• Published 17th Nov 2023
  • 564 Views, 5 Comments

Team Superstars: Winds of Change - Lulamoon-Crystal

Who knows that finding a filly on a beach can be the start of your journey? A stylist of Maretine Bay sure was not aware

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Deeper, Darker, Ditch

“You know…” Dahlia said as she watched her vines crush another pony made of stone that attacked them. “This is actually kind of easy. Makes you wonder how so many ponies went missing from here…” She then groaned a bit. "There better not be an unfair trap later on."

“Do not drop yout guard!” Hitch sternly warned her as he walked. A twig snapped as he stepped on it. He quickly looked around, no creatures heard it, it seemed. but that did not stop him from keeping an eye out for anything. Soon noticing Jazz seemingly be alerted by something. What was she alerted by? Did she see something?

"Jazz, it was just a twig!" Dahlia groaned.

“Y-you guys hear that?“asked Jazz.

Hitch and Dahlia looked at her with confusion. It didn't seem she was talking about the rustling of leaves. Or their hooves moving through the dirt. Judging by the fact, she was only mentioning it now. To add to the creep factor, she mentioned it when the dungeon was getting gloomier. With the creatures appearing in groups and some being quite sturdy or a bit bigger.

Was there more pony-shaped creature things lurking around? Because they sure have found some more as they ventured. Leaf and Stick based ones.

In fact, the stick ones and the leaf ones seemed more resistant with their plant magic. But was hurt more easily with stones and hooves. But they were more agile, too. They even sliced Dahlia earlier, with their speed and quiet movements. Giving her a small slice on the shoulder.

“It sounded like…” Jazz looked into the distance with concern. “Like someone was calling for help?”

“Who? I didn't hear anyone?” Hitch asked with concern. Moving his ears, hoping to hear what she was hearing. Wondering how a pony without ears was hearing something while he and Dahlia, who had ears, could not.

“Like on the beach?” Dahlia tilted her head. Recalling Jazz hearing a call on the beach only she could hear.

“Oooh! Add more suspense!” Stardust exclaimed. Crunching on some peanuts that were found growing earlier. That Dahlia grew in a panic when she saw a boulder flying towards her. She was unharmed, luckily.

“It was like someone calling for help! It sounded like…” Jazz then gasped, if she had ears they would be flat.“Izzy!”

“Izzy!?” Hitch and Dahlia exclaimed.Wondering why they could not hear Izzy. Hitch was relived. If Izzy was calling for help. She was alive!

“Who’s Izzy?” Asked Stardust. “Oh, you mean Grape Juice!” Exclaimed Stardust. No one dared to correct her, since they had tried many times before. But she was so determined to call Izzy Grape Juice. It didn't bother Izzy, so no one really made a deal out of it. She liked the nickname.

“Izzy!” Called out Hitch. Heating she was here was enough. He needed to find her, he wanted to see her again and see her okay. “Can you hear me!?” He fanatically looked around, carefully listening for any sign. Begging for a single hint on where Izzy was and if she was okay. His heart raced as he did not hear anything. It can't be true, can it? Izzy can't be gone. Jazz said she heard her!. “Izzy!?”

Then he jumped when he heard a loud scream from Jazz. Sounding like she was getting murdered or something. She backed up as far as she could, even if it meant basically cowering under Dahlia’s legs. Much to her annoyance. Everyone including Stardust froze as they saw the pony made of shadows. Fear struck them instantly.

“Wh-what is that?” Asked Stardust as she stepped back. The other three glanced at her with slight annoyed expression. It wasn't time to say it. But it felt slightly satisfying that “Miss-know-it-all” had no idea what this was. But it was also pretty scary, too.

Dahlia gulped. “It-i-it-“

Hitch noted. “I mean. We did defeat pony shaped things made of sticks, leaves and r-rocks. So this might be another kind.”

“Good point!” Dahlia stomped a hoof. A vine dashed towards it, knocking it down. But it simply got up. A bunch of shadow shot out from its body like a frog tongue. The gang screamed as they skurried out of its reach. They gulped as the creature slowly moved towards them. Scaring them as they started running.

“You jinxed it…” Groaned Dahlia

Jazz was screaming loudly as she ran. Dahlia had Stardust on her back, not saying anything as she had more things to worry about. Hitch was under the pressure to find the correct path to get away.

The last thing he wanted was to be cornered.

Which was what soon happened.

“We are cornered!” Cried Hitch. Skidding to a stop as they entered a huge clearing with no other exit. The shadow pony slowly got closer and closer. Dark vines covering the way out as it entered the clearing area. The trees were too thick to move around. The rocks were too slippery and high. There was no way out. This was it.

Stardust had her tail tucked between her legs. Her breathing sounded off for some reason. But why? Jazz found it hard to breath as her heart raced in her chest. Was this it?

“I blame this all on you, Stardust!” Dahlia shrieked at the small filly.

