• Published 9th Jun 2023
  • 5,680 Views, 101 Comments

Before the Night - Nugget27

A human wakes up in a magical pony land a couple of years before Luna’s banishment.

  • ...

The Night Will Begin

The first day of the new week(The ball was on a sunday), I woke up to Blaze in my face, her chin resting adorably on the bed, nose to nose with me, and her tongue was poking out a little. “Oh! I did not know that was sticking out!” Blaze’s telepathy emulated a chuckle as she tucked it back in. “Anyway, I was going to tell you that I do not trust that purple unicorn at all. I have a feeling that she may want to cause you harm,” Blaze rubbed up against me while her eyes began to glow. “And now I am soul-bound to you. As long as you are in this realm, I will know where you are, and I will know how to get to you.” I blinked a couple times. What in the fuck?

“So… that means we’re soulmates?” I cocked my head to the side.

“No… yes, in a way. On one paw, we are not romantically together, but on the other, we are about as close as can be without being mates. I watch your back, you watch mine, two peas in a pod, any cliche saying you horses like to use to describe friends. At this point, I know you don’t just see me as a pet, even if I proclaimed that I am your pet. I’m one of your best friends in your mind, so I would be honored if you agree to being soulmates with me; the spell only works when you say yes.”

“Well… Meh, what can go wrong?” Horrible. “Yes, I, Ostri would like to be your soulmate.” Blaze barked, wiggled her tails, and she hopped up on the bed to nuzzle me.

“Blaze… I’m glad you just managed to bind yourself to your owner, but can you be quiet? It’s too early in the night for this,” Luna grumbled. She was laying face down into a pillow, ears adorably pinned against her head, as she tried to get just five more minutes of sleep. “Blaze, you also best-“

“Luna, I would never get between the relationship of two mates; that would end horribly. I merely wish to know where Ostri is, in case he spends time with our new guest and mysteriously goes missing. This way I will know, and we can protect each other better.” Blaze started grooming Luna. “Sorry about waking you, but as you said, I am the best alarm clock you’ve got; I don’t to expel any waste like you or Ostri, but I do like going on evening walks with you both.”

Luna moaned when Blaze went to her ears. “I suppose you are right; I have night court in a few hours, so I suppose I should’ve woken up sooner. A little to the left?” Blaze did as requested. “You are ridiculously good at grooming ponies, Blaze. That should not be possible.”

“Well, it’s a sign of affection amongst my kind, and the more common fox you’re used to seeing. Either you are good at grooming, or your mate doesn’t think you love them that much.” Blaze giggled. “Not really, but females that can get into the itchiest nooks and cranny of another living being is often a more valuable mate.”

Luna sat up with a cat-like stretch. “Well, I suppose I shall properly greet the night and get ready. Ostri, I know you think that Starlight Glimmer is a freak; you’re completely right. But I think it would be best if you go to her room and speak with her. Perhaps she was like me and just needed some handsome stallion to coax her out of her shell.” I nodded. “Though if she looks at your flanks, let me know, and her flanks will be extra purple when I’m through with her.”

We both laughed at that. “God, I never met a lady who so casually jokes about me possibly cheating on her.”

“Again, a stallion having multiple mates is quite common. I would rather not share you, but if you love another mare, I wouldn’t mind if you told me about them. I’d like to meet the lady who could compare to a Princess.” Luna said with a sly grin. “Perhaps she wouldn’t dream to match me in bed.”

“Your sister? She might be more than a match for you.” I cocked my head and Luna just snorted. “But nah, you’re the only one I want to be with, Luna.” I nuzzled her before drawing back. “Well, I’m gonna go talk to our mystery girl, if I don’t come back, assume I died. Or Starlight decided to knock me out. Or rape me. Or knock me out and rape me-”

“We get it, Ostri. Just go,” Blaze rolled her eyes. “Though if she does do anything to you, I will personally make sure Starlight does not see the light of day. I don’t care if she is more magically inclined than I am; you simply do not do that to another sentient being.” With that said, I walked out the door, and because Celestia’s servants are smart, Starlight Glimmer’s room was right next to mine and Luna’s. Why would you host your guest, who is potentially dangerous due to their magic being so strong that it impresses a literal Sun and Moon Goddess, next to said princess’s room where a less magically defensive person (me) also resides? Beats me, but I have a feeling that will end poorly. I knocked on the door.

