• Published 30th Oct 2023
  • 933 Views, 41 Comments

Equis Dreams. - Aiwhisper

He fell asleep at home to end up in Equestria. He died in Equestria to end up at home.

  • ...

Ch4. First Nightmare.

“Finally done for the week.” After spending the weekdays working from an uncomfortable setup in my parents dining room and my weeknights hanging out in Equestria I was ready to head back home tomorrow after my parents got back. Sure it had been a nice change of pace but I needed some familiar surroundings. The Summer sun celebration starts tonight, should be fun. To bad Twilight will be in Canterlot.

I had just finished my Friday night dinner when there was a knock at the door.

“Hello, can I help y-?” I cut myself off when I saw that it was two police officers.

“Hello are you related to the owners of this farm?” One of them asked.

“I’m their son. What’s this about officers?” I was worried one of the guests or employees had gotten into trouble or hurt.

“I don’t know how to tell you this, but your parents were in a car crash this morning. It took a while for the local police to confirm their identities and relay the information to us so we could track you down.” He somberly replied.

“What?!” Are they ok?” The sudden news had me overwhelmed.

“I’m afraid not son. They died on the scene.” I didn’t even remember the rest of what was said after he finished, handed me some paperwork, and drove off with his partner.

After setting down the paperwork on the kitchen counter I picked up my phone and tried to call my sister. She didn’t answer. “Right she’s probably working her night shift job. What am I supposed to do?”

I collapsed onto the couch and curled up into a ball. I didn’t cry but it was as if my mind had just shut down. I was stuck like that until I eventually passed out.

“Buck!” I had forgotten to brace my legs and fell onto my stomach just outside of Ponyville near Sweet Apple Acres. “Why can’t I just bucking sleep tonight!” I screamed towards the sky.

“Everything alright there Sugarcube?” Applejack was close by pulling a cart.

“No everything is not bucking alright!” I snorted then covered my head with my forehooves.

“Woah there nelly. What’s got you so upset partner?” She trotted over and put a hoof on my withers causing me to flinch.

As if a damn had broken from her contact I began to cry. I didn’t care if she heard me I just had to let it out. In a split second I found myself in a tight hug with AJ stroking my mane. When I had finally let out all my tears for the moment she looked me in the eyes and asked.

“What’s going on?” She asked in her most soothing tone.

I wiped my eyes with a fetlock. “My parents died AJ. Gone just like that.” I clapped my forehooves together.

Her eyes went wide and she quietly asked. “How?”

“I don’t know exactly, the po-guard found me today and told me before handing over the papers. Today was supposed to be special but now…” I sniffled.

“Don’t you worry none about that.” She gave me another hug. “Why don’t you head over to my place and I’ll meet you there after dropping this off for the party.” She motioned to her cart with her head.

“But won’t they need you?” I wasn’t thinking quite straight.

“Sugar you look like ya need me more.” She gave me one last hug and headed off. I began a slow march towards her house.

After what felt like hours I made it to the front door just as Aj was running back. “You could have gone inside Sugar.”

“I just got here myself.” I gave a fake chuckle that caused her ears to droop.

After leading me inside. “Now you just sit on the couch and I’ll whip you up some breakfast before we talk.”

She came back with fresh cold milk and apple pie for us both and nuzzled up close. “Want to talk?”

I shook my head and we both slowly ate in silence. Once we finished AJ spoke again. “Ya know. I lost my parents when I was really young. Granny did her best raising the three of us but it was hard between that and all the chores. We eventually bounced back and you will to.” She nuzzled under my chin and I felt a spark.

I sighed and stared at the ceiling. “Thanks AJ. It’s just so surreal you know. One moment I’m having dinner and the next the guards show up and tell me my parents are dead while traveling. I mean what’s going to happen to their farm? I live in the city right now and didn’t have plans to take over yet. Do I need to move back and take over or…” I began to hyperventilate until she nuzzled me again.

“Now I can’t say I know everything about your situation but you don’t have to figure it all out at once. Just take it one day at a time as my friends like to remind me.” She laughed to herself. “Did I ever tell you about the time I tried bucking the entire orchard by myself until Twilight convinced me to let her help?”

“No.” The thought made me laugh.

“Well let me tell ya it was a crazy story.” She then proceeded to tell me the entire story along with others. We paused for lunch and I eventually began telling stories of my own involving my parents and we both shared stories well into the evening.

“Applejack where are you?” Rarity’s voice suddenly rang out for, the front door. ”here you are darling we haven’t seen you all day…” her voice trailed off when she spotted AJ and I cuddling on the couch.

“Now Rares it’s not what ya think.” Aj started but was cut off.

“As much as I want to investigate this dear we have an emergency.”

“What’s wrong Rarity?” I asked.

“Just look outside!” She lead us both outside and we froze. Both the sun and moon were up causing a half day half night effect. “That’s not all. Strange vines have been showing up all over town.”

Said vines were also present on the farm, slowly creeping towards the house. “What in tarnation.”

“This isn’t normal right?” I stared wide eyed.

“Of course not. We’re all gathering at the library. Twilight’s wards should be enough to protect us as we check her books.” Rarity began leading the way and flank bumped AJ. “Now darling why don’t you tell me what was going on with you two.” She stage whispered.

“Rarity. Not. Now. It was a private matter and if the stallion wants to tell you he can later.” Applejack hissed.

“Thanks AJ.” They both look my way as we trot into town. “I can tell you later Rarity but one crisis at a time please.”

