move his microphone in front of Zipp. “Tell us, princess. Have you caught this icy evildoer?” He asked.

“Icy whuh?” Zipp asked with a brow. “How did you—?” She was about to ask before Dahlia came up behind her, looking really nervous as the video she made played.

It's probably nothing.” Zipp’s voice in the recording played as Zipp took Dahlia’s phone and look at the message. “Just thought you should know in case it's a... giant town-destroying frost monster.” It played as Zipp looked closely at the video, realizing she sent it to everypony by accident as Dahlia rushed to her and hugged her tightly in fear.

“A monster?!” Dahlia cried as she screams in fear.

Zipp groans from this as she took the microphone from Skye and spoke through the camera. “This...! Ponies!” She spoke up as the ponies around her stopped screaming and look at their phones. “I don't know what I found, but there's no need to panic! I will figure this out, and when I do, you'll all be the first to know!” She said to them with an assuring smile as she flew off while the microphone landed onto Dahlia’s hoof.

A little bit later, Zipp is back into the woods with Sunny and Sunset accompanying her. “Thanks for the two of you coming to help, Sunny and Sunset.” Zipp said to the two ponies with a smile. “Everypony deserves some answers.” She said as the three mares looked around.

“Yeah. We sure do. But next time, if you’re not sure about something, try and not make a town destroying conclusion, Zipp.” Sunset said to her while searching the bushes. “Because after our last little ‘incendent’ two weeks ago, everypony were just calming down.” She added.

Zipp gave a sheepish chuckle. “Uh, sorry. I guess I was so caught up, I kinda made a slip, and I mean literally with the ice.” She said.

Sunny looked down and saw some frozen leaves on the ground as she picked it up. “Well, you're right about one thing. Definitely some powerful magic.” She said as the three mares look at the leaf.

“This is ice. But I don’t recall any creature to freeze something on the spot.” Sunset said in thought. “I’ve never seen anything like this before.”

“Where did you two suppose it come from?” Zipp asked as they all started thinking.

And then, they heard crackling as Sunny gasped in surprised as the three mares stood side to side as they look at their surroundings. “There’s something out there alright.” Sunset whispered suspiciously with a serious look.

And then, they heard grunting sounds as they turned and saw a bag being drag as ZIpp turned to her friends. “Stay down and follow my lead.” She instructed as they nodded and lowered down a bit as they slowly walked to the source.

Behind the bush is Twitch, who is dragging the heavy bag before tossing it, which caused some things like berries, some flowers, fruit, a pillow, a mirror, and a rubber ducky to fall out of the bag.

Sunny, Sunset, and Zipp looked over the bush. “What are you up to, bunny boy?” Zipp asked with a smirk.

Sunset raised a brow at seeing Twitch “Wait, don’t we know that bunny somewhere?” She whispered to them.

Zipp and Sunny looked at Twiltch in thought, “As a matter of fact, I think we do.” Zipp said while rubbing her chin.

But then, they hear some cracks as they looked up and saw some bushes freezing into ice and and so was the ground as four familiar purple paws came out as the whole area the three ponies are in suddenly froze up as they looked around in shock as they felt the cold.

“Uh... “ Sunny started, which she can see her breath from the cold before she saw something in the bushes. “Zipp? Sunset?” She asked as the two mares looked and went wide eyes.

Coming out of the bushes was none other than the evil snow leopard, Allura, who is giving a sinister smile as she looked down at Twitch.

“Allura?!” Both Sunny and Sunset whispered in shock as Zipp took a picture of her and twitch in shock with her phone.

Allura heard the camera clicking sounds. “What was that?” Allura questioned as she and Twitch looked at the bushes, as the three mares quickly duck under to avoid being seeing as they looked in shock.

“Allura and Twitch are back?! And in Equestria?!” Sunset whispered in shock at seeing their old enemy again.

“How did she escape Starlight Ridge?!” Sunny whispered in shock, wondering how Allura and Twitch came into Equestria.

“Doesn't matter! Let's send her back while we have the upper hoof!” Zipp called out determindedly.

“No!” Sunset spoke up. “The last time we face her, we barely won. And we had the Auroracorns and magic snow to help counter her magic, which we don’t have here.” She pointed out.

“And we don't know why she's here!” Sunny added in agreement. “Maybe she—” She was cut off when she stepped on a frozen twig, which caused it to break.

Allura heard the crack as she turned witha growl and then roars loudly with her wings spread.

“Run!” Both Sunny, Sunset, and Zipp exclaimed in unison as they all trotted as fast as they could and away from Allura before they were spotted.

After returning to the Birghthouse, the three mares got their friends to gather in the Crystal room as Zipp showed them the picture of Allura on her phone, which horroifed the Mane 7.

