• Member Since 17th Jun, 2017
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

The Red Parade

Cars are still parked outside. If the rapture had happened, why was it unrecognizable? Why was the sky blue? Why did no one tell me? Do these things not announce themselves?


The Orb of Almost only deals in false possibilities. Its prophecies tell the tales of missed opportunities, and of chances passed and ships that sailed. Flurry Heart thinks that's bullshit, and she's determined to prove it.

A collaboration with Shaslan, written as part of the Quills and Sofas Duos 3 Contest.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 9 )

She opened her eyes. A mare in a tricorner hat stood facing her, six pistols strapped to her legs, chest and wings. Her red eyes crinkled as she smiled. “Hey, Flurry.”

“Cozy, I need your help.”

The smile became sharp-toothed and rather feral. “Who are we robbing?”

Flurry drew herself up. “Why do you always assume we’re robbing somepony?”

“Flurry,” said Cozy, rolling her eyes. “We’re always robbing somepony. It’s our thing.”

“Not today,” Flurry answered stiffly. Then deflated. Brushed Cozy’s irritating parrot off her head, and then said, “Only I’m doing the robbing, actually. I need to steal a textbook from a nurse.”

Cozy pouted. “And what am I doing?”

“Actually,” said Flurry, hoping very much she wasn’t about to start off another international incident, “I need you to go up against one of your old nemeses.”

Cozy Glow drew a pistol and cocked it. “Excellent. I love my old nemeses. Which one?”

Flurry Heart cringed. “Aunt Twilight.”

And we're not reading why Cozy is free, and why she and Flurry know each other... Why? All of this demands a proper story. Unless I missed something somewhere.

Did you make up the Orb of Maybes? Also, is this a squeal?

Whoever is downvote bombing these comments needs to touch grass. I love the story by the way.

This was really fun, and Cozy and Flurry being friends (or more) inexplicably is one of my favorite tropes on this site.

Their eyes would have met; they would have shared the world-weary smile of the modern working pony, a slave to the grind.

It's interesting, I thought having a cutie mark would guarantee that a pony has a fulfilling job. The main six seem to have very interesting lives despite working full time jobs. I guess someone has to do the uninteresting stuff. I've noticed that every flurry heart and cozy glow story has a kind of darker grittier tone than average

... Love sucks, doesn't it? (does it? I'm aromantic, I don't know)

it's the teenage angst, no way around it :moustache:

That was really fun! And a clever way to get in multiple background main character ships, lol. I liked Flurry's portrayal here, and it was interesting how Cadance took a hands off approach to dealing with her new obsession.

This story is quite excellent for such a short one.
The comedy is in Flurry Heart's actions, But through Cadance's talk with her, we can see meaningfulness there as well. Fighting with destiny itself is already something great and thought-provoking, if one just think about it.
Shining Armor's talk by the end provided a fresh perspective from both of these immortal alicorns. Sometimes love is just like that.

Oh, and I was almost convinced that this orb has some serious shipper's disease, because anything can "almost" happen if you squint enough, and love gave us tons of these illusions that it "almost" happened. However at the end when it showed the "destiny" that they indeed found love in the end, I realized that these are also opportunities, and normal ponies just get depressed for all these things that "almost" happened, But didn't realize how missed opportunities sometimes give way to more opportunities.

And the fact that "you can't change destiny" is already depressing enough. For those who make greatness their destinies, they will always be optimistic, and if you think you're doomed to be mediocre, you'll get depressed your whole life.

Needless to say, I loved this story. It rich But not rushed.
Oh, and you don't need an explanation for every little bit in a fanfic, because sometimes They're just there to serve the comedy, and they don't need to be a "squeal" to a previous story just to explain that.

Until next time!

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