• Published 4th Jan 2024
  • 4,285 Views, 265 Comments

Me, Myself and I - Cynical Page

Having a handful of humans stranded in Equestria is bad enough. Being the odd one out of the group for no reason... is even worse. How will Joey Belfort respond to this unfavorable circumstance?

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1 - An Explosive Welcome

Three weeks earlier, back in the human world...

On the fiery slopes of Mount Doom, drenched in fiery magma, two hobbits came to a rest on the safety of a tall rock.

"It's gone..." Frodo said, somehow looking shocked through his immense exhaustion. "It's done."

His best friend Samwise looked to him, on the verge of tears. "Yes, Mr. Frodo... it's over now."

Joey watched, rapt with attention despite this being his umpteenth viewing of The Lord of the Rings. Such marvelous films they were, somehow using every single technique in order to portray the raw emotions of the story in such a way it captivates you like nothing else. Or at least it did for him, that's why they were his comfort movies.

Joey Belfort. Age twenty one, he was here on behalf of Penn State. Originally hailing from Colorado, he wanted a change of scenery as many kids often do in college. This adventure would merely be a distraction from the recent knowledge that he had no one left here in terms of family, but that would be a story for later.

He was sitting on a small bench in a waiting room, watching the film on his laptop. It was very small with two doors on either end, roughly twenty feet in length and ten feet wide. Wooden benches with no backrest lined either side of the room, where he sat with the other four people he would be taking this journey with. He only knew Bill and was slightly acquainted with Andre, but the other two he had never spoken to outside of planning meetings for this trip.

They were all currently in an undisclosed military location in the state of Wyoming. There was only one gateway to this new world, the one they called Equestria, only accessible through this base. Only on special occasions had humans traveled there, which in recent months had been different small groups of college students from varying universities around the globe. The relations between the United States and that bizarre place was stable, although very limited. That's all Joey could remember from the few lectures he and his peers had received.

He glanced up at the other four comrades in the room. Bill was having a hushed conversation with Clara about something or other. Ginger was leaning against a wall with her eyes closed, listening to music. Andre sat to his immediate left and tapped on his shoulder.

Removing his earbud, Joey looked to him with slightly raised eyebrows.

"Lord of the Rings?" Andre inquired. It was clear he too was feeling the nerves and was making small talk to stave them off. Undoubtedly everyone here was nervous. Traveling to new world-dimension thingy? For a two week study? Not exactly a small event. For all they knew, this could be a life changing experience.

"Oh - er, yeah." Joey stammered awkwardly. "Just watching to try to relax, you know? Heh."

Andre sighed and rested his head against the wall. "I can't believe we're doing this... I mean, I'm excited! Don't get me wrong. Just... talking ponies. Weird, huh?"

"Don't ask me, I'm just the camera guy." Joey joked, patting the leather bag next to him. A birthday gift he had received this last summer. His twenty first, as a matter of fact - while everyone else was out drinking he was too busy being a cinematography nerd.

"To be fair, if we do well here I'm sure you'll have no issues finding a high-end job." Andre reasoned. "Me, not so much. Still, maybe National Geographic will be hiring, eh?"

"Dunno." was all Joey could think of as a response. "Depends if we're any good."

They would be filming, studying, and learning to ultimately create a documentary to educate people on the world of Equestria. Or at least, that's what the big-wigs at Penn State tasked them with doing. The only reason he managed to somehow be here was all because of Bill.

A low hum accompanied with the muffled sound of crackling electricity filled the room. They all looked up in unison as the door on one end of the room opened, and a balding middle aged man in a lab coat stepped through.

"We're ready for you. Everyone have all that they need?" he asked politely but firmly, gazing around at all of them.

There was a small flurry of movement as they all scrambled to collect their things. Joey quickly shoved his laptop into the leather computer bag at his side before getting to his feet. Two weeks worth of clothes, check. Toiletries, check. Filing necessities, check. Backpack with personal belongings? Check.

When everyone else had grabbed their things, they followed the government official through the door in a single file fashion. As Joey passed into the next room a large machine with a huge, circular metal ring crackled and hummed with energy. It reminded him of a Stargate, but a lot more intimidating. Rather than a watery-looking center it was a violet vortex that seemed to swirl on forever.

