• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2020
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


A pony of mystery in the darkness. Or I forgot to take the lens cap off. (They/them is fine.)



Sometimes, noticing even the smallest detail can change a person's life.


"The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes."
--Arthur Conan Doyle


I really have no idea whether this is an entrant in Bike's A Thousand Words Contest II.

#1000words #1000wordscontest #1000words 1000words 1000 words)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 20 )

A bunch of seemingly disconnected events involving different people. By themselves, they are enjoyable scenes. Together, they form a fun story Voltron.

Wallflower forms the head.

Thank you! I am happy that it works for you. That's certainly what I was hoping for, except I hadn't thought about who was the head.

I’m a little confused on what this has to do with details. Am I missing something?


I am confused… but amused. Best of luck in the contest!

I think I understand the story. But I am not sure.

I think I do not understand the story

A tale of the intricacies of daily life. Well done.

I don't get it. Can someone explain it?

"No!" Wallflower clenched her fists. "But I have a plan. The squirrels will regret the day they thought to turn my precious tree friends into their personal chew toys!"

always love a vengeful Wallflower! i sure hope she gets her revenge on the tree rats

"Um...no." Juniper stepped back. "Do Celestia and Luna know what you're doing to the school's trees?"

Wallflower said, "Snitches get stitches. If you want to live to be a famous movie director, you won't tell a soul."

Juniper backed farther away. "Ok then." She turned and ran.

honestly love this Wallflower/Juniper dynamic already

Juniper snorted. "And I suppose you think a movie soundtrack is as good as the real movie."

hehe very in-character interjection

"Shining Armor, Twilight's brother." As the two shook hands, Shining added, "In the Whinny Nam war, the North Whinnynese captured some of our troops, and made movies of them to show for propaganda purposes. But when they showed the movies on Whinnynese television, it turned out a few of the troops were blinking their eyes in Horse Code, sending secret messages to the outside world."

the juxtaposition of such heavy real-life events and the terrible horse puns i love really is quite something. art, i daresay

"Huh," Twilight said. "So if you're a prisoner who's being tortured every day, maybe movies can be ALMOST as important as books."

Shining and Juniper exchanged exasperated looks. "She's always like this," Shining remarked.

hehe so true, Twilight W

"Yes. Trees can make me feel better than anything else in the world. And late at night, when no one's around?" Fluttershy whispered, "I can get...more intimately affectionate with them. A good tree's love can even soothe my hemorrhoids."

well that got real personal real quick!

Fluttershy ran to the fallen creature, kneeling to give it a medical examination. One at a time she gently lifted each eyelid, checking for signs of a concussion. "The poor little dear. I don't know WHY the local squirrels are so bad at climbing."

"Heh," Rainbow said. "Maybe they need to buy the tree dinner first."

ok that is a great payoff to the Walllflower thing and a great Rainbow line

Later, at home in her backyard, Rainbow hugged a tree, and touched it with her lips. She whispered into a knothole.

um rule 2

"Then how do you eat an ice cream bar, or a hot dog? How do you ever peel a banana?"

"No," Sonata whispered. "Why did you have to say that, Aria? Now I'm all confused. Now I don't know how to eat anymore! I'm going to starve!"

ahaha this is so them

Twilight Sparkle, the new transfer student from Crystal Prep, was cutting her taco into little pieces with a knife and fork. Twilight speared a morsel with the fork, and lifted it to her lips.

In that moment, Sonata was enlightened.

yay the title of the story, and also a terrible thing that Twilight does!

oh i just adored this! all these little comedic character vignettes that wrap around and comment on each other. it’s just very excellently done. perhaps my Platonic ideal for what a Slice of Life story is. this is one of my favorite stories of the contest so far, thank you so much for it! 

Hmm. I feel like I’m missing some of the connections here, especially in how the last scene relates to everything before it. Maybe if I could see the video… :raritywink:

Even so, it’s impressive how you were able to compress an entire anthology of related minifics into just a thousand words. Thank you for these and congrats on the judge prize.







