• Published 30th Sep 2023
  • 5,572 Views, 265 Comments

It Can't Be Taught - RunicTreetops

After Anon's arrival in Equestria, it was decided that Ms. Cheerilee would act as his guide and teacher while he gets adjusted to his new life. Neither of them are happy about it.

  • ...


"And you're sure you understand Equestrian law? Thoroughly?"

"I do." Anon sits across from Cheerilee, his arms folded over his chest. School just got out about fifteen minutes ago, so they've only just gotten started with the day's lesson. "Twilight went over most of the common laws with me when I first arrived, and they're pretty similar to the ones we had back in my old world."

"Alright, but don't blame me if you end up in jail over a misunderstanding."

"Can I still ask you for bail money?"

"Ha! As if I could afford that."

The two smile at each other. Over time, these "lessons" have been getting less and less formal. Heck, at this point, it feels more like a daily meetup between close friends than anything else.

"Speaking of, I've been meaning to ask you... do you have something ready to go for tom-"

Anon is cut off by the sound of the schoolhouse door suddenly opening. One mare enters the building, her form illuminated by the setting sun behind her. Her coat is a light pink, and her mane is varying hues of purple. She wears a shirt that appears to be made of fine silk, and she is adorned with all manner of jewelry. Her piercing eyes carry an intensity that outmatches even Anon's, and despite the fact that he's never met this mare before, her mere presence tells him everything he needs to know about her: She's a big deal, and he isn't going to like her. She eyes Anon with disdain as she slowly enters the schoolhouse. Anon glances over at Cheerilee, though he raises an eyebrow when he notices that she is frozen stiff, her eyes filled with fear.

"Cheerilee." The mare's voice is cold and commanding. Anon immediately narrows his eyes at her, carefully watching her every move as she approaches the teacher. "Another fine day of teaching, I take it?"


"I believe I asked you a question, Cheerilee."

"...Y-yes." Cheerilee avoids direct eye contact with the mare. When she speaks, her voice is quiet and shaky. Whoever this mare is, she has her in a near state of panic. She attempts to clear her throat, but it's so forced it sounds almost painful. "W-what are you doing here? There wasn't a school board meeting scheduled for today."

"It is not required for the head of the school board to provide notice ahead of a meeting. If I feel that there is an appropriate enough reason, I can stop by whenever I please. And believe me, Cheerilee." The mare leans in close, causing Cheerilee to cower away slightly. "We have much to discuss."

"Back off." Anon takes a step towards the mare, but she doesn't even flinch. She looks at him, the contempt on her face enough to make most ponies recoil. "I don't know who you are, but you're in her personal space."

"I take it you're the alien, then. Peh." The mare scoffs. "Clearly Cheerilee is doing a poor job of teaching you if you don't know who I am."

"Enlighten me, then."

The mare raises an eyebrow.

"...Spoiled Rich. Head of the school board."

"Hm." Anon holds out a hand. "Anon. Full-time student, I guess."

Spoiled Rich stares at Anon's hand for a moment before scrunching up her nose in disgust, clearly having no intention of returning the greeting.

"Get that disgusting thing away from me. And get out of my schoolhouse. This is a meeting between civilized ponies, not... whatever you are."

"Excuse me?!"

Anon takes another step forward, but Cheerilee quickly steps in front of him.

"Anon, please." Her voice is low, but still loud enough for Spoiled to hear. "Just... just go, okay? We'll meet up again tomorrow."

"Ugh." Cheerilee turns around at the sound of Spoiled's vocalized disgust. "You're lucky this little arrangement comes from a direct order from Princess Celestia. Had it come from anywhere else, I promise you that the EEA would have shut this whole thing down. Equestrian education is for ponies only. They - we - are quite clear about that." Anon glares at Spoiled Rich. Cheerilee stares at the floor, too terrified to say anything. "Now then. I will not repeat myself." Spoiled looks Anon dead in the eyes. "Get. Out."


Anon and Spoiled stare at each other for an uncomfortable amount of time. Eventually, Anon is the one who backs down first. He quickly glances at Cheerilee, who cannot bear to look him in the eyes. Wordlessly, he exits the schoolhouse, not once looking back. The door slams behind him, and Spoiled lets out a cold chuckle.

"About time. This is no place for animals." A cocky smile on her face, Spoiled begins to slowly pace back and forth across the front of the room. "I've been hearing some troubling reports, Cheerilee."

"L-like what?"

