• Published 21st Nov 2023
  • 1,728 Views, 190 Comments

He's a Vampire - Gormless Wheaton

'Eternity is wasted on hatred, Mr. Harlow. For try as we might, immortality slips away, and we're left with only our shame.'

  • ...


Now that the airship was on its way to Canterlot, the hunting team and the rest of us had gathered in the dining cabin to clarify details and discuss impending plans. Quilt choked and sputtered, flailing her legs out as a sobbing Pinkie crushed her with a hug.

"Pe-" She wheezed. "Hep."

"I assumed by all the stories that if Grogar were real he'd be a brute, but this is just ghastly!" Rarity huffed, taking one of Quilt's hooves and petting it. "We're all here for you darling, for whatever you need."

"Need. Air." Blueblood stamped his hoof on the table.

"I concur! That devil may have manipulated you, but at least in the matter of summoning the Master you have my gratitude!" He reached over and patted Quilt on the shoulder, who glared at him in response. "I, too, am at your disposal." Quilt's eye twitched before she groaned and stared at the ceiling.

"Nice," she choked out.

"Any clue where he ran off to, Princess?" Calaeno asked.

"After fleeing Canterlot last night with Lace, Luna believes they fled east, but cannot be certain," Celestia responded. I folded my arms and growled.

"Lousy old bag," Cozy spat. Celestia hummed and conjured up a letter.

"Ah, that does remind me. Despite Grogar's jailbreak, Luna was able to make contact with the Catican through Karl van Katskills. He has agreed to appear before the coalition to discuss aiding us against Grogar," she turned to me and nodded. "As well as the other thing we spoke of Peter." I frowned and sighed but nodded in response. Frill humphed and laid her head on the table.

"I can't believe you're planning on just letting what they did to Woollachia slide like that!" Rainbow cried and leaned back in her seat with her forelegs crossed. "That's kind of messed up, no offense." Graggle grumbled and shook his head.

"It has been discussed at length already," he began, tinting his claws as he spoke. "The crimes they committed have been thoroughly repaid by Master Harlow. With that considered and during trying times as we now face, peace is ideal for all parties involved." Frill huffed and looked off to the side.

"So long as they're peaceful anyway," she groused. I leaned over and scooped her into my lap, where she shuffled to face me and nuzzled my shirt.

"That is the idea, yes," Graggle replied with a shrug. "In any case, for now, let us focus on who the real enemy is and seek the quickest path to his destruction."

"Agreed," everyone replied.

"Harlow," the First added. "You must set me free." My eye twitched as I tried to ignore it looming over my shoulder and cast a glance at Celestia, who smiled in reponse.

Once again, we were back in my suite at Canterlot, and I was lounging against the arm of the sofa with Frill on my lap and Quilt nestled next to me. Cozy and Sunbeam were huddled just next to Quilt, and everyone but me was asleep. Even with recent events, I'd normally think the sight was adorable. But I was preoccupied.

I grumbled and rubbed my temple while scowling at the First who was leering at me from the center of the room.

"Father has struck down Count Hephas of Orithia for refusing to join him."

"Awesome. Who's that?" I whispered.

"The traitor who aided Adam."


"Father is moving quickly. You must free me before it is too late."

"Noted," I replied and smiled at it, causing it to rumble and its eyes to light up. It could get as pissed as it wanted. Ideally, it would finally leave me alone in a few hours, at least if the plan Celestia proposed at Ramstead worked. For now, at least, it shuddered and then vanished. I groaned and threw my head back, drawing my hand over my eyes.

Ever since Grogar appeared, the First had been popping up more frequently, though it didn't always draw attention to itself. The trip to Canterlot was not one of those times. Pretty much every time there was a lull in any conversation it started whispering. The fact it was sounding more desperate was definitely unnerving, but that would also hopefully be resolved soon.

