• Published 2nd Mar 2023
  • 1,196 Views, 34 Comments

A Bond Across Dimensions - AuraMastermg

A Unicorn born with little to no magic meets the God of Space. Two beings from different dimensions come together and form a bond like no other.

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Episode 6: A royal meeting

It was a very eventful week. Mystic had received his cutie mark while accidentally creating the Philosopher's Stone, somehow word got out and the young colt was hounded by many scholars and Alchemist hoping to get some information out of him.

And as you'd expect, the poor colt was not handling it well, and neither was Aura. And the fact that many scientists who never seen a Human before want to take him to their lab and 'study' him didn't help at all.

The entirety of the Knight Mansion was surrounded by Mages, Researchers, and Scientists of all types, all of them here for Mystic Knight, the colt who was the first in 500 years to create the Philosopher's Stone, and Aura Kaiser, the Human who taught him.

It became so bad that the current head of the family Sagitta Knight had to step out and put her hoof down. "That is enough!" She shouted from the top of her lungs. "In case you all forgot, this is private property! No pony is allowed entry without the approval of a member of this family!"

Her horn flared and the ground started to shake. "Those two are busy right now and they need their privacy, now get out before I lose my temper!"

The crowd gulped and quickly scattered. They knew full well not to make Sagitta angry, or else bad things would happen to them.

Once they were gone Sagitta sighed and turned around. "Alright, the close is clear you two!"

A nearby bush started to rustle and the two alchemists jumped out of it.

"Thanks for the cover Sagitta." Mystic thanked, pulling out leaves and twigs from his mane.

Sagitta's fierce look faded and she now had a kind and friendly energy emit from her. "It's my pleasure little cousin." She went over to the colt and hugged him.

Aura had to bend back and lossen his stiff back until it made a satisfying popping noise. "Okay, note to self: don't hide in anymore bushes. Stick to trees from now on."

With a pop from his back Aura let out a satisfied sigh and faced Sagitta. "Like Mystic said, thanks for keeping those crazies from us. They've been getting more desperate lately."

"Yeah, no kidding. Just this morning we had to clear the skies since they were coming through the roof." Sagitta stated with a groan.

And she wasn't exaggerating. For a few weeks the mansion had been bombarded by paparazzi and it wasn't just tiring for Aura and Mystic, but for those who live and work in the mansion as well.

But at least the guards were getting some good use out of it, as it gave them an excuse to skip training in the morning so that they can keep watch for anyone else who tries to get in. Which was often.

"Well it could be worst, at least they haven't tried to get in from underground." Aura said trying to find some humor out of this. But from the look that Sagitta was giving him...

"They tried to come from underground didn't they?" He asked bluntly.

Sagitta released a tired sigh. "Yep. If this keeps up we will have to relocate, which would be a problem for this family as we dedicated out lives to the Princess."

Aura hummed as the gears started to turn in his head. "Princess." He turned to Mystic. "Isn't she also the founder of that school you've wanted to join?"

Mystic released a squeal and blushed. "Kinda. But they only accept those with high magic, and... you know."

Aura patted Mystic's back and reassured him. "But you are a great budding Alchemist. A form of magic that uses the natural mana surrounding us rather then one's limited supply of internal magic. Heck, if the Princess were here, I'm sure she would accept you without a second thought."

Suddenly the family dragon Pierce came up with a scroll that had the royal symbol on it. "Headmaster Sagitta, a letter from her highness."

"Thank you Pierce." She took the scroll and opened it, skimming through the contents but one part caught her attention.

"Sweet Celestia." She gasped in disbelief.

"What is it?" Aura asked. He took a peek at the scroll and read it's contents out loud.

To the Knight family:
I have heard of the events that have transpired in the last few months and I am happy to let you know that I am coming to visit.
This visit isn't an ordinary one, as I would like to speak with the human that you are housing. I will be at the Knight's mansion by 12PM tomorrow.
-Princess Celestia

"Huh." That was all Aura could say as he backed up and saw the overwhelmed look that Mystic had on his face.

"Well ain't that convenient"

In the main room of the Knight's mansion... well it was complete chaos. And that was putting it lightly.

Cause as soon as word got out that Princess Celestia was coming over tomorrow, all the guards and Knights panicked and scattered.

"The Princess is coming!?"

"We need to make this place presentable!"

"It must be serious if she's coming here!"

The maids and guards all started to clean like crazy. Each one not missing a single mark and even going so far as to check under the floorboards.