“Oh, my hoofness! This is bad!” Pipp cried out in horror.

“It's Allura!” Misty cried out in shock.

“That cat looks so familiar…” Izzy said while rubbing her chin, clearly forgotten about Allura.

“Allura’s back. And she’s definitely found a way into Equestria.” Sunset said while in deep thought before turning to Sunny. “Well, Sunny, looks like we definitely made the right call in making sure that the ponies were warned about Allura. But now that we know for absolutely certain that your worries about Allura were completely right, we have even more reason to do our best to be ready for her. Especially since we know she has ice magic as well as the siren purr.” She said to her seriously.

“Yeah, sometimes I wish I wasn’t right. But looks like I made the call.” Sunny said while feeling conflicted if she would feel proud that Allura returned or scared and hoping that she was wrong.

“Though, the ice magic is a new one.” Sunset added while rubbing her chin. “She can freeze the area just by touching it. That’s concerning.”

“How do we not notice that before?” Hitch asked fearfully while Sunny rubbed her coltfriend to help ease his stress and fear that Allura is back.

“I guess since Starlight Ridge is already a snowy icy place, I guess that power wasn’t nessary to a place that is already frozen.” Sunset guessed with a shrug. “But still, this is bad.”

“What do we do?!” Misty asked in panick.

“We do nothing.” Sunny said with a small smile as the rest o fhte Mane 7 turned to her and spoke up in confusion.

“Uh, what are you talking about, Sunny?” Sunset asked with a raised of a brow.

“All we know is that Allura was trapped in Starlight Ridge.” Sunny started as her friends listened to her. “Did she do some mean things? Uh, yes. Yes, she did.” She quickly corrected with a sheepish smile, forgetting about the time when they first faced Allura. “But maybe she'll be different here with us. Everypony deserves a second chance.” She finished with a warm smile as she began to glow.

“She might not, I mean, Opaline was one example, Sunny.” Sunset said while in concern. “And not to mention Tirek, Storm King, Cozy Glow and Chrystalis. Not everpony wanted that second chance.” She pointed out in concern.

“But we have to at least try, Sunset.” Sunny assured her while placing a hoof to Sunset’s shoulder. “Even you know that hardest ones wants a second chance, even through different views.” She added.

Sunset gave a thought as she recalled their recent adventure as she gave a small smile with a chuckle. “Well, you got me there.” She said.

“And if not, we'll be ready.” Zipp declared with a determined smile. “I'm a princess of a different kind. Always trying to figure out why. When my cutie mark comes to life, I blast bravely across the sky!” She declared as her Cutie Mark glowed before she flew around.

Izzy’s horn started glowing as she toss some glitter in the air and did a twirl. “I sparkle like the stars, 'cause I'm always super glittery.” She said as she looked at her Cutie Mark, which started to glow as well. “When my cutie mark comes to life, watch this brilliant creativity!” She cheered.

Pipp stood there with her wings spread. “I'm a stylish pop star princess.” She started as she move her wings around and some music notes flew off her as she held her microphone before she flew around. “My voice makes me strong. When my cutie mark comes to life, confidence is my song!” She added as her Cutie Mark glowed.

Misty then spoke next with a smile. “I might seem a little quiet, but my strength is very real.” She said determinedly as she stomped her hoof down and she started glowing, as well as her Cutie Mark. “When my cutie mark comes to life, my heart helps me feel!”

“I'm the pony of the law.” Hitch said while giving a proud look as Sparky jumped onto his back wiht a smile. “Coolest dragon dad you know. My cutie mark comes to life, and my kindness overflows!”Hhe exclaimed as her Cutie Mark starts glowing and used his Earth Pony Magic to grow some plants.

“We’re all three pony kinds wrapped up into one.” Sunny started on behalf of her and Sunset as she brought out her Alicorn form with her wings spread. “My cutie mark comes to life with hope bright at the sun!” She said as her Cutie Mark glowned next.

“And I maybe all three pony kind, but I’m also a Guardian of Harmony.” Sunset started as she flew up and looked at her friends with a determined smile. “I help bring back and old friend legacy, faced an evil Alicorn with my friends, and reunite with old ones. And I will keep protecting my friends and home until the end! And I will carry on the legacy my old friend left behind in her stead! As my cutie mark glows on never giving up and protecting others!” She declared as she flew up and her Cutie Mark begans to glow.

(Bestie Life Song Continue:)
(Mane 7)
I'm livin' my bestie life
When I got you by my side
Nothin' that we cannot do
All I really need is you

The Mane 7 surrounded the Unity Crystals, which they all glowed up and their colors shot out from the Brighthouse and into the sky as it spread more rainbows all over Equestria.

