• Member Since 17th Jun, 2012
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Rune Soldier Dan

Love is a verb, not a noun.


When deafness stole away her music, Octavia Melody became the greatest composer in Equestria. Her Tenth Symphony lies finished before her, the pinnacle of all her work, done against all odds at the very end of her life.

Yet the clock ticks, and she finds herself under the gaze of gods and devils. With only Discord's mocking aid, Octavia must journey through her past to save her very soul.

Cover art by JowyB!

(A ponified take on "Beethoven's Last Night" by Trans-Siberian Orchestra.)

(AU-tagged because the quasi-godly figures such as Celestia, Tirek, and Discord occupy a pantheon with rules and limits instead of simply being protagonists and villains.)

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 50 )

Interesting premise with a character I rarely see take centre stage, can’t wait to see how she got into this situation and if their bumbling through time can lead to a different outcome.

I don't think this is for me, but I'm commenting for the algorithm anyway.

Nice cover art my friend, did you make it or commission it?

To lighten the mood, I'm going to ponify an old joke:

After Octavia Melody died and was buried, ponies heard strange noises coming from Ponyville Cemetery. Terrified, they called Princess Luna to investigate. She stood at the edge of the boneyard and listened to the odd sounds. Eventually, she began to bob her head.

"The beginning of the Eighth," she mumbled, "and the end of the Seventh."

"My friends," Luna said as she turned to the herd gathered 'round her. "There's nothing to fear. That's just Octavia Melody decomposing."

This... genuinely has my interest. Discord is portrayed perfectly here. The physical manifestation of Chaos and Disharmony. Unpredictable, and few can ever guess why he does what he does, but if you dig a little you find the scraps of a line of reasoning. He has his reasons, and usually its "for shits and giggles," but sometimes he just... steps off his own path, being chaotic to himself just as equally as he does everyone else.

I'm also interested in this "Divine Truce" both Discord and Tirek mentioned. Is it roughly the equivalent of "Don't manipulate mortals directly, or blatantly step into the domain of another God," kind of truce that you see in most old world pantheons? Or is it some complicated and drawn out agreement that even poor Discord is forced to acknowledge?

I have a feeling this is gonna be more complicated than the tried and true "Set right what once went wrong" time travel idea. Obviously, the world doesn't hang in the balance, just the eternal soul of one pony. I also have a feeling that despite what Discord says... he's gonna have to pay some kind of price for this, if for no other reason than the fact that he's treading on Time's hoof/toes with this stunt.

Damn, it looks like my new favorite story just dropped. And what a chapter to start off on!


It was a commission by JowyB! https://www.deviantart.com/jowyb


I'm also interested in this "Divine Truce" both Discord and Tirek mentioned. Is it roughly the equivalent of "Don't manipulate mortals directly, or blatantly step into the domain of another God," kind of truce that you see in most old world pantheons? Or is it some complicated and drawn out agreement that even poor Discord is forced to acknowledge?

It's sort of my go-to name for pantheon-type agreements: since the alternative is fighting until the universe unravels, let's all stay loosely in our own lane and keep the squabbles low-key per a treaty we all have with each other. Even bad guys want their own sandcastles to stick around when their backs are turned.

A very interesting beginning to a story that promises to be very interesting as well!

I will admit, I never heard of Beethoven's Last Night before coming across this story, but even without that, this captivated my interest purely on its own merits. I admit Octavia was never the background pony (or human, if we count her Equestria Girls self) that I paid the most attention to, but this version of her certainly has my interest! And the interesting and tragic part alike is that this portrayal of her actually comes across as fully believable, even if the opposite portrayal is just as valid to when going purely by canon material.

That said... while I can see Discord and Tirek's points of why she would have it coming, I also can't help but feel kind of bad for her, purely on the principle that eternal torture is never something pleasant (to put it mildly), and even if Discord is doing it purely (or at least mostly) for the proverbial shits and giggles, it's still good that Octavia will have a chance to change.

All in all, I'm loving this so far, and looking forward to what's to come!

Thank you! I really hope it ends up a worthy experience for you.

Always fantastic what you write <3

Well... that's certainly an interesting way to start things.

Interesting and sad, considering what we learn of Octavia's childhood with Peela Pear (who almost makes even Grand Pear at his worst look nice) and the way it shaped much of her life. It's true that Peela Pear tried, but honestly, in a way, that's almost worse than if Peela Pear had been a straight up abusive parent who Octavia could unreservedly hate. Because from the looks of things, Peela Pear did love her at least a bit, but by itself, love is not enough, or at least it's not enough if it's not above a certain level, because it needs to be strong enough to lead to actual action.

Also, it's a unique touch to have the first alternate Octavia's life have its share of good things, but also have its share of less good ones, and the good things it has not being the same that the 'actual Octavia's' life had. Typically in these stories, the alternate life either is the perfect paradise that one turned away because of a single awful decision or an absolute Hell on Earth that one will go througth if they don't change their behavior. I don't think I've ever seen this kind of balanced take on this kind of plot element. Props to you for it!