I idly wrapped one of Frill's braids around my finger and sent out my Evil Eye to where Celestia, her sister, the Elements, and a certain guest were holding a meeting. It was agreed that my part in the discussion should be held off until some sort of common ground between them and Equestria against Grogar could be established. I hissed and groaned quietly as Celestia's magic immediately blinded me, but at least I could still hear.

"Sir Katskills, I'm afraid I don't understand," Celestia said. I heard Karl chortle in response.

"All due respect, lady, but that much is plain. I'm here with the sixty-sixth house to aid your coalition, but the Catican has refused to have anything to do with you, even with Grogar's alleged resurrection," Karl said, drawing a worried hum from Celestia and a gasp from Twilight. Someone stamped their hooves.

"If it's cause of what Peter did, then that's bogus!" Rainbow cried. "You guys tore up the sheep's home and kidnapped his mare-friend!"

"Believe me, I know and I agree," Karl replied with a sigh. "But my fellow paladins, Gilbert and Albert, who I will remind you are now leading the Catican until a proper administrator can be elected, refuse to accept the fact that we misstepped and were judged for it." He took a breath and growled.

"And for asserting that fact, I have been exiled. My younger brothers in the sixty-sixth house followed me because I taught them better, but as of three days ago, we are no longer one with the Catican." I huffed in astonishment at that news.

"Will they not even consider the great threat at hoof?" Luna asked quietly, at which Karl hummed.

"To be frank, they said if Grogar came down upon this city tonight and leveled the place, you'd deserve it for giving Bubsy the go-ahead and still wanting to-"

"Excuse you?" Celestia huffed, after which a pause lingered.

"My understanding was we received information on his little sheep friend from the coalition as part of a pact in exchange for saving Princess Skystar." Another pause, though even blind I could feel how tense the air was.

"I see," Celestia finally replied. "Please understand that I was never made aware of any such arrangement, nor approved of one." Karl gave a mirthful hum.

"Well, well! Seems ol' Bubsy's still causing trouble from beyond the grave," he declared.

"It sure seems that way," Twilight retorted with a sad tone. "But that all aside, are you still going to help us?"

"Sure am! I'm even putting my vendetta with Harlow on hold for now! We can discuss what's to be done between us once Grogar's dead and rotting!" Karl said with a cackle. I heard Celestia sigh.

"I suppose that's fair. I shall inform the other members of the coalition of your aid. They are making their way here with all haste." I flinched and looked down at my hand to see Quilt with her teeth clamped on it.

"You mind?" I asked, cutting off my Evil Eye.

"Hrn hrnhry," she replied. Frill stretched with a moan.

"I think that's 'I'm hungry' in barbarian speak," she said, before blinking and noticing I had her braid around my finger. She looked up at me with a small frown. "Something bugging you?"

"Katskills is here and is going to help us out," I replied. She scowled and moved to speak but I continued. "He's also been exiled from the Catican for saying what they did to you and Woollachia was bad." Quilt released my hand and recoiled before she and Frill shared a look. I scooped them up under each arm and rose to my feet.

"Talk for later. Let's get you two some food," I said. Cozy suddenly snorted and snapped to her hooves, drawing a surprised squeal from Sunbeam who tumbled off the sofa.

"Food?" Cozy desperately huffed.

"Coal's got an entire war train rolling this way, apparently. The United Cities are already set for war," Calaeno explained while Frill, Cozy, and Quilt ate. "A literal train, by the way. Loaded with troops and weapons." Hasty came trotting up and slipped a scroll on the table in front of me.

"They sent a list of the resources they're committing to the campaign against Grogar," he said as I unfurled the scroll. I whistled at the lengthy catalog. A couple of hundred minotaurs, just as many guns, sixty cannons, and a set of things called 'roasters.' The Catican was considered formidable with its force of five hundred warriors, so I assumed what was being mustered here was nothing short of terrifying.

"They also requested we send Glass Jaw by chariot to meet them. Seems they're eager to get to his punishment," Blueblood added as he poured some juice into Quilt's glass.

