• Published 5th Jul 2023
  • 573 Views, 47 Comments

The Crescent Pact - Chromentazol

The Crescent Pact remained in the shadows for 200 years, preparing to usurp Celestia. Aphelion, a member of the Pact, begins to learn the truth about its real goals.

  • ...

25 - The Trial

The light pierced through the throne room's stained glass, projecting colored patterns onto the floor. A warm breeze slowly made its way across the room, coming from the large ornate doors toward the grandiose thrones atop which sat the two rulers of Equestria, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. An otherworldly stillness permeated through the room, elevating the regal ambiance even further. The only sounds that echoed through the room were the hoofsteps of Sandstorm and Misty, slowly approaching the princesses. Their faces showed awe and amazement, taking in the wonderful architecture as well as the royal sister's almost godlike presences.

Princess Celestia's face was mostly neutral, only harboring a faint but warm smile with which she greeted every single one of her subjects. Her golden regalia was almost glowing in the sun, revealing the powerful enchantments imbued within. Her mane floated in the air, an array of ethereal colors looking as if a beam of light passed through a prism, splitting every colorful reflection around her head. While every pony knew what Celestia looked like, seeing her in person was always a shock as pictures were unable to capture the sheer otherworldliness of her being. Celestia stood proudly, her back straight, wings outstretched, and her head held up high. As the two mares approached the thrones, she silently nodded, closing but for a brief moment her magenta eyes.

To her side, Princess Luna stood with much less confidence. Attempting to copy her sister's smile, her face instead harbored what other ponies would assume to be a malicious smirk. Having spent a thousand years in exile, Princess Luna had forgotten how to force a smile. Wearing silver jewelry and horseshoes, her regalia was in a starkly different style, inspired by much older artistic styles. Her mane, a flowing tapestry of the night sky, was just as awe-inducing as her sister's, the myriad of stars glistening brightly. Luna did not nod, nor bow to the two mares, still unsure how to act in this world that was entirely new to her.

Slowly stepping forward, Sandstorm and Misty stopped once they judged they were close enough before bowing as graciously as they could. While Misty was used to showing this type of reverence, Sandstorm was completely out of her element and almost slipped as she bowed, only barely catching herself as her face was about to impact the impeccably clean marble tiles.

"Rise, my little ponies," Celestia said with a soft voice.

Slowly lifting their heads, the two mares stared at their rulers, unsure whether or not they should speak. While they attempted to appear as polite and reserved as possible, they couldn't help but stare at the new princess they saw for the first time. It didn't take much to assume this second alicorn was Luna, Equestria's new ruler at Celestia's side.

Noticing this, Celestia chuckled a little bit. "I suppose you two haven't had the chance to see my dear sister yet, haven't you?"

"Uh... No, your highness," Misty carefully replied.

"Your guards kinda forgot to even mention your existence," Sandstorm casually added while looking at Luna. Misty shot a quick annoyed glance toward her, causing Sandstorm to continue. "... Uh, your royal highnesses."

Luna raised an eyebrow. "Have they? Sister, is the royal guard from this age... Incompetent?"

Celestia sighed. "No, I can assure you they are most able, sister. This is unacceptable, however. My apologies for keeping you two in the dark."

"Oh, no need to apologize, your highness! It's our fault for... Uh... Being incarcerated," Misty said, her voice wavering slightly by the end of her sentence.

"I do suppose that's true," Celestia replied. "Anyhow, I do believe we have some important matters to discuss... Concerning your past misdeeds."

The two mares went silent. They knew this was coming, and yet they failed to find the right words to say. As things stood, they were simply too intimidated by the presence of two alicorns in the same room as them. Luna's gaze became colder, sterner before she spoke up.

"I have been brought up to date with most of your... Criminal activities. I must admit, your list of deeds was most impressive... For all the wrong reasons."

Celestia cleared her throat before speaking with a much more serious tone, the usual warmth in her voice changing into a chilling commanding presence. "Misty Step and Sandstorm. You two currently stand accused of, in no particular order, battery, bribery, foalnapping, robbery, forgery, fraud, vandalism, drug trafficking, arson and terrorism."

