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Burning in the Dark

Sunset had half-hoped that her night’s Trance tonight would be free of manipulation as she slept in the castle, but unfortunately, as she opened her eyes in her dream, she found herself in Glasya’s castle again. Rolling her eyes, she stood up and looked around, finding herself in the same door where the archdevil had thrown her from in her last dream. “I already told you; I’m not interested,” she called out. “Go find someone else to do what you want.”

“Oh, but where’s the fun in that?~” Sunset quickly wheeled around in surprise when she heard Glasya’s breathy voice in her ear, but she didn’t see anything.

“I’ve already had a taste of what demon magic is like; I don’t want it again.” Sunset insisted… before she suddenly felt something wrap around her neck and choke her as she was pulled against the wall… which she only now noticed was made not from dark stone as she’d initially believed, but from the bones of countless dead.

She was face-to-face with Glasya, her tail wrapped around Sunset’s throat as she glared seductively yet angrily into her eyes, wearing a very revealing dominatrix-like outfit while Sunset herself – she just now realized – was naked. “You dare compare the daughter of Asmodeus to mere demon filth?” she asked in anger, holding a dangerous leather whip with a handle studded with black iron spikes. “It seems you need a little lesson, my pet.”

“I’m no one’s pet. Especially not yours.” Sunset choked out, the grip of Glasya’s tail around her neck tightening.

“Once again, you lie to yourself. At least show your mistress the courtesy of honesty.” the demoness smiled as she gently cupped one of Sunset’s bare breasts with her free hand, making the elf blush intensely.

“What do you care about honesty, Glasya?” Sunset choked, earning a somewhat surprised look from the archdevil. “That’s right. I know who you are.”

“Well, I should certainly hope so.” Glasya smiled sadistically. “After all…” She pulled her hand away from Sunset’s breast and pulled something from between her own breasts; a small glass bottle containing a glowing amber essence. “If you forgot whom you sold your soul to, that would make things very awkward, wouldn’t it?”

Sunset was frozen as she remembered a detail from when she was creating her character; she’d chosen the option of having sold her soul for power. She had no idea that the magic that brought her and the others to this world would choose to make the owner of her soul one of the Lords of Hell. “Yes, you want this back, don’t you?~” Glasya taunted Sunset, waving the bottle in her face just out of reach. Sunset tried to reach and grab it, but Glasya’s tail just tightened around her neck. “Then you will submit to my command and do as I wish. Do you understand?”

“I’d say go to hell if you weren’t already here.” Sunset croaked.

Glasya simply tutted her tongue. “Disappointing. I had at least hoped you would see sense when you saw I hold your leash.” As if on cue, when Glasya removed her tail from Sunset’s neck, a cilice-like collar and chain leash formed in its place, the spikes of the collar digging into Sunset’s neck. She counted herself fortunate the spikes were at least somewhat dulled but they still hurt. With the chain in her hand, Glasya stepped on it and the tension pulled Sunset to her knees, making her scream in agony as the dull spikes dug into her neck, drawing a small amount of blood. “Now let’s try this again.” She lashed Sunset’s back with the whip, which burned and made her scream even louder. “Do you submit?”

“S- Stop it…” Sunset whimpered in pain, the blood running along the chain and down her chest along with her tears. “Please let me go.”

“Submit, slave,” Glasya demanded, whipping her again and making Sunset cry out.

“Never…” Sunset gritted her teeth through the pain, which only continued as Glasya tightened the cilice around her neck and kept whipping her… while bony hands reached up from the floor and felt her up. The whole thing was painful, embarrassing, and generally humiliating, and Sunset just wanted it all to end – either for her to wake up from her Trance or just die and end this suffering.

Suddenly Glasya stopped her torment and looked at something outside the doorway nearby. “What?!” Sunset hadn’t been expecting the strangely sweet smell of fresh summer flowers in Hell, and judging from her tone, Glasya certainly wasn’t expecting to see its source. Almost curious to see who or what had saved her from her torment, Sunset tried to ignore the pain caused by the collar and turned her head toward the doorway.

Sunset woke from her Trance with a start, particularly sudden as she looked around and found herself back in her room in Castle Garrach, in the pale blue nightgown she’d found in the closet. The pain in her neck and back was still present and she was a bit short of breath, but as she felt her neck, she couldn’t feel any wounds the cilice may have left – her neck was fully intact, and there was certainly no blood. “What the hell…?” she whispered. Then she heard a knock at the door to her room and panicked a bit, quickly holding the blankets up to her chest. “Come in.”

The door opened and a castle maid walked in. “Forgive the intrusion, miss, but King Evendur asked to see your group before the guests left. Your friends are awaiting you.”

