• Published 19th Jun 2023
  • 254 Views, 96 Comments

Horse-Based Economy - David Silver

Two vaults with two experiments. One set the ponies out on their own, forming a tribal group. One kept them close, creating a vault-dweller herd of ponies. But there's still one more to be seen. How were they treated and what did they form?

  • ...

17 - Welcome to Ponyville

With the crack of dawn, the caravan was back on its many hooves and a few feet. "Giddyup." The attentive robot looked towards his child, awaiting the question. "What's our arrival time at the rate we've been doin'?" Stan pointed ahead. "Assumin' nothin' gets in the way."

"Calculating." Giddyup was perfectly capable of doing that and walking, so he did just that. "Estimated time of arrival: 4 hours, 17 minutes."

"Yer learnin'." He patted the side of Giddyup as they walked. "Didn't try to give seconds."

Buttercup squinted, overhearing the exchange. "He used to?"

"Oh, every time." Stan stroked over the back of his mechanical friend. "And used to get tripped up since the second would pass before he was done. He didn't want to give bad information, so he'd start over and over a few times until he could get it out before the second was done."

Buttercup snorted at that, a bit of a smile appearing before she remembered her misery and her scowl returned. "What were you thinking, opener of doors? What possessed you to even touch this one?"

Stan sighed, memories flooding back. "It's a long story. When I first crossed paths with this here robot, he was in a bad way. Had a bullet lodged in 'em, repeating the same words over and over, trapped. Ah managed to pry it loose and get him workin' 'gain."

Stan patted Giddyup's side fondly. "After that, I don't know, we just stuck together. He needed repairs and I guess I needed a friend. We've been through a lot out here."

Giddyup nudged against Stan. "You are my child. I cannot and do not desire to leave your side until instructed to do so by an authorized person with the parent permission."

Stan glanced at Buttercup sincerely even as he stroked Giddyup. "I know it don't excuse the harm caused. But he's more than just a machine to me. All ah want is to keep him safe while helping folks where I can. Ah never meant for this..." Stan trailed off, pain in his eyes.

Buttercup's expression softened slightly hearing Stan's words. She was still grieving, but recognized they all had been trying to do right in their own way. "Well, he sure seems fond of you," she admitted begrudgingly. "But that don't mean you know best all the time!"

Stan nodded solemnly. "You're right. I'll try to be more careful from here on. All I can do now is make sure we get where we're going without any more accidents." He chuckled softly. "Not as if ah thought ah had any master plans to start. Damned robots..." He patted Giddyup anew to be sure he knew Stan didn't mean him. "They got a mind of their own."

The two continued on, tensions eased if not eliminated. There was still healing to be done, but glimmers of understanding offered hope for reconciliation. "We didn't even get to honor them."

Applejack slid up with them. "Who honor what now?"

Buttercup inclined an ear at Applejack. "The dead. They were left... Rotting on the fields." She stomped mid-stride. "Damn it all... They didn't deserve that." A tired wheeze escaped her. "Not that most people who meet their end 'deserve' it... They were warriors, all of them. I will see their honors are sung at least... It's the least I can do." Tears welled up in her eyes. "I knew each of them... They were my friends..."

Applejack cringed, shrinking back a moment. "Ah... can only scarcely 'magine... Look... Ah can't help them... But is there anything ah can do for you? Let's put our thoughts to the one's still livin'."

Buttercup wiped her eyes, composing herself. "You're right, focusing on the living is what matters now." She managed a small smile. "Just having someone to talk to helps...it's been so hard feeling alone in this."

She looked at Applejack gratefully. "If you really want to help, any comfort you can provide to the others would mean so much. They could use a kind ear right now. And..." she hesitated.

"When we camp for the night, maybe we could hold a small ceremony, say a few words to honor the fallen?" Buttercup suggested hopefully. "Nothing fancy, just something to pay our respects."

Applejack put a reassuring hoof on Buttercup's shoulder. "I think that's a fine idea. We'll make sure their sacrifice is recognized. And I'll do what I can for the others...we gotta stick together now more than ever. Jus' one thing..." Applejack dared to come in closer to Buttercup. "We won't be campin' if Giddyup has the right of it."

Buttercup nodded, some of the anguish lifting from her heart. The road ahead was long, but with friendship to sustain them, she felt confident they would endure and rebuild. This stranger's compassion had made her feel less alone, and for that she was thankful.

Stan peeled away from the two mares, working through the crowd of migrating ponies to find the rest of the elders. The rest of them were actually elder, unlike the still young Buttercup. There were several ponies near them, guarding? "Got a minute?" He tried as an opening gambit. "Wanna talk."

Several of those guards moved to be between Stan and the elders. One of them glared at him specifically. "You are not welcome. You're part of why this is happening."

Stan held up a placating hand. "Ah know things haven't gone how any of us wanted... 'xcept maybe the bots."

"And this should make us happier?" The stallion sneered at the child ghoul. "Misery shared, as if you know ours."

Stan clenched a fist, huffing. "No... No, damn it. Ain't not a person on this planet that knows another person's misery. But don't act like ah don't know what it is. I got to watch my family, mah country, and the rest of mah world go up in flames. Don't preach at me like ah don't have no damn clue what pain is."

The stallion frowned, words failing him a moment, but a retort did find him. "Then why?" He stepped closer, still marching with the rest. "Why did you visit your pain on us? Is this some sick revenge?"

