• Published 28th Jan 2024
  • 1,629 Views, 258 Comments

In Equestria - ARandomLonelyDude

I'm here because of circumstances beyond my control and now I serve the horrors. Things go good and bad from there; mostly bad.

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Chapter 21: Angery >:(

I woke up at around seven in the morning feeling very tired. I mean, most of the time, I'm tired when I wake up but this day, I woke up a lot more tired than usual. As a result of my tiredness, I stayed in bed, appreciating how cosy I was under my blanket while debating if I could be late to work by five or so minutes.

In the end, I pulled myself out of bed after ten minutes and made my way downstairs. I went about my morning routine except for braiding my mane since that would take quite some time and I could just put it over my back to stop it from dragging on the ground. By the time I was done, it was already 7:30.

I made myself a quick breakfast composed of toast, which I then quickly ate. I put on my saddlebags that I had left by the kitchen table and left my house. Today was Saturday and I looked forward to spending time with Brush and Nightmare after I'm done at the library.

I arrived at the library about ten minutes before eight. Twilight wasn't there downstairs and that was pretty weird at first until I remembered that she mentioned that she only worked on the weekdays. If I were to guess, she's probably sleeping in today, since even the strongest couldn't resist the allure of five more minutes.

Or so I thought.

Not even two minutes of me coming to the library and the door opened loudly, followed by Twilight coming in. I... I wasn't really happy to see her since the memory of what she did yesterday was still fresh in my mind, and I was the type of loser to hold grudges. At least I didn't call it 'remembering facts'.

"Hey, b-," I stopped myself from calling her a bad word, and continued, "Do you know where Nightmare Moon is?"

Another thing I forgot to mention was the fact that Nightmare wasn't there when I entered the library. I had chalked it up to her having a nocturnal sleep schedule since that's what a ex-queen of the night would probably have.

Twilight stopped walking as she just noticed me. It took her a moment to process what I asked her, if I were to go by her facial expressions. Once she processed it though, her ears folded back and she started twiddling with her hooves. It was obvious something was wrong.

"Hey, Anya," she said, trying to sound as casual as possible. I wasn't convinced though, since her eyes were darting around here and there, telling me that she did not want to talk to me about that. "Nightmare Moon... uhh..."

Twilight stopped twiddling her hooves and took a deep breath before answering, "Nightmare Moon had to go back to Canterlot yesterday night."

"And... and was it because of something urgent coming up?" I asked, my mood a lot worse than before she had given her answer, or before she had come in.

"...No, she was sent back because..." Twilight paused, kneading the ground with her hooves, clearly nervous. She kept quiet for a few moments before finally answering, "Because princess Celestia ordered her to return."

Twilight was hiding something for sure but I wasn't interested in that right now.

"Okay," I said as I looked at the clock. It was already 7:53 and if I went out to do what I have to, it'd take me a while to come back. "Could you manage the library for a bit, I have something important to do."

"What is it?" Twilight asked, not looking too unhappy to do what I asked her to.

"Gotta tell my friend to cancel something, I'll take fifteen minutes at most."

"Okay, I'll handle things here."

Good. I turned to leave and I walked out, I saw that Twilight was going to say something. I didn't stop to listen and went on my way.

Finding Brush was not too hard; she was at her home like I expected, if I were to go by the fact that the windows were open and I could smell something good cooking. I knocked at the door and waited. In a few seconds, the door opened and Brush was standing there, wearing a pink apron that was lightly stained.

"Good morning, Anya!" Brush said as she stepped forward to hug me. She stopped though when she saw my face, which I imagined was twisted in a scowl. "What happened? Is there something wrong?"

"Yeah, remember that dinner we wanted to have with Nightmare?" I asked. Brush nodded, her smile replaced with a worried expression. "Yeah, that has to be cancelled since Nightmare was taken back to Canterlot."

"What? Why?"

"No idea, but I guess that Twilight probably had something to do with it. I'll tell you later if I find something."

Brush's worried expression was replaced with a scowl as well. It sucked seeing her angry or sad but it would happen eventually and I'd rather have it now than later.

"I have to go, got work to do at the library, see you around five," I said as I turned to go. Brush didn't say anything but muttered a goodbye to me.

The walk back to the library was uneventful and I got back to the library in less than fifteen minutes like I had said I would. I stepped into the library only to find it empty. No one was there, not even Twilight even though she had said that she'd manage the library for the ten or so minutes I was gone. Whatever, I guess.

I sat down at my desk and started up the computer. I wasn't in a great mood and Twilight was one of the major reasons why it was so. I'd have to question her about what she was hiding from me when she came back. Right now, I had to focus on looking normal and not like an angry shit.

