• Published 17th Aug 2023
  • 285 Views, 1 Comments

Music be the Food of Love - Lil Sunny

Down on her luck in a dead end job, a certain minty mare decides to try her luck with an old friend.

  • ...

A love never lost

The next morning the pair woke up in each other’s hooves as Lyra let a loud yawn.

“Good morning Bonny, you awake yet?”

Bon Bon yawned as her eyes fluttered open. “Yeah I’m awake. I slept like a log last night. I could get used to this arrangement.”

The two got out of bed and went into the kitchen to grab some cereal.

“Now Lyra, I do have to open the store today. But you can take some time to get to know the town layout, and check out Carousel Boutique for a dress. Rarity owes me for catering her dinner party in Canterlot last month.”

“Alright Bonny, knock 'em dead. I’ll go see this Rarity chick and get prettied up for our date. I guess I’ll see you later then.”

Lyra left the store and wandered around town for a while, taking in the market, the town square and everything else the place had to offer.

“Alright, I think I got a good idea of where everything is now. So where’s this Boutique Bonny mentioned?”

“Beg your pardon dear, but would you perhaps be looking for Carousel Boutique?” Spoke a voice behind her.

She turned around and saw a white pony with a curled purple mane and a cutie mark of diamonds.

“Yeah, you know it?”

The mare chuckled. “I dare say I do, after all I am its owner and proprietor. Rarity at your service.” She gave a short bow.

“Sweet, my marefriend said I could get a pretty dress from you for our date tonight.”

“I’m sure I’ll have something to suit you dear, follow me please.”

As they walked Rarity nudged closer to her.

“If you don’t mind me asking. Who is this marefriend of yours?”

“Oh, her name is Bon Bon, she’s a confectioner.”

“Oh my. Bon Bon has a partner? Well it’s about time. That mare has been lovesick for years, I’ve seen it with my own two eyes. I suppose you’ll be cashing that favour I owe to her then?”

“Yeah if that’s ok. I’m Lyra by the way. Lyra Heartstrings. I was friends with Bon Bon back in University but we kinda went different ways. These days I kinda wish I’d stuck with her. Would have been better than wasting 2 months in Manehattan with a minimum wage job and nobody looking for my musical talent.”

“We all have regrets in life darling. What matters is working towards a better future.”

As Rarity spoke she skillfully measured all parts of Lyra’s body and produced a few dresses from the rack nearby.

“Well, these are ready-made and ready to be taken. However if you’ll indulge me for a moment I may be able to create something original just for you. It will take a few hours but I promise it will look fabulous.”

“Sure, I got time. You need me here for it or can I come back later?”

“You could, but if you were here then you could give your opinion on choice of fabric, colour and things of that nature. I know what I like the look of, but that doesn’t mean it’s to everyone’s taste darling.”

“Sure I guess. You got anything to drink?”

“Water, Juice or something harder?”

Lyra chuckled. “I’m going dry for a bit, trying to kick the habit you know? I’ll take some juice thanks.”

Rarity brought her a glass of orange juice as she sat and watched the seamstress at work. Every stitch was perfect, every piece of the puzzle came together wonderfully. She picked a light blue colour with white accent trims. It looked beautiful. After three and a half hours it was almost finished.

“For the finishing touches we just need to see it on you. In case I need to tuck or trim anything.”
Lyra stepped into the dress and spun slowly, looking at herself in the mirror.

“Wow, I look great! Thanks Rarity. I won’t forget this I promise. If you ever need a model for a day just let me know.”

“I might take you up on that offer sometime. Now go and enjoy yourself, have a good evening darling!” She sang as Lyra left the store, a new dress in her hooves.

She returned to her new home and found Bon Bon upstairs crocheting a blanket.

“Oh there you are Lyra. I was wondering where you ended up. Our reservations are in an hour. How’d your dress hunt go?”

“Rarity is so cool! She measured me and then made me a custom dress right on the spot. I picked the colours and everything. Man that was so generous. Sorry I wasted your favour Bonny.”

“I told you to find her because I knew she was great. You didn’t waste anything Lyra honey.” Bon Bon smiled as she continued her crochet.

“What’s with the knitting grandma?”

Bon Bon rolled her eyes.

“It’s crochet you goofball. I’m making a blanket for us. I’ve made a couple of little things already. I want to make some nice things for our home. Fluttershy showed me how to get started, she gave me a book too if you ever want to give it a shot.”

“Pass, it looks a little boring to me. But hey if you’re into it then don’t let me stop you, it looks great already.”

After another 15 minutes the pair got changed into their dresses and linked hooves as they walked out into the cool evening. Bon Bon’s dress was a striking pink with a sky blue trim and gemstones on the neck.

“Did I ever tell you how great you look Bonny?” Lyra smirked.

“Only a hundred times today honey. You look great too. Now come on, Gustave’s is a fine dining establishment. It won’t look good for us if we’re late for our reservation.”

They arrived and were greeted by a pony in a suit at the door.

“Good evening ladies, I’m afraid we’re all booked out unless you already have a reservation.”

“Reservation for Bon Bon? Table for 2. I was here a few hours ago.”