The bestie life, the bestie life
Oh-ohhh, ohhh, ohhh-ohhhh

At Posey’s place, Posey and Dahlia watched the rainbows with wide smiles before they notice their Cutie Marks are glowing and their hooves glowed green, which they smiled with sparkles in their eyes as they stomped their hooves down, which caused some plants to grown into big multicolor trees.

“Whoa!” Dahlia exclaimed in awed as she and Posey loooked in awed.

(Mane 7)
I'm livin' my bestie life
When I got you by my side
Nothin' that we cannot do
All I really need is you

In the sky, three Pegasi are flying in the air, but then their wings started glowing, the stallion on the left is yellow, the mare in the middle is green, and the mare on the left is pink, which they spread up and leave a trail of rainbow as they made a heart shape and flew off proudly.

The bestie life, the bestie life
Oh-ohhh, ohhh, ohhh-ohhhh

In Maretime Bay, Onyx and and a unicorn beside her waqlked out of the store, but their horns are glowing bright as the ponies around saw that the unicorns horns are glowing and they are levitating so many things in the air that are either heavy or light without effort, which surprised them.

Onyx looked in awed with sparkles in her eyes before she gave a small smile. “This is new.” She commented.

The rainbows blew all over Equestria as Alphabittle, Queen Haven, Cloudpuff, and Volette Rainbow, looked in awed with sparkles in their eyes at seeing the rainbows before their eyes.

Back at the Crystal Birghthouse, all the rainbows merge with the Brighthouse as it shined bright from the rainbows as it sparkled up.

With Posey and Dahlia, their phones chimed as they looked at them and saw a recordning of Allura, who is growling and then roaring before the screen pushed back and showed Zipp.

“It's true.” Zipp started as everypony in Equestria are listening to the message. “Allura is in Maretime Bay, and that is a little bit scary. But I promise there is nothing to fear as long as we stick together.” She declared as the Mane 7 stood together to the camera.

“We’ve seen many perials berfore, and Allura is no different then Opaline and the other threats we’ve been through.” Sunset continued. “We will be ready for her, because she might think she had the advantage, but she haven’t see what we can do when we stand together, as one. Not as one tow, not as one land, but as an entire planet! We stand together in unity!” She declared with her wings spread.

The Unity Crystals then shined even brighter as they are showing different colors at the unity and harmony the ponies are sharing while sticking togther if Allura ever strikes.

Sunset then turned to her friends as she gave a serious look. “Okay, now that everypony knows that Allura is here, we also probably better get the word out to Spike and Discord, too. It will almost certainly improve our odds against her if and, most likely, when she strikes again.” She instructed.

“Good call, Sunset.” Sunny said in agreement. “They need to know about this.”

“Especially since the Isle of Scaly have no signal at all.” Pipp said dully as the others rolled their eyes in amusements.

“Well, we better get going. If we go, we’d be there and back before dinner.” Hitch said as they all nodded and ran out to the Marestream as they took off to the Dragonlands.

Once arriving at the Dragonlands, the Mane 7 informed Spike and the dragons, with Discord having been hanging out with to hang out with Spike, as they explain the situation about Allura as Spike listened carefully while the others looked in concern.

“And that’s why we came here to warn you all about her.” Sunset finished explaining to Spike. “She’s not like Opaline, but she’s not to be underestiate either.”

“Seriously, another tyrant?” Blaize asked in annoyance. “Seriously, where do they even come from?”

“You tell me, Blaize.” Tumble shrugged.

“Yeeesh, I can see why you ponies want us to be ready for her if she strikes.” Discord said in surprise.

Spike hummed for a bit before he nodded. “Yeah, I can see putting us on the alert, ESPECIALLY since a whole tribe of fire-breathing dragons are well equipped for fighting an ice-magic powered winged snow leopard on full alert, especially if Discord can conjure up protective earwear to keep all of us from getting taken over by her siren purr." He said while looking at Discord.

“What? I can try, but this is something new I’ve never seen before.” Discord shrugged in defense. “It will take time, but don’t know if it will be ready.”

“Just do your best, Discord.” Zipp said to him. “We need to be ready. And Allura hasn’t struck yet, but she will at any time.”

“I’ll try.” Discord nodded in understanding.

“Okay, everycreature, Allura is in Equestria, so now, we keep our guard up and be prepare if she ever does strike. And we protect the Nova Charm from her if she still wants it or found out about it.” Sunset instructed seriously as she looked at her friends in front of her. “We must keep our guard up and do what we can to stop her if she doesn’t want to have a second chance. So now, we wait for her first strike.” She finished with her wings spread as they all nodded in agreement as they looked up in the sky, knowing that Allura will pull a trick on them in the near future.

End of Chapter 1.