"Children spouting nonsense about 'other cultures.' Three fillies running amok across town causing mayhem for the sake of their 'cutie marks.'" Spoiled stops directly in front of Cheerilee, unwaveringly staring directly at her. "My daughter coming home with ridiculous projects to complete. Projects that, may I remind you, are not compliant with EEA regulations."


"You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?"


"Speak up, Cheerilee. You're a grown mare."

"...Their grades have never been higher."

"Oh? Last I checked, it appeared that my Diamond no longer has the highest grade in her class."

"Well, yeah. Twist has a two-point lead in mathematics."

"Unacceptable!" Spoiled Rich's voice booms throughout the schoolhouse, and Cheerilee visibly cowers. "Diamond Tiara knows all there is to know about what it takes to succeed in a school accredited by the EEA. The only reason her grade is slipping is because of you! You, who thinks she can get away with breaking the rules set up specifically by the EEA. By me. Do I really need to remind you that I am on the EEA council as well? You didn't honestly believe I wouldn't catch on to your little scheme, did you?"

"..." Cheerilee takes a deep, shaky breath, though she is still unable to look Spoiled in the eyes. "Her grade isn't slipping. It's the highest it's ever been."

"And if it isn't the best, it may as well be the worst. And let me tell you, Cheerilee. She is the best. Do not forget that." Spoiled finally gets out of Cheerilee's face, slowly trotting past her. She speaks up once again, even as she faces away from Cheerilee. "We wouldn't want word of this to get out, would we? I mean, if anypony else in the EEA were to find out what you've been doing, little Ponyville would no longer have a school teacher."

"N-no! These students need their education!"

"I agree. You're lucky that the only one who knows about this is me. How generous I am to not inform my colleagues, as my position demands."


"Though, I wonder just how much my silence is worth to you. Hmm?"

Cheerilee's breathing grows even shakier. She trembles slightly in place, though whether or not Spoiled even notices is beyond her.

"P-please. I can't... I can't afford any more."

"Oh? You mean to tell me that Celestia isn't paying you to teach that... thing?" Cheerilee's eyes widen. "Hm. That's what I thought." Spoiled finally turns around again and starts to make her way towards the door, but she stops just before she reaches it. She turns her head to look at Cheerilee, who is barely holding herself together. "Oh, and Cheerilee?"


"Diamond Tiara told me that you had your little pet project give a lecture in class." Spoiled turns yet again, approaching Cheerilee one final time. "On top of that, I had a talk with my old college friend, Berryshine. She told me you were getting quite intoxicated. In public. With your alien student." Cheerilee's blood runs cold as Spoiled gets even closer, her face directly in front of Cheerilee's own. "Not very becoming of an elementary school teacher. I may not be able to defy Princess Celestia's wishes, but all she asked of you was to mentor that cretin. He isn't anything more to you than an animal, a beast to be tamed. Am I clear?"


"Am. I. Clear?"

"...Yes." Cheerilee stares at the floor, doing her best to fight back tears. "He's just a side job. Our lessons are almost done, anyway. There's no need to worry about him, he won't be a bother for much longer."

Cheerilee finally looks up at Spoiled Rich. All of the emotion has been drained from her face. She no longer has the energy to be scared, or angry, or sad. Instead, she feels nothing at all. However, Cheerilee's attention is not focused on Spoiled for long.

"Very good." Cheerilee hadn't looked up the whole time their conversation was taking place, so she had failed to notice the shadow being cast beneath the door to the schoolhouse. Only now is she made aware of its presence as the shadow shifts to the side and disappears out of the doorway. Through a nearby window, she sees Anon walk away. He wears a scowl, but even from this distance, she can see the pain in his eyes. It's a look of sadness. Of anger. Of betrayal. "I'll see you at the next school board meeting. Do try not to be late on your payment this time, hmm?"

With a hearty laugh, Spoiled Rich finally exits the schoolhouse, just as Anon turns a distant corner and disappears out of sight. The door closes behind her, leaving Cheerilee all alone once again. A long, shaky breath escapes from her. Without Spoiled or Anon around, she no longer has to hold herself together. Immediately, tears begin to fall from her eyes. She slowly makes her way over to her desk, nearly stumbling as she takes a seat. She looks down at a pile of papers she needs to grade, but she cannot make out the words through her tears. With no other options, she simply buries her face in her hooves and quietly sobs as the setting sun slowly plunges the schoolhouse in darkness.