There was a smaller, weedier man standing behind a control panel. He had mousy features, and he looked almost nervous as he kept shooting apprehensive glances back and forth from the machine to the group of students. If only to make the matter seem even more sketchy, he asked his colleague "Are you sure we should be proceeding? The schematics are saying -"

"Never mind the schematics, Albert, they'll be fine!!" the balding man barked over the racket. "We've sent people through much worse!"

The gateway gave a loud sudden shudder before the energy flashed blue. The humming swelled in volume for a split second before returning to normal.

It may have been Joey's imagination, but he could have sworn the machine had just said "DON'T!"

The balding man turned to the group again and smiled reassuringly. It had little effect, especially after the bizarre flash. "Alright now, place the luggage in the box in front of the gateway! Carefully please, or your sensitive items will get damaged!!" He gestured to a large metal container that was large enough to fit all of their luggage.

They all nervously complied, taking care to make sure that Joey's camera was in a safe position before the man latched the metal crate closed with a heavy lid of the same make. He looked over to 'Albert', who swallowed before giving an affirming nod. The bald man nodded back and with an almighty push (with a grunt of pain with it) he sent the crate into the energy field.

The machine gave another great shudder as the box dematerialized. The man turned back to the students and hollered, "Alright! One at a time, let's move it!!"

One by one, they all stepped up to the gateway and hopped through. With every entrance Joey couldn't help but notice the machine give off a faint howl, growing louder each time. Louder, louder, louder.

Until he was the last one left.

"Henry, it's unstable!!" Alfred yelped, staring down at his many screens with a horrified expression. "This isn't right!! The schematics-"

"I KNOW, Alfred!!" the bald man (who was apparently Henry) roared back over the calamitous noise. He turned to look at Joey with a deadly urgent expression. "You don't have much time, you need to go!!"

Feeling terrified and confused, Joey stepped up to the machine. He had no idea what was going on, and he didn't know who to believe in terms of the situation. So he did the only thing he could fathom at that moment and jumped through.

Energy and color swirled around him as he felt like he was being sucked down a drain at light speed. His guts launched into his esophagus as he lost all sense of feeling and direction. The next moment he found himself colliding painfully into the ground. A bunch of high-pitched hollers and yelps erupted around him, which didn't help his disorientation.

Slowly getting to his feet while spitting out particles of dirt, he finally looked up. Before him the world was more colorful, and he instantly took notice of the large crowd of ponies standing at a safe distance away. The other four were hunched over as ponies in medical garb tended to them. At last, he made eye contact with a particularly purple unicorn with wings; she was also yelling in his direction.

That's when he also noticed them frantically beckoning for him to move in their direction. They looked... terrified?

"GET AWAY FROM THERE!!!" the lavender unicorn shouted in a near panicked voice.

That's when Joey - who was also now starting to panic - turned around to see a gateway machine of similar make directly behind him. Volts of electricity crackled out of control across its surface and a VERY black column of smoke rose form behind.

"Holy balls..." he said weakly.

The machine violently exploded, and everything went black.

As he finally put the finishing touches on his paper, Joey sat back and cracked his knuckles. All he had to do was turn this in, and he was done with his spring final exams. It had been a really hard month for him as his dad had passed away after heart surgery on the fifteenth of April. Fortunately Joey had managed to see him, and was even there at the time of his passing.

That was hardly a reassurance to him, however. He was now the last Belfort. No extended family, nothing. He was completely alone.

The slamming of the dorm room door jolted him out of his thoughts as Bill, his energetic and bouncy roommate, entered. Joey grinned at him, trying to make it appear as if he hadn't just been thinking of his father's death. He hadn't mentioned it to a soul, and he didn't really intend to.

Bill slapped Joey on the back. "Hey man, you were mentioning that no one was interested in having you on as an intern?"

"I'll figure it out, dude." Joey grunted. It was true, he needed to intern before he could graduate with a degree in cinematography (as well as a few other minor degrees). "I just need to keep looking."

"You know how I'm going on that Equestria trip, right?" Bill pressed.

