• Published 11th Apr 2024
  • 336 Views, 2 Comments

Puss in Boots The New World - RedStone Stories

Puss in Boots and Sheriff Johnny worked together to save both worlds Thriller ensues

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Prologue: The New World Awaits

“Hola Amigos, I know you be wondering who I’am and why am I talking well to start things off I’m known by many things throughout my time the Stabby Tabby, El Macho Gato and The Lady Whisper, but you may Introduce Me as the one and only Puss In Boots and this is my story with a strange yet interesting New Friend I made and met named Sheriff Johnny Dead Eye and how we saved both Worlds”

In the middle of the desert in the distance lay a horse that seemed to be running by itself and one might assume it’s loose or it’s wild. In reality you be wrong for this horse was being ride on by a legend that’s known throughout the land ever since he saved his hometown and Heroic deeds, this Legend was none other than the Hero Puss in Boots. Puss is riding his horse as fast as a cheetah would when they spot there prey. Puss had called upon by a Courier named Anton to help the Mayor Marco of a Town called Gold Plaza. Puss found that name to be strange for a town but he is not one to judge. Puss in all his recent years of Heroism doesn’t know that particular town, he found it strange that a random courier comes out of nowhere telling him to go there but he is supposed to be a Legendary Hero as that’s what he is prioritizing right now. Ego aside who is he to not help a bunch of helpless people he is Puss in Boots and his Ego no’s no bound.

Puss begins to think on how he should make beating this Claw individual would work should he beat him old fashioned style, tire him out, let the Sheriff do all the work the choices seemed endless. Puss shrugged it off because he knows for a fact that as long as he is beaten and thrown out to jail, especially if it makes Him Look good it really doesn’t matter at all to him.

4 hours had passed by and Puss finally made it to Gold Plaza he still thinks it’s a strange name for a Town but he’s not complaining. Puss slowly slowed down his horse enter the Town and that’s where he finally met the Mayor himself Marco Sanchez and right besides him is the Sheriff that he heard from Courier and Puss was surprised as to what he saw from him.

The Sheriff in question was not even a human at all but a Skeleton and he has obviously a Sheriff’s Badge and Signature hat but with a full hardcore Cowboy outfit with heavy black esthetics shirt like outfit that isn’t buttoned up. The Sheriff also has dark brown scarf for some unknown reason and he has that one can only compare it to Clint Eastwood. Puss noticed two guns that looked like deadly revolvers but he isn’t as concerned since he Is gonna work with him not for him.

Puss then looked back at the Mayor and he seemed to be like how any other Mayor would be, he had the looks except he had a bowler hat with a dark grey suit and tie but he didn’t care then Puss spoke.

“Hola Senior Mayor I heard from the courier that you send said that you needed my help?” Puss said tipping his hat to show respect.

“Oh Puss in Boots yes of course it’s so great that you came. I wouldn’t know who to call if you had rejected my help?!” Mayor Marco said you in a grateful tone.

“Please it’s nothing really it’s pretty much what I do I’am The Puss in Boots Loved by One and All” Puss said arrogantly boasting his title.

The Mayor chuckled nervously wanting to get to the point. The Sheriff just rolled his eyes as he knew he was one of those types of individuals.

The Mayor was gonna say something else but the Sheriff cut him off.

“With all due respect Mayor I believe we may be getting off track and we really should do introductions as we got a criminal situation on hand?” Sheriff Johnny said in a cool manner with a country accent.

“Oh yes of course thank you Sheriff *Ahem* Puss in Boots follow me into the town and I’ll explain everything” Mayor Marco said gesturing them both to follow him to a secure building near the entrance.

They went inside and all took a seat and then Mayor began to explain everything to Puss.

“As the Courier I sent to you already told you my name I’am Mayor Marco Sanchez and as for this gentleman next to me,” The Mayor gestured to the Sheriff, then the Mayor spoke again “This is the Sheriff of this town Sheriff Johnny Dead Eye or you can call him just Sheriff Johnny for short and this is who you be working with to catch the criminal Claw the Gutter” The Mayor concluded.

Puss tried hard to almost laugh as he thinks those names are cliche especially this task but he didn’t want to disrespect too much as he has a reputation, but now is not the time to ruin it but he got curious about this Claw individual and the details of this job and the Sheriff in question because he still freaked out a bit by his appearance as he did looked intimidating so he asked the Mayor some questions.

