• Published 8th Jun 2023
  • 944 Views, 256 Comments

The Bell of Bridlewood - milesprower06

The rains of Bridlewood have long brought change to the forest's unicorn inhabitants. During one particular downpour, young widower Alphabittle Blossomforth has his life changed forever, in more ways than one.

  • ...

The Visitors

Two years later...

"Bing bong!" Alphabittle chanted as he hopped on alternating hooves next to his Just Prance dancing game, the words being repeated by every single unicorn in the Tearoom.

After two more hops, the ritual was complete, and the jinxies had been successfully warded off from all four forbidden words. Everypony else in the Crystal Tearoom wasn't quite finished, and with more than two dozen ponies all doing the ritual dance at once inside, it was just a little too much for the structural integrity, and Alphabittle heard a creaking out by the front door, soon followed by splintering sounds, and then followed by a crash. He trotted forward around his bing-bonging customers, and saw that the front sign had collapsed in front of the open entrance to the Tearoom.

As more and more unicorns finished their ritual, he came up to the front door, and carefully pushed the sign out, just enough to get a hold on the edge, and carefully roll it out of the way so ponies could start to make their way to the exit, and so that he could go after his crystal.

What was Izzy thinking? Bringing earth ponies and pegasi into Bridlewood? Had she lost her mind?

He followed the hoof tracks east, and saw that four other unicorns had followed him out of the Crystal Tearoom, and were right behind him. Smokey, Azalea, Jade, and Allium kept pace as they came to one of the smaller clearings of the forest, and skidded to a halt as they saw the ponies who had been in the crystal tea room, along with a pale pink pegasus and a fluffy white dog.

Before Alphabittle could say a word, the mare who had cheated him out of his crystal turned to him.

"Let us explain," she said, and was immediately interrupted by the approaching sound of more galloping hooves, as four armored pegasi came through the bushes.

"There she is!" The lead armored mare called out. "Your Criminal Highness, you're coming with us."

The spring green pegasus to her left glanced over at the group of unicorns and immediately took on a look of panic.

"Agh! Unicorns!" He cried out, producing a tennis ball before lobbing it through the air towards Alphabittle, who merely stood there unamused as it bounced harmlessly off of his forehead.

Finally, he stepped forward.

"Give me back my crystals and leave Bridlewood!" He demanded.

"Your crystals? That crystal belongs to me!" The 'Criminal Highness' objected.

"Not any more it doesn't. I won it fair and square."

"Ha! I certainly doubt it. Unicorns are known to be cheaters!"

"You pegasi always thought you were better than us."

"Hey, that's our queen you're talking to," Zoom Zephyrwing interjected.

"She's not a queen here," Smokey countered from behind Alphabittle.

"Who do you think you are?" The armored guard asked, taking a step forward.

"We're gonna zap you with our horns!" Allium threatened.

"This is our land!"

"You're not welcome here!"

"Surrender the crystal, or I'll use my powers against you!" Alphabittle threatened, fairly confident that pegasi were not at all aware of the fact that unicorns hadn't had their magic in generations.

"I'd like to see you try!" the queen countered.

Well, so much for his bluff not being called.

"Nopony has magic!" The earth mare shouted, bringing an end to the escalating bickering. The clearing had gotten so quiet that they could hear Allium quickly say "bing-bong!" to ward off any jinxies.

"But we're here to bring it back," she continued, looking at both the unicorn and pegasus groups.

"Is it possible?" Jade quietly asked Smokey.

"Did she just say magic?" Thunder asked.

"This is a trick." Zoom said.

"I know it sounds unbelievable, but please, just let us try," the earth mare continued.

"Please, mom." The white pegasus said over to the queen.

"Trust us," the light pink pegasus added.

"You two... Fine," the queen said, giving in.

"You're wasting your time, kid," Alphabittle said, stepping up to the earth mare.

She said nothing, but stepped up with Izzy onto the wide rock that was uncovered on the forest floor.

