• Published 12th Dec 2023
  • 737 Views, 14 Comments

Repeat, Die, Live - Hidden_Night

  • ...

Time Passes

“Woah…” Anonymous was flooded with stimulus for his mind. Tall golden sky scrapers surround him. All with the glorious sight of capitalism at its finest: Advertisements! The screens showcasing everything from phones, to computers, and food. He has a sudden urge to chomp down on that oddly captivating image of a hay burger. Though what really caught his eye was the sight of one of the princesses. A Pink Pegasus pony by the name of Pipp, sure she was only on an advertisement but she did look adorable. A bit short for his liking, but still adorable.

“Hey. Anonymous?” Hitch was trying to get his attention, stomping his hooves behind Anonymous. Sadly, the green stallion kept staring at the screens. “Anonymous!” Hitch had to yell into Anonymous’ ear who caused the stallion to quickly jump back in surprise.

“Hey! What was that for?” Anonymous looked at Hitch with annoyance.

“You’re staring, we have to get moving. You said this disguise only lasts for twelve hours. We don’t have much time.” Hitch was now rocking a fake mustache. Anonymous found out bits were still a universal currency here, so they went to a gag store to buy a fake mustache. It’s an odd purchase.

“Fine. Let’s get moving then.” Anonymous took one last glance at the screen, it was a commercial for perfume sponsored by Princess Pipp. The French still exist no matter the timeline.

“So, after gathering some information, the best course of action is to join the Royal Celebration.”

“Huh, why’s that?”

“One of the Princesses is doing a debut of a new song.”

“That’s…oddly convenient.”

“It’s the only thing the locals are talking about.”

“So that’s what those guys mean when they say ‘Pip Pip Hooray,’ I thought they were just weird.”

“Nope, but between the both of us the princesses look like they’re controlling their own kind through the music.”

“I mean, it sounds…” He pause, it was possible to control people through songs, he has met a bard before. Though with no magic, it feels off. “reasonable.”

“I know right? We gotta get Sunny out of here, and bring her to justice!” Hitch looks off to the castle, his chest out and wings automatically spread wide to show his bravado. A couple passing mares giggle at Hitch’s display with the kind stallion saying “Thank you. Thank you.” He took a moment to realize what happened. “Did a Pegasus find me attractive?”

“Wait, why? What happened to bringing our friends home.” Anonymous ignores the events with the mares.

“She resisted arrest.” Hitch quickly closed his illusory wings.

“Not helping.” Anonymous shook his head.

“It’s the only way for me to leave Maretime.”

“Is helping actually.” He nodded his head.

The two chuckle at the little exchange as they start to walk across a bridge to head over to the castle. The news is talking about something or other.

“So, how do we enter the event?”

“Through the front door.”

“…dumb question.” Anonymous mutters to himself, as he was begging to take a look at the views around him. It was still baffling to him that horses somehow were able to develop technology this advanced. He took a gander forward and quickly trots to keep up with Hitch, he was keeping a steady confident pace through the city.

Anonymous felt content, if he could only show her what the future held.

The duo had to kill time, the party wasn’t until a couple of minutes. The two did some hanging out, they got a glance of the other princess, Zephyrina Breeze, less normal than the others but at least closer to a normal pony name. Anonymous also learned the name of the city, Zephyr Heights. His knowledge was growing.

The two had to take a quick rest at a café, the two were having a light snack and a quick nap. It was a couple hours after all, there was no rush to find Sunny if they both knew she would be in the dungeons. So they had time.

“So. About that Princess ay?” Anonymous looks over at Hitch who nodded to his question.

“She doesn’t strike me a princes.”

“Still got the royal pure white going for her. I wonder if…” Thoughts of the sun flooded Anonymous’ mind. “Nah, she never had time for love.”

“Who are you talking about?”

“An older friend who I once tried to date.” Anonymous wonders what they were doing in their retirement, they are immortal.

“You go for mares older than you?”

“I did once…errr twice.”

“That’s weird.”

“I’m weird.”

Hitch chuckles at the confession. “That you are.”

“Maybe you’re weird too. You’re hanging out with me after all.”

“Hmmm.” Hitch puts a hoof to his chin. “Maybe, maybe. I am hanging with a…” Hitch looks around, to see if any pony was in earshot. “Unicorn.”

“Oh no,” Anonymous feigns surprise, “someone better capture them.”

“They’re on parole. They’re fine!” Hitch gave another hearty chuckle. Anonymous soon follows. “You know. I’m starting to think Sunny was right about this…you know. Friendship between ponies.”

“Mood swing for the ages, but yeah. It’s just friendship. There’s nothing to be afraid off. It’s magic, the thing that fuels this world.” Anonymous looked up at the castle. It was nearing party time.

“I guess she did prove it.” Hitch looks off at the castle too, Sunny was there and he was determined to get her back home. “Maybe we don’t have to go our separate ways, we can go back to Maretime bay.”

“I doubt they’d be welcoming.”