“Before I help you and this town I’m gonna need more information on the job, the criminal and the Sheriff here no offense of course Senior Sheriff” Puss said as he looked at the Mayor first then looked at The Sheriff with an apologetic look on his face.

Sheriff Johnny gave Puss a reassured look and thumps up as he understood why he is a little freaked out. It’s not the first time plus he doesn’t let everything get to him as there are more important things to worry about like criminals.

“Oh yes of course well you see there is this Criminal named Claw the Gutter who is an anthropomorphic Lizard who is 6.2 feet tall that kept on terrorizing the town for weeks, he keeps on stealing food, Money, burning buildings and oppressing us into submission and if we don’t comply he guts us and if we even talk back to him we’ll the results are deadly to say the least” Mayor said with such a scared tone as he was fearful for his and his peoples lives.

“Ok ok so let me get this straight this if Claw is such a problem how come the Sheriff couldn’t get him down I mean he seems like he can handle himself well, again no offense” Puss said trying to understand the situation and not to offend anyone here.

Before the Mayor could respond The Sheriff cut him off again.

“It’s all good partner and as for your question, I did get him but every time I capture him he always gets away, as for how he manages to subdue an entire town well as the saying goes, Never underestimate your Enemy meaning I have underestimated him numerous times and it resulted in even more destruction. Now warning he may not seem like much but in battle he is a brute and a fast one at that as he down 80 people in one swing and upper cut so that’s why I had a hard time getting him” Sheriff Johnny said in a bitter tone as he was ashamed he wasn’t strong enough to stop him sooner.

Puss sat there with a shocked look as he couldn’t believe it this Claw individual is that dangerous he thought this is just another cliche robber that he is gonna heroically take down, but now he knew this new information he knew this wasn’t going to be easy then as he thought it would be. Puss had an idea but he was gonna let them finish up the ending conversation.

“The worst part Claw said he will be back and the destruction will be ten times worse if we don’t give him our most precious treasure” The Mayor said in a fearful tone.

Now this treasure caught Puss’s attention as he got curious on what it is?

“Wait wait wait what!? you never said anything about a secret treasure but I’am now curious what is this supposed treasure that you have” Puss said want to know about the treasure.

“I can’t tell you as I was told not to tell anyone and keep it as isolated as much as possible so what do you say will you help us” The Mayor said to Puss given him a stern look.

Puss was about to rebuttal and say yes but got interrupted by a violent explosion heard outside.

The explosion scared the Mayor as he went into hiding upstairs inside of a closet.

Puss and Johnny looked at each other as they knew there was no time to argue, they both got up and ran outside to see the situation.

They got outside and it was Chaos, the people were running all over as fire was everywhere and they looked at each other with determination as they knew Claw was behind this.

“Puss I need you to gather the Residents of the town to the entrance as the Chaos is in the center of town!!!“ Johnny yelled as the screams were loud.

“Understood but don’t go beating Claw without me I need to be there for the final blow!!!!!“ Puss yelled back.

“Don’t worry I’m just gonna have to distract him long enough see you there!!!“ Johnny yelled as Puss saw him running to the center of town with utter determination to end this for good in which Puss respected.

Puss looked at the residents then yelled as he got a bell on the ground to get their attention and it was working.

“ATTENTION PEOPLE OF GOLDEN PLAZA YOU NEED TO EVACUATE AS ME AND THE SHERIFF ARE TAKING CONTROL OF THE SITUATION SO MOVE OUT TO THE GATES MOVE MOVE MOVE!!!!“ Puss yelled at the residents gesturing them to the gates and they all nodded and ran as fast as they could to gates.

Once everyone left Puss sigh in relief then made his way to the center of town hoping to make an attempt to heroically beat Claw and make sure he knows the Stabby Tabby is here to bring him to justice.

Back with Sheriff Johnny he was noticing the people running towards the gates he smiled knowing Puss did his part now it’s his turn so he kept running dodging the fire and buildings falling apart. Johnny finally made it and to his horror he not only bodies of people but the bank where the forbidden treasure is as he knew Claw was attempting to steal Johnny got angry and slowly walked to the front of the building, there he saw Claw himself emerging with the forbidden treasure and he laughed evilly.

