• Member Since 19th Feb, 2017
  • offline last seen 45 minutes ago

6-D Pegasus

Me or my OC?


Sunny fails to prevent the crystals from consuming the land in void, and she learns a horrible truth about her world.

Written for the Science Fiction Contest II, where it also won a judge prize!

Intriguing premise that came up from discussion about what G5 is, and I couldn't resist giving it a write^^

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 27 )

... And this is why Hasbro should NEVER allow fans within a thousand miles of the show staff. Forget the legal reasons fannon can never be used, it's stuff like this that makes me seriously question why I'm still in this fandom at all.

Take your Sunny damned upvote at least.

I will saw this isn't my headcanon on G5, but I still wanted to a tackle the what-if for this one, that g5 was some sort of simulation, that came up in a discussion

holy shit how many Sunnys has Twilight spoken to now?

Ooof. That's dark indeed.

I suppose, from Twilight's perspective, this is a means to an end. Saving the world at all costs, and these costs aren't too dear. To her. To Sunny, though, not only is she failing to save the world, but she also gets to find out that she's not even real - just one of thousands in an incomprehensibly vast simulation. The latest iteration of her gets to spend one final microsecond experiencing a death unique to her kind, knowing she is powerless to stop it or prevent it from happening yet more thousands of times. That's bleak.

Good stuff. Take your like, and good luck in the contest.

this is a great story

Wow. It's just a harmless thought experiment, that's all...


I've seen much darker here.

Anyway, it's a good read with fine ending :twilightsmile:
Given that Sunny never really existed in this one, and that this is just a projection, it all easily reads as a forecast into the future. So nopony was harmed.

Going off her closing line, 1848 Sunnys thus far.

Damn, that was unexpectedly grim.

"Take a note, Spike. Experiment number 1849..."


Twi to Sun: "it's not even you who I see at the end of each timeline, but you've by far been the most frequent." sooo maybe about 1700-ish?

damn that's still so much, im trying to imagine Twilight by now must have been hardened from all that

That was a good story.

I'll make it worse: The divination fuzz is from all the temporal magic being expended. The disaster is overuse of magic from high energy predictive experiments causing a resource collapse. Since the corollary is magic = friendship...

Almost certainly not original, but I appreciate a good tragedy.

Good take. But re-reading the text, it doesn't strike me as a self-fulfilling prophecy at all. If prolonged use of magic would worsen things, the odds wouldn't also be improving. Also, Friendship in the setting reads to me as an aspect of magic, not the other way around. It is crazy powerful, and divination looks like another school altogether. They shouldn't, in theory, leech off each other—at least not in a way that is unnoticeable.
But it also looks like a very Twilight-like screw-up 🤔

hardened, yes, but still just as difficult it seems like.

still difficult ye, now I'm trying to imagine how hard the first iteration must have been for her

seeing as even the1.850th time is still hard for her..... i .... MMM

When Starlight went back in time to change the past, it created branching timelines where the villains won. There are two options to how this worked: either the new bad timelines ceased to be after Twilight fixed the Rainboom, or they continue on in other parallel timelines.

If the timelines continue to exist, then Starlight is responsible for creating five or so worlds filled with all the suffering that the villains of those worlds caused that won't ever be fixed.

If those bad timelines DID get erased, then that means the the ORIGINAL timeline that was supposed to happen also gets erased and that Twilight doesn't ever go back to her original world and friends, just a very similar world with very similar ponies who led very similar lives and are familiar with a alternate version of Twilight that likely got overwritten.

Damn, why can't this be the narrative arch for the G5 show, it blends G5 and G4 well and allows for the antagonist to exist as well. But alas we must deal with blended characters that all have the same personality and make poor decisions. Plus, now I get to see what y'all were talking about on discord. :rainbowlaugh: It's like they were begrudgingly giving you an upvote because you exceeded their expectations. lol That's a win in my book, but great story if I didn't say that.

I accidently hit unpublish, quickly undid it, not sure if it did something, but just in case, leaving this if it shows up or something my bad:twilightblush:

First off, I loved how unique of a premise this was. I’ve never seen anything quite like it and it presents a pretty dark ending to the first Make Your Mark special. I found it pretty hilarious that Twilight just shrugs off the death of Sunny at the end like, “Eh, better luck next time. Let’s do six crystals now.” That got a genuine chuckle out of me. The concept of G5 being a simulation is honestly quite intriguing as it parallels real-world conspiracy theories that our world is just a simulation by alien gods. I loved the interaction between Twilight and Sunny in the void, though I felt awful for 9 hours straight after reading Sunny’s death as she’s my favorite pony (not a slight against that part in any way. If anything, it’s a compliment as you conveyed the moment perfectly if it elicited that reaction from me). Nonetheless, it had to happen as she didn’t exist and the way you built it up was masterful. I honestly really love this and I hope I get to read a potential sequel. An idea I have is that the next Sunny is able to escape her simulated world and crosses over into G4. That would be a ridiculously fun premise and one I would enjoy reading. What do you think of that?

Anyways, amazing work!! :pinkiehappy:

In the void of noise, she became acutely aware of every single sound around her; every breath she took, every shift of her limb, even the now racing beat of her heart became a cacophony of chaos to her ears, which folded down tightly against the sides of her head.

oof! i’ve heard of how unpleasant this experience is in sound isolation chambers, and Sunny is going through that but for every single one of her sense at once

As Sunny stared at her in awe, a spark of recognition flashed through her eye. Keeping her eye trained with the alicorn's, she tilted her head to bring the alicorn's flank within view, then flickered her gaze briefly towards it.

in a non-pony context this would be quite a strange first thing to do when meeting somepony, lol

She looked ahead and caught Posey's gaze in the distance. The two ponies she was supposed to save had seen her magic leave her form and had stopped screaming, as if they knew that was it. Posey's pleading eyes locked with hers one final time, her mouth moving to mouth the words "I'm sorry."

It was the last Sunny saw of her as her and Windy's bodies dissolved into nothing, becoming one with the endless dark around her.

oof, love this dark alternate ending

A close friend of mine has spent decades researching into time magic, and I mastered a certain spell that allows me to visualize different what-if scenarios that I once used for more... paranoid reasons.

aww, Starlight’s in this!

The dissolution reached her mouth, and Sunny found she could no longer speak. Twilight turned around one final time, and offered one last, teary-eyed smile.

and augh, beautifully haunting

"...let's try six crystals this time."

honestly, absolutely love this idea! and it explains so much about the idiosyncracies of G5 if everything was the result of a fine-tuned plan by the Twilight of centuries past. beautifully dark in its implications about the many, many worlds of self-aware beings that are created and destroyed with every iteration Twilight does, but that is also very fitting with the blasé attitude we’ve seen in canon towards Starlight’s alternate timelines as well as the other uses of this simulation spell. (after all, if a simulation is complex enough to truly model another being, is it not just creating another instance of it?) there does seem to be an ideological assumption by this spell’s users that the value of beings in these simulated worlds don’t “count” when weighed against the fate of the “real” beings living in their world, though of course that doesn’t prevent Twilight from being moved by Sunny’s fate. excellent work!

Thanks for the kind words :twilightsmile: and thanks so much for holding this contest! This was my first experience participating in a contest and it definitely took me out of writing comfort zone, loved every bit of it. Looking forward to the next ones!^^

Humm I wonder what the x-factor is. Sparky? Misty? Having a disharmonious alicorn like Opaline around?

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