• Member Since 14th May, 2014
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Sharp Quill


This story is a sequel to Inevitabilities

The conclusion to the trilogy. Read Destinies and Inevitabilities first.

Chapters (41)
Comments ( 64 )

And now the wait for more begins anew....

Epic chapter👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿

I'm literally in the process of moving, and I still dropped everything to read this once I saw it finally came out.

another awesome chapter. Eagerly awaiting the next upload.

YESS!!!!!!!!! God, I remember first reading Destinies almost a decade ago. So thrilled to still be here for the conclusion of this journey.

I hope they will have a big adventure in Knossos :rainbowlaugh:

Well acting for the camera is going to get old real fast, for Twilight if nobody else. Here's hoping miss Yearling can make it fun!

I wonder if Discord set it up to connect to his amusement park already :twilightsmile:

In all seriousness excellent chapter, keep up the good work

So, the section messed up and basically created a magical black hole. Wonderful. I wonder how bad it will get before they can fix it. Future Meg implied things got fairly bad because of them messing with magic they didn't understand. Or is this just a prelude, and they'll mess up even worse further down the line?

It's been a pleasure reading these as they come out - I'm beyond eager to see where things are heading!! It's almost painful waiting for each chapter :fluttercry:

This is getting out of hand. Now there are two of them!


What did they call it in the past? Stereo? :rainbowlaugh:

Once inside she extracted the helmet from a saddlebag and put it on. But before she could turn on the light<span class="s1">—</span>

Pretty sure that isn't supposed to be there.

You are correct, sir. Sigh. Looks like a bug in my export script. Anyway, fixed.

His eyes were locked on that mural. “Our great empire—the work of my father, who ushered in an age of prosperity by wiping out piracy in the Aegean—destroyed by nobodies.”

All we know, all we hope, all we dream, all we want to leave to our progeny, our heirs, our inheritors - chaff before the thresher, straw before the flail. And the remnant? Stonebound grain, ungleaned but by time and the careful pick and brush of the scavenger-bird archeologists' minion's sweep.

So Twilight is likely going to be ultimately "responsible" for the anomaly, if only to prevent the current s:pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp:tshow that it currently is. Love it.

Ever since the anomaly first appeared I've been wondering if it would somehow become the realm of Equestria. I think that's looking more likely. They're now talking about moving it to hyperspace. They just have to also move it to the past.

It would be funny if this does turn out to be the case. The terrorists (or whatever we're calling them) basically create Equestria for them!

"And that's how Equestria was made!"

Good old wobbly wobbly timet wimpy f***ery

I’m loving the book so far! While this story is just as good as it’s predecessors, one thing that I’ve noticed while reading it is that the awareness of all the time loops and the possibility for more loops takes a little bit of suspense out of the conflict. Don’t get me wrong I love all the imperatives, but it does kind of feel like they can always fix things if they didn’t have proof that it wasn’t fixed. (So that it doesn’t become a paradox.) It’s fun having the short story of the future self at the front of the chapters though as well as seeing the characters creative and chaotic problem solving!

Mind blown. So this was all planned out from the beginning. Not just an accident of the "collapse of possibilities" of time travel, but steered with a purpose. Loving it.

Time to add this to tracked stories, and patiently wait for more chapters.

Twilight and Meg are really getting tired of all these time loops. And we know there's loops spanning centuries going on too.

Ah, but HAS the paradox been resolved? Given all the time loops, I suspect there's one left unresolved. After all, Meg never actually gave her name as Common Ground to Tirek during the breakout - but he did know that name when they "later" met.. So many loops, so much to keep track of.

I'm really looking forward to each chapter.

Uh... crap. That fell through the cracks. Consider the name given off camera—uh, somehow. As you said, so much to keep track of.

Darn, and I was hoping it was more clever than that :) Oh well, yeah, too much to keep track of when time loops are involved! Still enjoying the story.

Just edit it in. A line or two ought to do it.

I fixed the chapter. Here's the modified text:

“No,” Meg said, shaking her head. “We impose no conditions; you are free.” She nodded at Sunset, who was now beside her. “We will now depart.”


Sunset waited; Meg wondered if she should have. “Yes?”

“I would know the name of my rescuer.”

Meg froze. He did call her by a different name when he had first seen her back in his cell, hadn’t he? It had completely slipped her mind. What was that name again? She had to get it right, otherwise it’d be a paradox! But what was it?! Then it came to her: “You may call me Common Ground.”

Before he could say anything more, Sunset teleported Meg and herself as far as she could in the direction of the rendezvous clearing. There was no clearing in sight. “Best I could do.”

Not to be that guy, but didn't Tirek also call Sunset by her name? Back when Meg first met him in Tartarus he did mention Sunset wasn't with her.

“For centuries I’ve wasted away here. Even when allowed to stretch my legs… out there… there is no sunlight, no moonlight, no sky. Even something as simple as filling my lungs with air…” He gave her a surprisingly warm smile. “I shall forever be in your debt for breaking me out of this prison—”


He turned around. “Sunset Shimmer is not with you.”

So... yeah

Serves me right for rushing out a quick fix. Anyway, the fix to the fix has been applied.

Then it came to her: “You may call me Common Ground.” Meg looked aside to her companion. He had referred to her by her actual name. “And this is Sunset Shimmer.”

shit's getting real.

The question is does Celestia have a song for Meg.:trollestia:

little surprised to see twilight recover so quickly there - i expected them to at least hug!! oh my gosh meg, you really are alive, i was so scared, blah blah blah. very funny how meg seems to want nothing more than for one of the most incredible and special things which can happen to a pony to end already so she can get back to work, lol

great chapter!

Wait where's the next button? But I got to say I love this story I just re-read the entire series and I absolutely love how it's coming together.

Oh wow I actually got the first comment too.

Huh. Can't say I expected Instagram Meg.

“We don’t have dozens of ponies who can cast that spell,"

I mean, you've got time travel, which means you have as many Twilights as you could possibly need. :rainbowlaugh:


More timeloops :trollestia:

Explains the show to a degree, which is nice

And so the loops get simultaneously tighter and wider. Soooo much predestination.

I think I might have realized what direction you're going with the spell cast on Faust. If so, the tree has a lot to make up for. Far more than what it already has to make up for.

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