“Yo, I know it’s the asscrack of dusk, but are you awake right now?” The door started glowing and it gently opened. “So uh…” Starlight was sitting down, reading a scroll and studying it. “What the heck are you doing?”

“I have access to Starswirl’s spell calculations,” Starlight said. What the fuck. No question, just why? What the actual shit. “These were thought to be lost to time…” I raised an eyebrow as Starlight looked up from the scroll in her magic. “I… I really don’t know how else to say this, but you’ll just have to take my word on this. I’m from the future,” I blinked. “Yes, I know, it sounds crazy,” I blinked again. “Are you even going to respond? Call me crazy? Believe me at all? What the heck-”

“So if you’re from the future… how the fuck- nah, I’ve seen magic raise the sun and moon; that’s not something I used to see everyday. Given how I’m assuming that I’m not from this universe, then I’m not surprised.” Starlight blinked… “Yeah, you’re not the only bitch that has a weirdass origin story. I wasn’t even a pony a year and a week ago. So why do you look like a psychopath most of the time? I literally broke the sound barrier yesterday and all you could give was a poker face while probably plotting my demise.”

“It’s just so… surreal. Seeing the Princesses, Luna looks roughly the same if a little shorter, and Celestia with a pink mane… it’s just so strange. And it’s even weirder seeing Luna’s consort in the flesh! You’re in the history books as a great general, who appeared out of nowhere, whose life is cut short…” I raised an eyebrow. “You apparently went missing not even a year after you revolutionized Equestrian warfare through your ‘out of the box’ strategies and brutality. You’ve partook in a battle where none of your troops died or were even injured.” Gawdamn! I didn't know we did that good! “Well, except for you. It was heavily theorized that after the battle, you were wounded and died shortly afterward because we didn’t have the proficiency in healing spells at the time…” I shrugged. “Well, I might as well tell you why I’m here.”

“You casted a time travel spell and fucked up?”

“I was only supposed to go back a week! I definitely went a little further than a week though. Sorry if I seem creepy, it’s just so weird to see you make history in front of me; you’re the reason why the Sonic Rainboom became a thing of legend! Oh Rainbow Dash will not believe me when I say this!” Huh. Glad she spun her apparent reasoning back to how I’m a historical figure of importance.. “You also had apparently a pet Kumiho-”

“How the fuck do you know so much about me anyways? I doubt just anybody is looking through history books unless you’re a nerd,” Starlight nervously chuckled. “You’re a nerd, Starlight. You wanna meet my pet Kumiho? She’s in the other room and can hear my thoughts and is plotting on tickling the shit out of me for calling her that. My ‘kumiho’ is actually a kitsune, a similar creature, that is significantly more peaceful and friendly-” the door slammed open and Blaze happily trotted in. “Please don’t tickle the shit out of me. Starlight’s the one that called you a Kumiho, not me.” Blaze snorted.

“She won’t eat us, right?”

“Nah, she will judge you and kill you with cuteness, but she won’t eat us. Kitsune, while absurdly dangerous, are big ol’ fluff balls that love being loved. Mine in particular likes being petted,” Blaze then rubbed up under my chin and happily yipped as she laid into a hug.

“...How did you tame her?”

“Didn’t run like a bitch when I first saw her, and even thought she was kinda cute. I never actually even tamed her. She just said ‘aight bet’ to me being her owner, and became my pet.”

“Oh Twilight is gonna murder me for this! She always wanted to see a kitsune, but is so busy, and Kitsune and Kumiho live so far away from Equestria that it’s impossible to go meet either!” I Started laughing like an idiot. “What?” I kept on laughing and even Blaze joined in shortly afterwards. Starlight was now just looking confused.

