• Published 6th Oct 2023
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When You Wish Upon a Star (rewritten) - Kibat Grenbuku

After an unexpected free fall into Everfree Forest and turned into a pony, Carson, now Wishing Star, must adapt to this new world, help the soon-to-be-Princess-of-Friendship, and earn his own Cutie Mark.

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Party 'Til We're Purple!

“So, you guys aren’t-?”

“Ugh, for the last time Sweetie Belle, we weren’t!”

Those two have been discussing this for the past seven minutes since the little filly caught them with their ‘Make Out,’ session. Wish could sense that there is some form of tension between the two sisters. He remembered that a situation like this in one of the future episodes, he just crossed into season two territory after all. This is has to be resolved sooner than later. Then he realized that during this entire argument, the fashionista didn’t even had the chance to introduce her little sister to him.

“Um, Rarity?” He interrupted the girls, “Aren’t you going to tell me who she is?”

Rarity looked at him a little shocked, “Oh goodness! I’m so sorry dear!” She clears her throat and turns to her sister, “Sweetie Belle, this is my new apprentice and our guest, Wishing Star.”

“Hello Sweeite Belle,” Wish says as he reached out his left front hoof towards the filly.

“Wait,” Sweetie Belle squeaked, “He’s going to be staying here with us?”

Her older sister nods, “He needs a place to stay until he can get a place of his own. For now, he’ll be staying with us.” The filly then looked at the teal stallion’s flank and was shocked. The fashionista took notice and asked, “Sweetie? What are you staring at?”

“How come you don’t have a Cutie Mark Mr. Star?” The white filly asked him.

This made him felt very uncomfortable with the question and did not wanted to answer that to a young filly like Sweetie Belle. Luckily he didn’t have to as Rarity tells her, “He’s been alone in all his life darling, so he needs help to find his talent.”

The filly gasps, “I wanna help! I wanna help!”

Wish couldn’t help but chuckle at the filly’s energy, knowing her as one of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, there’s no way that anypony could turn them down. “Well, to have a fellow Cutie Markless pony would be a nice form of company.”

The little filly squealed loudly in excitement it had both Rarity and Wishing Star covering their ears. “I can’t wait! I can’t wait! Scootaloo and Applebloom are going to be so excited to see a new crusader in our ranks!”

Wish chuckles, “I’m sorry, crusader?”

“Yeah! Since you don’t have one, we could have another one as an official Cutie Mark Crusader!”

Well, as I live and breathe, he thought to himself, Joining the Crusaders? That’s something that I never imagined that would happen, aside from living in Rarity’s home and being her apprentice. He knelt down to Sweetie’s height and said, “That does sound like a lot of fun. What does a Cutie Mark Crusader do?” Of course, he already knew what the three little trouble makers did in the show.

Sweetie Belle explains to him, “We search for some activities we do and we try and earn our Cutie Marks!”

“Although,” Rarity cuts in, “Some activities are… well, somewhat extreme.”

“Speaking from experience?”

“Ugh, you wouldn’t believe the amount of times that those three are willing to do to get a Cutie Mark. One time they were competing in a talent show and…” she looked at Sweetie Belle who gave her an annoyed look, she continues on, “Well, let’s just say the results weren’t what they were expecting.”

Wish just nods as he took the info in, he remembers all too well on what those three took to get their Cutie Marks up until season five when they found their true calling. Suddenly, they heard the bells above the front door as Twilight, Spike, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack and Applebloom came inside. “Hey howdy hey pardners!” The country pony greets them, she then notices that Wish wearing one of Rarity’s suits, “Whoo wee! That’s one fancy lookin’ suit ya got on there Wishin’ Star.”

“Oh, uh, thanks Applejack,” he obliges as he blushes, “But uh, suits aren’t reeeeeally in my comfort… zone.”

He suddenly got caught in Twilight’s gaze, they couldn’t look away from each other from their silent staring contest. He couldn’t help but get lost in her eyes. “Wishing? Are you okay?”

“Huh?” He asked.

“I asked you how everything went with Rarity and then you just stared at me.” Twilight gave him an expression of concern. “Did something happened?”

“Oh, no Twilight, I just, uh…” He began to stutter, he looked at Spike who raised a brow at him questioningly, how is he going to say this without making the drake jealous? “Rarity actually got me to be her concept artist and assistant to her boutique.”