“Nonsense, they’re just afraid. So was I, but they’re still brave ponies they can soon face you like I can.”

Anonymous smiles, he feels it yet again. Friendship Magic. It’s weak, fragile, and won’t last forever. Despite that, it was wonderful to feel it again. Though the second dosage around felt different from the previous friendship magics he had absorbed before.

Generosity felt as if messaging stones slid comfortably on your back. Kindness has the feeling of a furry friend nuzzled into your chin. Loyalty was a jolt of adrenaline. Honesty was the rush of a good day’s work. Laughter is the feeling of pure dopamine, and Magic felt like a swirling mass of endless potential.

This new element of Kindness, this new feeling of the magic. It felt like looking at the face of someone you can depend on.

“You okay Anonymous? You’re staring off into space.”

“Just…nostalgia. Haven’t had a friend in a while. Not since…well I know what happened.” His memories of his death were fuzzy, all he remembers is blue fire and screaming for his life.

“The prejudice got you down?” Hitch looks over at him.

“Well chalk it up to that.” Anonymous slides off the chair. “Let’s go, we have a party to crash. It’s about…” He looks at a nearby clock. “5 Pm.”

“Five hours…can’t believe I’ve been here for that long. I still can’t believe Sunny had to sit in that cell for that long too.”

“You really love her, huh?”

“She’s like a younger sister, she makes a mess but I’m always happy to help her.”

“I wonder if she sees it like that.” Anonymous quietly said to himself. He silently wishes he won’t be around for that sort of messy confrontation if it ever occurred.

“So this is it.” Anonymous smiles, the red carpet was out and ponies began to flood into the main ballroom of the Palace.

The castle was grand, and oddly futuristic. There were hoof print scanners, holographic displays for some of the decor, and tons of gold plated guards.

“Did that table just move?” Anonymous leans his neck back but Hitch quickly pulls him close, into a huddle.

“So let me run through the plan. First we find where the dungeons are, and considering the guards here, we might need to do some espionage.” Hitch kept his voice low, but spoke quickly.

“Are you even trained to do that?” Anonymous copied Hitch’s speaking manner quickly.

“I’m a detective and a sheriff, not a spy.” Hitch looks at one of the hoofprint scanners, it didn’t look too great. “Can you do espionage?”

“So by ‘we’ you mean me?”


“Right, well I doubt these guys are just out alone. They definitely have some sort of communication between them. If I could just weave a new spell…maybe?”

“You have magic. Can you laser blast a door open?”

“There’s more tactful ways to open doors Hitch. You have to be gentle, smooth, and enter slowly.”

“Are you trying to seduce a door.” Hitch takes a step away from the strategy huddle as soon as they walk pass some new guards.

“If it works, it works.”

“…You are weird.”

“Told you.” Anonymous smiles. The main ballroom was just up ahead, this was an oddly long hallway. Then again, castles were made to defend the king and to disorient intruders. So there was probably a method to the madness of having an odd long hallway to the main center room.

The two entered the main ball room, looking up he saw an odd assortment of mechanical parts past the darkness of the room. It was a handy time to have dark vision down here. “Why do they need those pulleys and wires? Strobe lights, maybe?”

“Pipp Petal’s concert will begin in a moment! Please, enter and be patient. The new song will be our first act.” A speaker over the announcement spoke. It sounded motherly.

“So, the plan?” Hitch pulls Anonymous into a huddle

“Seduce a Queen”



“…You should probably get older mares out of your head for a moment. We have friends to save.”

“You’re right actually. I should really stop with my nonsense.” Anonymous stepped backwards into the shadow.

“That’s right we…Anonymous?” Hitch looked around and found himself alone. “You son of a…what’s the saying? Witch? Yeah, witch.” He clears his throat. “You son of a witch.”

Anonymous had left to find out where the princesses are. With what little magic he has a chance to at least interrogate one of them. If they have two body guards he’ll be fine, any more and he’ll resort to using his greatest asset: throwing hands. Hooves now, but he can throw hands.

As he rushes through the halls and sneaking past some guards by hiding behind continently placed shrubbery. His green fur blended in the plants well enough. His journey to find one of the princesses will be glorious! It will be fun! Most importantly. They have money.

Author's Note:

I feel a little messy after this. This chapter definitely needs some editing. Any suggestions would be appreciated so this chapter can be the best chapter it can be.

Trying out emotional beats as well, unsure if they land, but they’re there.

Comments ( 6 )

“Seduce a Queen”

I want to see him succeeding and the hilarity it will cause in future chapters please do it author, be different, chaotic!


Queen Haven. She hits different.

Can't wait for Anonymous to discover he is the only one with any magic.

Just out of curiosity, since the first story was cancelled does that mean this one is getting cancelled too?

Well. It depends. Currently thinking about the remake rather than this story, but unlike my other fics, I’m planning on this one being short and sweet.

As he rushes through the halls and sneaking past some guards by hiding behind continently placed shrubbery.


Sorry, that pulled me out of the story to figure it out. I normally don't point out goofs

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