• Member Since 11th Feb, 2019
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Lady Umbra

I love writing both Original Fanfictions and Movie Adaptations, I also love all forms of feedback


In this action-packed storyline, the ​Power Rangers face the powerful sorceress ​Rita Repulsa, who has unleashed chaos and destruction upon ​Angel Grove. ​Tommy, the ​Green Ranger, valiantly protects his team and experiences a devastating blow when he gets hit by one of Rita's spells. However, ​Kimberly, the ​Pink Ranger, retaliates and damages Rita's source of power. The Rangers, now mourning the loss of Tommy, unite and prepare to continue their mission.

In a surprising twist, Tommy wakes up in a foreign land inhabited by talking dragons. Seeking answers about his whereabouts and the absence of communication with his fellow Rangers. Tommy, determined to find answers, sets off towards his next destination.

9/6/23 12:30pm

Chapters (20)
Comments ( 114 )
Comment posted by BellyAdmirer19 deleted Sep 6th, 2023

Jason David Frank, you will be missed.

He used to be all over the convention circuit, I must have chatted with him a dozen times. Never about his work oddly, just smalltalk

Once a ranger always a ranger rest in peace to both falling Rangers thuy Trang and Jason David Frank

I saw some mistake in the chapter but other than that, not bad.


Good chapter! I originally grew up with Power Rangers in the early 90s so the green Ranger has always been my favorite. I had a chance to talk To JDF over Facebook last September and he was really down to earth, and very passionate about helping those with trouble during his self motivation speeches. Him passing was one of of the few times I've ever been truly hart broken over.

Overall the only complaint I have is that you try fleshing out your story more. Explain more about what's happening instead of skimming it so we as the reader can visualize it better.

Short chapter, but great so far. Don't have much to say since it's just the first chapter.

By stories told, from days of old, the legend shall live in our minds and souls, and from our hearts we tell his tale of the ranger in green who never failed, for all those who tell of his name, the might and legend of the dragon shall never fade.

Rest in peace to the greatest ranger to ever live he will be dearly missed by everyone who knew him, may the power protect him evermore.

(Sorry for the cringe poem it’s 2 am and I couldn’t think of anything better)

It's not cringe to me. I think it's pretty awesome

Well one chapter in and I'm already hooked, can't wait for more. Question though, is this Boom! or regular continuity?

You have a track but not a Fav. This is an ok start, now let's see you snowball this to something better. RIP Jason AKA Tommy.

so no pressure...hehe

Drakkon knows that, with the crack in Rita's crystal, going through the portal would be a one way trip.


Very good chapter. I hope we see the armor Bat in the Suns created as a update to Tommy's original green Ranger power later on. It was as imposing as it was gorgeous in both color and design.

I may do that in the future. like his his coin would be damaged and twi would repair it with magic and then we get the bat in the sun version

Months have passed for Tommy? But only a short time for the human world? Smells like time dilation.

Unicorn Twilight? I'm starting to like this story.

The girls really should see if they can use the elements of Harmony similar to the power coins

With a determined look in their eyes, ​Twilight, ​Rainbow Dash, ​Applejack, ​Fluttershy, ​Rarity, and Pinkie Pie formed a tight circle, ready to take on the formidable Dragonbone Colossus. Each of them possessed unique abilities and strengths that would be crucial in this battle.

Wished Spike got to join in on the fight instead of being left out though..

Rarity likes the color green? I didn't see that one coming.

So Canterlot Wedding hasn't happened yet?

Think Spike can do something like that too if that scenario happens?


I hope Tommy's zord makes a appearance at some point. I can only imagine how the ponys would look as it arises from the water.

I need to reread the comics were Dragonzord and White Tiger Zord combined again.

With her using the inspiration spell? Makes to me that it might have side effects.

"I guess Princess Celestia wasted no time in sending a response?" They didn't send a letter to Celestia, how could Celestia answer them when she never got a letter?

thanks for that. fixed it

And yet, Celestia didn't mention Tommy in her letter. Only the wedding.

This is pretty good. Love Tommy so much. Best Ranger ever

Tommy's eyes widened as he processed the information. "​Ponyville hospital? Friends?" he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper. Reality began to sink in as he remembered the bizarre events that had led him here. He had somehow been transported to another world, a world inhabited by ponies.

There should be a scene break above this paragraph.

Comment posted by Lady Umbra deleted Sep 17th, 2023

"The first time your touched by magic is always disorienting" Rarity explained to the Ranger as the trained pulled into the station

"Not the first time but Horse Magic does feel different from Ancient Evil Witch magic I will say that much."

Not sure if the talk about "increasing arousal" in the context of those paragraphs is in line with the E for everyone rating of the story. Seems more of a T rating at least, given that E rated stories are not supposed to have anything of a sexual nature, and talking of getting aroused is 100% of a sexual nature.

Thanks for pointing that out. I forget about that sometimes

Tommy knows a little something about being brainwashed...

Spike is gonna be pretty heartbroken in seeing Rarity falling for Tommy.

I am hoping Spike is not gonna get labeled as bad as the Mane 5 when they listened to fake Cadance here, since he didn't really betray Twilight unlike the other five(and Celestia) since peer pressure basically kept him quiet.

If Tommy had stayed with Twilight and they both got to the rehearsal dinner together...

Tommy: I have one question for all of you. What color is Cadence's magic?
All but Twilight and Cadence: Green.
Twilight: Blue. Her magic is blue!
Tommy: Princess Celestia, you've known Cadence as long, if not longer, than Twilight. Yet I didn't hear your answer.
Celestia: Cadence's magic is blue. So... *'Cadence' is slowly backing away* TOMMY! GUARDS! DON'T LET HER ESCAPE!

That is exactly how it would have played out. However I need the events to proceed in order to work with the story I have planned

I will again mention that the girls should try to utilize the elements as conduits for the morphing grid remember that the power coins themselves can turn into crystals to power the zords the elements would work similar to the Zeo crystals

I'm aware and trust me the idea has merit. It may or may not be used. But if it is I'll be sure to give you a shout-out

the reason for the idea is the established fact that the grid is multiversal and can self-fix errors like a ranger in the wrong universe hint, hint if the grid has a connection then it could help twilight since it's part mystical in nature

If I may ask , if that idea happens, will it apply to Spike too?
Doesn't seem fair if the Mane 6 becomes Rangers but Spike is left out.
That and give how Spike is a dragon and Tommy is dragon-themed

I have no idea yet. Maybe maybe not.

This was insane! Tommy kicked ass

Oh so this earth is the same world as girls eh?
So when will they find the mirror portal?

Well we're at the season two finale right now. After that I'm going to devote a few chapters for my main storyline. Then we'll work on the season three premiere. Beyond that?
No idea

Won't summer come through the portal early to try and take over Equestria?
Edit: wait the portal has a cool down I forgot about that.

So Equestria Girls will be involved?

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