"They gonna kill him?" I asked.

"Aunty managed to talk them down like he begged her to, but I believe they intend to make him 'fight off his shame' against whatever Grogar has planned," he replied.

"Ah-hah! Now that I can appreciate!" I scowled and looked up to see Karl striding towards us. As we had the windows of the room covered, his orange eyes seemed to glow by contrast. Out of the corner of my eye, I could plainly see no one else was happy to see him, but he only smiled once he reached and leaned on the table. "I presume from your lack of astonishment that you've been made aware of the situation?"

"Yep," I replied. He hummed and nodded before locking eyes with me. I heard Frill growl under her breath.

"Well, in case it wasn't conveyed, I'll tell you I'm putting our business on hold until after Grogar's been dealt with," he leaned back and tilted his head. "And who knows? Maybe our dear princess really can work something out between us?"

"I won't hold my breath," I replied.

"You don't breathe, but very wise all the same," he jeered and looked over the rest of the table. Blueblood looked ready to stab the guy, a sentiment Frill seemed to share. Quilt however was studying him with a subdued scowl.

"If the Catican kicked you out, were you able to bring any of your tools with you?" She asked and Karl bowed his head at her with a smile.

"Sure did! Though the real tool of our trade is knowledge, and I never would have made paladin if I wasn't a veritable lexicon of occult lore," he chuckled and extended a single claw. "For instance, if we can figure out what sort of monsters, if any, Grogar's planning to conjure up and hit us with, we can prepare some dispelling oil for them."

"Dispelling oil?" Cozy parroted and tilted her head.

"It's a special solution we concocted," he explained. "Reacts violently with dark magic and breaks down the bonds between it and flesh. The only trouble is it needs specific reagents for specific monsters." He jabbed his claw at me.

"Vampires, for instance, need garlic mixed in," he chortled. I furrowed my brow and hummed.

"Is that what you used to melt Verko's guys back in Klugetown?" I asked, rubbing my chin.

"Precisely," he replied and wagged his eyebrows. Quilt now furrowed her brow and tapped her chin.

"Reagents, huh," she muttered before fixing Karl with a stern look. "Mr. Katskills, do you think I could get a look at whatever recipe you use for that stuff?"

"Can't see the harm," he said with a shrug.

Coal hurled the sheet metal off of him and tumbled out of the toppled train car to the ground with a groan. Pushing himself up, he scanned the field around where he lay, coughing and waving away the thick smoke that now filled the air. Cries of pain and coughs echoed all across the field, and the train that had been pulling them along creaked and groaned from where it sat skewered in the air on a massive black spike of stone.

Coal clenched his teeth and sucked in air as he struggled to rise to his hooves, but before he succeeded a low dark laugh rumbled out behind him.

"Never understood how you lower-lives came up with the idea of using steam to propel metal like that. Personally, if I was stuck in a magically inept tribe like yours, I'd've offed myself once I saw what real power was," Grogar cackled as he trotted past Coal and eyed the teetering steam engine.

"Sounds like you're just a quitter," Coal replied with a snort before flopping over onto his back. Grogar laughed and shook his head.

"I like a guy who laughs in death's face!" Grogar loomed directly over him with a cool smile. "They always make the best examples for the rest of the herd."

"What's stopping you?" Coal spat, baring his teeth as Grogar leaned in.

"Promised you to someone else," he replied with a chuckle. Coal raised an eyebrow before a set of hooves clacked onto the ground near him.

"Hello again, Prime Minister," Glass Jaw said, drawing an annoyed groan from Coal.

"Saw a few little ponies hauling him through the air and could smell the resentment from the ground!" Grogar cackled and leaned an inch away from Coal's face. He gave a smile full of needle-like fangs while his eyes turned black. "I knew I couldn't just let them by without saying hello."