The mares and the baby dragon were quite surprised by the news. “Wow! That’s great news Wish!” Twilight says with delight, which earns a chuckle from the teal stallion.

“Not only that, but Rarity has allowed me to stay at her home until I can find a place of my own.”

Applejack giggled, “Well as Ah live an’ breathe. Ah was about to say that you could always stay at Sweet Apple Acres, but Ah guess Rares’ beat me to the punch.” She tipped her hat toward the fashionista in gratitude.

“Thank you Applejack dear,” she obliges with a little nod, “I will admit, I could have a couple of hooves to help out around here. Aside from that, Wish’s drawing just sparks creativity!”

“That reminds me,” The teal stallion cuts in, “Since this is a commission for the clothes I need, how much do I owe you?”

“Nothing darling.”


“Consider this as early gift from me,” Rarity tells him with a generous smile, “It shouldn’t be too difficult for the shirt and shorts, the jacket may be a challenge, but I think I know the right material for it.” She took the drawing and then turns to Sweetie Belle, “Why don’t you go with Wishing Star and the girls for his tour around Ponyville? I’m sure he would like to see your club house.”

“Yeah yeah! We can show Wishing our clubhouse Applebloom!” Sweetie exclaims excitedly, “He’s going to be one of our new crusaders!”

“He is?!” The yellow filly asked excitedly, “Wait until Scootaloo hears about this!”

“A fellow crusader I take it?”

“Yep.” Sweetie Belle answer the teal stallion, “Oh! We need to make a cape for you Wishing Star!”

He chuckles at the two fillies new found excitement. After the group left the boutique, excluding Rarity as she will be making Wish’s new clothes, the two fillies racing ahead to find their fellow crusader. “You think those two are gonna be okay by themselves?” He asked the country mare.

“Those little fillies been together with each other like the heads of a cerberus,” Applejack tells him with a chuckle of her own, “As long as they know where we are goin’, they’ll be fine.”

“From what Rarity told me, I hope you’re right.”

“She we continue on with the tour?” Twilight asked him as they walked along through the town. She showed Wish many other sites like the Markets, Ponyville’s hospital, and of course, a book store. “Our next stop is the Golden Oaks Library,” Twilight announces as they came across a giant golden oak tree.

“Whoa…” he gasps, to see the library in such good condition before Tirek got out of Tartarus and attack Ponyville, he was in such awe. “If it was a treehouse contest, this would be one heck of a winner.”

Twilight giggled at the compliment, “Thank you Wish. Now that you mentioned it, this is where Spike and I live actually.”

Wish nodded as he looked at the lilac mare. “It looks like a nice home to live in too,” he remarks as he looked at the exterior, “Somewhere nice and quiet, but very homey and… well, home.”

“Redundant much redundant?” Spike asked rhetorically.

Wish blushes by what he just said which the mares giggled, “Sorry, I’ve seen many treehouses, but this is the first time that this took the name literally.”

The booksmart pony ceases her giggling and she took looked at her home. “I guess it does, doesn’t it?” She asked him.

They suddenly hear what sounds like a biplane coming for them. “What is that sound?” Twilight asked the group, to of which they have no idea… all but one.

Wish, knowing immediately who’s coming and immediately screams, “HIT THE DECK!”

“What deck?” Pinkie asked as everypony got down onto the ground quickly,”There’s no deck to-“ she discovered too late she got hit like a truck ramming through a barricade. Pinkie and whoever crashed into her started to tumble towards the door of the library and with a loud crash, the door busted down and the tackler was revealed to be none other than… Rainbow Dash.

Wish looked up to see the daredevil mare and rolled his eyes and in thought he says, Of course it’s Rainbow Dash. He looked down and immediately blushed as he wasn’t the only one to be on top of somepony else, he was on Twilight, who she too was blushing. Twilight couldn’t believe the position she and Wish were in right, but she couldn’t figure out out why she and her friend are blushing so much as she looked at his yellow starry eyes.

Their staring contest was interrupted by muffled noises from underneath Twilight. “Oh my gosh! Spike!” She exclaims as she shoved Wish off her and quickly rushed to the baby dragon. “Are you alright?” She asked her assistant.

“Ugh… did anypony get the number of that cart?” He asked as if he was drunk.