“Oh. Uh, thank you. I’ll be right down.” Sunset nodded. The maid bowed and left the room, allowing Sunset some privacy as she changed into her mantle. For some reason, she felt more secure now that she was actually clothed… probably because she had just been stripped and humiliated by an archdemon in her dream, but she digressed; she was never going to submit to Glasya, even if it killed her.

She grabbed up her gilded staff and spun it in her hands a few times before she swung it down hard like a bat, taking a breath as she walked out of her room with it in hand, walking out to the throne room where she found her friends waiting and mingling with the other guests; Applejack was clearly getting along well with Morgran, and Fluttershy with Chieftain Sylvaranth while Pinkie joked with Kethra and Malcer, Twilight spoke to Planeseer Brightwood and Rainbow to Duke Donaghy.

It was Rarity who really caught her attention, the new purple musketeer’s hat with a glittering yellow feather on her head certainly setting her apart from the crowd as she spoke to Senator Evenwood. “Very stylish, Rarity.” she smiled at her friend as she walked over.

“Yes, I certainly thought so.” Rarity smiled as she ran her gloved hand along the feather… which let Sunset get a look at the faint yet clearly mystic blue holographic banding around her wrist, a similar glow emanating from her rapier in its sheath. “A gift from the Senator here.”

“After all you’ve done for the king, and indeed his alliance with the Republic of Grailes, I suppose a gift like that is the least I can do.” the senator smiled.

“I’ve been meaning to ask about that, actually; why did the king call representatives from his allies to this event?” asked Sunset.

“Simply a matter of professional diplomatic courtesy,” Evenwood explained. “It’s custom throughout all Emacula for a nation’s ruling body to summon envoys of their allies during great political events such as this. As a matter of fact, the same ritual will be carried out in a few months when the Republic’s election for a new Chancellor begins. I hope at least one of your friends will be in attendance.”

“We’ll see what our schedule allows.” Rarity smiled before the king and queen entered, a small wooden box under the queen’s arm.

“Ah, my friends. Good morning, one and all.” Evendur smiled as he approached his throne. “Firstly, I wish once again to thank our guests and new Protectors of the Realm – the Warriors of Harmony – for exposing Lord Quarian Amakiir’s conspiracy against the crown and state.”

“Our pleasure, Your Majesty; I assure you.” Sunset bowed honorably, accompanied by her friends… though Rarity did give a little extra flourish with her new hat as she bowed.

“Until such time as Lord Amakiir’s manor can be thoroughly cleaned out and remodeled, I encourage you to make use of your talents in whatever way you see fit.” Evendur continued.

“In that case, My Liege, I believe I may have an idea of where they might go next,” Donaghy remarked.

“Oh? And what would that be?” the king asked, though he had a feeling he already knew what the duke was about to say.

“They could ride with me, out to Actia.” Donaghy smiled, patting Rainbow on the shoulder with a chuckle. “After all, I’m sure Rainbow Dash would welcome a chance to see her homeland and my brother King Roland again.”

“A splendid idea.” Evendur nodded, looking at the paladin. “Is this suggestion to your liking?”

“I guess. Might be nice to see the homestead again.” Rainbow smiled, turning to her friends. “You girls in?”

“Definitely.” Sunset nodded, corroborated by the other girls.

“Very well. I will ensure a missive is sent when your mansion is prepared.” Evendur smiled. “Until then, I wish you well in your time abroad.”

“To help you along your way, please accept these small tokens of our appreciation.” Queen Ilanis smiled and opened the box, revealing a few small glass flasks of red liquid.

(Twilight Sparkle Arcana roll Dirty 20) Twilight almost immediately recognized these vials. “Are those healing potions?” she asked in surprise.

“My own creation.” Ilanis smiled as she handed the box to the half-elf. “I’ve been studying the art of alchemy for a few years now – something to pass the time, you understand. And if it’s of benefit to warriors such as you, then all the better. They’re obviously not as good as those you could find in markets, but I’ve done my best.” That certainly made the girls feel better as it made them even more certain that the queen wasn’t involved in her cousin’s attempt on the king last night.

“I’m sure they’ll be a great help, Your Majesty.” Twilight smiled as she accepted the case, seeing five potions in the case, which she carefully fit into her pack.

“I’ll see to our horses.” Donaghy smiled and stepped out of the castle to the courtyard.

Once he was gone, Sunset saw this as her best chance and sidled up next to Planeseer Brightwood. “Excuse me, Planeseer; can I talk to you for a second? I have a question.”

“Of course, my dear. How may I help you?” the mage smiled.

“Well… I’ve been having strange… visions, I guess you could call them. During my Trance.” Sunset explained. “Almost like dreams.”

“Visions? Of what exactly?” asked Brightwood.