An hour passed and nothing much had happened. There were a few kids in the library sometime earlier and Spike had come downstairs to ask me if I knew where Twilight was but besides that, it was boring. The boredom, combined with my tiredness and hunger after an insufficient breakfast, made me a bit cranky. I was just waiting for the clock to strike five so I could go home and have lunch and go to sleep.

And the fact that Twilight had just disappeared to wherever was just aggravating me more and more as time passed. I didn't have much to do as well to pass time and that sucked even more.

Today was just a terrible day.

Not all was bad though. I had gone down to the basement to see if there was something interesting there and found a book on biomancy in a box with some other books. All of them were damaged in some way, which was probably why they were there, with the biomamcy book having a torn cover that was held together by some tape. I wanted to read the book then and there but I reminded myself that I had a job to do and put the book in my saddlebags instead. There weren't any copies of it though it's single came for it but I don't anyone would. Still, I checked it out just in case someone did.

One that was done though, things became boring once again, and I wished for something to happen.

And then, finally after what felt like ages, something happened.

The library door opened and Mayor Mare came in. I forced my face into a neutral expression and straightened my ears into a normal position and sat up straight as she approached my desk with a casual demeanor.

"Hey, boss," I said in greeting to appear relaxed.

"Hello, Anya," she returned with a smile. "Just came in here to see how you were doing since I've got some free time today."

"I'm doing fine, not much is going on today," I replied with a wave of my hoof.

"And what about Twilight, how has she been doing?" She continued, inadvertently making me frown. She noticed that and added, "I hope you're not bothered by her having a shorter work week than you."

"That doesn't really bother me," I said, leaning back in my chair. "I'll be for real with you, she's... she's rather unlikable. It's not that she's bad at work, it's just that she's lacking in other traits."

"Hmm, I suppose this has something to do with yesterday, doesn't it?" She said as she sat down and her expression became a neutral one. I raised an eyebrow since I hadn't told her anything about what I did yesterday. She then added after seeing my raised eyebrow, "Word gets around town when an element of harmony shouts at an ex-villain in public."

"Eh, should have expected that," I said with an eye roll. "But it's not that, at least not the entire reason."

The mayor tilted her head and said, "Then what is it?"

"So, you probably know that Nightmare came here yesterday morning to stay with Twilight for some time because princess Celestia ordered it," I began. The mayor nodded, letting me continue, "Well, me, Nightmare, and my friend had planned to have dinner and then the whole 'Twilight gets angry over icecream' thing happens. So, we figured we'd postpone it to today but BAM, Nightmare's gone back to Canterlot like, last night, and I think Twilight had something to do with that."

"That's unfortunate," she said with a nod.

"That and her insistence on being formal all the time," I added.

"Hmm, but other than that, she is generally fine to work with?"


"That's good to hear —" The mayor stood up, "— I think that she'll mellow out a bit in time, after all, she's been a princess's student for quite a long time and has been put at rather high standards if I were to guess."

I nodded in acknowledgement of that. The mayor then turned to leave, saying a goodbye as she left.

Once again, I was alone in the library but now, I had some stuff to think about. Maybe I was being a bit too cold towards Twilight...

The door opened, snapping me out of my thoughts. I caught a glimpse of the clock and saw that ten minutes had passed. I guess I zoned out. I looked towards the door and saw that Twilight was coming in along with five other people, the elements of harmony, and another person... or was she an element as well? Yeah, she probably was since there are six elements.

I wanted to pull aside Twilight to tell her that I'm disappointed that she just left the library like that, and also to ask her what she was hiding from me earlier but I'd have to wait since she's probably hanging out with those guys and I didn't want to butt in. I, however, didn't stop myself from getting a bit angry that she left the library to go to her friends.

However, Twilight approached my desk while her friends stayed at the door.

"Hey hey, Twiggles," I said as I leaned back in my chair. "Hope that you had some fun with your friends while you were gone."

Her expression went from semi-happy to guilty in a second with her ears pinned down and her shaking a bit. "I'm sorry about that."

"Okay," I replied after a moment of silence, figuring that pushing this issue further would just be a waste of time. Twilight was surprised that I let it go easier than she expected.

"What? That's it? You're forgiving me just like that?"

"Yeah, I am. Won't do my throat any good shouting at you for something you already understand now."

Twilight remained stumped for a few moments before tilting her head and asking, "What about Nightmare Moon? Are you not angry about that?"

"Not much, but if you want otherwise then I can do that," I replied, annoyed that she still didn't understand that I'm not angry.

Twilight didn't understand still and continued, "But I was the one who sent the letter that made princess Celestia order Nightmare back to Canterlot."

"Look, if you WANT me to be angry at you, just keep pestering me like you are right now. I guarantee that I'll call you a dumb bitch, you dumb bitch," I finally said as I sat up straight in my chair, annoyed that she was so dumb and annoying, and angry that she was the reason why Nightmare was sent back. However, the mood instantly soured at me calling Twilight a bitch. I heard several murmurs of disapproval from her friends.

"That was uncalled for!" Rarity shouted as she pointed a hoof at me. The rest of them seemed to be in varying levels of agreement.

"Probably," I said as I nodded my head. I raised a hoof, however, and continued, "However, counterpoint: I don't like her."

"That don't mean ya can jus' go an' call anyone anything you want," Applejack countered with a frown on her face.

"Counterpoint: I can," I countered her counter with a raised hoof and a small smile on my face. She just grumbled at my defiance.

Twilight, whose mouth had been agape in shock, finally came to and said angrily, "What did you call me?!"

"I called you a 'dumb bitch' since you were being really annoying about me not being angry," I answered, making sure to do the air quotes with my hooves since Twilight would probably miss it otherwise.

Twilight was not amused.

Thankfully, the door opened, saving me from the coming argument. The five ponies at the door moved aside, making way so that... Brush could come in. Yeah, it was Brush, and she looked pissed.

"Hey, Brush," I said in greeting.

"Hello, Anya," she said to me with a forced smile as she looked at Twilight with anger. "You know why Nightmare was sent back?"

"Yeah, she did it," I answered immediately and pointed to Twilight, much to her displeasure. Brush's claws came out of her paws. Everyone noticed that. Brush didn't say anything but glared at her, making Twilight cower a bit.

"I came to say that you should come over to my place later like we had planned," Brush lied. I knew damn well that she was here to get angry at Twilight at first and I wished that she expressed her anger in the form of words and not just glares.

"Okay, cool, I'll be there," I replied. Brush nodded and left without saying a word.

"Happy now that someone's angry at you?" I said to Twilight as she watched Brush leave. "Good luck apologising to her; she doesn't like when anyone interferes with her plans."

It was quiet for some time.

"What was all that about?" Spike asked from the stairs where he stood with a cup of coffee.

After a long day, it was finally five and I could leave. I got off my chair and stretched a little before putting on my saddlebags. I switched off the computer at my desk and headed for the door with the keys for it in my magic.

"Hey, Anya!" Twilight called out from behind me. I turned to see her rushing down the stairs, and almost tripping in the process. She stopped right in front of me with a nervous smile on her face. "Mind if I tag along?"

"Tag along to where?" I asked as my eyes narrowed a bit at the request and how friendly she seemed about it.

"To Brush's place, of course!" she answered as if it were obvious and something to be happy about. However, I wasn't happy to hear that since I thought that Twilight would just make it worse. Twilight saw my face and then added quickly, "To apologise about what I did! I don't want to interrupt you guys."

I grunted and turned back to the door. "Fine, I guess."

"Okay! Wait here a second, I'll be right back!"

I waited as she ran back up the stairs and then came back down with a paper and a pen in her magic. I secretly hoped that she tripped on the stairs so that Brush wouldn't have to talk to her but my prayers were in vain.

"Let's go," Twilight said expectantly. I grumbled a bit and opened the door and walked through, holding it open even though I didn't want to. I led the way while Twilight followed me.

I hoped that the walk would be quiet.

"Hey, Anya, I have a question," Twilight said, immediately killing my hope. "What's the best way for me to apologise to Brush?"

"No idea, I haven't done anything to make her as angry as you have," I answered. She scribbled down something on her paper very loudly.

"Oh... Is there anything she likes?" she continued.

"Art, food, not being annoyed, lunch with friends, not you, et cetera," I replied with some exasperation. Again, she wrote something down on the paper.

"That isn't really helping me," she said as she looked over her notes.


We didn't talk much after that and continued walking. Eventually, we came to the crossroads. I took the path to Brush's house while Twilight stopped there for a second. She was probably having second thoughts or something. She resumed walking but didn't try to close the gap between us.

I stopped at the house's door. I could smell something delicious inside and considering that I didn't have lunch, I was eager to go in. I knocked at the door and a few moments later, Brush opened it. She would have hugged me but she saw that Twilight was there a few steps behind me.

"Why are you here?" Brush asked Twilight, making her give a nervous smile.

"I uhh I wanted to apologise for ruining your dinner," Twilight answered while rubbing the back of her head with her hoof. Brush wasn't impressed or anything. She wordlessly grabbed my hoof and pulled me in before shutting the door rather loudly.

Guess that Twilight wasn't getting to apologise today.

Author's Note:


the monster's face when i come out the house w/ my friends(1000000000 laser shooting cockroaches)

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