As the lilac unicorn helped up Spike and everypony else had gotten back up from their duck and cover, their attention turned to Rainbow Dash. Applejack’s the first to speak up with annoyance, “Consarnit Rainbow! What were ya doin’ that nearly caused to be in a pony pile?”

“I was just trying out a new trick!” She explains herself as she raised her forehooves in defense.

“By crashing into Pinkie Pie?” Wish asked with a chuckle.

Such a question made the daredevil mare blush as she looked at the party pony who was also amused. Suffice to say, Rainbow Dash did not find any of this funny. “Don’t get any ideas wise donkey,” She retorts with a suspicious glare, “If I’d know any better, I think that there’s a pony that you have eyes on~.”

Wish raised an eyebrow as he says, “Honestly and personally, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Sure you don’t.” She says with her rolling.

Twilight was about to ask her what her friend meant, but Pinkie says, “Hey! The library’s open! Wanna check inside Wishy?”

The teal stallion went blank repeated the nickname the hyper mare given him, “Wishy? Wishy- I’m so sorry, but what kind of nickname even is that?”

“Your nickname silly billy!” She tells him as she escorts him to the Golden Oaks, “It’s a hobby of mine.”

“Aside from baking and party planning?”


“Of course.”

As the six ponies and Drake entered the library, Wish is once again stunned by the interior of Twilight’s abode. The wooden bookshelves within the half circular first floor, a staircase leading up to a bed with circular window view of Ponyville, and of course, Twilight’s massive collection of books. “Whoa…” he gasps in awe, “How… how many books do you even have in here?”

The lilac mare giggles as she explains, “Well, I get new books at the end of every month and, as of right now, I’m at to one hundred and eight books.”

“That- that many?!” He asked in shock.

“That many.” She answers in a matter of fact tone.



“Honestly I was expecting many more, but holy moly, that’s still a lot of books.” He says to her as he began to walk towards one of the bookshelves, “And man, talk about such organization. This is quite an amazing collection of books.”

“Well, more are on the way.” She tells him, giving him a toothy smile

God, her smile, he thought to himself dreamily, It’s like she brighten anypony’s mood in the room. After shaking out of his thoughts, he looked at everyone in the room, who were giving him somewhat of sneaky smiles. He began to clear his throat, “Ahem, well, shall we continue on with the tour? I’ll be sure to come back here in case a new book has been in stock.”

Twilight nods as she once again leads the group and headed toward their next destination, Sweet Apple Acres. Wish is at the lilac mare’s side once again, and this caught the attention of the baby dragon. Spike could tell that there’s something going on with the stallion, and he knows it as he raises an eyebrow.

As they reached to the country side of Equestria, there in plain view is Applejack humble and friendly abode, Sweet Apple Acres. Once again, Wish was stunned to see such a home in person. “Ya’ll okay sugarcube?” AJ asked him in concern, making him turn to his towards the country mare, “Ya’ve been acting like a deer staring at a flashlight.”

“Y-yeah, I’m okay,” He chuckles a little as he looked at the barn house again, “I just didn’t think everything around here would be so… beautiful.” He then returns his look at the group, “I guess I wasn’t far off from calling it a paradise.” He then caught a whiff of something tasty. “Say, you girls smell that?”

They, except Applejack, had also caught a sniff of the delicious smell. Twilight concurs, “Yes, I can smell it.” then they all heard a grumble.

Wish could tell that there was a blush on the lilac mare’s cheeks, but he wanted to make doubly sure. “Okay, who set off an earthquake in their bellies?” He asked jokingly asks them.

“Uh, hehe, that would be me.” Twilight answers sheepishly.

“Well, how’s about we go on in?” Applejack suggested, “If I’d know, Granny Smith and Big Mac are probably makin’ our family apple fritters.” She then winks at her younger sister, who just giggles. “We might be havin’ dinner at the barn tonight. Ya’ll go on ahead of us Wish, Ah gotta talk to the girls ‘bout somethin’.”

Wish was confused at first, but seeing that this was probably something private, he nods and went to the barn, not even bothering seeing a smirk from either country mares. As he was at the barn, the Apples began to count in unison.
“Three-two-one.” and all of a sudden, the barn came to life with light and confetti as there was a shout of “Surprise!

“Oh dear.” Fluttershy says in concern, “I hope he took the surprise well.”


