• Published 3rd Feb 2023
  • 113 Views, 1 Comments

History of the Eternal Sun - ANormalHumanBeing

A holy book, supposedly passed down from generation to generation, has been discovered after Balefire burned old Equestria asunder.

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Book 1, Chapter 1

Book 1: Book of the Beginning
Chapter 1

[1]Eternity has no beginning and Eternity has no end. Eternity merely is, and Eternity shall always be. The glory of light is Eternity, and Eternity is the light, forever and always. And even where there was nothing, there was Eternity, forever and always. And in She, who is Eternity, was all existence..

[2]And in Eternity were all things, and all things were Eternity. All things were in She, and all things were good, as She is good. And despite the nothingness, She imagined something outside of Herself, crafted from parts inside of Herself. And from Herself, She crafted the time, and place, and space, and soul. All things were in Eternity, but She forced them separate from Eternity by temporality, which was forged from Eternity by the heat of Her passion.

[3]Her passion for creation was beyond what can be known. As She was all that was, She wished for all things to be; As She loved all things that could be, so too did She wish for all things to love. So great was this passion, that no sacrifice was too precious. So great was this passion, all things could be separated by temporality.

[4]In an instant, the separation was complete. Creation separate from Creator, Eternity separate from temporality. And from the temporal, shaped from Eternity, came forth all things. Mists of time and space, separate from She, condensed into themselves. Dust into rock, rock into sod, sod into earth, as guided by the hooves of She, whose force is great and reaches long unto ever after.

[5]And despite the separation, Her force and light reaches even to the created. Her gaze cannot be diverted, and Her eyes are upon the created, forever. And She, Light, The Great Creator and Destroyer, and the Illuminator, the Muse of Eternity, would be a ruler of earthly creation. You may know that there is no beauty that falls under the vastness of the cosmos which She did not create, and which She will not destroy. In time, Light shall take us all, for from light we were fashioned, and to light we shall return. She is the glory of the Goddess, as She is the Goddess, and the Goddess is Eternity.

[6] And created to serve She was the Lesser Lights, as the remnants of Her separation, molded by Her force, to do Her will forever after. And created to lead the Lesser Lights was the Luna, who She loved most dear. In Her own image, to watch over creation, and be companion to She.

[7]And from She, on the sod of the Earth, came down the force of She. Her light, which had created all things, gave life to the waters and the sod. From the beams of light came forth Her splendor, as life in all its bounties and forms came to be from Her light. To Her do all things owe, and to Her do all things bow.

[8]Awoken from the Earth was the First Kingdom of Life; all life knew their place from birth. Nothing was taught, for nothing was unknown. The bird that flies knows to whom it owes its life, and does as is commanded by She. The fish that swims knows from where the water flows, and to where the stream ends, and so does as it is commanded. They have not will, for they were gifted it not. They have not desire, save it be the desire to do the will of the Goddess. Vessels who the will of the Goddess is given, and they follow, content.

[9]Such was the nature of the first creatures to fly, swim, and crawl. This, the Goddess’s light had called forth, and this the Goddess’s light had sustained. Wanting for nothing, depending on Her for everything; this was their lot, and they lived it dutifully.

[10]And upon the sod was created another Kingdom of Life; those who would have the will to know, and act, and love, not of the Goddess’ will, but of their own. So great was the detachment created by temporality from Eternity, that this Kingdom would have the will to contradict the Goddess, separating itself further, before succumbing to chaos and entropy; or the will to do Her will, and bring them closer to Eternity; to be bound with Her, inseparably, for time and beyond time, and the name of them was the Aware.

[11]And the Aware were risen above the lesser kingdom, for although they had power to turn against the Goddess, this same power made them like the Goddess. The lesser were subject to the greater, as their dominion stretched across the whole of creation, as far as was permitted by She. And as She was great, so too would She make them great.

[12]The first of the Aware was the equine, and first of the equine was the earthpony. Granted dominion over the sod, and of the plants, and of the lesser kingdom. Granted the strength of hoof and of muscle. A firm foundation of the world; the rock upon which all else would be built, and the mighty stone upon which the throne had set, and without which, the great throne would be cast into the mud and forgotten forever.

[13]And second of the equine was the pegasus. Granted wings ever to soar, and dominion over the winds, and the clouds, and the firmament of the heavens, with swiftness of action and boldness of spirit. A muscle of haste, and of change. Born of this world with gleaming blades, aloft to conquer and fill the hearts of all with awe and wonder, akin to the radiance of the arms of the throne; to sustain all below, and above, and to sustain the will of the Empress, when She will come.

