• Published 15th Nov 2022
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My Little Pony: The Mobian Era (Season 3) - Mister E-Nonymous

Time and space are very fragile things. The Mane 6 and the Freedom Fighters are going to learn that the hard way. There are much worse things they're gonna face when it comes to time and space. Whether it's past, present or future.

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Episode 24: The Generations Saga (Part 4): Chaos Rising

Episode 24: The Generations Saga (Part 4):

Chaos Rising

Somewhere in Station Square, Cream, Cheese, Olive and Dinky were surrounded by robots in a casino's basement. Olive was trying to defend Cream, Cheese and Dinky, but the laser blasts from her gloves weren't doing any damage to the robots surrounding her.

"Dang it!" Olive said. "Nothing's working!"

"We need to get out of here!" Cream said.

"Chao chao chao!" Cheese said.

"How?!" Dinky asked. Then Dinky noticed Cream flying. "You can fly?!"

"Olive!" Cream said, getting her older sister's attention. "Let's go!" Olive nodded, launched a line from her glove, and they all headed up. The robots tried to pursue them, but the two rabbits, the Chao, and the unicorn filly were too fast for them. They eventually made it out of there, but they ended up in a men's restroom. From outside, a man's shouting came, and the four ran out of the men's room. "Sorry about that!" Olive then noticed a rift by the exit of the casino. "Girls, that must be the way out!" They started running for the rift as it was starting to close.

"It's closing!" Dinky said. Just then, they saw MC and Knuckles holding the rift open. Cream and Cheese went through the rift first, then Dinky, and finally, Olive. They made it out and saw the others.

"Took you long enough," Olive said.

"At least you didn't get trapped on that end," Midpoint said.

"Joshie!" Dinky said, noticing Joshua. She ran over to him and hugged him.

"We got to get you all out of here," Sarah Crayton said. "After we find the rest of your friends and the Chaos Emeralds, we're getting all of you out of here." Then they started walking away. Olive, Cream, Cheese and Dinky walked over towards Midpoint.

"Who is that vixen?" Olive asked.

"Apparently, the vixen we buried after the alien attack was a clone," Midpoint answered. "That's the real Queen Sarah Crayton. She lives here." Olive then thought about it when Midpoint, Cream, Cheese and Dinky walked away.

"So that's who she reminds me of," Olive said. Then she started following the others.

At one area of the white space, the group arrived at an open rift. The group looked into it.

"Hey!" Cozy said. "It's San Francisco!"

"But when?" Midpoint said. "Just remember, this place run through our past, present and future." He then looked in the rift. "Oh, look. Maria, Rouge and Izzy are coming!" Midpoint then held the rift open, and MC assisted. Maria, Rouge and Izzy jumped through the portal.

"Maria!" MC said, helping the human turned hedgehog up to her feet.

"I'm fine, MC," Maria said. "But Shadow isn't. He's in there!" She pointed back to the rift.

"Oh, boy," MC said.

"I'll get him back to his senses," Sonic said. He then looked towards Sarah Crayton. "Just keep the rift open." Sarah Crayton nodded. She then used her power to keep the rift open as Sonic ran in.

"Boy, he sure is wanting to help out his brother," Izzy said.

"Shadow is not related to us!" Sonia and Manic said in unison.

"Yeah, Sonic, Sonia and Manic are triplets," Tails said. "They don't have any more siblings."

"Ooh... Sorry," Izzy said.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the rift, Sonic was running through the streets of San Francisco, searching for Shadow. He was then ambushed by something. He was pushed into a water fountain. He got up and spat out the fountain water.

"That was gross," Sonic said. He then turned around, seeing Shadow standing right outside of the fountain. "Shadow, what are you doing?"

"You really think I'd listen to you after what you've done?" Shadow asked. "You broke time!"

"You're blaming me?!" Sonic asked. "I didn't do this! That thing attacked us... on my birthday, no less!"

"That thing is after you!" Shadow said. "I'll do it a favor by taking you down!"

"No way," Sonic said. "Maria wouldn't want you doing that."

"Maria?" Shadow asked. "You don't know what she wants!" He then did a spin dash attack towards Sonic. Sonic then moved out of the way, making Shadow attack nothing. Sonic then started running towards the rift. Shadow got angry and chased after him. He then pulled something out.

"Chaos Control!" Shadow said. Just then, time froze around Sonic. Then Shadow came up and did a flying spin kick into Sonic's head, sending him towards a dumpster.

"Okay, that hurt!" Sonic said, getting out of the dumpster. He then started running towards the rift again, but Shadow wasn't letting him near the rift. Shadow was trying to keep Sonic away from the rift. "Shadow! That's enough!"

"You don't know when enough is enough!" Shadow said. "I'm taking you down, here and now!" Just then, as he was talking, an arrow was heading towards him. Shadow then caught it without even looking. Shadow then looked at the arrow and smirked. "You think an arrow is gonna..." Just then, the arrow tip gave out a bright flash of light, temporarily blinding Shadow. "Gah, my eyes!" Just then, Sonic came in with a spin attack, hitting Shadow, sending him right through the rift. Sonic then followed and the rift was sealed off.