As for the second alternate Octavia's life, but it does seem to be following along the same kind of balance, as Octavia did know a different way of losing her mother, but at the same time found a friend, even if it's a version of her that's quite more talkative than we see in animated canon (although going by at least the comics, she does talk and is just quiet). Looking forward to seeing how the rest of their friendship will develop, as well as to whether we get to see this alternate Octavia's life to the end or if it will also stop along the way.

All in all, I'm still loving this, and still looking forward to what's to come!


As for the second alternate Octavia's life, but it does seem to be following along the same kind of balance, as Octavia did know a different way of losing her mother, but at the same time found a friend, even if it's a version of her that's quite more talkative than we see in animated canon (although going by at least the comics, she does talk and is just quiet). Looking forward to seeing how the rest of their friendship will develop, as well as to whether we get to see this alternate Octavia's life to the end or if it will also stop along the way.

Ah- just to clarify, what was seen after she rejected the vision of prosperity is her life as it really happened. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

I see.

My mistake. I'm not sure why I thought it, but my conclusion is that I made a bit of a wrong leap given that scene came so soon after Octavia asking for another change.

I admit it does make more sense for this to be the truth, though. And on the bright side, it does mean that this friendship she struck with Vinyl was a real deal. Although on the less bright side, it also means it won't last forever, considering what we've learned so far.

Thank you for the explanation. :)

This is AMAZING so far! It’s a different take on the story, but in ALL the right ways. Absolutely can’t wait for the next chapter to come out, I’m really interested!!! :raritystarry:

Well done! It was a pleasant read and the ending is heartwarming. I rather like DIscord in this, as well. Thank you for writing!

Fantastic rendition of a beautiful story from an incredible album. First fanfic in a long time to get some genuine emotion and misty-eyes out of me, too. This deserves so much more attention than it's getting.

And anyone who's never heard the album this is based on should educate themselves immediately:

Thanks for writing this and sharing this, 11514480 .

Caught a couple of mistake words in there. You have a "hawked" where it should be "hocked," and there's a "lunched" that could have been intended either as "launched" or "lurched."

Well done. A nice portrait of self-examination.

What a wonderful piece. Super tugging on the strings; the prose was especially powerful stuff in The Last Illusion. Glad I took my time to finish this one. Great work, Dan.

Oh... Oh this was good. Quite the rollercoaster of a story, and with little to no action-adventure at that!

I was wrong, it seems. The balance of the world did in fact rest on Octavia's shoulders, but in such a way that, had Discord never stepped in, she never would have known. Her legend would not finish unfolding until well after she died. The unsung hero, so to speak. And a hero she is, because there is nothing more noble and selfless than pure self-sacrifice. I would chalk agreeing to eternal damnation in exchange for the happiness of a loved one as pretty pure.

Discord gave a very quiet cough. “Do you… hate her?”

“I used to,” Octavia admitted. She released a breath, and the sharp anger in her eyes turned dull. “I forgave her a long time ago. She tried. She failed. That is all.”

Asleep, Peela looked at peace with the whole world. Octavia felt tears return to her eyes. She reached down, and some kindness in the illusion let her touch Peela’s cheek. The mare smiled drowsily and leaned into her hoof.

Octavia let it rest there, just for a moment. Then she pulled away, looked away. She could take no more.

Her voice broke. “I don’t think I love her. Is that wrong?”

“I am entirely unqualified to answer,” Discord replied.

Octavia gave a breathless laugh. “Coward.”

To me, there is something about this exchange that is very alarming. The fact that Octavia asks, that the scene is set up this way, and the implications of what is presented -- it gives the impression that forgiveness for abusers is necessary. That good people forgive their abusers. That part of Octavia's flaws as an individual come from the fact that her withholding further sentiment makes her a bad pony that we see her as. That the type of situation Octavia was raised in is a forgivable one, that Peela Pear is a forgivable individual, and that forgiveness is necessary and good. Discord pointing out he is the wrong party to validate things is both in-character and makes sense, but the way it contributes to the scene as it exists is a familiar, harrowing one.

I grew up in a home that was equally bad (or arguably worse than) Octavia's, like her I also got no justice for it, and one of the things I learned in recovery isn't just that misplaced forgiveness exists, but that abusers are not worthy of forgiveness -- and that it isn't a necessary step in recovery. Not violently hating them, projecting that hatred, and letting anger corrupt a person unhealthily is vital, but recognizing that if you think of your abuser, thinking of them with hatred isn't wrong is also important. You can understand why your abuser did what they did and still healthily hate their guts or think of them as a horrible human being. If Octavia is accurate in recounting her guardian's behavior and motives, she has every reason to feel that way about Peela without feeling the guilt that society associates with not loving family forced onto her -- which is a real, harmful thing, just as much as being told it is necessary/humbling/admirable/good to forgive your abuser (when it is in fact, none of those things). If this sounds strange or jarring, it's probably because it is -- sadly -- and you really only find it echoed in trauma communities, alongside the sentiment/goal that the best revenge is living well (particularly for those who are barred from justice for their abuse). If you want full communities that can articulate this, r/CPTSD and r/raisedbynarcissits offer active hubs. The CPTSD Foundation and the works of Pete Walker are all very good resources for explaining things like this too, and why it's harmful.