“Well… I’m not quite sure how to describe them, honestly.” Sunset lied, still unsure if she should mention Glasya, especially after her latest dream. “But I remember at the end of the latest one, I smelled something a bit… unexpected. Especially considering where it was. I was hoping you could tell me what it was.” (Sunset Shimmer Deception roll Dirty 20 vs. Planeseer Wymar Brightwood Insight roll 17)

Brightwood appeared suspicious as if he knew Sunset was holding back in what she was talking about but shrugged it off. “Define ‘unexpected’.”

“It smelled like… summer flowers. Not really the smell you’d expect on the top of a barren mountain.” Sunset remembered.

“Indeed not.” Brightwood nodded as he thought. (Planeseer Wymar Brightwood Arcana roll 15) Something appeared to occur to him as he looked the young girl in the eye. “I can’t be certain, but I believe these visions may be some attempt at communication from an Archfey of the Seelie Court.”

“Archfey?” That made no sense to Sunset; how could an Archfey have made it into a dream she had of Hell? And more to the point, why would they stick their neck out for her against Glasya?

“A grand thing indeed, if I may say, to have someone from the Court of Titania attempt to speak with you, even if it is merely in dreams.” the mage noted. “Do not squander such a gift. I urge you to attempt to return whatever sort of message they may send you. Meditate on it if you can.”

“I’ll try. Thank you, Planeseer.” Sunset nodded, turning back to the door where her friends were waiting for her. Outside, they found Donaghy and a group of horses waiting for them which they quickly mounted, Rainbow smiling as she admired his ornate half-plate armor.

“You look good,” she smiled as the girls goaded their horses gently onward.

“I do enjoy this armor. It was my father’s.” Donaghy smiled as the group rode away from the castle. “Come, we ride northeast to the hills of Achtia.” It was a long ride beyond the walls – nearly two days in the saddle, only stopping nights to make camp off the roads – but the scenery as they rode was magnificent; rolling hills and beautiful fields as far as the eye could see.

Along the ride, the girls got to learn a bit more about Rainbow’s apparent history with the Riders of Achtia, including how she’d been chosen for the honored position after showing her skill at completing farmyard chores from horseback, including displaying her skill as a jouster with a pitchfork.

Finally, as the sun stood halfway between morning and high noon, they slowed just enough to behold the large wooden almost Celtic-Saxon hybrid settlement on the rocky hill. “Behold Elesmont, grand capital of Achtia. And there atop the hill, the Ebony Hall of the Kings.” Donaghy smiled proudly.

The girls were all in awe, especially Rainbow who felt a strange pull in her chest; somehow coming here did indeed feel like coming home. “Come, I’m sure the people will be eager to see one of their champions.” Donaghy smiled at her as he led the group to the gates, which opened before them.

The city was quaint, but indeed grand in its own way; thatched roofs on the houses, kind people on the cobblestone streets, and as they rode up the slope to the grand hall, everyone seemed to recognize Rainbow. Finally, they reached the hall and were allowed in after Donaghy, who smiled at the red-headed man on the throne, flanked on the walls by knights with halberds. “Hail Roland King,” he said honorably, bowing a bit.

Roland simply chuckled as he stepped down from his throne and hugged his brother. “I knew I was wise to send you to Bagnon, Donaghy. Do you bring good news?” he asked.

“More than that, brother. I bring an old friend of ours.” The duke smiled as he stepped to one side.

Roland was almost in disbelief as he saw the blue-skinned paladin. “Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow just smiled and bowed as well. “Your Majesty.”

“You bow to no one here, my old friend.” Roland smiled as he allowed Rainbow to stand upright, turning her to face the rest of the hall. “Brothers of Achtia, a champion rider has returned to the Ebony Hall. Hail Rainbow Dash, champion of the Gilligorn Valley.”

The guards all slammed the pommels of their halberds on the stone floor in honor as Rainbow stood strong. “It’s good to be back,” she smirked, looking at the king as she pointed to her friends. “Hope you don’t mind; I brought some friends home with me.”

Roland smiled as he walked to Sunset. “Any friend of Rainbow Dash is a friend of Achtia.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.” Sunset smiled and shook the king’s hand.

“This fine band of ladies has just revealed a conspiracy against King Evendur and the royal family of Bagnon.” Donaghy smiled.

“Have they now?” Roland smiled, looking at the girls.

“Yes. And in fact, along with Evendur naming Princess Kethra as his heir, he has declared these Warriors of Harmony as Protectors of the Realm.” Donaghy added.

“Really?” Roland asked, impressed.

“We’re just out and about while our mansion is being repainted.” Sunset shrugged, feeling a bit arrogant as she said that. “I don’t suppose you have any work for some able-bodied adventurers while we’re in town?”