“Don’t go meet a Kumiho. Those things are psychotic; they will either eat your kidney and torture you, or they will seduce you, eat your kidney, and then torture you. If you’re lucky they’ll just kill you. Go meet a kitsune; you look at the one currently letting me use her head as a pillow and tell me these things are vicious. They can kill you, but they choose not to because they will actually try and respect the fact that you’re alive… As long as you don’t try to murder them for whatever reason.”

“I originally met Ostri because he was getting paid to murder me,” Blaze said. “His desire to murder me wavered because I was pretty, pretty fluffy, and he wanted to pet me when I got close to him,” she glared at me. “You tickled me instead of petting me. I still remember that.”

“You got your revenge though…”

“And do I need to explain why I should tickle you again?”

“If you tickle me, I won’t rub your belly for a week.”

“I… Fine, I will not tickle you.”

“So Starlight, this is a Kitsune, big babies that love affection.”

“She has telepathy…” Starlight’s jaw dropped. “Not even skilled unicorns in my era can do that!” Blaze chuckled. “Though… Whateven happened to you? Nopony knows what happened, and if the history book was accurate, then this is the middle of summer, and the Battle of Everfree was at the start of spring.”

“Probably doesn’t help that I started dating Luna and started being nocturnal so I can wake up next to her; those nobles are not fun to be with during the day, and are about the same at night. So I chose the best outcome for me and Luna, and now we can wake up side-by-side. Well, Blaze acts as our alarm clock most of the time, even though Luna is tied to the moon and is more accurate at telling the time than most clocks are. Blaze is just a bitch.” Blaze snorted. ‘Yes, that earned me the silent treatment, I love you all the same, bud.” I chuckled before sending Blaze on her way. “So let’s cut the crap; are you gonna murder somebody?”

“No! Heavens no! I just want to go home… The problem is, casting a time travel spell is very taxing on my magic, and casting again can lead to magic burnout. That’s not good to have when you’re a unicorn that heavily relies on magic; it can end in death.” Oh. Shit. “So I have to wait before I can even attempt the spell again, and even then it’s a mixed bag. I could end up in the present, where I belong, or end up in the wrong time. Using some of Starswirl’s calculations, I can probably work together-”

“I have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about. I don’t know a damn thing about magic beyond the fact that the magic that we have right now is really basic. Like, according to Celestia, teleportation was only recently discovered,” I shrugged. “I also don’t look into it given that I can’t do it, so calculations, especially your calculations, will probably confuse me. Lemme guess, you can take that spell, find some way to counter it, and doing so will take you back home perfectly unscathed?” Starlight nodded. “Cool. You’re staying in here so you won’t fuck up the timeline?” Starlight nodded. “Cool. Keep doing you!” I walked out the door to do basically nothing.

I have zero responsibilities. Actually, I can’t really do any odd jobs now that I’m nocturnal except for ones by the Crown. And at this point, Celestia just asks if I could do the task required, and I often do it without pay. Most of the time, if it’s not dangerous, if it is, then Celestia does pay me money. And I’m assuming she has none for me given that she’s currently asleep, she doesn’t need me to violently murder the overflowing population of rabbits. So a stroll under moonlight until Luna was free sounded like a good idea. And so I went ahead and did that.

The next night, I woke up, did the usual with an extra side of Blaze knocking the wind outta me while waking me up for her evening walk. That’s how most of the week went, actually. I just woke up, checked in on Starlight when I could, and hung out with Luna throughout most of the night, and Celestia during the day. I told both of them about the situation and they think it’s bullshit, but admitted that it’s plausible after I pointed out that they are magical, Perfect, Pretty, Pony Princess Sisters that can control the Sun, the Moon, and have a specific type of pony that can control the weather to the point where they schedule rain, snow, seasons, anything.

Yeah, time travel would be possible, especially with Starswirl apparently coming up with that spell at some point.

This week was uneventful, and Starlight was still working out how to send herself forward in time so she wouldn’t accidentally fuck anything up. One day, a week after my first encounter with Starlight, I went out and met some sorta bughorse though. “So you eat love,” I hummed as I looked down at the thing stuck in a trap. It simply nodded. “And you can shapeshift?” It nodded again. “You got a name?” Oh yeah, it’s wearing a crown. It nodded. “Can I get your name? I’ll give you mine, I’ll let you go, and we can go on our merry little way.”

