• Member Since 5th May, 2022
  • offline last seen 14 minutes ago


Hi. It's gapty. Read a fic today. Or don't. They're both the same to me. Just don't tell knighty I said that.


I fnid mslyef staindng bfeore a gorup of grils. Who are tehy? Who am I? Why cna’t I ueandrstnd my own tohughts?

This fic was written for the A Thousand Words Contest II in the category Experimental. Check out the other entries here.

Huge thanks to The Sleepless Beholder for prereading the fic and to Punished Bean for the cover art!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 21 )

"Sees the title" Oh no...

"Sees the description" On no....


"Reads the story" OH NO!

This makes me feel things! :raritydespair:

Great and terrible at the same time. An uncomfortable and sad story executed brilliantly. Stahp.

Ncie wrok! It's dilnitfeey not an esay raed ("stones" spemtud me for a mtiune), but fun to itaetgnre the srcututre of the srtoy itno its temhe.

Poor Wallflower

Welkom to the comments I suggest reading the story again and again and again... Till you understand what the grils are experiencing.

Wow. That was brutal. Not to mention how hard it must have been not to fix any spelling mistakes...

Quite the use of the well-known fact we can read jumbled words quite easily, given the first and last letters are still in place. It fits this sad story in a keen, sharp, and witty manner. A few words take a moment, but most breeze on by. As easy to read as it is easier to forget....

Google Docs Auto-Correct: :raritydespair:



That nearly gave me a headache. In a good way.

Very tragic. I don't like the ending, but I'm not supposed to like the ending. Best of luck in the competition, fellow competitor!



Wow... that's really good! I love the writing style :)

Very creative utilization of typoglycemia. It's somewhat a hassle to read, but not overly so, and the story is gripping enough for me to strive pass it. I imagine it must have been a nightmare to make this story and carefully transform the words just the right amount for balance between comprehensibility and conveying the feel. A few parts I think the word scrambling should be toned down a bit more, but overall great work.

It's surprising how easy it is to read, the human brain really is an amazing thing sometimes.


An enjoyable read with a good premise! I wouldn't say the ending was all to surprising, it is Wallflower we're talking about, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

It wasn't that hard to read, to be honest, given this is how all my stories look before I put them through google docs :p

Normally I wince at bad spelling, the very occasional minor typo aside, but to have 3/4 of the story deliberately done in this fashion an interesting medium for this story. a few words took a moment to parse, but otherwise very good work.

It was an interested read, I liked it. It wasn't hard to understand the words, surprisingly.

Whree am I? Waht is tihs plcae? Who are tehse grils in frnot of me?

neat effect and great showcase of that thing where sentences give words enough context to read them even with jumbled letters

“Wllaofelwr, is evertyhing alrghit?” I am aeskd ocne aaign.

Wllaofelwr is just Wallflower’s Welsh cousin’s name

“Grils, smoetihng is wreid aoubt her,” one of tehm reamrks.

im guessing she just seems like she’s having a stroke right now

Bferoe the gril can fnsiih her seentnce, I trun on my heels and siprnt aawy.

hehe, “gril”

“I don’t ueandrstnd. We just shttraeed the Meomry Stnoe; it souhld all be fnishied.”

i mean it makes sense that simply shattering a powerful magical artifact that stores memories with a friendship beam could have some very unexpected side-effects

Olny wehm I am yaenkd itno the air do I catch a glmipse of my capotr. It is a cerature of geren, eimtitng a clod golw, taikng the from of an eye. Its two tntcelae-like amrs are dtechaed, yet stlil in flul conotrl.

ooh, the eye on the Memory Stone? it makes sense that that has more significance than just a picture on the stone!

Do you want your awkward memories back?

oh what a conundrum!

In anegr, I wrnech mslyef fere form Snuset’s garsp. The two geern arms wnie arnoud me, as my mnid emiepts fruther, lsoing my meoiemrs ocne aaign, but tihs tmie for the lsat tmie.

It’s esaier to frgoet.

oof! so easy to expect the story to go as it did in canon, with Wallflower choosing to go forward with Sunset. and that makes the impact of this even more effective. poor gril!

The mind is a very interesting organ indeed. Definitely a good test of English comprehension to see how fast one can read this and a very compelling reason to have the gimmick. Nicely done!

Firstly, thank you for keeping the first and last letters in the right places; this would have been a much rougher read otherwise.

In any case, good use of the gimmick to indicate just how thoroughly wrecked Wallflower’s thoughts became… and a wise choice to employ it in so short a story. That would’ve gotten old really quickly. Also a compelling little tragedy beneath the mangled anagrams. Good stuff all around. Thank you for it.

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