Rolling his eyes, Joey let out a quick snort. "Yeah, that pony shit right? You only mention it every five god damn minutes."

Bill frowned. "I can be excited, alright? Anyways!" He slapped a folded up paper down in front of Joey. "Read it!"

Joey unfolded the paper and began to look it down. It was a waiver to the same trip that Bill was going on. "Is this...?"

Bill grinned from ear to ear. "The gang and I agreed to offer you the last spot. We still need someone to shoot video..."

"Of a bunch of horses? Do I look like a zoologist?" Joey griped, slapping the form back down on the desk. "I think I'll pass. If I ever run into a camera guy who's also a furry, I'll let you know."

"You gotta finish!" Bill insisted, causing Joey to fall silent again. "Did you even read the whole thing??"

Groaning, Joey picked up the paper once again and gave it a harder look. Indeed, at the very bottom the was a very tidy scrawl from the Dean of Students. It read:

Completion of this task will result as an adequate substitute for internship. It was then unmistakably signed.

Joey stared long and hard at the footnote. "Is this for real?"

"Real as rhythm!!" Bill gaily replied.

"That made no fuckin' sense, dude. Anyways, is the Dean actually serious about this?" Joey asked in disbelief. "It's only a two week trip! An internship lasts a whole semester!"

"He said something about experience..." Bill replied, scratching his head. "Anyways, you in? It would be pretty cool!"

Staring at the form Joey knew he couldn't pass this chance up. He grabbed the nearest pen, hesitated, and then signed his name.

Joey awoke to a splitting headache. When he opened his eyes, he didn't recognize the hospital room surrounding him. Then he remembered the machine, the smoke - then nothing else.

The door opened and a white mare with a nurse's cap stepped in. She noticed Joey sitting up in bed and let out a startled yelp. This caused Joey to jump and smack his arm on the bed frame. He let out a growl as he had hit it right on the funny bone.

The nurse regained herself and immediately began fussing over him. "Is your arm okay??? I didn't mean to startle you, I was just surprised that you finally woke up!! How are you feeling?"

"Slightly overwhelmed, you ask a lot of questions." Joey joked sarcastically, but the nurse didn't seem to take it as well. She looked slightly hurt and annoyed all at once, so he quickly added "Sorry, that was a joke. I have a headache, but I think I'm okay other than that."

The warm smile returned to the nurse's face. "Ah! Let me grab a painkiller for you, try to stay still alright dear?"

"Si senora." Joey murmured to himself, trying to ignore the throbbing pain as he looked around the room. It was your standard hospital room, minus the many bells and whistles they had back on Earth. "How long was I out, nurse...?"

"Redheart!" The mare answered as she returned with some medication and a glass of water. Her expression quickly became nervous as she cleared her throat. "And please don't panic, but... it's been eight days."

"Eight!!??" Joey yelped, before realizing that didn't help his head. He thanked the mare and downed the painkillers with the water before asking, "I've been out for eight days?"

"Yes, but most of that time you were intentionally sedated so your concussion could mend." Redheart replied, taking the glass from him. "It was quite a scene, everypony thought you had suffered worse when the gateway exploded!"

A lump formed in Joey's throat. "It... blew up? The gateway?"

Redheart hummed as she busied herself at a far counter. "Yes, it was really quite the sight! Fortunately nopony got hurt." Her smile faded as she turned to see Joey's fearful expression.

"So... we can't go back?" Joey asked weakly.

Redheart trotted over and rubbed his shoulder reassuringly, handing him more water. "Nopony said that, dear. The princesses will have it all fixed in no time, and you'll have a fun story to bring back to your family! Well, except for the 'getting hurt' part of it."

Joey choked on the sip he was taking as she said those words and managed to cough, "Yeah, cool."

"Careful now!" Redheart scolded softly, mopping his face with a towel. "Now you sit tight, I'll go ready the paperwork for your release!" She trotted out of the room, leaving Joey in silence.

He slowly got out of bed and hobbled over to the window (since he hadn't used his legs in a week). Throwing the curtains open, he looked over the small town outside. The feelings of nervous butterflies returned, as he now realized he was about to walk out into a completely new world.