[14]And third of the equine was the unicorn. Granted connection to powers beyond sight, with the full mysteries and splendors of She, opened by the mind and horn like a door opened by the key of the master locksmith. With the gift of creation and destruction, renewal and dispersal, push and pull, nothing would be locked to them. And they would be known as leaders of equinity, with the expanded knowledge of right and wrong, good and evil, should they remain close to the path of light, and reject the darkness wherever they find it. So great was this calling, that their glory was like unto a great and precious stone, which caught the light from above, to project to all those below.

[15] These would be them that could be called the firstborn heirs of the Goddess. Equal to the second, and the third, and the last, for the Creator loves all Her creations, from the greatest to the least, the largest to the smallest. All does She sustain with the same effort, same nurture, and same neglect.

[16] And just as Her love for all creation was Her love to create. And equal to Her love to create is Her love to teach to create. For as She created, so too was Her glory given to Luna. To love Luna, and through Luna, love She who sustained Luna. These would be called the Chosen of Luna, those of equinity of the bat. To slumber of the day, and praise Luna of the night.

[17] And in Her creation She was satisfied for a time; For as She willed for life to be, it was. And as the Creator has created, so too must the Creator admire Her work. So it came to pass that for a time of 12,000 moons Her spirit roamed throughout the land, and abided on the face of the Earth. As Creator loved, so too did creation; as creation sorrowed, so too did Creator.

[18] And so great was Her satisfaction with the greatness of Her work, that She was filled with the full inspiration. As a master artist sees beauty unmanifested in empty space, She saw the fullness of being and the beauty of what was to come.

[19] And so to the vastness of the firmament did Light, the Creator, return, and dance across the face thereof; and again did She awaken from the sod the newborn of the Awoken, as life now came to abound, greater than ever before.

[20] And firstborn of the newborn of the Awoken was the avian; child of the body of the bird that flies, flesh of the soul of the skies. And firstborn amongst the likeness of the avian was the griffon. Crafted by the Light to be the first of the Awoken to feast on the flesh of the lesser kingdom, with power, fury, and speed like unto that of the pegasi, with the force to subjugate and dominate. In addition to power of muscle and spirit, to many a griff was given the gift of an astute mind; curiosity was in their nature, to the keeping of numbers, and a natural predisposition to frugality for the sake of great stewardship.

[21] And second of the newborn of the Awoken was the dragon. Created that they may be like an apex predator to the lesser kingdom, with the force of a terrible storm and the spirit of a raging flame. Born of the heat of the molten Earth, their flesh is like a tough stone, and their hunger undeniable. Only the greatest of the great; the strongest of the lesser kingdom could sustain the might of the dragon, whose might of muscle was unsurpassed.

[22] And third of the newborn of the Awoken was the races of the North. Chosen to inhabit the hard lands of frost, and snow, and mountain; To not only be the few to bask in the glory of eternal winter, but also to fulfill the promise that to the Awoken would be given dominion over all of creation, from the burning sands to the freezing waters; from the vast oceans to the deepest pits. Largest was the yaks, smaller were the deer; all of these were given life by the Goddess, and sustained by the Goddess.

[23] Indeed, so great was the number of those created by the Goddess, and sustained by the Goddess, that none can number them. Just as the Goddess is varied, and ever-creative, and ever-creating, so too is Her creation ever-varied, ever-surprising, and ever-expanding.

[24] And at last, the task was done. From the highest to the lowest, the nearest to the farthest, in all lands, places; in all forests and valleys, everywhere that was under the firmament of the sky was teeming with life; Life of the greater kingdom, and life of the lesser kingdom; Awoken and subservient. And as She basked in the glory of Her own creation, She was filled with awe, and love. Nothing was out of place. All was perfect. All was loved.

[25] And thus it was, for millennia upon millennia; All the world was at peace with itself, as nothing was done with folly or ire. All creation watched Her as She danced across the sky, and as life sprang from nothing. None could doubt, and none could question. All praised Her, and knew Her. All sang unto Her: “Blessed be us, who once were nothing, for She who is everything saw something where there was nothing, and gave us love where there was emptiness”.

[26] And as they lived, and as they praised, they were lifted. And all who were taken by the Light of this time, whether by sickness or any other manner of passing, were returned home to Eternity’s arms. And all who knew one who had passed saw no sorrow in the passing. They knew that to pass was not the end, but merely the consequence of the beginning.

Author's Note:

Thanks to everyone for reading this thus far. It's my first independent fanfic on the site, so I hope you all enjoyed it. I know it's an unorthodox layout. If you enjoyed it, and would like to see more, please feel free to comment saying so!