"Ready, Izzy?" She asked.

"Ready," Izzy replied, giving her a curt nod.

They both slowly raised up the turquoise and sapphire crystals between the two of them, and every pony present watched with abated breath and slowly widening eyes. Even Alphabittle began to wonder if there was something to this. The crystals slowly came together, touched, and seemed to fit perfectly.

But nothing else happened.

Slowly, looks of disappointment spread throughout the groups of ponies.

"It... It..." the earth mare stammered.

"Why didn't it work, daddy?" Azalea's son asked as he stood next to the stallion.

Azalea let out a sigh of resignation.

"'Cause it was all just make-believe," he answered.

"We can try it again!" Sunny countered up on the rock, uncertainty beginning to seep into her voice. "Maybe... Maybe we did it wrong somehow."

Their hopes dashed, the unicorns and pegasi split off and began to go back their separate ways, leaving Alphabittle, the queen, the two guards, and the group that had been in the Tearoom.

"Wait, wait, don't go. Oh, come on. Work! Work. Please work," the earth mare's desperation was all to apparent now as she hopelessly continued putting the two crystals together. The other earth pony, a stallion, stepped up to her.

"Sunny. It's okay. You did everything you could," he reassured her, putting a hoof on her shoulder.

"I... I thought it would work. I was so, so sure of it."

With that, Sunny silently walked back over towards Alphabittle.

"What do we do now, Sunny?" the white pegasus asked.

Without a word, Sunny offered the sapphire crystal to Alphabittle, who held his hoof up and accepted it. Intruder or not, he could tell that the mare was clearly heartbroken, as she walked over to the queen.

"I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused you," she said, offering her the turquoise crystal before continuing down the path out of Bridlewood.

"Sunny, we can't give up," the short pegasus called after her.

"I thought I could make a difference," Sunny lamented, looking over to the colt who had turned back to look at her with disappointment as he continued walking back into the forest with his dad. "But everywhere I go, I just make things worse."

"That's not true," Izzy told her, walking up to her. "We're all in this together, right?"

"Yeah." "Of course," came the reply from the two pegasi.

But the mare's resolve had been broken.

"I'm so sorry I let you all down."

With that, she turned back down the path, continued walking, and didn't stop. The earth stallion started to follow her, looked like he wanted to say something, but only sighed instead as he turned back to the other three.

"I guess this is goodbye, friends," he said to them.

"Better hurry, Sheriff," the white pegasus told him, unable to hide the disappointment in her voice any longer.

As the stallion distantly followed Sunny around the bend, the queen silently motioned for the two pegasi mares to join her, and they headed south with the two guards. Alphabittle looked over to where Izzy had been standing, and saw that she had silently began to trot back into the forest.

"Izzy?" He called after her.

Izzy was silent for the entire walk back to her house. She stepped inside, shut the door, and locked it before Alphabittle inevitably came in to try and cheer her up. Sure enough, a few moments later, she heard the door knob attempt to be turned.

"Izzy?" Alphabittle's muffled voice came through the door.

Izzy looked across her home, fighting back tears as she looked at all the arts and crafts that her new friends couldn't stop fawning over. The chimes, the macaroni face with the moving eyes, the lamp of rotating butterflies, and of course the flower tea table.

"Izzy, I know it's not what you wanted. But it'll be better this way."

When she heard those words, she felt her resolve suddenly harden. Swallowing her tears, she turned back to the door, unlocked it, and pulled it open.

"Better, Alphabittle? Better? For the first time in my life, I wasn't lonely. For the first time ever, my unicycling, which I got my cutie mark for, was appreciated. No, this is not better."

Izzy took a breath, and looked him in the eyes.

"And I'm not giving up!"

With that, she jumped out of her doorway, pulled it closed, and headed back out towards the south fields at a full gallop.

"Izzy! Izzy, where are you going?!"

"To find my friends!"

Author's Note: