• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2018
  • offline last seen June 10th


I write for my own enjoyment. If other's like what I write, that's a bonus.


The Cutie Mark Crusaders are dead or, rather, they should be but fate has other ideas. Instead, they find themselves at a school full of monsters, from a mummy to a girl with snakes for hair to Sweetie's biggest fear, an oversized cat.

Based on Scooby Doo and the Ghoul School.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 14 )

You just post it, and it's 'On Hiatus'???

Hmm, this one could be fun. *watches*

Seeing Ghoul School; you already have my interest

I started to write this at the start of the year but canned the project and went with something else which has not gained any popularity despite my best efforts. The other night this popped back into my head and reading over it decided I'd post what I had here and see how popular it became as I can only realistically continue one project, this one or my current ongoing one, thus the initial hiatus tag. The popularity of this has blown me away, especially considering the dark nature of the Crusaders arrival and permanent disfigurement and I will confirm I'll be continuing this fic ahead of my other CMC one. I may need a little time to remember what I was going to write but the school schedule and other vital pieces of information are all there. Thank you for your interest, it means the world to me and sorry for the long speech!

Bro, I never seen anyone make this cross over yet. It’s sad that the CMC aren’t going to be able to get home but this is pretty good for the first chapter!

I hope you get to create more soon.

omg... what a call back!! lol

i hope this story goes well!

Thanks for the support!

When will Scooby-Doo show up?

Hope we see Scooby-Doo soon


As stated in the Author's note the next chapter will be entitled a werewolf and his dogs, I wonder what that means, hmm?

Wow. So this is Dark Universe Red Shirt Shaggy reality. Neat.

That's what it would have been yes. Sadly, I won't be continuing this or my other works, it's just not worth my time or effort. for how few people actually read them and I get less and less enjoyment from writing every chapter I write. Thank you for the kind words and feel free to use any of my ideas in your own fic preferably with some credit.

I saw your going away blog just a minute ago.

Sorry to hear that. It's always nice to read a crossover story by someone who clearly has knowledge and interest in what they are borrowing from.

I wish you well.

Thanks, yeah, I'm a massive Scooby fan to and glad to know one person recognises the hard work put in to things like this.

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