“As a matter of fact, yes,” Roland noted as he stepped back to his throne. “A request for aide only recently came to me from the town blacksmith Anjrey; it seems the mineshaft outside town where he digs for his iron has come under siege by oozes.”

“Oozes? What, a blacksmith can’t handle a little cave slime?” Rainbow chuckled, though it was clear from the look of disgust on Rarity’s face that she certainly couldn’t handle something like that.

(Twilight Sparkle Insight roll 19) Twilight could easily tell what the king was talking about just by reading his facial expressions… and through extensive pre-game studying of the Monster Manual. “When the ooze in question is sentient acid, I’d say it’s something to worry about.” She noted.

“Indeed.” Roland nodded. “The smith isn’t entirely certain what manner of ooze it is, but I insist that it must be dealt with.”

“No worries, Majesty. We can handle this.” Rainbow smiled.

“I have no doubt of that. But first…” Roland smiled as he eyed the swords at Rainbow’s hips. “Those blades aren’t exactly fitting for a Rider of Achtia.” Rainbow was a bit surprised by how he said that; he actually rather liked her swords. “Freda!”

On that bellow, a young woman about the girls’ age wandered into the hall wearing a simple dress, though it appeared a bit wrinkled like she had worn it under something heavier. “You remember my daughter, Rainbow.” Roland smiled.

(Rainbow Dash History roll 15) “Of course.” Rainbow nodded, somehow indeed remembering that she was an old friend of the princess. “It’s good to see you again, Freda.”

“You as well, Rainbow.” Freda smiled and hugged the paladin, before noticing her amulet. “Oh, look at this. So you’ve joined Pelor’s faith since you left, eh?”

“Had a lot of time on my hands.” Rainbow shrugged.

“And older steel as well, it would seem,” Freda noted as she looked at Rainbow’s swords.

“What, these?” Rainbow noted as she unstrapped the sheathed swords from her hips. “They’re not that old.”

“Old enough to merit an upgrade,” Roland noted. “Freda, if you would?”

“Yes, Father.” Freda nodded and took the swords from Rainbow, dipping into the back room. She returned a moment later with two newer swords with ornate rainbow-colored knotwork on the gold crossguards. “These were made fresh for you just a few years ago, in hopes you would return.”

Rainbow smiled as she drew both swords into her hands, the glittering knotwork against the gold as she waved them a bit. “Nice. I like ‘em.”

“I thought you might.” Roland smiled as Freda strapped the scabbards to her hips. “I wish you luck. Mines are a difficult place to do battle.”

“I think we can handle ourselves,” Rainbow smirked.

“I have no doubt of that.” Donaghy smiled. “Seek out Anjrey at his forge down the slope. He’ll show you to his mine.”

“Thanks.” Sunset smiled as she and the others walked from the hall, marching down the slope.

It wasn’t difficult to find the blacksmith’s forge; the sound of burning coals and pumping bellows was enough to lead them in the right direction midway down the slope from the hall, not to mention the muscular man outside hammering away at a woodsman’s axe on the anvil. “Anjrey, I presume?” asked Rarity.

“Aye.” The smithy nodded, not looking up from his work.

“King Roland sent us. Something about oozes in your iron mine?” Sunset asked.

“Ah yes. Just give me a moment.” Anjrey noted as he quickly quenched the axe, setting it aside. “Now then, you’re the ones to help with my mine?”

“That’d be us.” Rainbow smiled.

“Alright then.” Anjrey nodded as he set the sign on his shop to show it was closed. “Follow me.” He walked down the road with the girls following him out of the city.

“So exactly what kind of oozes are we dealing with here?” Twilight asked.

“I couldn’t tell you. It’s hard to see in those mines, even by torchlight.” Anjrey shrugged. “All I know is they’re solid, no mere blobs shuffling the ground.”

“Y’know, that doesn’t exactly narrow it down,” Rainbow noted.

“Fine behavior from a champion of the kingdom.” Rarity whispered brusquely.

“Hey, I’m trying here, okay?” Rainbow rebuked. “Haven’t been here in ages.”

A few yards from the gate, the group saw a small mineshaft opening in the ground. “This is as far as I dare go until those beasts are slain,” Anjrey assured.

“We’ll meet you back at your shop.” Twilight nodded as the old smith walked back to the gate.

“Y’all sure we can handle this?” Applejack asked as they wandered into the mine, (Sunset Shimmer uses Ignite ability) following the light of a torch Sunset lit.

“Come on AJ, it’s just a couple of slimes. They’re pushovers in most games; how hard could they be here?” Rainbow noted as they wandered down the mine, the dark and narrow passages feeling a bit constricting.

“This isn’t a video game, Rainbow. I would think getting attacked by bandits and Drow would prove that.” Twilight pointed out.

“Yeah, and take it from a gamer; just because slimes are pushovers in video games doesn’t mean that’s the norm,” Sunset assured.

(Rarity Perception roll 10) Rarity meanwhile was a bit distracted as she looked around the tunnel, particularly at the floor. “Does anyone else find it a tad unusual for the floor of an iron mine to be so… clean?”

“Huh?” Sunset asked as she and the others looked down at the floor. Indeed, the floor of the tunnel was almost too clean for an iron mine… and shiny.

Twilight quickly knelt down and ran her hand over the shiny substance on the floor, feeling it slick and somewhat blue in her hands. (Twilight Sparkle Nature roll 17) She knew almost exactly what it was when she stood up. “Nobody move.” She instructed quickly, stopping the whole party dead in their tracks.

“What is it?” asked Fluttershy.

“I think I know why Anjrey doesn’t know what kind of ooze it is.” Twilight surmised quickly. “They’re gelatinous cubes; solid like he said, but almost completely transparent. If we’re not careful, we might walk right into one of them by accident.”

Now aware of the possible danger, the girls quickly circled up and looked around the cave in the dim light of the torch. “So what do we do now?” asked Rainbow.

“The trail is fresh, so at least one of the cubes is probably close by,” Twilight noted. “Keep your eyes peeled; look for a shimmer.”

With that in mind, the whole group looked carefully through the tunnel for the monster. (Full Party Perception Roll: Sunset Shimmer rolls 15, Twilight Sparkle rolls [Adv. for knowledge] 10 or 22, Spike rolls 16, Applejack rolls Nat 20, Rarity rolls 13, Fluttershy rolls 10, Pinkie Pie rolls 6, Rainbow Dash rolls 2 – DC 15)

Almost immediately, in the dim torchlight, Applejack saw a pale blue glimmer in the light… taking up almost the entire mine tunnel. “There’s the booger.” she pointed to the entity, which appeared to react to the girls’ presence.

“Ugh, an apt choice of words, Applejack.” Rarity remarked as she looked at the massive block of slime in the rocky corridor. “Best make this quick.” With that in mind, she drew her rapier and started waving it like a wand, a small blue light flickering at the tip of the blade.

“Wait, hang on,” Twilight noted as she looked closely through this first cube… and saw two more in the tunnel behind it. “Oh great; there’s three of them.”

“Three? Well, this just gets better and better.” Rainbow smiled as she drew her swords.

(Roll Initiative! – Order as Follows: Rarity 16, Twilight Sparkle 15, Gelatinous Cube-3 15, Fluttershy 15, Rainbow Dash 14, Pinkie Pie 13, Sunset Shimmer 11, Spike 6, Applejack 5, Gelatinous Cube-2 4, Gelatinous Cube-1 3)

Rarity nimbly stepped forward and swung her sword swiftly at the first of the blobs (Rarity Attack Roll [Finesse, Dueling Style] 14 w/ Rapier – Gelatinous Cube-1 AC 6 – Damage Roll 12 – Gelatinous Cube-1 -12 – 72HP), cutting a fairly impressive gash in the slime, but it reformed almost immediately as if it weren’t there. “Gah. Well, this will take forever,” she remarked in annoyance.

“Let me take a whirl at it.” Twilight suggested as she stepped forward, her staff glowing at the ready. “Let’s see what I can do with my new spells. Mysto Missilia!” (Twilight Sparkle Spell Attack roll Nat 20 w/ Magic Missile: 1st Level – Gelatinous Cube-1 AC 6 – Critical Hit!: Damage Roll [Doubled] First Dart 6, Second Dart 7, Third Dart 3 – Gelatinous Cube-1 -14 – 58HP) On her command, the crystal in the top of her staff crackled with magic as three small purple darts formed from her staff and shot at the first cube, each slapping into the slime and bursting in small bangs within.

The third of the slimes appeared to be moving slowly down the tunnel before apparently turning down another stone corridor. “Ah think they’re tryin’ to flank us,” Applejack said quickly.

“Let ‘em try. We can handle ‘em.” Rainbow smiled.

Fluttershy wasn’t sure as she raised her staff, the smell of flowers weaving between it and her crown (Fluttershy casts Entangle: 1st Level), before she slammed the base of her staff onto the ground twice, a small seed-like light appearing at the top before she flung it away, letting it magically phase through the first two cubes before it landed near the third, two small walls of thorns forming to block the tunnel and cage the second and third cubes. “That should hold them.”

“Nice move, Fluttershy.” Rainbow smiled. “My turn.” Quickly she set a hand to her amulet before she knocked the flat of her right sword against the metal plate on the back of her left gauntlet, (Rainbow Dash casts Thunderous Smite: 1st Level) a small yet loud ringing resounding as the blade crackled with bright blue lightning. With her sword powered up, she stepped up to the first cube and slashed hard (Rainbow Dash Attack Roll [Finesse] 15 w/ Shortsword – Gelatinous Cube-1 AC 6 – Damage Roll [plus Thunderous Wave damage] 20 – Gelatinous Cube-1 -20 – 38HP – Gelatinous Cube-1 Strength Saving Throw 8 – DC 11 – Gelatinous Cube-1 Immune to being knocked Prone), an ear-splitting crack of thunder resounding through the tunnel and knocking the first cube back about ten feet, knocking the one directly behind it into the wall of thorns Fluttershy had erected (Gelatinous Cube-2 Strength Saving Throw 8 – Fluttershy Spell Save DC 13), at which point the vines suddenly wrapped around it and restrained it as the first cube reformed from Rainbow’s attack.

“Ooh! Nice one, Dashie!” Pinkie cheered over the ringing in her ears. “My turn!” Quickly she leaped forward and bonked the first cube with her hammer (Pinkie Pie Attack Roll w/ Light Hammer 14 – Gelatinous Cube-1 AC 6 – Damage Roll 2 – Gelatinous Cube-1 -2 – 36HP), and while it clearly didn’t do as much as the others’ attacks, it was still effective.

“Alright, let’s finish this one off.” Sunset smiled as she pushed gently past her friends and raised her hands, heat smoldering between them before she thrust them violently forward (Sunset Shimmer Spell Attack roll 8 w/ Burning Hands: 2nd Level – Gelatinous Cube-1 AC 6, Gelatinous Cube-2 AC 6), a sheet of fire blasting forward straight into the cubes (Gelatinous Cube-1 Dex Save 7, Gelatinous Cube-2 Dex Save 12 – Sunset Shimmer Spell Save DC 13 – Damage Rolls: Gelatinous Cube-1 -10, Gelatinous Cube-2 -12 – Gelatinous Cube-1 28HP, Gelatinous Cube-2 72HP), boiling the slime in both of the first two cubes.

“Let’s turn up the heat a little more.” Spike smiled as he skittered down Twilight’s arm and breathed fire at the first cube (Spike Attack w/ Breath Weapon – Gelatinous Cube-1 Dex Save 8 – Dex Save DC 11 – Damage Roll 10 – Gelatinous Cube-1 -10 – 18HP), melting away a small amount of slime from its base. “I think it’s on its last legs.”

“Then let’s finish it off,” Applejack smirked, her eyes going red (Applejack uses Rage) before she charged the first cube with her hammer (Applejack Attack roll 23 w/ Warhammer – Gelatinous Cube-1 AC 6 – Damage Roll [Versatile, Rage Bonus] 13 – Gelatinous Cube-1 -13 – 5HP), knocking a good chunk of slime out of the side. “This one’s ‘bout to give up the ghost.”

It certainly looked like it, even as the cube behind it fought to escape the vines (Gelatinous Cube-2 Strength Saving Throw 13 – Fluttershy Spell Save DC 13), and only barely succeeded, oozing free of the vines as it slid up behind the first cube.

The first cube then tried to lash out at Sunset with a large tentacle of slime (Gelatinous Cube-1 Attack roll Dirty 20 w/ Pseudopod – Sunset Shimmer AC 11 – Damage Roll 8 – Sunset Shimmer -8 – 19HP), burning at Sunset’s shoulder like acid. “Gah! Ow!” she screeched as she stumbled back a bit.

“I’ll thank you not to do that.” Rarity said quickly as she raised her rapier again (Rarity Attack roll [Finesse, Dueling Style] 12 w/ Rapier – Gelatinous Cube-1 AC 6 – Damage Roll 8 – Gelatinous Cube-1 -8 – -3HP), piercing it quickly one final time before it melted away into nothing. Almost immediately after it melted, Rarity’s eyes fixed on the cube behind it (Rarity uses Action Surge) and charged it with her rapier as well (Rarity Attack roll [Finesse, Dueling Style] 18 w/ Rapier – Gelatinous Cube-2 AC 6 – Damage Roll 12 – Gelatinous Cube-2 -12 – 60HP), slashing across its surface.

With the second cube now exposed, Twilight quickly took the opportunity for what she considered her best spell. “Malleus Voltarinum!” (Twilight Sparkle Spell Attack roll Nat 20 w/ Witch Bolt: 2nd Level – Gelatinous Cube-2 AC 6 – Critical Hit!: Damage Roll [Doubled] 24 – Gelatinous Cube-2 -24 – 36HP) Just as before, the burning blue bolt shot from her staff and burned into the cube, sending up a small ripple of slime in the impact area.

Fluttershy could hear the third cube moving further down the tunnel beyond the walls of thorns, but she knew it wouldn’t get far as her thorns had probably blocked all possible exits for it. (Gelatinous Cube-3 Strength Save 7 – Fluttershy Spell Save DC 13)

With that in mind, she quickly looked at Sunset and pointed her staff at her shoulder. “Jatalm jamost lomara.” she said quickly. (Fluttershy casts Healing Word: 1st Level – Healing Roll 7 – Sunset Shimmer +7 – 26HP) As soon as her incantation finished, a faint golden glimmer flew from her staff to Sunset’s shoulder and undid the worst of the acid burns.

“Thanks, Fluttershy.” Sunset smiled as Rainbow moved forward with her swords, slashing at the cube (Rainbow Dash Attack roll [Finesse] 19 w/ Shortsword – Gelatinous Cube-2 AC 6 – Damage Roll 8 – Gelatinous Cube-2 -8 – 52HP – Rainbow Dash Attack roll [Finesse, off-hand] 17 w/ Shortsword – Gelatinous Cube-2 AC 6 – Damage Roll 5 – Gelatinous Cube-2 -5 – 47HP), easily cutting large gashes in the beast.

Pinkie then immediately leaped above her (Pinkie Pie Acrobatics roll 12), just barely missing Rainbow’s head with her foot before she brought her hammer down hard on the cube (Pinkie Pie Attack roll 14 w/ Light Hammer – Gelatinous Cube-2 AC 6 – Damage Roll 4 – Gelatinous Cube-2 -4 – 43HP), leaving a good-sized dent for such a small hammer.

“Let me get in on this, Twilight.” Sunset insisted as she tapped the gem in her coronet, focusing the magic through to her hand. “Malleus Voltarinum!” (Sunset Shimmer Spell Attack roll 11 w/ Witch Bolt: 1st Level – Gelatinous Cube-2 AC 6 – Damage Roll 12 – Gelatinous Cube-2 -12 – 31HP) The blue bolt shot from her hand and struck the cube right next to where Twilight’s was hitting, only burning further.

Spike quickly skittered up to the second cube and let a little more of his green fire loose (Spike Attack w/ Breath Weapon – Gelatinous Cube-2 Dex Save 9 – Dex Save DC 11 – Damage Roll 7 – Gelatinous Cube-2 -7 – 24HP), scorching the bottom of the cube, but clearly not doing much.

Thankfully, Applejack – her eyes still burning red – charged forward and swung her hammer hard (Applejack Attack roll 21 w/ Warhammer – Gelatinous Cube-2 AC 6 – Damage Roll [Versatile, Rage Bonus] 9 – Gelatinous Cube-2 -9 – 15HP), leaving a massive dent right in the side.

The cube – clearly annoyed at the abuse – lashed out at Applejack with another slimy appendage (Gelatinous Cube-2 Attack roll 15 w/ Pseudopod – Applejack AC 12 – Damage Roll [halved due to Rage] 5 – Applejack -5 – 31HP), striking hard right at her midsection and leaving a good-sized though surprisingly minor burn.

“That’ll be quite enough of that, thank you very much indeed.” Rarity remarked as she swung her sword again (Rarity Attack roll [Finesse, Dueling Style] 12 w/ Rapier – Gelatinous Cube-2 AC 6 – Damage Roll 7 – Gelatinous Cube-2 -7 – 8HP), slicing out a large chunk of slime from the side which she quickly stepped away from to avoid.

Twilight maintained her spell on the beast (Further Witch Bolt Damage against Gelatinous Cube-2 -6 – Gelatinous Cube-2 2HP), further burning it and splattering slime.

Fluttershy meanwhile could sense the last cube trying to escape her vines (Gelatinous Cube-3 Strength Save 4 – Fluttershy Spell Save DC 13), but she could feel its failure through the ground.

Knowing things would be okay for a while, she struck the ground with her staff (Fluttershy Spell Attack roll 17 w/ Thorn Whip – Gelatinous Cube-2 AC 6 – Damage Roll 3 – Gelatinous Cube-2 -3 – -1HP), causing one of the thorny vines from the wall behind the cube to suddenly lash out and strike the cube in half, letting it melt away. “Only one left,” she said quickly and rapped her staff on the ground again (Fluttershy dispels Entangle), causing the thorny walls to wilt away and disappear.

“I got it!” Rainbow announced proudly as she tapped the Geode in her Medal. (Rainbow Dash activates Geode of Loyalty) Almost immediately, she felt the familiar rush of her superspeed race through her as she dashed to the last of the cubes, slashing hard at it with both her swords (Rainbow Dash Attack roll [Finesse] 14 w/ Shortsword – Gelatinous Cube-3 AC 6 – Damage Roll 6 – Rainbow Dash Attack Roll [Finesse, off-hand] 18 w/ Shortsword – Gelatinous Cube-3 AC 6 – Damage Roll 3 – Gelatinous Cube-3 -9 – 75HP), leaving long gashes.