Applejack giggled as she dipped her hat for a second, “Ah reckon he’s just fine.”

The party went on for hours, and Wish was looking around to see familiar ponies in the party. He could observe everyone that’s in the party as he remembers the names of everyone here, Octavia Melody and Vinyl Scratch… Mr. Carrot and Mrs. Cup Cake… Thunderlane and Rumble… Sweetie Drops and… Lyra Heartstrings? Wish took notice of the mint green unicorn mare who looks rather depressed, so he decided to go investigate.

“Hello there.” He greets the duo.

“Oh! You must be the Neighotiator!” Sweetie Drops exclaims in surprise.

“Heh, guess it’s true. News does travel fast here in Ponyville.”

“Oh, you have no idea.” She giggles, she then shook his hoof, “I’m Sweetie Drops, I own Sweetie Drops Candies that a couple of blocks from here.”

“Huh, I thought I’d smelled something sweet other than Pinkie Pie.” He jests earning a giggle from the light apple mare, he looks over at the minty green pony as he asks, “Who’s your friend over there?”

“Oh, this is Lyra Heartstrings.” She explains, then she leans in with a hushed voice, “You’ll have to forgive her depressed state. She’s been like this ever since the Parasprite incident.”

He raised a brow in confusion, when in reality, he knows what this ‘Parasprite incident,’ Sweetie Drops was talking about. In the tenth episode, a Parasprite swarm infested Ponyville. In one of the scenes, a Parasprite gobbled up the pie Lyra made for Sweetie. He couldn’t help feeling bad for the minty green unicorn, all of that hard work only to be ruined by a pest.

If Fluttershy haven’t taken by the little bug’s cuteness, I bet their lunch would’ve been great. He thought to himself in pity. “I can’t imagine taking a toll for her.” He said quietly to Sweetie.

She nods sadly as she replies, “And she worked so hard on it too.”

“From your tone, you sounded like you two have been through a lot.” He says to her.

She nods, “Ups, downs, everything in between. We’ve been best friends for a long time, but… u-um…” she looked around to see if anypony was in hearing range, then she urges him to come closer, and so he could did to hear what secret she’s been holding… even though Wishing knew what she was going to say. “I-I’ve… I’ve kind of been having feelings for her.”

He raised his brows in shock as he then asked, “How long did you feel that way?”

“S-since last week.” Sweetie Drop answers with her head hung.

This gives Wishing Star an idea and an opportunity. “Sweetie Drop, mind if I try talking to Lyra?”

Sweetie Drop gave him a very confused look. “W-well, like I said, she’s not very interested in talking to anypony at the moment,” she reminds him, “But I guess you’re more than welcome to try.”

“Thank you.” He says as he leaves the mare to chat with other ponies, while he has a chat of his own with the depressed mare. She isn’t paying any attention to the stallion walking up to her, looking at a couple enjoying themselves. “Hey,” he greets the unicorn, she just waves at him without eye contact. “I can imagine how hard you worked on the plan you for the pie you made for Sweetie,” he tells Lyra sympathetically as sat next to her, she’s not even saying a word back to him, so he continues on, “She told me that you made that pie for the both of you. Is that true?”

Lyra didn’t say anything back. She would not look at him, not even a quick glance, nor paying him any mind. He then looked at the couple, laughing and talking from behind the window. He could tell that something what she wanted and could already tell that she already loves Sweetie more than as a friend as well. “You know,” he begins again as he clears his throat, “I might help you with the predicament that you’re in.”

That’s when he notices a quick glance from the mint green pony’s gamboge eyes, darting away from the window to him, then to the table top. C’mon Lyra… there’s gotta be something to get you to talking. Think Cars, what’s the one thing that can make her tick? Then it got him thinking, she’s has an infatuation and intrigue of humans, that would be a good starting point! Careful Cars, one slip and she might figure you out by the time you can help her!

“You know, I was also told that you’ve been interested in… uh, what are they called again? Humans?”

This literally made Lyra jump and covers his mouth, surprising the turquoise stallion by this unexpected and swift motion. She looks around and then whispers to him, “You mean the Hue-Mans?” He nods yes, she then slowly let goes of his mouth and allows him to speak.

