• Member Since 9th Jun, 2022
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Moproblems Moharmoney

Because Rainbow Lasers Solve Everything


"Sometimes in life you get the whole story, beginning, middle, and end. More often though you just get a flash."

Flash fics set in the Reflection-verse, using
prompts based on Loganberry's Flashfic group

Pre-read and edited by Gravelordnito.

Edit: Now part of the Reflection-Verse Group

Chapters (28)
Comments ( 35 )

Polite reminder that your friends are royalty and landed gentry, Clothes Horse.

Oh you'll wish.

Let's just say he takes some more inspiration from Bowie's actual actions during that period for now...

"Anyway, that's how I lost my medical license."
"You had a medical license?"
"It was more of a preemptive ban."

Delightful stuff. Thanks for compiling your entries. :twilightsmile:

Why isn't there an anthology tag?

Completely forgot one existed tbh, added it though.

Yeah, the glorious luminance of Harmony incarnate does not come with an easily found dimmer switch. Especially not from a Diamond Dog's perspective. I can only imagine how this even happened... and I may consider expanding on it.

Ah, Chrysalis's shutterbug disguise. You sure know how to pick 'em, Shiny.

If I had more characters, I'd thrown a comment in about Harshwhinny being lax on her duties.

Failing marriages tend to cause these kinds of problems.

Now I'm curious about what's going on there, and why. Do we even know if Shining's actually married to Cadence in this Equestria?

Dear me. There's a lot of unspoken history here, from Cadence to Pinkie to just what Nightmare Moon thought of Twilight. Fascinating further glimpses into the setting. Thank you for them.

As long as he doesn't tell her that, it should be fine.

Honestly, Mister Waddles seems a decent sort. He doesn't care that Twilight is a diamond dog and his concerns about her origins seems to be less his own personal opinion and more something that is causing a schism in the faith.

Considering he's fully acknowledging her as the chosen of harmony and the defeater of Nightmare Moon, it's clear he's opted for the pro Twilight faction.

Honestly, it's possible that I could see more progressive branches of the faith like Waddles making a point that the Night Devil and Princess Luna may not the same entity. That Nightmare Moon was a demon that possessed Princess Luna and acted through her body. The fact that the Chosen of Harmony restored Luna rather then banishing Nightmare Moon back to the Moon or destroying her outright could narratively suggest that there was a third party at play.

Not saying the Sisters would enjoy making this possible concession, but if it gets ponies to stop calling Luna a demon who needs to be burned at the stake...

She'd never know why ponies thought eating Asena intestines was worth the meagre results it produced, but that was the world she lived in.

I have several questions.

In any case, I always love seeing Blueblood find his niche.

Blueblood I can totally see wearing seersucker.

I do appreciate history-buff Dash. It's a natural progression from tracking Wonderbolt statistics to seeing what other great feats pegasi have performed in the past. Or not-so-great in this case.

People forget the campfire episode I find.

This! Is! Pegasopolis!

"In the end, Epfihaytes did not benefit from his treachery: he was captured by Pegasi from an allied city, and rather than kill him, they tore the wings from his body."

So, Surprise is canon (or at least an in-universe myth) to the Reflectionverse... Wonder if any other G1 bits survived all that time?

Sunset was babying sitting puppy Twilight?

Aww... I hope it goes well for him.

*fingers crossed* it goes well.

Babe, reflections just got an update!

Given Cloudy's name, I figured "Nana Pinkie" was a nickname for a mare named Rose Quartz. (Plus, "Granny Pie" was clearly Pinkie's paternal grandmother, so it works out nicely.)

This led to some... interesting wrinkles when Steven Universe came out.

In any case, yes, the Pink does seem to run in the family.

Years later...
Fluttershy wrung her hands as she took in the familiar scowl. She'd hoped she'd never see it again, but it hadn't moved off of Sunset's face since the girls had entered the animal shelter. "What's wrong?"
Sunset's eyes widened. She shook herself, cleared her throat, and looked away from the puppies. "Sorry. I'm just... not a dog person. Long story."

An unmarked grave for a forgotten hero? I imagine Luna has encountered many in the modern era.

I wonder if the equine idiom is "Go eat grass," or if that's more of an insult than a reminder to get back in touch with the outside world.


Could very well be a perspective thing, if eating grass is their most basic foodgroup.

i.e. "Go eat grass" because you're too poor to buy different foods, or "Go eat grass" because all ponies can live on it, regardless of race or social stature.

Serf and Turf!

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