Pinkie Pie quickly followed her and whacked the cube with her hammer (Pinkie Pie Attack roll 6 w/ Light Hammer – Gelatinous Cube-3 AC 6 – Damage Roll 2 – Gelatinous Cube-3 -2 – 73HP), leaving a small dent.

Sunset quickly ran next to the girls and clapped her hands together (Sunset Shimmer Spell Attack roll 7 w/ Burning Hands: 2nd Level – Gelatinous Cube-3 AC 6), fire shooting from them and into the slimy block in the hall (Gelatinous Cube-3 Dex Save 8 – Sunset Shimmer Spell Save DC 13 – Damage Roll 15 – Gelatinous Cube-3 -15 – 58HP), boiling away a good chunk of slime.

Spike quickly fluttered over and while he considered using his stinger, he decided against it at the last second and just breathed fire on it again (Spike Attack w/ Breath Weapon – Gelatinous Cube-3 Dex Save 6 – Dex Save DC 11 – Damage Roll 10 – Gelatinous Cube-3 -10 – 48HP), burning a small hole in the slime higher up than Sunset aimed.

Seeing the beast was vulnerable, Applejack ran over with her hammer and swung hard (Applejack Attack roll 19 w/ Warhammer – Gelatinous Cube AC 6 – Damage Roll [Versatile, Rage Bonus] 15 – Gelatinous Cube-3 -15 – 33HP), leaving a hard dent in the sludge.

Immediately after Applejack’s attack, Rarity swung her rapier again (Rarity Attack Roll [Finesse, Dueling Style] 13 w/ Rapier – Gelatinous Cube-3 AC 6 – Damage Roll 12 – Gelatinous Cube-3 -12 – 21HP), slicing out a good chunk.

Twilight quickly raced up next to the group and clutched her hand to the crystal in her staff before she thrust it forward (Twilight Sparkle casts Mage Hand), a purple spectral hand appearing in the air behind the cube which she controlled as if it were her own hand. With this magic hand, Twilight grabbed a timber in the tunnel and carefully lifted it to block the tunnel ahead of the monster.

The cube seemed to see the timber move and quickly reversed its direction toward Rarity (Gelatinous Cube-3 uses Engulf action – Rarity Dex Save 19 – Dex Save DC 12), but Rarity quickly stepped back away from the blob before it could attempt to consume her, mostly out of a sense of disgust.

Quickly Fluttershy slammed her staff into the floor again (Fluttershy Spell Attack roll 21 w/ Thorn Whip – Gelatinous Cube-3 AC 6 – Damage Roll 6 – Gelatinous Cube-3 -6 – 15HP), another vine appearing from the floor and slashing through the monster’s back.

Certain the beast was about to die soon, Rainbow – tired and annoyed at this fight taking so long – charged forward with her swords one last time (Rainbow Dash Attack roll [Finesse] 22 w/ Shortsword – Gelatinous Cube-3 AC 6 – Damage Roll 7 – Rainbow Dash Attack roll [Finesse, off-hand] 18 w/ Shortsword – Gelatinous Cube-3 AC 6 – Damage Roll 4 – Gelatinous Cube-3 -11 – 4HP), leaving large gashes in the side of the beast. “One more good hit should do it,” she remarked.

“Dibs!” Pinkie yelled as she ran forward with her small hammer (Pinkie Pie Attack roll 19 w/ Light Hammer – Gelatinous Cube-3 AC 6 – Damage Roll 3 – Gelatinous Cube-3 -3 – 1HP), leaving a solid dent and making the cube tremble in what looked like fear.

Sunset smiled as she stepped forward and swung her staff at the beast (Sunset Shimmer Attack roll 10 w/ Quarterstaff – Gelatinous Cube-3 AC 6 – Damage Roll 1 – Gelatinous Cube-3 -1 – 0HP), batting the cube one last time before it melted away, dead like the other two.

(End of Combat)

Finally, the girls had a chance to relax and leaned against supports or cave walls in exhaustion, all trying to catch their breath after that annoyingly long battle. “‘How hard could they be’, huh?” Applejack asked Rainbow in annoyance, her eyes returning to their normal green.

“Gimme a break; I thought we’d have this wrapped up in like, two moves,” Rainbow said seriously as she sheathed her swords and tapped her Geode again (Rainbow Dash deactivates Geode of Loyalty).

“Well, bottom line is we’re safe and the job’s done,” Sunset said, out of breath. “C’mon, let’s get back to town.” No one could argue with that as they stumbled their way out of the mine, thoroughly tired and ready for a drink and a nap.