"They always fall for the flash arrows," Midpoint said. Sonic then handed Midpoint the flash arrow. Midpoint took it and put it back into his quiver.

Shadow groaned angrily and asked, "Why are you trying to interfere with...?" He was cut off when the Time Eater came in from a rift and started hovering over the group. It then vanished into another rift that it opened up. "Okay, what is that thing?"

"It was meant to be a transporter through different timelines," Sarah Crayton answered. "But it was stolen by someone who wanted to use it to take over all the time in the world. Why it's after you guys, I do not know."

"Wait a minute," Shadow said, recognizing Sarah Crayton's face. "Aren't you supposed to be...?"

"That was a clone," Sonic said. "She's been here for nearly all eternity."

Shadow then groaned and said, "We find and destroy that thing, then we're out of here."

"Well, to prevent people like that from using it to take over the multiverse, I say that'd be for the best," Sarah Crayton said.

"C'mon," MC said. "Let's get out of this limbo." Then they all started walking through the white space, moving onto the next spot.

Somewhere in the white space, Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo and Espio were waking up somewhere. They looked around.

"Where are we?" Scootaloo asked.

"Looks like those old ruins when we were going in to fight Metal Sonic who was impersonating Eggman at the time," Rainbow Dash said.

"I must agree," Espio said. "Why we've been brought here, I do not know."

"C'mon, let's see if we can find a way out of this place," Rainbow Dash said. "Perhaps Twi and the others know of a way out of this." She then started flying. Scootaloo started flying, too.

"At least now I'm able to carry myself off the ground," Scootaloo said. "Thanks to MC."

"Who knew all it took was to awaken some dormant growth cells in your wings," Rainbow Dash said.

"Mind giving me a lift?" Espio asked.

"Sure," Rainbow Dash said. Espio then held up his left hand and Rainbow Dash took it and carried the chameleon off the ground. Then the two pegasi started flying off.

Outside of the area, the entire group arrived just outside of the rift. The group looked into the rift to see if any of their friends were in there.

"Looks like the ruins of that place where we were chasing Metal Sonic when we thought he was Eggman," Twilight said.

"Looks like it," MC said. He then got a whiff. "Smells like Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo and Espio are in there."

"Which means the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony are almost back in," Rarity said. "Besides them, who else are we missing?"

"Twist, Sandbar, Hitch Trailblazer, Tom, Blaze, Marine, Antoine, Rotor, Charmy, Vector, and possibly Silver," MC said.

"Really?" Sonic asked. "Silver could be in here somewhere?"

"Well, these three came in here and they weren't at your party," MC said, waving towards Shadow, Starlight and Sunset.

"He's got a point," Starlight said.

"I'm as surprised as any of you when that thing came," Sunset said. Shadow just nodded.

"Well, we might find the others when we go through the last o' the rifts," Applejack said.

"Here they come!" Midpoint said, looking into the rift. He then held the rift open and MC helped out. Rainbow Dash flew out of the rift, holding Espio. Then Scootaloo came out. MC and Midpoint let go of the rift and it closed up.

"Whew," Rainbow Dash said. "That place brought back some memories."

"Yeah, we're travelling through time and space," Midpoint said.

Rainbow Dash looked at the group and saw Sonic, Classic Sonic, Tails and Classic Tails. She then said, "Well, that explains the doubles of Sonic and Tails.

"Hey, look!" Ocellus said, pointing at something. The group looked over towards it and saw another gate.

"Leave this one to me, guys," Sonic said, walking over towards it.

"Hold it, Sonic," Twilight said. "You don't know who's on the other side of that gate. It could be an enemy you could only take down as Super Sonic."

"She's right," MC said. "We could be talking about the Storm King, or someone like that."

"The Storm King?!" Silverstream asked, getting scared.

"Whoa, whoa," Gallus said, comforting the hippogriff. "It's okay. We won't let him hurt you."

"Or it could be something else," Sally said. "Think of all the bad guys you've faced in your super forms."

"Perfect Chaos, the Biolizard, Neo Metal Sonic, the Black Arms, Solaris, Dark Gaia, and a corrupted Mother Wisp," MC said, recalling the other times that any of them went super.

"Okay," Sonic said. "That might be troubling. But hey, it's nothing I can't handle." He then walked into the gate.

"Wow, you guys must've faced a lot of tough guys," Classic Tails said. "What was one of the most troubling bad guys you faced?"

"I'm gonna have to say Mephiles," MC said.

"I'm with him," Shadow said. "Mephiles is a living shadow that was half of what Solaris was. He was able to travel through the flow of time."

"Of course he doesn't exist anymore in our universe because Elise blew out the white flame known as Solaris," Twilight said. "I don't know if it'll happen to you two or not."

"Meh, we'll see," Classic Tails said.

"Hang on guys," MC said. "Do you hear that?" Everyone stood quietly and listened. They heard running water, coming from the gate.

"It's not..." Tails said.

"It can't be," Knuckles said. MC then reached into the gate and put his hand on the floor.

MC had his eyes closed. His hearing is a lot sharper than the others. He heard some distant roaring. He opened his eyes and said, "Uh oh."