"Once we're done dismantling your coalition, Grogar's promised me the United Cities," Glass explained with a sneer before holding up a four-barreled matchlock pistol and lighting the wick. "As well as you as a sort of down payment." Grogar snorted and shook his head.

"Really? The powder stick? Just cut his gut open with a shard of metal!" He swept a hoof at the ruins around them. "There's plenty to spare, and it'll be slow." Glass stared into Coal's eyes with disdain.

"Slow or fast isn't the point. I want him to know it was me." Grogar huffed and shook his head.

"Whatever, I've got a few other places to look into. You know what you're doing after this?" Glass nodded and pulled a glowing circular stone from his belt.

"Using this to find the camp where your other allies are, then waiting for your arrival."

"You got it," Grogar cheered in a low, grim tone before snickering and sinking into a cloud of black smoke that raced off toward the horizon. Glass watched him vanish before looking down at Coal and holding up his pistol. He stepped right next to Coal and glared down at him. Coal raised an eyebrow. A tense silence gripped the pair for a minute or two.

"Any last words?" Glass finally asked. Coal nodded and looked Glass up and down before quickly sweeping his arm out and knocking the minotaur's hooves out from under him. Glass fell with a squawk on top of him, and Coal quickly wrapped his arms around him before seizing his horns and wrenching his head around, producing a violent wet crack. As Glass went limp, Coal patted him on the back.

"When you have to shoot, shoot; Don't talk," he sighed before holding up and examining the stone Grogar left with Glass.

Night had overtaken the city, and everyone had shuffled off to sleep. Except for Celestia, Luna, and myself. At least until Luna cast a sleeping spell on me.

The world melted away, leaving me in a foggy white void. I scanned the empty expanse around me and turning, I suddenly saw the First towering over me. I recoiled as it leered down at me with those horrible, empty eyes.

"We do not usually sleep." I frowned and nodded.

"We felt it was the best way to talk." It stared at me as a bright light appeared off to the side, out of which stepped Celestia and Luna. It held its gaze on me for a minute before dragging itself over to stare at them. They both wore a severe, almost hateful expression.

"Why do you haunt Peter Harlow with such persistence?" Luna demanded.

"For the same reason, I dared your father," It said. I flinched as it spoke, for not only did its voice change from mine to some other guy's, but Luna had to extend a wing to keep Celestia from charging. They shared a pensive, sad, and angry look as the First continued. "I believe he is the key to my freedom." Celestia scoffed and glared at it.

"You were free and wandering before you assailed Skyros. How can you say the reason is the same?" The First recoiled and its eyes lit up with a dull purple hue.

"I do not understand." I furrowed my brow and shared a look with the sisters before Luna scowled and stepped closer.

"What is freedom to you?" The First rumbled and stooped down to her eye level.

"Death. I believed your father could-" I cried out and stumbled over as Celestia suddenly shot forward, with her mane and tail more like a faint fire than the normal aurora.

"You have many stolen voices, demon. Pick a different one." The First stared into her eyes and rumbled again.

"I believed your father had the power to destroy me, but I was wrong. He was weak," it now spoke with a squeaky, child-like voice that made Celestia bare her teeth, but as Luna stepped to her side, her mane returned to its normal state. "Peter Harlow is different. His power is like mine. His is not destruction but theft. By this, he may steal the power holding me together and liberate me, at last." It drew itself up and held out its claws.

"To live without living. To be without being. To exist and not exist. This was the schematic my father concocted," it hissed, held a claw over its eyes, and hung its head. "All that I am is stolen, for I am nothing in and of myself. A void to be filled. But conscious and aware of my emptiness. My wrongness." It leered at the sisters between its claws.

"And that is the most abject pain." It dragged its claw down its face and stared upwards, holding its claws out as it hissed. "This, of course, could be to your benefit."

"Explain," Luna curtly demanded. The First twisted its head around until it was looking at the sisters again.