“What got you so intrigued by them?” He asked her. This then began to be full conversation between the two, the talk about the human kind and what makes them interesting to talk about. This took quite a pleasing turn for Wishing Star, considering the fact that he’s a human being trapped in a body of a pony, but then again, having to be in a pony’s body while listening to another pony talking bout humans is a very rare thing to behold.

Just seeing her happy is a good sign to see, but now he needs to press onto other matters.

“Say Lyra? Mind if we get a little off topic?” He asked.

“Um, sure?” She says in a questioning voice, “About what?” She took a sip of her water, but she was not prepared for the question at hand.

“Well, I’m not judging you and you don’t have to answer this, but do you love Sweetie Drop?”

She spat out the water like a geyser and coughed afterwards. She looks at him in shock with a blush. “M-me with Sweetie?!” She asked him, he nods confirming the question, “U-uh… well we live together and we help each other all of the time. A-and I kinda get a little warm feeling whenever I’m around her.”

“So you do love her?” He repeated the question.

“I-I mean…” she stutters, her blush getting redder, he knows she getting evasive, “Sh-she is a good friend to be around… and really cute.” She brushes the mane out of her eye view and sighs again. “I mean I really want to tell her, but I’m just… nervous.”

“Because you’re scared that she’ll judge you?” He asked.

“No no, I’m just scared that she… that she won’t love me back.”

That made his eyes went wide, he’s always heard this millions of times in movies and in real life, but to hear it from a character who is attracted to mares, how can anypony not love Lyra?! “Well, I’ll tel you this, if you’re not ready to tell her about how you feel for her, then just keep waiting until you’re ready. And if it helps, I can provide some assistance to help you win your fair mare’s heart.”

Now it’s her turn to have her eyes to go wide by his offer. “Y-you can help me?!” She asked.

“Absolutely.” He nods, “I know what it’s like to a fair share of crushes, believe me. Just set up a day, time, and place, we’ll se where we can go from there.”

“Done!” Lyra declares as she hugs him tightly.

“Uhn!! L-Lyra!!! Can’t breathe!!”

“Oh! Sorry!” She quickly let go of him.

Okay, I appreciate hugs here, but they seriously need to learn how tightly they’re hugging me! he thought to himself as he manages to normalize his breathing. He sighs in relief for his lungs, then he says, “Well, I gotta get going, Twilight’s giving me a tour here in Ponyville. Hope I see you again soon Lyra.”

“Okay, I’ll send you a letter when I need help.” She says.

It was within thirty minutes as some of the ponies left the barn to return to their respective homes until it was just the Mane Six Mares, Spike, the Cutie Mark Crusaders (who are in Applebloom’s room for a sleepover,) and Wish. He could notice Twilight, that is seated next to him, is jotting down some notes on her notepad. She looked up at him and when their eyes connected she chuckles nervously.

“We’re you studying me?” He asked her with a raised brow.

She giggles as she swept her bang back with her hoof, “Yes I was. I was seeing as to how you were when in a public area. I hope it wasn’t too much trouble.”

“Oh no. Not all.” He reassured her.

“I saw that you were talking with Lyra earlier,” Twilight says to him, “What were you two talking about?”

He sighs and then says, “I’ve offered to help Lyra to get hooked up with Sweetie Drop on a date. But I don’t know the first thing about dating!”

The fashionista titters, “Well, you’re in luck darling. I happen to know some of the tidbits of dating.”

He sighs in relief and thanked her, “Rarity, you’re a lifesaver.” That earn a raised brow from the baby dragon again. He better not get too clingy with his crush.

“Out of the blue question, but what kind of ponies are you into?” Rarity asked him.

That made both Twilight and Wish turn their heads towards the fashionista mare. “U-uh,” Wish stutters as he began to look away from the white unicorn, “That’s… more of a private question Rarity.”

“Oh come now, darling,” she says as she gets close to the stallion’s side, “It’s just a simple question.”

Spike and everypony else was now too intrigued. Then Wish deflects thee question at the mare, earning him an idea and for more further intel of the group, “Well, what kind of pony are you into?”

She giggles at his question, “Ohoho, having a lady answer the question first are we? Such a gentlestallion.” She then took a moment to ponder as she places her hoof to her chin, “Well, let’s see… I really want to have somepony that would be daring and a gentleman. I want somepony that would charming, but also would be a nice help around the Boutique when it’s, oh, how would you say it Rainbow?”

“‘Go time?’”