“My name is Chrysalis, I am a changeling princess,” cool.

“Name’s Ostri, nice to meet ya.” I knelt down and took the net off the changeling. “Say, you’re kinda thin looking; do you need food? I got some extra love stored up in me, and I’m down to share.” Chrysalis nodded. “Cool, do your thing, I guess.” Oh, that feels weird. It’s like somebody’s licking your brain… Oh… that feels so so fucking weird! It’s kinda ticklish, honestly. The sensation of my brain being licked like it’s a tootsie pop was over pretty quickly, and Chrysalis was licking her lips. “So I assume you had your fill?”

“As much as I could without harming you…. Thank you, Ostri. I shall remember your kindness; I believe you were sent to kill me?” I nodded. “And you’re letting me go?”

“Yeah. Don’t see why not. You haven’t murdered anyone, right?” Chrysalis shook her head. “Cool. No need to chop your head off,” I booped her on the nose. “Go do whatever bugponies do, or just go home. You had to be in that net for a fucking minute; bet that wasn’t fun, was it?” Chrysalis shook her head. I hugged her. “Hope we can meet again, and hey, if you’re starving again, you can stop by in Everfree, and I’ll feed you. It felt like I was getting high when you did that, so I don't mind it.” Chrysalis looked shocked, but hugged me anyway. “We’re gonna be best friends! Oh, Luna would love to meet you!”

Spoiler alert: They became best friends, they met, chatted, and were happily gossiping. Chrysalis was chatting about stallions, changelings and ponies alike(she can apparently mate with either), and Luna just chatted about having me around to tease and fluster. Then she kissed me on the nose in order to try and confuse the ever living shit out of me. “You know, Luna, you’re gonna have to try harder than that in order to get me flustered. I kiss you all the time, and vice versa.” Luna then kissed me, nuzzled under my chin, and rested her head on my foreleg. Okay, that is adorable and now my cheeks are burning.

About a week or two later, Starlight approached me one night while I was sitting under a tree, reading by candlelight. This spot was always pretty cool; nobody even came out to it, so I was left to my own devices and could basically do whatever I wanted. As long as there wasn’t a bear around, or else said bear will try to eat me. Since I was alone, never telling anyone where this spot is, I was surprised that the unicorn even managed to find me. “So Twinkles, how’s finding your way home going?”

“It’s going well. I’m really close to figuring out how to configure the spell. I just needed to be in a spot close to where I wanted to end up; if I did the spell in Everfree, I would’ve ended up in the Everfree Forest, a future landmark that springs up after Nightmare Moon.” Huh… “I probably shouldn’t have said that last bit,” Starlight stared into my expectant eyes. “A year or two after your disappearance, Luna got jealous of Celestia and became Nightmare Moon,” she finally answered. I just cocked my head. “What?”

“Is that… seriously the bullshit reason behind Luna possibly becoming evil?”

“Yeah…? What actually happened?”

“Luna, during these times, is demonized to all hell. She fought for this country at the age of twelve yet none of her efforts were recognized. Her night sky is considered soul sucking, there are literal cults making her the embodiment of everything bad happening in Equestria and neither she, or her sister, can legally do shit about it. Everyone shuns the Moon because it’s a catalyst for a dark future or some shit, whereas the Sun leads to a brighter one. I’ve seen fucking posters on job bulletin boards from psychos who want Luna dead because she’s a witch. Luna opened a god damn orphanage just to help foals, and was even going to outright adopt one of the foals in that orphanage. Hell, the foals love Luna whenever she shows up. Yet despite every good thing, despite how much blood she spilt and bled for this country, it still fucking hates her for no fucking reason. You become what people treat you, and if Luna becomes a demon, then it was your people’s fucking fault, not Luna being a god damn child who couldn’t handle not having attention.

