• Published 30th Aug 2023
  • 723 Views, 2 Comments

After The Fall Formal - TheKing2001

After the Fall Formal, Sunset gets help from the last person she expected.

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The Only Chapter

With a long slow sigh, I applied another layer of whatever this gunk was to the brick I had just laid down. I could faintly make out Snips and Snails bringing another wheelbarrow of bricks. A quick glance to the Wondercolt statue confirmed that Twilight was conversing with the others as she gave me a quick concerned glance before she stepped through and disappeared.

“Wait!” I called out frantically and ran at the statue, not caring how it looked to the group of girls. Rainbow and Applejack clenched their fists and glared at me as Fluttershy hid behind Rarity. I ignored them and pressed a hand to the portal, feeling the hard surface to my frustration. “Take me with you.”

I sighed and my head dropped as Rainbow and Applejacks angry expressions faded as they all gave me confused looks. I turned around and walked back to my bricks. The school door slammed open and I jumped, expecting angry students. I gazed nervously at the concerned face of Miss Cheerilee before quickly looking away.

“Sunset, Snips and Snails,” she called out and the three of us slowly faced her.

“Yes Miss Cheerilee?” The three of us cautiously asked in unison.

“Quit working. Snips and Snails, your parents are being called right now. Sunset, you’re coming with me,” Miss Cheerilee announced. I gave a grateful sigh and set my tools down. Snips and Snails sat down against the doors as I started to wander past the girls. “Sunset. Come back. We’re taking you to the doctors to get checked out.” I paused and gave her a sad look.

“I want to be alone,” I said quietly and kept walking till she and the school disappeared from sight.

“Hey wait!” A voice faintly called out and I glanced back nervously as Fluttershy ran up panting. “I’ve been uhm calling for you the past ten minutes. Do you want company?”

“Not really.”

“Are you sure?” Fluttershy pushed some hair out of her eyes and kept following me. “I mean it looked kinda painful growing wings and stuff. And uhm you should really get it looked it.”

“I’ll be fine.” Most definitely a lie. It was pretty damn painful. Don’t even get me started on the rainbow laser. I could already feel the cuts from the wings chafing against my shirt. Fluttershy fell silent as we walked in uncomfortable silence and I sighed. “You’re not going to go away, are you?”

“I mean I can,” Fluttershy whispered nervously. “But is that what you want?”

“I don’t know what I want. Maybe a not so shitty life would be a decent start. Besides, you should go. Your friends don’t like me and they won’t like you being around me.”

“They don’t have a choice,” Fluttershy responded with a surprising amount of force that I’ve never seen from her. Unless someone is being mean to a animal. “Now you’re going to the doctor to get looked at. Understand?”

“Why do you care so much?” I demanded as we stopped on the sidewalk. “I was a complete bitch to you since freshman year.”

“You uhm you were mean yes,” Fluttershy admitted shyly as she smoothed down her skirt. “Everybody deserves a little kindness.”

I stared at her in confusion. If anything, I didn’t deserve kindness. Especially not from her of all people. With a sigh, I gave a slow nod and she squealed quietly.

With a frustrated sigh, I finally left the examining room I had been in. Nurse Redheart and Nurse Sweetheart had been pestering about the cuts where my wings had been. Thank the stars I managed to come up with at least a somewhat believable lie. Or well, believable to the normal person. Nurse Redheart had a weird look on her face, almost like she didn’t believe my story.

That’s a her problem though. Not a me problem yet at least. She had given me a prescription for some pills that I’m certain I’d have to work late nights to even come close to being able to afford. I stepped into the waiting room and my eyes slightly widened at Fluttershy still sitting there with a rainbow haired girl.

“What did she say?” Fluttershy questioned quietly as I walked over. Rainbow raised an eyebrow and stayed surprisingly silent.

“To take meds,” I said simply and tucked the paper into my jacket. “It was pretty hard coming up with a lie. She gave me some pain meds until the heavier prescription is available.” Rainbow snorted and rolled her eyes.

“You lied?” Rainbow asked in a flat tone.

“Humans don’t exactly grow wings at the drop of a hat,” I answered in a bored tone and Rainbow winced. “That’s not something they would believe unless they were there and I think she left earlier before the episode. I just said I fell is all.”

“Oh,” Rainbow said with a shrug as they looked at each other and followed me hastily.

“Why did you stay?” I broke the silence as I pressed the button for the elevator.

“Well uhm it would be rude of me to just drop you off like this. I suggested you come to the hospital. That implies I’d stay,” Fluttershy answered quietly as we stepped inside the elevator and my eyes nervously flicked to a whistling Rainbow as she pressed the button for the ground floor.

“And her?”

“Fluttershy ran off without telling us anything. I’m her ride home,” Rainbow explained as I watched the elevator numbers drop. Third floor, second floor, first floor. “I uh I can drop you off too if you want. As long as it’s on the way.”

“Thanks but no thanks. I got some thinking to do,” I muttered as I stepped out of the elevator and kept walking to the door. I vaguely made out the quiet conversation the two were having and I ignored it.

I groaned as I looked up at the dark sky as a raindrop hit my head, followed quickly by three more. Times like now made me wish I had a hoodie or something. But alas, I can not afford luxuries like that. I’d probably have to ditch my bush near the school. Considering it was about twelve, pretty much all the shelters were occupied.

I’ll probably have to find a garage or break into a empty house of someone who’s on vacation or something. I didn’t typically do that because it’s risky of getting caught but you do what you have to do to survive. Or I could always go to Miss Cheerilees.

She scared me more than anyone on this planet and that’s saying something. It scares me that she cares. I’m most definitely not worth caring about. Not after how high school is going so far. A small part of me likes that she cares. Okay, a large part does.

I don’t know how long I wandered till I realized I was drenched standing in front of Miss Cheerilees house as I subconsciously noticed the lights were still on. I could either wait till she slept and tried to find a way in or I could just knock and take her up on her offer.

The more I thought about it, the more the offer sounded appealing. A home, warmth, food and a caring person? I sighed and slowly knocked on the door. By the third knock, the door swung open and I was face to face with Miss Cheerilees worried face.

“Go to the bathroom and take your clothes off. I’ll make hot chocolate for us both.”

With a slow nod, I walked up stairs and slammed my head against the bathroom door as I faintly made out humming coming from the kitchen as the rain turned to snow.

This might be a mistake or the best thing I’ve ever done.

Comments ( 2 )

This might be a mistake or the best thing I’ve ever done.

I think we all know it was the second option :)

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