The shadow pony came closer and closer and closer. Jazz’s legs shook like jelly. She felt herself get a bit warmer and found herself breathing heavily. Hitch jumped forward, Dahlia being too scared to move. He slammed down his hooves his earth pony magic crated vines that grabbed the shadow pony. Dahlia was shaking, too scared to move.

Jazz felt like chains were weighing her down. She felt like she was being laughed at by a crowd of ponies. She was tiny. Pathetic. Useless and weak, unable to fight back. It was like she was drowning and no one was there to save her. Tears ran from her eyes like waterfalls.

She was tired of this. She was tired of being backed up at a wall and unable to do anything. She looked at her terrified friends once more. Limbs shaking as she looked ahead at the approaching pony. This was only one single pony.

“N-no!” She lifted a hoof angrily. Not noticing the glow coming out of it. “I am not being unbacked up to a wall for the rest of my life. You bully!” She shouted. It felt like she was shouting at one of those who bullied her for years. Like sticking up for herself. It felt good. She jumped forward in a rush of adrenaline.

Leave us…”Slamming both glowing forehooves to the ground in one big stomp. “ alone!

Dahlia and Hitch were frozen in shock as they shielded their eyes from the huge glowing blast of light. Hitting the pony encased in shadows. Sending it slamming to the ground. Jazz was panting heavily, staring as head shaking, with a shocked expression. She looked down at her steaming hooves and yelped. Quickly jumping up and down, tapping her hooves. Trying to cool them off.

“Hot, hot, hot, hot!” She cried. Soon seeing a puddle nearby and jumping in it, submerging her hoof. She let out a sigh of relief.

Everyone’s moment of disbelief was interrupted by a groan made from a familiar voice. Everyone looked towards it, watching as the now half shadowed pony got up. Shoulders and up were no longer overtaken by shadows. Revealing a very familiar face.

The vines were also no longer blocking the way they got in. They were free… But that did not matter now. Izzy was here and she was scared. Like them? What happened to her?

“Izzy!” Cried Hitch, tears in his eyes rushing towards her. She was groggy, she looked exhausted.

“H-hitch? Oh, hey!” She exclaimed as if nothing happened.“What are you doing here?”

“Looking for you!” Hitch exclaimed. “What happened? You were missing for weeks!”

“I… I was going for a walk. Collecting rocks! But then there was a flash of light and I was attacked by weird things!” She then noticed as Hitch looked worried as he looked down with a scared expression as he stepped back. The shadows were slowly spreading over her body again, going over her shoulders.

“H-hitch?” Izzy asked. “What happened?” She looked horrified, breathing rapidly. “I-i was in the woods. Th-then light flash. Then i was knocked out by-“ She screamed as she looked down at the shadows slowly going up.

“Jazz” Hitch exclaimed, knowing if earth pony magic had effect on these shadows, they would be useless compared to what Jazz did. He didn't know how she did it, but she needed to do it again!. “You may wanna do that flash thingy again! Please!?”

“O-on it!” Jazz gulped as she stepped forwards. Taking in some deep breathes before slamming her hoof on the ground.


“U-uh- hey?” She looked down at her painted hooves. “C’mon! Work!” She slammed her hoof again. Then proceeded to slam her forelegs at the same time. “Work!” She cried.

“H-hitch!” Izzy exclaimed, tears in her eyes. “I can’t feel my legs! Hitch!? What is happening!”

“Izzy! It will be okay!” Hitch put a hoof on Izzy's cheek to assure her. Not wanting to touch her shadow cloud covered shoulder. Just in case it infected him too. “Jazz! You have to do it down!”

“I am trying!” Jazz was basically stomping all her hooves like a foal having a tantrum at this point. “It is not working!” She screamed. Breathing heavily, sweat soaking her mane. “Come on!”

“Could be worse!” Stardust shrugged, eating popcorn.

“Stop saying that!” Dahlia screamed. “Where did you even get popcorn from!?”

“H-hitch! Help!” Izzy cried, unable to move her legs. Tears came down the eyes. “H-hitch!”

Hitch’s chest was racing, his heart fast. He felt himself sweat as he slammed his hoof on the ground. A sprout hit the shadows taking over Izzy. But doing nothing. He tried again, he and Jazz were smashing hooves as fast as they could. Jazz’s doing nothing. Where Hitch hit the shadows with plants. Taking care to not hurt Izzy.

He froze as he saw no progress.

“Hitch!” What is happening!” Izzy cried. “Hi-“ The shadows took over her mouth. Muting her, he looked at her in the eye. Her sad, crying eye.

“We will figure this out, Izzy, I promise!” Cried Hitch.

“Run!” Dahlia cried.

Jazz stared in horror, tears rolling down her face. As the shadow pony was not moving. They decided to take this chance. Before it had completely overtaken Izzy. All that was left was the top of her head, including ears and horn. Dahlia, Jazz and Stardust ran ahead. They looked back at Hitch who was frozen, tears in his eyes.