"Are they always like this when some royal pony comes to visit?" Aura asked as he just watched the guards and maids go nuts.

Gladius chuckled as he had a bucket of popcorn and sitting down on a lawn chair. "Not usually, but only when Celestia comes over to visit. She is kinda a big deal to this family." He threw a piece of popcorn into the air and landed in his mouth. "I mean, we do dedicate our lives to her."

"I see." Aura said as he hummed. 'So the Knight family dedicate their whole lives for the Royal family, or is it just Celestia. Perhaps I should ask Sagitta once she gets back.'

Aura looked around and couldn't find any sign of a certain Unicorn colt anywhere. "Where's Mystic?

Gladius pointed down the hall. "He's in his room. He said something about finding something to impress Celestia."

"Let me guess, he trying to come up with something that will impress her so much that she would enroll him in her school?"

Gladius answered Aura's question with a nod. "That about sums it all up."

Aura took a deep breath and leaned against a nearby wall. "To be completely honest, I don't see the value of school that much. Heck when I was Mystic's age I hated going to school. I wanted to get out there and have adventures all day." He confessed.

Gladius chuckled. "Yeah, I know the feeling. I hated going to school too." He flapped up to the second floor and stared out the window. "But Mystic is different. He enjoys learning and wants to expand his horizons. And now that Father is gone and has gone to that task about dragons attacking, Mystic can now start doing what he's always wanted to do without that deadbeat breathing down his neck 24/7."

Aura jumped to the second floor and joined Gladius. "And I hope he never comes back. I've met my fair share of horrible beings in my line of work, but your father takes the cake by a landslide."

"Yeah, in fact I hope he becomes some dragon's lunch. With all the shit he's done, karma is bound to reach him." Gladius stated boldly.

Aura blinked a few time, not expecting someone like Gladius, a colorful pony to swear like that. Guess you learned something new every day.

Suddenly Aura felt a ringing in his ear. This was a sign that one of the Guardians was trying to call him. "Welp, I better get prepared for tomorrow." He stretched and acted like he was tired so that he could quickly answer the call. "If I'm going to meet a Princess for the first time, I'd better look my best."

Gladius seemed to bought it and nodded. "I'd don't blame ya. It'll be my first time actually speaking to her. Sure I've seen her every now and then but I've never really had the guts to actually go and talk to her."

And with that, the two went in opposite directions and when Gladius was out of hearing range, Aura quickly checked his surroundings and ran into his laboratory/room.

Pressing his finger over his ear, a visual screen that only he could see appeared in his vision. "This is Aura Kaiser. What's the situation?"

This time a feminine voice that was sort of tomboyish spoke. 'This is Cinder here! Seems like there is trouble in my quadrant and I require backup. Sending you my coordinates now!'

Information was being downloaded to Aura as he received the data. "Understood. Hang tight and I'll be there in 30 minutes tops. And Cinder..." His look was dead serious. "By any chance was this 'incident' caused by something you did, again?"

'How could you say that?! What would make you think that I would be the reason for...'

"Your lack for damage control and that you cause more collateral damage then an enraged bull in a China shop." Aura answered bluntly before Cinder could even respond. "But like I said, I'll be there shortly to clean your mess up. Then have a nice chat with you."

'Oh goodie. Another lecture from Aura. *SIGH* Cinder Ka'Blam signing out.'

The screen disappeared from Aura's vision as he took his finger off of his ear. He then grabbed his sword and threw his jacket on then created a portal to the coordinates that Cinder sent him.


He stepped through the portal and immediately closed it.

The next morning Aura was still asleep, arms and legs spaced out and the God snoring softly. That mission took a lot out of him so he really needed his rest.

The door opened and Mystic snuck in. He placed both hooves on Aura's side and pushed him in an attempt to wake him up. "Aura, it's morning. And the Princess is coming in a few hours."

But try as he might, the young colt couldn't wake up the tired God as the only response he got was a snore from him.

Mystic puffed his cheeks and had an idea. "He might get mad about this. But I do need to work on my elemental alchemy spells."

He climbed to the foot of the bed and held out his front hoof. "Now how did he say it worked again? Just relax my mind, hold out my hoof, think of one of the four main elements and let the world's magic flow into me?"

And as if it heard him, a magic alchemy circle manifested in front of Mystic's hoof and the symbol for water formed in the center and created a stream of water that drenched Aura in cold water, resulting in the God jolting up at the sudden event.