“Yes, thank you darling.” She then sighs dreamily as she continues, “I just wanted somepony to be kind and very generous towards others, and share the view of the world like I do.” As she snapped out of her dream state, she noticed how everyone was staring at her, some were smiling, while some would incline to agree. She then clears her throat, “But, enough about me dear, would you care to share?”

“Well,” he says with a sly smirk, “It wouldn’t be very gentleman of me if I didn’t let all of the ladies share their thoughts?”

Applejack and Fluttershy were blushing at the thought, while Rainbow Dash and Twilight were given confused looks on their faces. Pinkie Pie and Rarity were giggling about the situation. “Dodgy I see…” Rarity says as she regained her composure, “but I suppose that it wouldn’t be very polite of the girls share their ideals. Very well then. Applejack dear?”

Applejack huffs in a trailing thought, “To be quite honest with ya’ll, Ah never had that much thought into that kind of life. Ah honestly don’t see mahself with anypony any time soon, but if Ah did, Ah wanted to have somepony who’s a hardworkin’, applebuckin’, and bravest pony that ever lived.” She dipped her hat up with a sigh, “But, as Ah said, Ah honestly don’t think Ah can throw that kind of hoedown in such a way with how mah work has been.”

Wish and Twilight could understand where the country pony’s coming from, working all the time and got no time for a relationship, it’s to even not think of it. “What about you Pinkie Pie?” Wish asked out of curiosity.

The pink earth pony giggles, “Ooh, I know the pony I love would love things I do! We would have a lot of baking ideas, and having party plans! We’d be partying til we’re purple!”

“And have cupcake children I would guess.” Wish jests, leaving the room in a awkward silence.



“What?” Pinkie asked him.

“N-never mind Pinkie,” he stutters, and then turns to Rainbow Dash moving on from the failed inside joke, “Got anypony in mind for you the future?”

“Pssh,” The daredevil scoffs, “Not really.”

“What about that Wonderbolt that you saw at the Gala? Soarin I think his name was?”

The light blue pegasus blushed at Wish’s mentioning of the veteran Wonderbolt, “O-okay, so maybe I have a crush on him, but like, have you seen the guy? He’s practically older than I am!”

“Yeah, so?”

“By eighteen years!” The teal stallion blushed by her finished answer, making him turn his head away from her, leading into an awkward silence once again for seven seconds as she continues, “Though, if I were to have somepony by my side no matter what, it would be somepony that could keep up with and that I could trust.”

That could be anypony in this group Rainbow. the booksmart mare thought to herself, still, it would be nice to have somepony like that.

Wish then looks at the shy pegasus and then asks, “Fluttershy?” A small yelp escaped from her and realized she was being asked next, “You hoping to have somepony in the future?”

“Oh, well… u-um,” she begins to stutter, “I would like to have somepony that is braver and stronger than me. I’m not sure… how the animals would react having another pony live around my cottage.”

“Meaning what?”

“Meaning that I would have to either live with the pony I’m in love with, or that the animals would have to accept the pony that’s staying with me.” The light yellow pegasus explained to Twilight.

Wish took those words into account in thought, he never knew that Fluttershy’s view would lead into such a conclusion like that. He thought that with a pegasus like Fluttershy, she would no doubt be, well, shy around this kind of topic, but to hear this kind of conclusion from her, it made him think to her relationship with Discord later down the road. Is that why she was comfortable having the draconequus in her home?

“What about you Twilight dear?” Rarity asked the lilac mare which snapped Wish out of his thoughts.

“Oh… well, to be honest with all of you,” Twilight began as she looks a little, “I never really experienced love before. And I don’t mean the kind of love that your family and friends would often give you, I mean true love.” The mares gasped in shock, Pinkie’s more longer than the others, while Wish looked at her in surprise and Spike had no reaction. “I know, shocking,” she says sarcastically to them as she once again sighs, “Plus, you know how busy I always am with writing letters to Princess Celestia about my friendship studies.”

“When was the last time you ever actually take a break Twilight?” Wish asked her out of curiosity.

She responds to him as she shook her head, “Never did, unless it’s an emergency.”

“It’s true.” Spike concurs, which now his and everypony’s attention are to the teal stallion, which the young drake asking him with a raised brow, “So, how about you Wish? Any pony you’ve been seeing?”