"Terrorism?!" Sandstorm shouted. "C'mon, we didn't do that, that's absu—"

"Sandstorm... Remember the improvised explosive two years ago, in that noble's bathroom?" Misty whispered, with a sheepish smile.

"Oh... Right, that bomb. Hey, come on, though, it was anything but improvised! It was a work of art, Misty, and you know it."

"Not helping our case," Misty whisper-yelled.

Celestia sighed. "What do you two have to say in your defense?"

"Uh, well..." Misty began, before being cut off by Sandstorm.

"What can we say? We girlbossed too close to the sun, and now we're here."

Misty's face went livid and horrified, instantly draining of all color. She closed her eyes for a moment, bracing herself for what she expected to be a harsh reprimand, but no other sound came from anypony in the room. Opening her eyes, Misty saw that both Celestia and Luna looked confused, Luna more so.

"... Sister," Luna began, "can you translate what the criminal just said? I am afraid my exile has left me... Disconnected from Equestria's current tongue."

Celesta wracked her brain, trying to understand what Sandstorm meant by that before returning to her familiar warm smile. "How about we let them explain themselves? I believe this to be a good start for this trial."

Sandstorm shrugged. "Alright. You want the long version, or the short one?"

"Uh, what my partner means to say is—" Misty attempted to do some damage control, but was cut off once again, this time by Princess Luna. Celestia shot a quick glance at Misty which clearly conveyed a simple message: 'I'm sorry'.

"We have both cleared most of our schedules for this. Thus, we shall hear 'the long version', as you so elegantly said. You will tell us now how you fell into this life of crime."

"Fine. I'll start," Sandstorm took a step forward. "Born in Ponyville, great parents, got mixed up with the wrong crowds as I grew up. They convinced me to go to Manehattan to make some money, I told my parents I wanted to enroll in some big university there. They believed me, I went there and we formed a gang. My boss got caught by Mud's group when we tried selling some drugs on their territory. They broke my boss' legs, kicked the shit outta the rest of us and they started blackmailing me to work for them once they learned about me lying to my folks. Turns out, they needed some muscles for some bigger heists. Didn't really have much of a choice, it was either that or letting them... Sell my body. Both figuratively and literally."

While Sandstorm's tone sounded casual, Misty recognized the faintest hint of pain and regret in her marefriend's voice. She placed a hoof on Sandstorm's back and offered a comforting smile. Misty saw a small tear forming in the corner of Sandstorm's eyes, though the yellow earth pony did her best to remain steadfast.

"A... Most unfortunate scenario," Luna eventually said.

"Indeed. As the sole ruler of Equestria back then, I must admit some part of responsibility. Were I a better ruler, such a situation would never have occurred. For this, I apologize, Sandstorm," Celestia added.

"Nah, it's fine. I played a stupid game and won a bucked-up prize. Thankfully, my parents still don't know about the truth, though I did have to tell them I dropped out. They currently think I got some cushy office job in Manehattan. I suppose they'll learn the truth soon enough, though."

"This does sound inevitable. And you, pink one? How did you end up straying from the light?" Luna asked.

"W... Well... I... My mother required Mud's services in order to... Climb the social ladder, let's say. Once Mud and his group learned of my abilities, they threatened to reveal my mother's secrets if I did not join them. I had no choice but to obey, lest my mother lose everything she's spent her life building."

"And what service did you mother ask of Mud, exactly?" Celestia asked, placing a hoof under her chin.

"... She works at the Fillydelphia Opera House. She asked for Mud's help in order to... Remove competition. She's been the director there for a few years, now."

"A most prestigious establishment, I assume. Does thou... Does your mother know about your involvement with this 'Mud' pony?" Luna's voice slowly became softer as she heard the mares' stories.

"I... Yes, she does. I asked for her help when Mud first started blackmailing me. She... Told me to go along with it. For her sake. This was her life's work, after all, while I still had all of mine to figure myself out. For me, it would just be a temporary setback... At least, that's what she told me."