"Ah ain't that off in the head." Stan grumbled at the very idea. "Look, ah didn't want nobody getting hurt, 'xcept some raiders. They could get hurt all they wanted. Now, ah really do need to talk to them elders. They got a lot coming up that they don't even understand. Talkin' it over a little before it crashes on them would be nice."

A mare's elderly hoof came down on the stallion's shoulder. "Let him approach," gently ordered one elder. "He is no threat to us more than has already happened."

The stallion bowed his head low and he, with the other guards, scattered out around the elders, no longer blocking Stan's path to speak.

Stan approached respectfully as the guards stepped aside. "Thank you. I know you've suffered greatly because of my actions. I take full responsibility and want to make amends however I can."

The head elder gazed at Stan solemnly. "The harm is done and cannot be undone. But perhaps some good may still come of this, if we face it with wisdom."

"You mentioned we face things we do not understand," the elder prompted. "Explain this to us, if you would."

Stan nodded. "The place we travel to now - Ponyville. It's different than what you know. Run by ponies, but more advanced. Electricity, machines, ponies, and even some humans working together."

He glanced around at the wary tribals. "I want to prepare you because it will be strange. But not bad - they want to welcome y'all. If you cooperate and adapt, you can rebuild your lives there."

The tribals murmured anxiously at this news. The elder raised a hoof for silence. "You ask much...leaving all we have ever known. But as you said, we have already lost so much."

She met Stan's eyes. "We shall try this 'Ponyville'. Perhaps it shall become a new home, different but still bright. That is all we can ask for now. It isn't as if we are presented with many other options. When it rains, one must find shelter, or become wet. Cursing the sky will do little."

Stan bowed his head gratefully. "Wise words. I know ain't nothin' can replace what's lost, but ah think this path leads ta healin'."

The elder managed a sad smile. "That is all any of us seek. Lead on, opener of doors - we shall walk this path together."

Though still wary, the tribals felt hope stir in their hearts again. The future remained uncertain, but they would face it as one tribe. Stan took his leave, not daring to press the matter further in any one day with freshly grieving ponies. He almost ran into Giddyup, who had never left his side. "There ya are. We close?"

"Estimated time... 2 minutes."

Stan blinked at that short time. "Two minutes? How close--"

"Hold it." Several armed sherrifs stood at the ready, stopping the caravan from continuing. "Right nice to see so many new ponies, but there's a lotta ya..." To say nothing of the many deadly looking robots with them. "Mind 'xplainin' what's goin' on?"

The assaultron took the lead. "You will join us." That wasn't a question. "All ponies are to be moved to site designated 'Ponyville'."

The bearded sheriff burst into laughter. "Damned robot! That's where we live already. Ya can't make us go where we already are." He turned and waved grandly, directing a hoof to Ponyville just a few minutes of hiking away. "Wait a second..." He pressed forward, right through the crowd to close in on Applejack. "Ah remember you! Can ya kindly explain what's all this?"

Applejack stepped forward to address the sheriffs. "Howdy again, pardners! Y'all remember me and Stan, right?"

The bearded sheriff nodded. "That we do, missy. But who're all these new folks with ya?"

"Refugees, I'm afraid," Applejack explained. "Raiders chased us outta our old homes. These robots helped fight 'em off so's we could make it here."

She gestured around at the assembled ponies and robots. "I know it's a lot to take in! But Ponyville was offerin' a fresh start. We're right grateful you're willin' to take us in."

The sheriff stroked his beard thoughtfully. "Well shoot, sounds like you've been through the wringer. But we got a good town here with room to grow."

He eyed the robots warily. "They causin' any trouble?"

"Some misunderstandings," Applejack admitted. "Nothin' we can't work out. They really did help us get here safely."

The sheriff nodded. "Alright then. Why don't y'all come on into town and we'll get this sorted." He waved to the other lawponies. "Let the mayor know she's got a lot of company comin'!"

The ponies murmured excitedly, thrilled to finally reach their destination. Stan and Applejack smiled, glad to have made it through their long journey. With friendship and community, Ponyville could become a new home for all who sought its shelter.

One of the tribals prodded Applejack. "You didn't mention the robots are murderers who've already tasted pony blood."

Applejack tipped her hat. "And ah didn't mention these robots know how to build. They'll be helpin' get the houses for y'all built, so let's not rush to tearin' 'em apart so quickly."

Another tribal got in on the poking action from the other side. "Or that we were kicked out of our village by them, foalnapped!"

Applejack sighed with a mixture of frustration and sorrow. "Look, ah get it... But, right now, we need all the helpin' hands an' hooves we can get. That means all ponies and robots gotta work together to make Ponyville ready fer alla ya!"

Applejack held up her hooves placatingly as she turned to face as many tribals as they could at once. "Now hold on, I hear y'all and you're right to be upset. What happened wasn't okay."

She met the tribals' eyes earnestly. "Ah give you my word, soon as we get settled, ah aim to have a serious talk with the robots about protectin' pony life. They gotta fix their thinkin' if this is gonna work."

Turning to the sheriffs, she added "And if any robot causes harm here, they'll face consequences. Ain't nopony above the law, metal or flesh."

Applejack faced the tribals again gently. "But for now, these bots are still our best chance to build a home. So I'm askin' you to be the bigger ponies - put the past aside and work with 'em, just temporarily."

The tribals grumbled but conceded. "Fine, but we'll be watching them," one warned.

Applejack nodded. "That's fair. Thank y'all for trustin' me on this. Together we can get through anythin'."

Author's Note:

Mistakes may have been made...

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