“Luna doesn’t even care about being seen that much. She can handle not having appreciation. She’s a fucking adult, after all. What she cannot handle is waking up to the very subjects she loved and fought for, calling her a bad omen, a demon, literally anything. Not to mention I see her draw out plans for the night sky whenever she can, something to spice up the seasons when new constellations, comets, anything. Guess what? Nobody fucking notices it. She started being my friend because I was the one pony that admired her night sky and she pounced at the opportunity to befriend somebody who didn’t immediately hate or fear her. Then we got to know each other and become something more. Luna was lonely, Starlight. And even though I’m starting to like Celestia, the very fact that she won’t even go and talk to Luna about Luna’s problems because ‘Luna won’t tell me, so it’s not important’ is fucking stupid and all it does is cause her baby sister more pain.”

“...Huh.” Starlight hummed. “When you put it like that, that story makes far more sense than Luna becoming jealous of Celestia.”

“I think Luna’s starting to resent Celestia to some extent, but only because Celestia doesn’t act as the older sibling she is and comforts her little sister when her little sister clearly needs it. Fuck, if Celestia just went to bed, with Luna under her wing, in a hug, snuggled into her side, anything, it would probably make Luna happier. But because Celestia doesn’t actively seek Luna out, and Luna thinks Celestia has no time for her, then that begins to fester to some kind of resentment. I’m hoping to bridge that gap soon and get them properly acting like sisters and not two people who happen to share blood with each other. I never had a family before and it hurts to see two people taking their family for granted. That’s enough of me, why are you out here?”

She started staring off into the distance, taking a step away from me. “According to the map, this is where a town, called Ponyville, will be standing in the future. The very tree you’re laying under gets turned into a library, and eventually a castle after a while. I want to end up in that castle, and so this is where I’ll be performing the spell. I know you and I barely interacted, but it was nice to meet such a historical figure… Good luck with Luna. I’m sure you’re part of the reason why she has not fallen yet.” Starlight’s horn started glowing, as did her eyes. “Goodbye, Bald Ostrich.” Starlight and I started floating in the air, but her back was turned to me, so she didn’t notice I was being pulled toward her.

“Hey Starlight?”


“Uh… I don’t think-”

Everything turned to black.

Author's Note:

Originally I was gonna have evil Starlight Glimmer in here, just plotting away. But I think her messing with a time traveling spell she wasn’t supposed to is way better. Especially when she is why Ostri goes missing.

If you cannot tell, I am ending this story on a cliffhanger. There will be a sequel that’s maybe five chapters in length, maybe more. But until then, this is the end of Before The Night.

Comments ( 17 )

Everything turned to black.


Huh, so thats how it happens, he didnt die, he got sucked into the future! I wonder if Luna will remember him when he gets returns.

*slurping intensely*


Cliff hanger!!!!!!
So good!!!

i mean it was said that he vanished. time paradox i guess where time travel is always ment to happen. im curious about what happens to beings like blaze and chrisalis when he gets to the future

Of course she will.

And the Immortal Kitsune that soulbonded with him will instantly know where he is when he pops back into existance.

How could she do that to Luna! She saw how hard Luna has it considering all her work and not even sister acts like she appreciates her.

Welp, I hope the sequel comes out fast now

I have most of the first chapter written out already!

F u c k.

Oh goddamnit No!

The one infuriating thing about time fuckery is hindsight.

It all makes sense right after you can't do anything about it.

Okay story but you left it just right so now I have to know what's happened.

I honestly am not sure why this is in the updated section when I can't see a change but I hope in the third book the princesses start living the values of harmony instead of giving them lip service.

i might’ve made an update mistake; posted the wrong chapter to the wrong story.

You dun glubbed up, Starlight.

Why is this not better known?

This is briliant.

“On her doorstep was Twilight Sparkle. While Derpy deeply respected the mare, like most in Ponyville, they wished she'd either switch to decaf, or start hitting the harder stuff.” -Dan_s Comments

That checks out.

An interesting read. Ostri was utterly insufferable in the beginning, but things improved from there. Besides his brain dead suicide mission in the battle, the latter half of the story wasn't too bad.

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