(Also, if you're wondering because it's not something you yourself have felt or experienced: yes, not loving your abuser or event wanting a guardian -- so, effectively, developing without need or want for parental figures -- is a common outcome of CPTSD. Octavia's dry observation of Peela's trying and ultimate, defining failure is a real reaction, and generally encouraged healthy understanding of CPTSD-inducing guardians, figures, and situations. It's not abnormal or heartless.)

The one thing that I also wanted to comment on that was very clever was the alternate life Octavia sees for herself. Coming out of a traumatic situation and recognizing that even though it shouldn't have happened, no matter what -- but that it, by proxy, technically enabled something good to form -- is an important aspect of gaining insight and trauma recovery. Especially when it allows guidance towards the state of understanding (and even instances of rightful unloving displays) detailed above in her observations of Peela. It reminded me not only of reflections I've had and read others having, but seen in drastically less traumatic situations. The particular instances I remembered was another musician too, where in this documentary, it discusses how Tyler, the Creator came to the understanding that he didn't need a father, or to want a father, and that not having a father around was vital in his development -- both as an artist and a free-thinking, creative individual. So, props to you for showcasing that, and the chaos of life, even in what-ifs.

You are super 1000% correct that forgiveness and love (two very separate areas) are to be entirely the decision of the affected, and is not to be expected or demanded of them. The scene was not meant to suggest otherwise and I'm sorry that it came off that way.

Thus said I don't think forgiveness is necessarily inappropriate or wrong - again, a decision of the individual.


The scene was not meant to suggest otherwise and I'm sorry that it came off that way.

I didn't think it was intentional. Scenes like this usually can stumble that way a bit, and the best way to avoid them blatantly is to have a character usually guide the direction of the story away from those implications -- spoken or not. Obviously, that character would be in the place of Discord and his denial of the moralizing role, but that wouldn't have worked for this story, nor would I expect it to. Discord needed to be Discord.

Thus said I don't think forgiveness is necessarily inappropriate or wrong - again, a decision of the individual.

It's wrong when it's seen as a requirement or the only good option.

This story deserves way more attention, it's so lit

One of my favorite stories on FimFiction. Cover art, dialog, descriptions, plot twists, conveying emotion, satisfying resolution ... everything is first rate.

Great reimagining of A Christmas Carol with Beethoven and his (as yet, unknown) Tenth Symphony as the inspiration.

Have an upvote, favorite, and follow.

I have to agree with Vinyl here. They are 100% horse divorces.

It's fascinating to see a story that portrays decidedly 'good' alternate histories as refused options -- all because none of them are right -- and focuses so heavily on freedom of choice. Most classic works with the premise showing worse futures or have hard destiny as a theme, and it really dampens the story and internal logic as both a reader and a writer.

“Teeth of Tirek!” Octavia swore out loud. She stomped both hooves, raised her head up to Discord’s, and brayed for all she was worth.

I always love fantastical curses like this. I haven't heard this one before. It's definitely a good one.

I'm somewhat conflicted about this chapter. The forgiveness scene made me a little ill to read, and the idea that Octavia has to suffer to fuel her art is... disturbing, especially when she had the same reasonable wants that most do at first: to be loved, to be fed, to be warm, to not be harmed. The idea that her abuse and poverty were things she had to endure, that her art isn't hers, and that the bad decisions she made leading to the mistreatment of others weren't behaviors she could have -- and should have -- changed is... really mixed. Showing that her art influenced so many lives for the better despite her misfortune and the follies of her interpersonal relationships were wonderful catharsis, but the idea that it needed these things too leaves me really divided in my enjoyment of the story. This story has so much of what I love about ponyfic, but there are some pivotal scenes in it that make reading awkward.

That was insanely clever of Discord and excellent work with the bargaining scene.

You write a fantastic Discord and Tirek. I really hope to see more of this more nostalgic, properly mythical Equestria again one day. While there were some low points I found in my reading experience, the story is fantastic work overall. The final afterlife scene together was a sweet note to end on. In general, this is a good return to form of what I like to read on the site and I'm glad other people still write stories like this.

Thank you very much. I'm glad you enjoyed it despite the hiccups.

I definitely hope to see more Rune Soldier Words™ soon. Your ability to do epic and dramatic is still as good as when I read Wayward Sun, dude.

Sir, that "baby" is old enough to be an elementary schooler.

This is a lovely story. You make me wonder if the rock opera you credit as inspiration will prove as pleasing as this tale of yours?

I listened to it a lot in college and have a ton of appreciation. It's good to read the story first so you can kinda keep up with what they're singing about.

This is the most beautiful thing I've read on this site. The last chapter made me tear up but this one reduced me to a blubbering mess. Thank you so much for sharing this with us Soldier Dan. You got me to listen to Ode to Joy with a new and profound understanding. You reminded me how inspiring art can be.

When Discord kicked open the door I burst out laughing.

Then she would come home, and a smile would easily grace her stern expression. She would talk music and gossip with Vinyl, going out with her to parks and coffee shops. Vinyl was so funny, so caring, so creative and warm and beautiful.

Glad someone made Vinyl such a sweetheart of a character like this!

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