"As I am nothing, my father holds no sway over me. For he can only command created beings, and I am Uncreation giving form. The Living Negative. The Perfect Vampire," it stooped down again, though it was more accurate to say its face flowed down its body to eye level with them. "Even he is susceptible to my pull, and for fear of having his power and life supped upon, he abandoned me." It rolled its claws and then extended one to me.

"Peter Harlow's mode of being is a weaker echo of my own. He draws in darkness and magic only and makes them his own as I built myself from stolen essences. How else could he attain the arcane attunements of others from their blood?" It swiveled and leered at me. "If he claims my dark magic, I will be unmade at last, yes, but it may be that he also claims my Perfect Emptiness. If it is so, Father would have no further sway over him." There was a crack that made my skin crawl, and the First was again staring at Celestia and Luna with its head twisted sideways.

"And more critically, Peter Harlow may assail and drink his very life force as I have done." I audibly huffed at the thought, but the three of them kept their attention on each other. "This may not destroy him, for he can live beyond death. But it would certainly preoccupy him and allow your kin to employ the power of their love upon him." The sisters shared a look, and Celestia glanced at me before she scowled at the First again.

"How do we know you're telling the truth?" She hissed. Something awful gurgled up from the First, then; A wavering, ghostly, hissing laugh that caused Celestia and Luna to recoil with shock. It spoke again with Grogar's voice.

"You don't. It was never my intention to convince you of anything. I only need Peter Harlow. I do not care if Father destroys you, only that Peter Harlow lives and may finally liberate me." The instant it spoke the last syllable, it was gone leaving the three of us alone in the void. Silence filled the air as I rose to my feet and looked at the sisters. They both stared off in different directions as if in thought for a frankly uncomfortable amount of time. Then they nodded in sync and turned to me.

"Awaken, Peter Harlow," Luna ordered, and the next thing I knew I was on the sofa in Celestia's room where they'd cast the spell on me. I groaned and rose to my feet to see both of them sitting on the balcony watching the stars.

"It at least provides clarity to a long-unanswered question," Luna said quietly as I approached.

"That doesn't make it any easier," Celestia retorted. I furrowed my brow as I stood beside her in the moon's light.

"What happened between you three?" I quietly asked without thinking. I jolted as soon I realized what I'd said, and looked at the sisters who themselves were staring at me. I groaned and held up a hand. "Sorry, I wasn't-" Celestia shook her head and took a breath while Luna just looked off to the side.

"When Luna and I were fillies, the First invaded Skyros and preyed upon our mother. It openly demanded our father come to face it, but Father believed he lacked the power to destroy it," she furrowed her brow as she spoke. "So, he concocted a different plan. The First draws in all things, including spells. Any spell cast upon it will be absorbed."

"So, instead, he cast a spell upon himself," Luna added. "And allowed the monster to fall upon him. In the hopes that once he and it became one, the spell would find purchase." I stammered and gawped as they spoke. After looking at Luna for a moment, Celestia continued.

"Against all hope, it worked. The demon fell asleep, and though we could not destroy it while it was defenseless, we could pursue the rest of Father's plan," suddenly, Celestia stopped, her ears snapped back, and she vacantly stared ahead. I hesitated before reaching out to her, but Luna held up a wing and shook her head. All while holding her eyes shut. I clenched my jaw and murmured to myself as Celestia just scanned the air for a minute before blinking.

"The chamber we sealed it in is primarily warded by spells Father crafted which call out and reignite the sleeping spell within the monster, casting it back to sleep when it tries to leave," she sighed hard and ruffled her wings. "An ally of his called the Gorgon stands watch and drags it back to the center of its chamber each time it tries to escape. It has tested its bonds many times, but the spell still functions to this day." She stared out over the city once she finished, and her wings drooped as Luna leaned into her. I blinked and drew my hand over my face.

"I-" I shook my head and murmured. "I'm sorry." I felt her brush me with her wing and then noticed she was holding it out to me. I sat down next to her and wrapped my arm around them both as she gripped me with her wing.