Now that the contest's judging is over, and I also happen to be looking for a nice excuse to take a short break from other activities, I feel freer to reply!

I thank everyone who commented on this story and gave your feedback. It's so interesting to see how different people have different takes on it!

You have me wondering if I should be asking Knighty to add the "Existential Mystery" tag to the site.


Hmm. I feel like I’m missing some of the connections here, especially in how the last scene relates to everything before it. Maybe if I could see the video… :raritywink:

Even so, it’s impressive how you were able to compress an entire anthology of related minifics into just a thousand words. Thank you for these and congrats on the judge prize.

The story DOES have kind of a weird shape, doesn't it? I enjoyed doing that. :rainbowwild:

You are very welcome, and I thank you for sharing what you thought of the story, and for your congratulations.


As usual, your comments are very interesting, as befits the sort of person who would start something called "Comment Club."

perhaps my Platonic ideal for what a Slice of Life story is.

When I'm invited to think about the notion that my story is closer to Goddess and the Good than I myself am. Or am I overthinking the Platonic angle here?

Thank you so much for sharing your reactions and feedback. Your Judge Prize is appreciated too.

I’m glad I wasn’t the only one confused.

This was a rollercoaster of emotions.

Hello! I read all the stories in this contest that won recognition, so have a review. As I said there, I enjoyed the pieces but was confused about how they fitted into a complete jigsaw. Since you noticeably avoid providing direct answers in the comments here, I still don't fully understand this one. My fault, no doubt.



As I said there, I enjoyed the pieces but was confused about how they fitted into a complete jigsaw.

First, I want to thank everyone who commented on this story. It's interesting to see your reactions!

Second, I want to address the people who said they were confused about the story, or who said they thought they understood the story but weren't sure.

My headcanon on this is a bit complicated and indirect, I guess...

One way of looking at this story is, a bunch of vignettes and mini-plotlines don't HAVE to form a single straightforward linear narrative, even though the pieces are presented in the order they happened in.

Another way of looking at this story (which might not contradict the 'first way') is, the story includes two main plotlines:

A Plot: Different CHS students have their own relationships (not always romantic or sexual relationships) with trees, and some of those relationships affect other relationships in ways that are sometimes clear to the human participants, and sometimes not.

B Plot: Yes, Twilight Sparkle is the kind of person who sees and does things...'differently from most people.' She WOULD think the soundtrack of a movie should be a sufficiently informative substitute for the full movie, and almost invariably falls asleep partway through the movie (but maybe because she's been working very hard inventing a new science or solving an important problem.) She eats her tacos with a knife and fork instead of using her hands. But at least she incidentally, probably without even intending to, shows Sonata a way to eat tacos that doesn't require the same manual dexterity skills as how Sonata was trying to do it before!

If Sonata can just cut her taco into pieces on a plate, and then pick up each piece with a fork one at a time, putting each piece into her mouth that way, it might really be easier and less confusing for her, and she'll get to eat better. She won't go hungry! And that was Sonata's enlightenment. Seemingly mundane and simple, but important for her.

Seeing that last bit required the reader to do a bit of inference or even guessing, though, I guess.

Much of the story hinges on (and even highlights!) the importance of what might seem to many people 'small details' or 'background details.' These details range from the exact timing of someone's eyeblinks in a television broadcast, to the fact that Twilight happens to be eating her taco with a knife and fork in the background while the Dazzlings are pestering each other and (trying to?) eat lunch. The fact that Wallflower's been semi-secretly ("Snitches get stitches!") coating the tree trunks at CHS with a transparent substance would be another detail, one that most CHS students might not see or directly notice, but a detail that ultimately drives most of the A plot.

So...'the importance of small details' was a theme of the story.

I like to think that some of you picked up on much or all of this consciously, or partly consciously and partly unconsciously, but I guess I don't know either way do I? Although asking you might help? I am accepting fimfic mail/DMs as well as comments.

Anyway, thank you again for your comments!


I think I forgot to reply-to you, but my comment of a minute ago is to you, at least the 'thank you for your comment' part.

Hahaha, you're quite welcome n_n

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