"GAAAAHHHH! I'M AWAKE, I'M AWAKE! Wait a minute." Aura focused his vision to Mystic who had a sheepishly nervous look on his face.

"Um, good morning?"

The God let out an irritable sigh as he dried himself off and put his glasses on. "Well at least you're getting used to the basic fundamentals of elemental alchemy."

Aura walked to the bathroom and took a quick shower and then his normal morning routine. "And what about earth, fire and air? Have you learned how to summon them, or just water?"

Mystic gulped and jumped off the bed. "So far just water, but even then I don't know exactly how I did it."

"I see." That was all Aura could say as he walked out of the bathroom looking cleaned up. He then looked up at a clock and saw that the time was 9AM.

"Seems like we have some time before the Princess gets here." He looked down at the colt and scuffed his mane. "How 'bout you and I get some breakfast. We'll need our energy after all."

After the two had their breakfast they went to the lab for one quick lesson. But after that they were required to be at the front of the mansion with the rest of the family. Each maid, guard and resident of the mansion were lined up, waiting for the princess to arrive.

Not long later they spotted a carriage being pulled by two royal guards as it landed at the entrance. There Princess Celestia got out if it and immediately everypony from the mansion bowed down with Aura just confused at first til Sagitta had to use her magic to force him to a knee.

"Princess Celestia, welcome to our home!"

The princess chuckled and walked closer to the entrance. "It seems like you all are still as loyal and dedicated as always. But you really didn't have to go through so much trouble just for me."

Aura looked up and was shocked. Compared to the rest of the ponies, she towered over them and seemed to be only a few inches shorter then him, but what stood out most was the mane that seemed to move on it's own and the fact thay she had both a horn and wings. It was like she was looking at a Goddess.

'Damn. She looks like she could give Crystal or Venus a run for their money. She's definitely a princess alright.

Sagitta got back up and walked to Celestia. "Princess, it is an honor that you've come to grace us with your presence. I am Sagitta Aurora Knight, newly assigned head of House Knight."

Princess Celestia smiled. "It is an honor to meet you too Sagitta. I take it that your adjusting to your role of head leader well?" She asked out of curiosity.

"I will admit, there were some bumps in the road, but I got used to it after a while."

Suddenly they heard the sound of a stomach growling which made Celestia blush in embarrassment. "Apologies, I haven't had much to eat today. Can we take this inside while having lunch?" Her gaze turned to Aura and Mystic. "There is much I would like to discuss."

In the dining room, the chefs created a large spread of food that they worked their flanks off creating for when the Princess arrived. And judging from their tears of joy as Celestia happily ate, all their efforts paid off.

And it wasn't just Celestia who sat down to eat, Aura, Sagitta, Gladius and Mystic sat down by her request.

Aura stayed silent to himself and tried to avoid drawing attention to himself as much as possible. Luckily, Celestia was busy chatting with Sagitta so that wasn't a problem. But then she got news about the recent dragon attacks and had to leave to handle the situation. Celestia turned to Aura and smiled at him as if he was an old friend.

"And you must be the Human I've heard so much about."

Well there was no getting out of this now. It would look bad for Aura if he didn't respond, and he knows it, he just had to make sure that he doesn't blow his cover.

"Yes your Majesty." He bowed as he responded. "My name is Aura Kaiser. I'm a humble traveler as well as an Alchemist."

Celestia looked directly into Aura's eyes which caused the God to become a bit nervous. Sweat started to roll off him as it seemed like she was scanning him or something.

"An Alchemist you say?" She asked, returning to her seat. "I'd thought I felt a familiar magic here. Am I correct in assuming that you used the more advanced and lost version of Alchemy?"

'Lost version? So my hypothesis was right, this form of Alchemy did make it's way here long ago. No wonder the activation time was so fast.'

Aura cleared his throat and answered. "Yes your Majesty. I used what you call the lost art, but where I'm from, we call it 'True Alchemy'. Utilizing both Science and Magic to create spells that use external magic from everywhere rather then internal magic." Suddenly it was like all of Aura's worries were gone as he found that Celestia was actually quite easy to talk to. "I'm guessing that you've seen it heard of it before?"

She nodded in response. "I have actually. My mentor Starswirl the Bearded utilized it himself. However his time came and he was never truly able to finish recording his research so it became a lost art of magic. Which is why I came here actually."