"We met soon after," Sandstorm continued as Misty looked at the floor, needing a few moments to herself. "We got placed in the same team to steal some files from some business stallion in Fillydelphia. We worked well together, so Mud made sure we got the same jobs. We, uh, got pretty close during that time, doing crime and each oth—"

"I see," Celestia spoke up, predicting Sandstorm's propensity to derail conversations. "So, you two are victims of your situation... At least partly. But why did you never ask for help? You could have been placed into witness protection programs with all the information you two had gathered about Mud."

Misty scoffed. "We tried. Once. You see, our team initially included a third mare. Sea Foam. She went and found a guard, one night, hoping to get us all out of Mud's grip. Turns out, Mud controlled a lot of the guards in Fillydelphia and learned about Sea Foam's attempt to get us free. He... Made an example out of her. She's not longer..."

"She's six feet under," Sandstorm continued. "Mud made us do it, then drilled into our head that should we try that sort of thing ever again, he'd place us in a room with a knife and would only unlock the door when only one of us remained. Excuse us if we didn't really want to risk it all for your precious guards, especially given how useless they've been at stopping a crime lord that kept acting so openly, in broad daylight."

Mouth slightly agape, Luna turned her head toward her sister, her face full of disbelief. "Sister, is this true?"

Celestia sighed. "... I am afraid so, then, though I did not expect things to have gotten this bad," she said before looking upward at the ceiling, temporarily lost in thoughts. "While I cannot reveal everything to you two yet, you are owed an explanation. Mud and his group are... Or were a direct branch of the Crescent Pact. While I could have sent the royal guards against him, this would have led to a cascade of events concluding in a civil war in Equestria."

Blinking a few times, Misty stammered. "Wh... What?!"

"For a long period of time, there has been a status quo between the crown and the pact. All you need to know, for now, is that I wasn't sure who I could trust and what I could do... Until very recently. Miraculously, the tides have changed."

"... Because we went inside Aphelion's father's manor?" Sandstorm tentatively asked.

"Indeed. You two, alongside Aphelion, Misty and one of my own maids, somehow found your way there and prevented the pact from reaching its goal, unknowingly undoing years of preparations," Celestia smiled once again. Luna observed the two mares in front of her, struggling to grasp how they could accomplish such a feat.

"... How exactly did you two end up there?" Luna asked.

"Oh, it's because Misty hears voices in her head," Sandstorm joked, which caused Luna to raise an eyebrow, and Misty to facehoof.

"Uh... It's a bit more complicated than that, your majesties. As I've said earlier, Mud recruited me because of my abilities... Basically, my innate talent allows me to... Communicate with large cities. I don't really know or understand the exact mechanics of it, but I recently had a more powerful vision warning me of what the pact was doing... And of your return, Princess Luna, though only now can I understand that part."

"You can speak with the city?" Luna said, putting a hoof underneath her chin. For a moment, it seemed as if she was going to continue this line of questioning, but eventually decided against it. "That is most interesting."

"Indeed it is," Celestia continued. But your presence in the manor wasn't the only event that night that turned the tides against the Crescent Pact, though I doubt you've heard much about it given your month-long reprieve from society.

"The return of the Elements of Harmony," Luna added.

"Yes, but more specifically, your return, sister."

The two royal sisters smiled at each other, though their faces clearly showed the pain of a millennia of separation. Sandstorm broke the moment by speaking up against, her face still sour. "Right... I don't buy what you said earlier, though. You claim there was absolutely nothing you could do while you let your subjects suffer and your own bucking guards turn corrupt?!"

Luna shot a stern look at Sandstorm before speaking up with a loud, booming voice. "You will not disrespect your ruler, crimi—"

"No, Luna, she's right," Celestia cut her sister off. "In your absence, I have failed as a ruler. I can only hope to make things right now that you are back at my side, sister. While these two did commit an honestly surprising number of crimes, I must admit my part of responsibility for not creating a world where they had the opportunity to safely turn themselves in."