“Hahahahhaha well well Well if it isn’t the Failing Sheriff tell me where is that cowardly Mayor at I want to show him a cutting gift form Meee” Claw said his voice sounding rough similar to the Lizard form Mortal Kombat X.

Before Johnny said anything he saw Puss standing on top of the building ready to sneak attack him he gave Johnny a wink letting him know to keep distracting him.

Johnny smirk then continuing to distract Claw.

“This fight is between me and you. You darn vermin but I’m giving you one chance for you to hand over the Treasure that you stole, so this can all end peacefully and you don’t want do anything you’ll regret i can promise you That Partner!!?“ Johnny said with venom and intimidation in voice attempting to scare claw.

Claw just laughed as he really thinks this Sheriff is stupid.

“What this Ruby like staff I think I’ll keep it for assurance, as for surrendering I’m not a big Fan of the Law” Claw said with a hiss at the world Law.

“You know i nearly lost my position as Sheriff because I underestimate you for weeks. Not this last time because this will be the last time you will be Free“ Sheriff Johnny said with intimidation that it isn’t gonna turn out the same like last time.

“Oh yeah why’s that Claw” said arrogantly with a smirk.

“PUSS NOWW!!!“ Johnny yelled as he put up his two revolvers and started shooting at Claw.

“What?!” Claw said as he blocked the bullets with the Staff.

“HEY LIZARD PRAY FOR MERCY FROM PUSSS AND BOOTTTSS HAHAHAHA!!!“ Puss yelled as he stabbed him in the back.

Claw Roard in pain and angry as he struggled to get Puss off of him, after a minute he managed to kicked Puss off of him and threw his sword at him hoping to hit only for Puss to catch it.

“Thank you Senior Claw now let’s dance” Puss said with an arrogant smirk ready to look good in the paper.

Claw Growled at the Ginger Cat then looked at Johnny then said.

“I can’t believe it are you and the Mayor that desperate to get A Ginger Cat to do your dirty work.“ as he found it pity.

“That’s Puss in Boots or the Stabby Tabby to you Big Lizard!!?!” Puss said yelling and mocking him.

“Puss focus we got a Criminal to take down” Johnny said not wanting Puss to get too distracted.

“Oh right sorry” Puss said apologizing.

They focused their attack on Claw as he is using the staff to send powerful blast at them, they kept dodging it but it slowly became overwhelming.

“Eat this Hahahaha” Claw said using the Ruby staff to blast lasers at them slowly destroying their surroundings.

The duo dodged it then retaliate by Johnny shooting Bullets and sending throwing knifes at him. Puss meanwhile was running towards Claw as he attempted to do a claw attack on him from all angles.

Claw knew he there were not going to give up so he came up with a dark idea, he decided to shake the Staff hoping it would obliterate them all at once because if he can’t have the staff then no one would.

Puss and Johnny saw this and got worried so they rushed at him hoping to stop him before things get worse but they were too late.

The staff grew brighter and brighter and everything went dark for them and they disappeared from their world.

In the Middle of the desert is bipedal creature that resembles a cat wearing a red coat with chains attached to his arms.The cat in question was none other than Capper the sneaky con artist, he was walking through the desert as a hostage as Vergo a mole rat who almost look like the monopoly guy but mafia style and his fish bodyguards were gonna give him a lesson.

The guards realest his shackles and pushed him onto the sand making him a bit frightened but he held his calm manner.

“Alright Capper let’s make one thing clear, if you ever attempt to con me again it will be the last thing you ever did plus you still have a debt to pay remember?!” Verko said with venom in his voice.

Capper on the floor still had a calm manner as he think he can talk his way out of it.

“Whoa whoa let’s take it easy here Verko I know I’m behind but I promise you that my dept will paid you’ll see” Capper said trying to ease the tension in his cool manner.

Verko knew what he is trying to do and wasn’t having ANY of it today. Verko ordered his guards to punch him repeatedly then stopped so Verko can speak.

“I’m serious Capper the next time you lack behind on your debt or even trying to Con ME of all creatures I Will Have You be Pounded into Next Week are we Clear” Verko said seriously and with venom as he is not fooling around anymore.