“Ah. Miss Bon Bon of course, right this way. This must be the marefriend you mentioned. Here are your menus, may I start you with a drink?”

“I’ll have a cider thank you.” Bon Bon said looking at the menu.

“You sure Bonny? That stuff ain’t good for you.”

“Lyra, some of us can enjoy a little drink now and then without drowning ourselves in it. Why don’t you have one too? You need to wean yourself off it instead of just taking a freefall without any.”

“Alright then, why don’t we share some wine instead?”

“Ooh good idea Lyra. forget the cider. Sorry sir, we would like a bottle of your finest red wine please.”

“Excellent choice ladies. I shall return momentarily.”

The two mares looked at the menus and each other, silently smiling and admiring their partner.

“So Lyra, what looks good?”

“You do. But if you’re talking about the menu, I think that Griffonstone salad sounds delicious.”

“Yes, but I don’t feel like a salad for my main course tonight. Maybe a side, I think i’ll go for the steamed seasonal vegetables.” Bon Bon said while blushing.

“In that case I’ll take the mountain style noodles and veg broth. With a salad on the side. I tell ya, the more I hear about that Kirin village up in the mountains, the more I want to see it.”

“Fluttershy told me all about it. She said her and Applejack were sent there to solve a friendship problem. Turns out the village was silent, used a magic stream to suppress their emotions. One kirin found a cure and she needed help convincing the village to cure themselves. Then they started trading with Equestria and some of them began exploring, writing recipe books. All sorts of exports.”

The waiter returned with two wine glasses and a bottle of red wine.

“Here you are ladies, are you ready to order?”

“Yes sir, thank you.” Bon Bon gave her order followed by Lyra and the stallion left as the two continued to banter.
“So Bonny, tell me. How’d you get started here in Ponyville? Sure you’re good, but no way you’d have enough cash just fresh out of university to open your own place.”

“Actually I did. I worked a side job in my last 2 years at uni. I was a waitress. Some of the customers were generous tippers so I ended up saving a bundle. Our place was going cheap for anyone who wanted to turn it into a business. Mayor Mare is always looking for opportunities to attract more ponies to the town. And what better way than a sweet shop? Well, I prefer confectioner’s shop, but sweet shop is easier for the kids to say. I’d say kids coming from the Ponyville Schoolhouse are probably my biggest customers. They love my cookies, chocolates and candies.”

“Sweet. And you don’t have any competition from that bakery in town?”

“Who, Sugarcube Corner? Nah. they’re great. They make more pastries and cakes. I stick to sweets mostly. But I do a few baked goods too like cookies. We work together sometimes on bigger projects. Pinkie was throwing a party just last week and The Cakes were busy running the store so she asked me to cater it. I don’t mind making some extra stuff for a good party, especially if it lands me a nice hoof full of bits.” Bon Bon giggled.

Their food came and they both sampled each other’s dish as well as enjoying their own food.

“Wow this stuff is killer. Good call Bonny.”

“Thanks, I heard from Fluttershy it was a good place. Her friend Twilight came here one evening on her own for a meal and loved it.”

“You seem quite friendly with this Fluttershy gal. She a pal of yours?”

“Yeah, she’s a bit shy but when you get to know her she’s really kind and she loves animals. We always bond over our love of the little critters and she likes my baking too. I told you she showed me how to start Crocheting too. I’ll have to bring you to meet her sometime.”

After their meal the waiter came back with a smile.

“Would you ladies like to see the dessert menu?”

“What do you think Bonny, got room in there for a little sweetness?”

“Well I’ve got enough sweetness just across the table. But yeah I could go for dessert.” She smirked.

Lyra blushed. “Dessert menus please, thank you sir.”

They split a large sundae and enjoyed every bite. In the end Lyra had a bit of cream on her nose and Bon Bon licked it off.

“Hey, save that for later Bonny, we can get frisky when we go home.”

Bon Bon giggled. “I’m just teasing you sweetie. Shall we pay and head back?”

Bon Bon counted out her bits and paid the waiter, with a good tip. The pair of mares then walked through the evening to arrive back home.

Lyra yawned.

“Tired sweetie?” Bon Bon asked.

“I guess so. Been a long day. But I’m glad I made the right choice to move here. I guess we're still sleeping together then?

“Oh yeah. I’ve been thinking about it all evening and we had a perfect date. We’re together now and I’d be a monster if i made you sleep on the couch after that. No, you’re sleeping beside me. No questions asked.”

“Sweet, shall we hit the hay then?”

“Sure thing Lyra honey.”

The two of them walked into their now shared bedroom and crawled under the covers. Bon Bon snuggled up to Lyra and sighed.

“I was missing out not having someone beside me. I was getting really lonely you know. But I knew deep in my heart I was waiting. For who or what I didn’t know, but now I do. I was waiting for you. I guess I’ve always loved you.”

“Same here Bonny, I wish I could go back and tell my younger self to not be a dumbass and follow you to Ponyville. There was nothing for me in Manehattan, I don’t know why I stuck around as long as I did. But now we’re together and I couldn’t be happier.” She kissed Bon Bon’s forehead.

“Well, goodnight Lyra sweetie.”

“Goodnight Bonny, sweet dreams.”

The pair drifted off in each other’s hooves.