Celestia got up and handed Aura a pamphlet for Celestia's school for gifted unicorns. "You see, I've also heard that you taught a certain magicless colt how to use Alchemy. So, after consideration, I want you to teach Alchemy in my school."

Aura, Mystic and Gladius all spit take as they heard this news. Princess Celestia want a Human to teach at her School?!

"W-What!? You want me to teach?" Aura coughed as he tried to recover from the shock.

Celestia just smiled. "Yes. I've been looking for somepony who knew the original was of Alchemy for a long time, but all they knew was the potion aspect of it." She beamed at him as she continued. "You see, I want to bring all the lost forms of magic back and, again, you taught a certain colt it and from what I've heard he's become quite the budding Alchemist."

From the other side of the table, Mystic smiled at Celestia's praise. She heard of his skills? It was almost enough to make him faint. Quickly getting out of his chair, Mystic ran over to Aura and nudged at his leg.

"You have to accept! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity! You get to bring back real Alchemy and teach it to young ponies!"

Aura hummed and thought about it. On one hand this would give him more information about this dimension and he could also have more resources to properly teach Mystic. But that was where the other hand came in, this would mean that he might have to leave Mystic and Gladius.

After a while he came up with decision...

"I'll take the job."

Mystic cheered and jumped happily.

"But on one condition: You have to enroll my student Mystic Knight in your school and pit him in my class."

Mystic.exe stopped working. He couldn't believe what he was hearing, Aura was asking Princess Celestia to enroll him? There was no way that she would accept a magicless Unicorn into her...

"You got yourself a deal." Celestia answered, agreeing to Aura's terms.

"What!!!" Both Gladius and Mystic shouted in shock.

Celestia kneeled down to Mystic and smiled. "Young Mystic Knight. You did something that nopony has done in hundreds of years." She used her magic and levitated the Philosopher's Stone that Mystic created out of his satchel.

"You created the Philosopher's Stone. Even the greatest Alchemists in history struggled to create one and nearly all of them fail to achieve it. But you," She placed her hoof on Mystic's chest.

"You created it at such a young age. It is clear that you have a nack for it too, seeing that you got your Cutie Mark from it."

Mystic looked at his Cutie mark and couldn't help but smile.

"And I want you to know that it doesn't matter if you don't have any magic. Your thirst for knowledge lead you to become more skilled then many skilled mages today. And I know that you can reach even higher heights by attending my school."

Mystic's eyes leaked a few tears when he heard that. He wiped his eyes dry and stood tall and proud. "Thank you Princess Celestia."

He then turned to his teacher. "And thank you Aura."

With that done Celestia remembered one more detail. "Also Sir Kaiser, you are going to need to make yourself look like a pony so that you don't cause a ruckus. There are many scientists in Canterlot wh would like nothing more then to... examine you."

Aura shuttered as he recalled this all the times he went out and got stalked by scientists. "That would be helpful. And I think I got just the Alchemy spell to do it. I just haven't used it yet since it is a one time thing to grant me a second form." He sat down and slowed his breathing.

"Just give me a moment so that I can focus and create it."

Aura's body glowed and started to change shape. His arms turned into forehooves and his form changed into a more quadruped form. A horn grew from his forehead and wings sprouted from his back and as the light died down, he had turn to a pony that had a fair amount of bulk, a silver coat and a sapphire mane that had a hint of green at the ends of the hair. His eyes stayed the same, but he had a cutie-mark with a sword and shield that had a portal behind it.

"Is this a good enough disguise for ya?"

Princess Celestia felt her cheeks heat while Mystic and Gladius dropped their jaws.

"I-I think it is a tad bit much Sir Kaiser." Celestia was able to mutter out.

The God turned to the mirror and inspected himself. "Are you sure? Cause if I'm going to be a teacher, shouldn't I at least look the part?" He checked the mane and hummed. "Though I will say that the way the mane waves is a bit much."

"That's not the issue Aura." Gladius stated and pointed. "The issue is the type of pony you took."

"Really?" He faced his wings and flared them. "I don't get it, I mean, what's wrong with having both wings and a horn?"

Celestia shook her blush off and regained her composure. "Well you see, you had taken the form of an Alicorn."

Aura raised an eyebrow. "O-kay. And what does that have to do with anything? There are other Alicorns here right?"

"Eh, sort of... they're, rare in a way."

"Oh, really?" His curiosity rose. "How rare? Like, 10%, 1%, or they are a mutation?"

"No. Its more like there are just... a dozen give or take. And they are more over on the level of Gods due to their high magic."