“Okay Okay seesh, you need to take a chill pill and like I just said don’t Worry I got this I will payback my debt to you, just wait and see by the end of today you’ll be paid off” Capper said

“You better not be lying to me Capper because I swear to yo-“ but he cut off as everybody heard a loud roar into the distance.

“WHAT WAS THAT!!!!,” GAURDS CHECK IT OUT NOW!!!” Verko said hiding behind his guards, but before the guards could do anything they were slashed across the face and chest as they fell bleeding out.

Capper and Verko stared at this in Horror as the one responsible came running up pushing Verko aside then continued running down south.

“Move out of the Way You Rat” Claw snarled at Verko as he grabbed him by the throat.

Verko whimpered like a coward as he felt his life was gonna come to an end but luckily he could still speak.

“Okay Okay I’m Sorry please don’t Hurt Me” Verko Pleaded to Claw.

“Then where is the nearest civilization at I’m in a big hurry” Claw said with Venom.

“There in Kludgetown you can even find an airship there” Verko said in utter fear of him.

“Good now get out of My Way you mutant?!?!” Claw said angrily as he threw Verko across the sand.

Claw turned his attention to Capper and scoffed at him.

“Great another cat this time adult size, oh and btw You didn’t see anything RIGHT?!?!” Claw said as he got right up to Capper’s face intimidating him.

Capper could only nod as to not puss him off.

“Good now I’m leaving and don’t follow me or else it’s the claws?!” Claw said with intimidation.

Claw continued to run like a speedster, disappearing into the sand winds as he runs towards the town.

Capper had no idea what the heck just happened or who that guy was but he knew that he was trouble and he was already in trouble enough as it.

Verko on the other hand was shaken by this unexpected event as he never saw a lizard so intimidating as Claw was, he turned to Capper and called him out as he was running.

“REMEMBER CAPPER YOU STILL NEED TO PAY OFF YOUR DEPT, I WILL TALK TO YOU LATER?!?!” Verko said screaming as he ran away for his life as he was scared by Claw.

After Verko left Capper was left alone with his thoughts as he had many questions that he wants to know like who is this Claw is and what did he mean by another cat and was there other abbynissens that escaped or survived the Storm King’s invasion of his homeland.

Capper shook these thoughts as he got better things to worry about like his dept but they were interrupted when he saw two figures he couldn’t recognize on the floor in the distance not far from him “Lesson”, he started walking towards them and by the time he got close enough he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

Capper now knew what Claw meant when he mentioned about another cat as there was one laying on his back, even though he knew it was a ginger cat, but it wasn’t any cat that he knew as he never heard or even seen cats that are that small compared to him and his other residents of his home land. The Cat that was not only smaller than him but had a sword, an interesting hat and a cape, Capper swore that he almost looks like those goody two shoes hero’s type.

Capper turned his attention towards the other individual whom was laying on his stomach and he was shocked to see he had a skeleton like creature that he never seen before, on top of that he seems to have all bones as throughout his body as he never seen at all.Capper went to look at his outfit and he rolled him over only to find out that he is a Sheriff or law enforcement of some kind and Capper knew he had to be careful around him since being arrested is the last thing he needs right now.

The two strangers that Capper found bugged him with a lot questions about them and this Claw individual but that will have to wait as he needs to wake them up because he is not going to carry them through this Sand.

Johnny and Puss were laying on the floor surrounded by sand for a minute, until they saw a Cat like figure looking down on them in curiosity but the two couldn’t get up as they fell asleep what is gonna happen next.

Stay tuned for Chapter 1 coming soon…

Author's Note:

( Redited )
Let me clarify something I will add MLP stuff in the next chapter, Chapter 1 specifically so please staff and readers I hope you understand and please be patient with me I was just leading up the story to the MLP part similar to how the other crossover stories do it, so I hope you all are ok with it.

Btw Sheriff Johnny Dead Eye, The courier, Mayor Marco and the town of Gold Plaza and Claw are my OC’s so there’s no Confusion.

So interesting fact this was originally going to my first story but I got lazy and I needed to do a much easier but simple story for experience etc but that didn’t work out but I learned my lesson now and I finally finished this story and I sincerely hope that the staff that see this improves because I don’t want to get banned but overall I hope you guys like the story.

Remember this is before the Last Wish so Puss is still in his arrogant state.