"But still, these scoundrels shouldn't be disrespecting you! And you shouldn't have to show this much clemency to those hellions!"

"Hey, who're you calling a scoundrel?" Sandstorm shouted, before turning to Misty and whispering in her ear. "What does scoundrel mean, again?"

"Do not mistake my clemency for weakness, or for letting you off the hook easily. I believe you two, just like Aphelion and my sister, are owed a second chance despite your past failings. What I am offering you two is a chance to redeem yourselves, by helping us in our hidden war against the Crescent Pact. You will be, of course, closely monitored to ensure you remain within the confines of the law. The alternative is a very, very long prison sentence, which you two are free to take should you not wish to risk your lives," Celestia's words were heavy and implied a simple truth: if Misty and Sandstorm wished to be free once more, they would have to undo the damages they caused in the past.

With one knowing glance at each other, both mares nodded. Without saying a single word, they already knew what the other was thinking. Misty spoke up. "We agree, your majesty. Thank you for giving us this chance."

"Good," Celestia smiled, her face softening. "While I was already thinking about making this offer to you two, Aphelion has been quite vocal in his support for your freedom ever since I met him... Which is surprising to me, I must admit, given how you originally used him as a scapegoat during your little trip underneath the castle," Celestia said.

"Guess he couldn't resist our charm," Sandstorm joked, causing Misty to roll her eyes.

"Perhaps, but I doubt Aphelion is the type of stallion to think only with his loins. Once he has fully recovered from his coma, it would be wise for you two to have an honest discussion with him... To apologize, among other things," Celestia argued. Luna simply nodded.

"... Yeah, that would probably be for the best," Misty agreed.

"Good. Now, then, let us continue this conversation another time. We have some other important matters to attend to, though you must know that I will need to speak with each of you individually in the near future. There is much work to be done," Luna said while standing up from her throne.

"Indeed. And, I believe, you two will want to spend some time together after being separated for so long. Take the rest of the day off, for yourselves. A maid will bring you to your chambers and indicate where you may find Aphelion, Glaze and Steady," Celestia added. Both Misty and Sandstorm winced at the mention of Steady, causing Celestia to tilt her head. "... Is something the matter with Steady?"

"Uh... Well... Don't you know our... History with him, since he works for you?" Misty asked. Celestia shook her head from side to side.

"We're kind of the reason why his wife left him four years ago... Though, if you ask me, we did him a service," Sandstorm said boldly. Celestia's eyes went wide for a moment, completely taken aback.

"I... No, I was not aware of that. Steady isn't exactly the type of stallion to confide to others, especially to his employer. Though that would explain why he worked so hard to capture you two," Celestia admitted. "... I suppose you two owe him an apology as well, then."

"If he doesn't try to beat us to a pulp when we see him, sure," Sandstorm shrugged.

With a slight nod, Celestia continued. "Well, he did agree to working with you two. I must assume, then, that he is willing to put his anger aside for the sake of Equestria's protection. Please, do not aggravate him any further, however."

"We'll try, your majesty," Misty replied.

"Now, go," Luna said. "We shall summon you two tomorrow."

With one last bow, Misty and Sandstorm silently exited the throne room. Once they had left the room, Luna slumped on her throne and let out a long sigh. "Sister, are you sure these two are to be trusted?"

"I... Cannot know for sure, Luna. But we need more allies, and these two seem to possess an interesting skill set... Especially Misty Step."

"... Yes, you're right, but still. They seem to be extremely volatile and foul-mouthed... Mostly the earth pony."

"She reminds me of you when you were young, Luna," Celestia chuckled.

Glaring at her sister, Luna pouted while attempting to prevent a smirk from forming. She knew Celestia was right, and she did see herself in Sandstorm. Still, Luna wasn't convinced, but she trusted her sister's judgment.

"Tomorrow is going to be a long day, isn't it," Luna eventually said.

Author's Note:

Wahoo, new chapter

As always, let me know in the comments if you enjoyed/did not enjoy this chapter! I tried not to expo-dump too much, but i dunno if I did it right.

Next chapter: Apogée's side of the aftermath.