He didn't want to abandon her. He didn't want to leave. But if he stayed, he might never find a way out. That would mean there would likely be no chance in saving her. “Im so sorry, Izzy..” He stepped back and ran behind the others. Only to have his body grabbed by a shadowy tentacle coming from the now shadowed horn. He fell to the ground as the mares shrieked in fright. His hooves were pinned to his body.

Looking at the shadowy creature in fear as his heart raced. He wiggled and squirmed. But it was no use. He gasped as he noticed hos dark hoof. He was becoming obe of them. Wasn't he?

“Hitch!” Cried Dahlia. Using her earth pony magic to wack the shadowy creature with a tree branch. The pulling stopped for a few minutes as Hitch looked back at them. The grip was still so strong. No winder escapes were rare and so many ponies went missing. These guys were insane!

It was crazy!

Hitch started to feel woozy.Trying to fight his way out. He had to get back home. Sparky needed him. The town needed him! He had to fulfil his promise! This needed to get free. He couldn't lose now. The more he wiggled the tighter it got. He could not move one of his hind legs either, it was covered in the shadowy cloud.

It was covering him, too… He was gonna end up like Izzy. If the others didn't get put they'd be the same, too. He gulped as he looked at the others, tears in his eyes as Dahlia waked the shadowed pony with a tree again. Stopping the pulling again.

“Y-ypu guys need to run!”

“Hitch!” Screamed Dahlia. “We are not leaving you!”

“You have to!” He groaned. “It is either all of us or me!” He then looked at Jazz who was cowering behind Dahlia. Crying. “Jazz… What you did back there was amazing! You may not be like me, Sunny or the others. But I know you can help save the day!”


“Yeah! Why else would you be able to make that blast!” Hitch exclaimed. Trying to boost her confidence. Knowing she could be their last hope. It made sense because no other pony could do that. To his knowledge “You got the power, for this, Jazz! Take care of them for me, okay?” He asked. Then noticed the shadowy Izzy preparing another tentacle. He managed to wiggle out a hoof.

Jazz gasped and gulped, shaking her head in disagreement. “I-i can’t do it, Hitch! I- I am not strong enough!” She exclaimed, shocked at his words.

“Oh know you don't!” He exclaimed. Slamming his hoof down, creating strong, thick trees in the way of the shadow's path. It vanished on impact. But now he was separated from the rest. With no escape. When he was released. He noticed the shadowy clouds already halfway up his body.

He sighed. “I hope they’ll be okay…”

The trio stared at the tree wall in shock. Hitch was gone… He was behind the trees, getting attacked. There was nothing they could do, right? But why did he? What now? All Dahlia did was grab Jazz, and start running with Stardust on her back. None of them looked back.

“Oh Hitch!” Cried Jazz. Tears running from her eyes. The sheriff of the town was gone. It was all her fault! If only she didn't blast that magic. Or if she managed to do it again. He’d still be here.

“Let’s just get put of here before they come back!” Dahlia’s voice cracked. They kept running, working together to destroy any of the mindless creatures blocking their paths. Worried how long the wall would hold the shadowed ponies back for. Surely it was tough enough. But so were those creatures, they had to get outta here somehow!

“What i was i thinking!” Jazz cried as Dahlia smashed a rock creature. “I am supposed to be painting hooves, not fighting monsters in a dungeon like an RPG!” She groaned, “Who am I?! Tink from Ages of Welder?”

“Shut up!” Dahlia cried, “Focus. We have to make it out!” She scolded Jazz, not blaming her. But still annoyed by her crying about not being able to save Izzy and Hitch. But that power and what Hitch said. It sounded like she had her own quest to do. Dahlia did not want to do this, but she needed to fight with all she had. She had to get Jazz out of here, so she could do this heroic quest Hitch guessed she had. Hoping he was right.

Taking another look at the shaking pony, known as Jazz. The hooficurist of Maretine Bay. She wondered why she had such power and not someone more experienced with fighting. Like Zoom, Sunny, Hitch or even that random taekwondo teacher who operates his class in Bridlewood.

That would make more sense than a stylist.

“I-I’m scared…” Jazz was starting to hyperventilate. Stardust was busy trying to wet a rock in a puddle. For some reason. But Jazz was shaking uncontrollably.

Dahlia’s serious expression softened as she looked at Jazz. Crying and hugging herself. Shaking, confused, scared. She was five years younger than her and had been through a lot. Poor thing must have thought she was going to never be attacked by anyone or anything again after she graduated.

“Look! We aren't gonna get out if we do not work together!”

“You s-sure?” Jazz asked, tears rolling down her face.

Dahlia sighed, “It is worth a try…”

Jazz nodded and forced herself to get up. Following after. Wondering if Hitch was just getting her hopes up. Or if he actually meant it. Because that was the responsibility she would not be able to handle at all!