• Published 26th Jan 2024
  • 486 Views, 19 Comments

My little pony:Adventure of Seresia - Dreamy

Twilight and her friends explore and learn about cultural difference between the East and the West

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chapter3.4(Early Translate)

Even the warmest sunlight during the day failed to hide the oppressive atmosphere brought about by the triple guards in Canterlot's Royal Garden. Ever since it was discovered that Chrysalis had escaped, the royal gardens had been sealed off and no foal was allowed to enter or leave. When Twilight arrived at the scene and saw the missing statue, the word "shocked" was not enough to describe her mood at this moment. Although she was glad that Lord Tirek and Cozy glow
were still in the same place, she still couldn't understand how Chrysalis escaped from her bonds on her own, could it be that she was rescued? But who could have rescued her from the eyes of Canterlot's royal guards without setting off any alarms? A series of questions kept hitting Twilight's thoughts and she didn't take a breath, she just felt like the whole sky was going to fall.

"Princess Twilight .......... Princess Twilight??" After being nudged a few times by Spike's elbow, Twilight was pulled back to reality from her own jumbled thoughts and asked, somewhat angrily, "What is it? I'm trying to clear my head!!!" Looking in the direction Spike's eyes hinted at, two well-dressed guards stood by for who knows how long, one of them wearing an elaborate medallion on his chest indicating that he was the lead colt here.

"Sorry, Captain! I just .... got a little sidetracked, please don't mind. Did you guys find any useful clues at the scene?" The captain listened and re-saluted, then used his magic to hand a paper report in front of him, "I'm glad you took some time out of your day to come, Princess Twilight, we found a magical formation we've never seen before around the base of the statue, and even though the magic has been depleted, we've managed to recreate the pattern of the formation. "

Taking the drawing and scrutinizing its contents, her head was racing, trying to recall even a trace of memories related to its pattern. But at this point, Twilight's thoughts were completely overwhelmed by fantasies of Chrysalis escaping and then returning in various ways, causing harm to Equestria, and she couldn't focus herself, and in slight pain she could only hold her forehead.

"In addition to that there were also a few severely withered leaves found near the magical array and throughout the garden, at first we didn't pay much attention to them but the gardener told us that they didn't belong to any of the plants in this garden and didn't recognize the species of this flower, and the withered leaves didn't look too normal either." After a short silence, the captain, seeing that Twilight hadn't said anything, pulled another glass container from her satchel and handed it over.

"Well, it looks like we'll have to ask a professional colt about it, maybe we could ask Zecora, she's always been good at that." Spike came over and joined Twilight in surveying the container of wilted foliage while noting the look on her face at the moment, and it only took a moment of thought to come up with an idea.

"It's a good idea! Hmmm ..... I hope Zecora is home at this time." Twilight's eyes lit up and she pushed the item to Spike in a smooth hoof before looking up at the captain, "Other than that is there anything else to report Captain?"

"No more, Princess Twilight, but if we have any new developments, you will be the first to be informed." Twilight nodded then continued, "Tough luck guys, it's a special time, make sure you watch over that statue! One Chrysalis can already turn Equestria upside down, can't afford another two to escape!!!"

"Please rest assured, Princess, we will do our best to ensure the safety of the remaining statue!!!" Although he was uneasy in his heart, there were more important things to deal with at the moment, and after casually instructing a few more words, he pulled Spike into a magical blink and disappeared into thin air.

"Woohoo! Does Princess Twilight usually blink around like that?" The young soldier beside the captain seemed to be seeing Twilight and her use of magic to disappear for the first time with his own eyes, excited and at the same time couldn't help but look at the captain curiously to ask. The captain, on the other hand, looked at him in dismay upon hearing this, "Didn't you hear what Princess Twilight just said? Now immediately return to your post! Not a single butterfly can be let in!!!"

"Yes ...... YES!!! Captain!!!" At the same time that the recruits were running back to their posts in a slight state of disarray, Twilight arrived in front of Zecora's treehouse.

