• Member Since 16th May, 2013
  • offline last seen 28 minutes ago


Technical Writer from the U.S.A.'s Deep South. Writes horsewords and reviews. New reviews posted every other Thursday! Writing Motto: "Go Big or Go Home!"


So many ponies, so many possibilities! Here I dump 500-word drabbles of two random characters interacting. These stories may include character shipping, friendshipping, or simply trying not to kill one another.

Updates will be whenever I get inspired by a pairing. I see different pairings daily, so surely more of them will catch my attention in time.

Stories will be unrelated to one another unless otherwise specified.

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 44 )

Handful of neat interactions.

Diamond and Luna's is definitely my favorite so far.:twilightsmile:

Get the fish oil Scootaloo. I'd love to see a chapter with lightning dust, limestone or Treehugger

I kinda enjoyed this one the most so far. Aria is my favorite Siren

By far the best one.

You manage to pack so much emotion and depth in so little words. Itʼs incredible, really.

This one, make this one a full fic. Love that interplay.

Very cute start to this series! I love the idea that Chriysalis had an actual trial, and she was sentenced to 2 years of teatime with Fluttershy (or something of the sort)

Oh I absolutely love this dynamic you've set up! All of these have left me wanting more (in a good way) but this one even more so than the rest!

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Now that you mention it, I kind of want to see that trial now.

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I'm honestly surprised at the attention this one has.

Aww poor Tavi.
Fun fact I ship pony Octavia with Vinyl, but in EQG I ship Vinyl exclusively with Lemon Zest

This sort of abusive parental relationship lots of people headcanon for Octavia also makes her eventual friendship/partnership with Vinyl even more perfect. Of course she'd appreciate the company of a free-spirited mute after a childhood of this nature. Also Pear Butter is a good pony.

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I don't have a single solid headcanon for Octavia, though I do tend to having a loving, large, and eclectic family for her (see The Gentle Nights: Audience of One and the No Heroes series). But here I needed some way for her to interact with Pear Butter, and I didn't want to resort to extremes like de-aging Pear Butter or aging Octavia up. I wanted something relatively close to canon that the audience could (hopefully) easily follow with some context clues. Hence the abusive parents route.

I also wanted something I could potentially expand upon in later entries, should the mood and an appropriate Octavia pairing come up in my daily roulette.

Comment posted by Airwalker deleted Dec 9th, 2023

Very touching. For Luna to acknowledge that some good came from the bad might help a lot with her healing.:heart:

Aww, it's always nice to see Trixie finding some common ground with the other main characters. She's got traits the others could admire if they'd be willing to burry the past.

I like this a lot, seems like the opening to a huge story (though I suppose all of them are). It's not uncommon to see the Dazzlings get redeemed, but for them to be the ones to reach out knowing they need help is a pretty unique take.

I thought this was cute. A little TwiMac is never a bad thing. Of course I'm OK with AppleTwi too, lol.

These are delightful. Looking forward to any and all future installments.

I really enjoyed this one. It was a very unique pairing

Can’t wait to see Limestone evolve into a Nidoqueen.
(shuffling papers)
I may have gotten my notes mixed up.

In any case, this is an outstanding rationale for some delightful rare character interaction. I imagine Luna would either find Limestone delightfully direct or insultingly disrespectful. Really depends on Moonhorse; there’s no way Limestone would show much respect to anypony… with the possible exception of the mare who pushes a rock as big as a world every night. This may actually bear further consideration…

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there’s no way Limestone would show much respect to anypony… with the possible exception of the mare who pushes a rock as big as a world every night. This may actually bear further consideration…

That's an interesting point! Maybe if this pairing ever comes up again...

Actually, this short has me interested in maybe writing a proper short story about how these two doing something together. Don't know if I'll ever write it, but it's something to add to my long list of potentials.

These were all great. Having just finished everything you have so far, though, my favorite would have to be Diamond Tiara and Luna. That one was just so powerful, and it's hard to believe you used a randomizer to get your pairings when reading something as well-done as that. It felt like the sort of story that was bursting to get out.

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hard to believe you used a randomizer

Actually, I just roll dice.

But thanks, I'm quite pleased with that one too.

I just read it, and... I'll think about it and reread it again later and see if I put two and two together then. Or if any other readers do before me.

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I'll given it some time and if nobody catches it I'll probably append to the Author's Note the explanation. Dunno how long I'll wait for that though.

Ah. A cutie mark is, on a metaphysical level, the thing in itself. At least, it is for the purposes of some magic. This is why you don’t overcharge spells casually, folks.

So, Rarity taught her the gem hunting spell and since it drags you to the gems it dragged Twilight to Rarity's cutie mark. Right??? Horn first?

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As we see in the show, it doesn't do that if you know what you're doing. But Twilight, y'know, never tried it before, so she ended up putting way more power into it than it needed. So... yeah. Dragged horn-first to the nearest gem.

I just realized that I don't think I've ever before seen a fic where Fleur and Derpy interact. You managed to successfully come up with a premise for them having a friendship that actually made sense, which would not have been an easy task, so excellent job.

Delightful stuff through and through, and especially fun given the almost-canon relationships both have. Thank you for a lovely scene.

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I just realized that I don't think I've ever before seen a fic where Fleur and Derpy interact.

Which was the entire reason I knew I had to do something with them.

Huh... This isn't just me seeing this pairing for the first time. This is the first time I've seen Lightning Dust in the Equestria Girls setting before, I think.

I enjoyed it. Would love to get a expanded version of this chapter

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I've seen her depicted in EqG style before a few times, albeit only in art. People usually give her this "Top Gun Maverick" style, which I'm not opposed to.

Yeah, if you’re stuck with two people who you have to rely on to feed yourself, it doesn’t matter who your parents are. After a millennium, you’re siblings.

And yeah, a Top Gun attitude for Lightning Dust is both appropriate and unsurprising, given one of her more iconic bits of fan art. :derpytongue2: These two would definitely introduce themselves knuckles-first.

This one is a particular delight, feeling like a full and thoroughly original story from the get-go.:heart:

I just reread this chapter and I have to say that this is my favourite chapter so far. These two unlikely friends sharing such a personal tradition of pure catharsis is genuinely so heartwarming to me that I could cry... I can't articulate why this was so impactful to me this time around, but it really was and I need to thank you for writing this, even if it was only meant to be a cute little story.

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