The stallion could hear how Spike’s drag of suspicion with a hint of jealousy. Better choose my words carefully with him, Wish thought to himself with caution, he took a deep breath and began, “Well, I did thought about it before I met you guys, and… honestly, I don’t think anypony would be… well, attracted to me, if you count those ponies that were staring at my flanks.”

“Why would you think that dear?” Rarity asks him in confusion, “If anything, I think you’re a very attractive pony, especially for your age.” That caused the teal stallion to blush as he stares at Spike, the judgement and jealousy radiating from his glare.

He chuckles, “Well, I’m glad you think so, but to be truthful with you think so-“

“I know so dear.” She cuts him off, “Sure, your mane is messy, and you do have an attitude that says ‘defensive,’ but overall, you are indeed a very attractive pony.”

Is she trying to make Spike jealous on purpose? Wish thought to himself, knowing that the young drake is giving him the eye. “Well, thank you Rarity.” He bows his head a little as he clears his throat, “As for what kind of pony I want in my life… well, perhaps who has a positive outlook on the world, loving, intentionally and unintentionally funny, smart, and who wants to be treated like a princess without an attitude like Blueblood.”

“Yeesh, I can’t think of anypony that would fit that description.” Rainbow Dash says as she took sip of her fruit punch.

“Neither can Ah,” Applejack said, “‘Specially if it’s a pony from Canterlot. Ah mean, we all have experienced how much of stick in the mud they are. Not to mention the nobles there.”

All stuck up, but one. Wishing Star thought to himself as he looked at Twilight, who is one again writing down notes. Why do I keep staring at her? I mean, sure, she’s cute, lovely, smart, and not to mention powerful with how she uses her magic, but I’m just me.

“Oh! I almost forgot!” Rarity exclaims as she uses her magic to carry a thin white box with a teal green ribbon wrapped around it, “Here you go darling. Your clothes, as requested. Almost didn’t bring it with me, you know how busy like a bee a mare like myself can be.”

“I might get such a experience when I get to work.” He says as he gently took the box. He opens it, and in it contains three pieces of clothes; a golden yellow t-shirt, a white jacket with a teal green stripe down on both sleeves, and a charcoal black hock high shorts. “Wow, Rarity these look amazing! Fabulous even!”

The fashionista titters at his response, “I’m glad you liked them darling. Go ahead dear, try them on.”

He nods as he took off his necklace, left it on the table, and went to try on his shirt first, which it is a little loose, but it’s a comfortable fit. Next he tried on his shorts, and it too is a comfortable fit, a shame he had to hide his blank flanks, but it’ll have to do for now. Finally, he tried on his white jacket, it’s texture was leathery, like the kind bikers would wear back in his old world.

His attire now complete, he showed them to the girls, which they all gasped in awe. Rarity spoke up first, “Darling! You absolutely-!”

“Hold on,” he says pausing her at mid-catchphrase, he then grabbed his necklace and puts it back on around his neck and then looks at Rarity, “Okay, you may continue.”

“Astonishing!” She finishes, not what Wish was expecting to hear her say, but then again, it was nice of her to say, “I do say, I think might have gotten the jacket to be over the top with the leather.”

“Not at all Rarity,” he explains, “In fact, I think you did a pretty good job with it.”

She giggles at her compliment, “Such a gentlestallion. Thank you dear.”

He looks back at Spike once again, he can now see jealousy was going through the roof. I seriously hope that he doesn’t go Godzilla on me, he thought to himself, the last thing I want to go on a rampage through Ponyville because someone else has crush on his crush. I’ll have to find someway around this.

As the evening continues on, with the girls complimenting on Wish’s clothes, they all decided to stay over Applejack’s for the night. There was so much that happened over the span of his first week in Ponyville, but it isn’t over yet it seems as he was about to head to the guest bedroom, he could overhear a conversation from the CMC. It was too muffled to hear them, he could tell that they were up to something. So they have a plan for me tomorrow, he thought to himself, he yawns and began to rub his eyes. Guess I’m gonna have to find out tomorrow.

He went in the guest bedroom and began to strip himself down of his clothes, neatly fold them, and puts them and his necklace on the nightstand. He then tucks himself in and began to recount everything that happened today, but also recalls of the many other adventures that would be coming up in the future. But for now, he shuts his eyes and entered in the world of sleep.