"Zecora! Zecora?" A knock on the door resounded through the inner room, but there was no opening of the door; as Twilight expected, Zecora wasn't home. She could only pace back and forth anxiously, praying in her mind that Zecora would come back here immediately. "I knew it! Every time something big like this happens, nothing goes right ......."

"Twilight?" A familiar but slurred voice came from behind, it was Zecora who had just returned to the house, carrying a leather bag full of plants on her back. In her mouth was a basket also filled with unknown materials. Twilight all of a sudden looked like she had seen her savior and immediately rushed in front of her to give her a big hug, causing the basket in Zecora's mouth to fly out and the contents to fall everywhere.

"Hug ..... Sorry! I was so excited ...... You can't even imagine how anxious I was to see you.!!!" Looking at the materials all over the floor, Zecora looked at Twilight with some anger, who smiled awkwardly before quickly picking up all the materials on the floor with magic and putting them back in the basket under surveillance.

"Be at ease, come inside and tell us slowly." Following Zecora back to the treehouse, he watched her organize her things while explaining the purpose of the trip. Upon hearing this, Zecora also realized the seriousness of the matter, she immediately put down the work in her hooves and turned to Twilight, taking the container in her hooves and studying it carefully.

" repair the damage to this object, i do, but it will take some time I'm afraid , if the princess doesn't mind, she can leave it with me."

"How long will it take? Zecora you also know that this matter is imminent, the sooner we can find out where this thing came from, the sooner we will know who and in what way the Chrysalis was rescued."

"Less a few hours, more a few days, this thing is only this one, be careful to act, I need. must not hurt it the slightest bit ...... But if I can hoof hold most of it, or make great progress."

"You mean you need more samples?" Seeing Zecora nod, she then said, "Got it, I'll be right there!!!" As soon as the words left her mouth, Twilight immediately disappeared in front of everyone with her magic, but she forgot to take Spike with her when she left, so the one colt and the one dragon just stared at each other in a somewhat awkward manner.

"Eh ....... Hi! Zecora? How have you been??"

Meanwhile, Twilight teleported back to the Royal Gardens, right into the young soldier from earlier. The latter was startled by her sudden appearance, and if he hadn't recognized it as Twilight, he probably would have had to light up his magic to strike an attack.

"Twilight .... Princess Twilight!!!"

"Sorry .... Soldier! I didn't mean to, where is your captain? I need to see him immediately now." After helping the young soldier up, Twilight directly asked after him, and the latter immediately saluted, "Report .... Report Princess, captain he went to another area to carry out monitoring, now I am responsible for the security patrol of the nearby area!!!"

"Then ..... Do you still have that container that the captain gave me earlier? It contains those dead leaves you guys found."

"Yes Princess, there are a few more being sent to the warehouse for safekeeping."

"Send them all here, I need these for research to investigate what kind it is."

"Yes princess! Do it right away." Watching the soldier trot off into the distance, Twilight had to wait anxiously where she was, and a few minutes later the young soldier arrived back with a small trailer on his back. Twilight scanned the inside of the trailer, there wasn't much inside, but it was better than just one piece.

"Thanks for the help soldier, I'll take care of the rest, Spike, help me get all this stuff, we need to get back to Zecora in a hurry!" Seconds of silence passed but got no response, Twilight spun around in place and didn't see Spike shadow, "Spike???? We don't have time to play hide and seek!!!"

"Princess .....? Are you calling for the little dragon that stayed by your side earlier? It was only you when you teleported here just now."

"Ah ..... Oops! How could I forget him at Zecora's ......" Despite the constant grumbling on her lips, Twilight was now left to bring those containers back on her own.

"Uh ..... Princess? There's something else .... I feel the need to report to you." Watching Twilight try to hold several containers under her armpits at the same time with her wings but failing repeatedly, the young soldier decided to lend a helping hand by helping to put everything into a single container; it was all just dead leaves anyway, so what could go wrong?

"Uh huh? Did you guys find any new clues?"

"Well ..... Not exactly, Your Highness, it's ..... About a couple nights ago, I came across something very strange."

"What was it?" Twilight asked suspiciously.

"It rained heavily in the garden, but ...... afterwards there was no trace of any rain."