“Oh. Very well.” She pouted.

“Princess Twilight.” The guard ran up to her.

“Do you have news about the other princesses?” She asked hopefully.

“Princess Cadence is fine in Manehatten but still no word on Princess Celestia or Luna. We’ve also gotten reports that Ponyville is under attack by vines from the Everfree.” She replied.

Twilight’s face fell and she barked orders before flying off with spike back to her home.

There was a crash when Twilight suddenly appeared in the library. She was surprised and relieved when she found us.

“Twilight!” All the girls yelled as I helped spike get up.

“Oh thank goodness you’re here Darling.” Rarity swooned.

“I hope you know we normally wouldn’t go through your books without permission.” Fluttershy explained.

“I don’t know if you noticed but the Everfree is a tiny little bit out of control.” Pinkie interrupted.

“Did princess Celestia send you to help take care of all this?” Rarity asked hopefully.

“Not exactly.” Twilight stared but stammered. “You see the princesses are both…”

“They’re missing!” Spike yelled from my side.

“Missing?” The girls and even I gasped.

“Yes I don’t know who has taken them but I have a hunch we’re going to need the Elements of Harmony to get them back.” Twilight passed out some necklaces to each of her friends from inside a glass case while taking the crown for herself.

As the mares all talked I zoned out until something about discord was mentioned and they all ran outside. Once there Twilight casted a spell that summoned a strange creature in a bathtub singing a song about winter.

“Oh ho. Now Twilight you know Princess Celestia told you to give me a heads up. I was in the middle of an invigorating shower.” The creature mock complained.

“Enough Discord. Release princess Celestia and Luna and stop the Everfree from invading.” Twilight yelled and I watched as Discord disappeared, turned into a vine, and wrapped around Twilight.

“Now whatever are you talking about?” Discord acted hurt.This guy is crazy. Reminds me of Q.

“Don’t you play dumb with us Discord we know you’re the one behind all of this.” Applejack pointed a hoof at him. As I watched all this I actually started quietly laughing at how crazy it all was. Here I am in a magical pony land after being told my parents just died while Q teases my new friends. Wait…

“Don’t get me wrong I absolutely love what you’ve done with the place. But I couldn’t possibly take responsibility, I’m reformed, remember?” Discord replied while taking pictures using an old camera.

“Yeah right!” Rainbow flew into his face. “This has your cloven hooves all over it.”

“I’ll have you know I only have one cloven hoof.” He detached it and held it up. That was what broke me, I busted up laughing at the whole scene.

“This is just. This is so.” I couldn’t even finish and just kept laughing while rolling on my back with everyone staring at me. Even Discord was thrown off his game as he watched me.

“Um, who’s the new guy?” Discord popped a neon sign into existence with the word ‘New’ on it.

“Now Discord you leave him alone.” AJ jumped in front of me and growled protectively. “He’s been through enough today.”

“It’s alright AJ. I needed a good laugh.” I got to my hooves and gave her a friendly nuzzle that caused her to melt.

“Oh no. So Honestly has a new special somepony in her life.” A little crowd of Discord’s cheered while confetti rained down. Great Discord is really stirring the pot. Guess it’s in the name.

“Enough!” Twilight flared her wings and stomped her hoof. “Tell us the truth Discord.”

“Well now it seems we reached an impasse. What do friends like us do at a time like this Princess Twilight?” Discord asked while playfully hiding behind me. “Congratulations on the promotion by the way.” He flicked her crown and flew away a bit.

“I say we just blast him back to stone.” Rainbow flew into his face.

“But what if he really is telling the truth.” Fluttershy protected Discord as the others prepared to use their elements.

“Fine.” Twilight huffed. “If you’re not responsible then help us figure out what’s going on.”

“After all the accusations I don’t really feel up to it. Why don’t you ask if your zebra friend knows anything.” He was knitting some of the vines into an arrow.

“Zacora!” Twilight yelled and they all ran over except me.

“So Q, what’s really up with the vines?” I asked Discord as the other all talked.

“What’s this now?” Discord floated over with a telescope and got a closer look at me. “What are you and how did you know that name?” He rubbed his chin and gave me a curious look that caused me to shrug.

Before we could talk more Twilight drank a potion causing her eyes to turn white and I suddenly found myself in an castle alongside her.

“What the?” I bumped into Twilight.

“Dream catcher? What are you doing here, where are we?” Twilight looks around.

“Not another step!” Princess Luna yelled at us. At least we thought it was us until I realized.

“Twilight I think it’s just a memory.” I was proven right once Celestia walked through Twilight.

“That was strange.” She said as we both watched the scene of Celestia and Luna fighting unfold. In the end Celestia won using the Elements of harmony. As Twilight cried from the memory we were both brought back to the present. Discord was clapping at our two pony play as the girls looked concerned. That was intense but not very helpful.

“Twilight what happened and why was Dream Catcher effected?” AJ asked.

“Did you find out who’s rump we need to kick?” Rainbow asked.

“We saw something from a long time ago but it doesn’t explain what’s happening now and I have no Idea why Dream was dragged along.” Twilight looked concerned.

“It probably has something to do with this mark of his.” Discord magnified my mark. “It is related to dreams.”

“It doesn’t matter why. We didn’t find the answer you needed.” I said. Twilight then drank more of the potion and off we went again. First we watched the fight with discord then learned about the Tree of Harmony.

It was going to be a long night.