Aura didn't couldn't even say anything except for one thing. "Huh?"

"Oh sweet Celestia, she saying that Alicorns might as well be Gods themselves! How obvious do we need to make it for you to get it through your thick skull!" Gladius shouted in front of the God's face.

It took Aura a minute to process this information but once it finally clicked. "Oh."

'Crap crap crap crap crap crap! Did I just blow my cover!? I should of known that Alicorns were the equivalent of Gods in this Dimension! I just wanted to look cool! Forget trying to blend in, I'm going to stand out more then a cactus in a desert"

He quickly turned around and slapped his cheeks with both hooves to snap out of it and calm down. 'Wait, maybe they didn't figure it out. I can probably bullshit by way through this."

He turned back around and faced the three. "Whoops. Sorry, we humans didn't really know about that. I'd just thought that Alicorns were as common as any regular pony." He nervously chuckled and slumped down. "So much for blending in."

Mystic and Gladius looked at each other with a nervous face while Celestia came up to him.

"I guess I should of expected this, your constant usage of Equestria's natural magic must of merged with your body and as a result made you match that of an Alicorn."

Aura's head jerked up as he looked at the princess in confusion. She handed him what appears to be a dress shirt and blue dress vest that goes over it.

"I was going to give this to you anyway but it should conceal your wings." She levitated the clothes over to Aura. "But just to be safe, I recommend wrapping something over them just incase."

Aura looked at the clothes and nodded. "Thank you princess." He then took a knee and kneeled down. "I look forward to teaching your students about the wonderful world of Alchemy."

He then turned to Mystic and smiled. "And I'm sure Mystic is looking forward to joining your school as well."

"Well it would be a waste not to." Celestia chuckled and have off a radiant smile. "Magic or not, he has done something that took even me years to create. Such talent must be properly raised in the best environment for it to grow."

Mystic blushed and avoided eye contact with them. Seeing this, Gladius got his brother and placed him on his back. "Welp it's getting late and I'm sure these two are going to have a busy day tomorrow. Best if they get some sleep now."

Gladius took a quick bow then took to the air. "Thank you again your majesty."

Once Gladius and Mystic took off, Aura went to leave as well but...

"One minute please. I would like to discuss something with you Aura Kaiser, 'The God of Space'."

Aura stopped in his tracks and turned around to see Celestia with a grin on her face.

"You knew?" He asked, quite shocked that his cover was discovered so quickly.

"I've sensed your presence in Equestria for months now. You Gods have a very unique power signature." She lit her horn and Aura started to glow a golden light. "Gods emit a rare energy that shines with a divine light. And the fact that I've read about you, I knew your name was familiar."

Aura took a deep breath and closed the door so that no one else could hear them. "There's books about me?"

"Oh dozens!" She answered happily. "They were my favorite books reading while I was just a filly, even my personal student has taken quite a liking to them."

Her happy expression dropped and she turned more serious. "Which leads me to why I need to speak to you."

Aura was quiet and went over to a chair to sit down. "And I'm guessing that it also has something to do with why you agreed to have Mystic join your school?"

Celestia nodded and sat down across from him. "Yes. You see, she hasn't been very social for a filly her age. As smart as she is, she pushes back those who try to get close to her." She looked up and stared into Aura's eyes. "I am going to put her into your class and hopefully, she could become friends with your student young Mystic Knight." Her smile started to return. "I can tell just by looking at him that he and my student share many things in common."

"So short version is that you want me to find a way for Mystic and your protege to become friends?" Aura asked bluntly. Truth is, this was a weird request. Mystic is extremely shy and has never met a foal his age, how in the multiverse was he going to get him to become friends with a filly that he's never met?

Celestia nodded. "Yes. If she continues to work alone as she is, then she would never achieve her potential. Having somepony to work with or to confide to can do wonders."

Aura sighed and crossed his hooves. Something like this wouldn't be impossible and it would help Mystic come out of his shell too.

"Alright, I'll do it." He said without hesitation. "If I may ask, what is the name if your student?"

Celestia smiled and showed him an image of a young purple unicorn filly that was Mystic's age.

"Her name is Twilight Sparkle."

Author's Note:

Thank you all for waiting!:pinkiehappy:

This would of been out sooner but I wanted to get this right. Plus I've been balancing this and the adventure posts in Groups.

Next is a chapter that I've been looking forward to writing for a long time.

See ya next time!:twilightsmile: