• Member Since 16th Jan, 2023
  • offline last seen 16 minutes ago


Only by studying the past can we win the present.


When Starlight agreed to move to Ponyville, she thought it would just be magic and all that. She probably should have realized she would have to make friends, given Twilight's title of Princess of Friendship and all. She had trouble making friends until she meets a showmare in the spa. The two hit it off and Starlight confuses herself when she gets angrily defensive of the mare and her feelings she's never felt for anypony before.


Chapters (5)
Comments ( 23 )

“Lucky for you, I have a whole scroll full of the ponies in this towns names, likes and jobs!” Twilight beamed as she levitated a few scrolls our way.

Did pinkie pie give it to her?

“Whoever said you’re ugly is wrong. Nopony is ugly and you certainly aren’t. You don’t need flowers to see that,” she chided.

I need a friend like this.

“Are you-?” I didn’t hear the rest of her sentence because I teleported away and leaned against the tree I was reappeared at in Applejacks farm. This was my favorite spot. The smell of apples calmed me down. I slammed my head against the tree and groaned. That really hurt, I should be careful.

I hope that gets brought up.

I love how snarky Starlight is here.

I also love that she told Twilight what her hoof tastes like and Twilight didn't even respond to it lol.

Hopefully there'll be some twists in this other than just the episode. Liking it so far.

“Fine. Twilight wants me to make some more friends today to bring to some dinner with Princess Celestia,” I admitted. “But I’m fine with my friend group as is. Why change something that doesn’t need messed with. It’s like you always say. If it ain’t broke...”

“Don’t fix it,” Applejack finished for me.

True, but just because something works doesn’t mean it can’t be improved.

Sometimes I love angel.

Great to see this story is still alive, this is rather interesting.

Yeah I kinda forgot about it for a bit there

did this originally have the "suicide/self-harm" tag or am i hallucinating

I waved goodbye to Fluttershy and trotted down her path to the rest of town. I kinda wish Sunset was here, she had a similar past to me. Then again, she probably wouldn’t want to be my friend after I took her cutie mark and all. That most definitely wasn’t my greatest moment.

When did that happen?

“Oh, I met Rarity when they came to village when I forcibly took their cutie marks in an attempt to make all of Equestria give up their cutie marks so I could be the sore ruler and they defeated me. Later, met her again after I confronted Twilight in her castle with Sunset and a few other ponies and tried to alter the timeline so Twilight never met her friends,” I said and leaned back in my chair as Cocos eyed widened.

Don’t mention that when you first meet.

You have to read my other stories to understand

Ah, nothing like words of the wiser at the end of a good story or chapter for that matter. I am eager to see what comes next!

“Oh don’t you worry princess . I’ll be a good influence on our dear Starlight,” Trixie gave Twilight a mischievous smirk. “I have nothing but good intentions for my friend.”

Yeah, looking back I can see why twilight was hesitant to trust trixie.

Hate to be that guy but. . .

“I didnt judge you, Starlight. Are you sure you don’t want to be friends with anypony else? The mailmare is nice and so is Octavia. Maybe you could be their friends,” Twilight suggested and I gently removed her hoof gently.

“I didn(')t judge you, Starlight. Are you sure you don’t want to be friends with anypony else? The mailmare is nice and so is Octavia. Maybe you could be their friends,” Twilight suggested and I gently removed her hoof gently.

“I didn't judge you, Starlight. Are you sure you don’t want to be friends with anypony else? The mailmare is nice and so is Octavia. Maybe you could be their friends,” Twilight suggested and I gently removed her hoof.

Nah you're good lol. I'm fine with people correcting mistakes as long as they aren't rude or dicks about it, which you weren't.

Trixie doesn't say this in the original episode.

She doesn’t? I could’ve sworn she said that while smirking at twilight or something similar.

I'll be sure to consult you before I write the next chapter sir, don't you worry. It's an alternate universe for a reason.

i was just letting him know the dialogue was different in the original episode, cool your jets

Well, i can see why he would be upset. You did come off as complaining so

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