"What is it?" Twilight asked.

"Let's just say that Sonic's gonna get washed up by a living tidal wave," MC said.

"Perfect Chaos?!" the Mane 6 and Maria asked.

"Oh, Sonic is done for," Shadow said.

Sonic was walking down the hallway of the gate, heading towards somewhere. He then saw the stone door at the end of the hall, wide open. There were streams of water coming from the door.

"Huh," Sonic said. "Must be a storm on the other side of that door." He then started running towards the stone door and jumped through it, just as it was closing.

When he made it to the other side, he was in a damaged office building. He then looked around. His foot then bumped something. He looked down and saw something.

"Alright, another Emerald," Sonic said, picking it up. Just then, he heard roaring, shaking the building. "Wha-oa-oa!" He then looked around. He then headed out of the room, up some stairs, and he looked out on top of the building, seeing Station Square, flooded, and the tall buildings damaged by water. "No! It can't be!"

Just then, some water started rising in one spot, growing higher and higher, taking the form of a giant snake head.

"Perfect Chaos?!" Sonic asked. He then sighed. "Oh, well. Guess a hedgehog's gotta do what a hedgehog's gotta do." He then started jumping down and sliding down the side of the building, heading for some landing spots that weren't covered by the water.

Sonic was speeding across the water, heading towards Perfect Chaos, who saw Sonic coming. Perfect Chaos then fired a laser beam from its mouth, heading towards Sonic. Sonic dodged it and headed towards the base of Perfect Chaos.

"Alright, Sonic," Sonic said to himself. "You're about to get really wet!" He then closed his eyes and entered the base of Perfect Chaos. He then spiraled upward up Perfect Chaos's body, and came out where the creature's brain was. Perfect Chaos broke apart and Sonic landed on a construction site. "Okay. That's done." He then heard roaring. "Oh, no." He then looked out on the water and saw Perfect Chaos growing up from the water again. "Oh, boy."

Outside of the gate, the group was looking towards it, wondering if Sonic was okay.

"Mom, is there anyway we can see what's going on on the other side of that gate?" MC asked.

"Actually, I think I can," Sarah Crayton said. She then used her power to make a screen of Sonic fighting Perfect Chaos. Sonic was going through a building, trying to get away from Perfect Chaos's tentacles.

"He's avoiding Perfect Chaos's attacks!" Twilight said.

"That won't stop him from getting wet," MC said. "He's gonna have to get wet if he's gonna go after Chaos's brain."

"C'mon, Sonic!" Knuckles said. "Give that Perfect Chaos a good ol' headache!"

Back during the battle, Sonic was rushing across from building to building. He then saw Perfect Chaos holding up pieces of the road with geysers he had been spraying from the water. Sonic decided to use them to his advantage. He jumped from each piece of the road. He then jumped onto a lamp post at an intersection, using it like a horizontal bar in gymnastics. It launched him towards Perfect Chaos's brain, making him hit it. Perfect Chaos roared in pain and then split up.

"Please stay down," Sonic said, landing on a piece of the road below him. Just then, Perfect Chaos roared again from a distance. "Oh, c'mon!" He then started running across the water, heading to Perfect Chaos.

The others were watching him run across the water.

"How is he doing that?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Run at a certain speed or higher, you'll be able to run across the water," MC said.

"I'm surprised he hasn't gotten sick yet," Sunny said.

"It'll probably catch up to him the day after his birthday," Twilight said.

"5 bucks says he gets sick the day after his birthday," Zipp said.

"A ninja does not make bets," Espio replied. HE then looked up at the screen. He then sighed. "Just this once. Raise you ten." He then held up a 10 dollar bill.

"Deal," Zipp said.

Back in the battle, Sonic was getting closer and closer to Perfect Chaos, avoiding all the geysers and laser blast being thrown right at him. Sonic was then caught off guard when a piece of the road came up right below him.

"Whoooooa!" Sonic called out. He then recovered. Perfect Chaos then opened up his mouth, getting ready to fire a laser beam at Sonic. But Sonic jumped out of the way, but that didn't stop Perfect Chaos from trying to attack him. Sonic was running away from the laser beam. Sonic then made it back down to a platform near the water, and rushed towards Perfect Chaos's base. He went in, went spiraling upward, and hit Perfect Chaos's brain, finally finishing him off.

The others were watching as Sonic landed on a rooftop, the water level starting to go down.

"He did it!" Scootaloo said.

"Yes, he did," MC said.

"Alright, Sonic!" the rest of the Freedom Fighters said in unison.

"Guess Perfect Chaos isn't as hard to take down as we thought," Twilight said.

"Guess we didn't need to go that hard on him when we all fought him that day," Pinkie Pie said. Just then, the gate opened and Sonic came out. Although, he was really fluffy. Like this:

Maddie just laughed, pulled out her phone, and took a picture. She then said, "I should show Tom this when we find him."

"We'll find him, Maddie," Sonic said, going back to normal. "I'm sure of it."

"Mom, you mind leading us towards the next area?" MC asked.

"Sure thing," Sarah Crayton said. Then the group started walking away. But then, the Time Eater reappeared. It roared and nearly hit the entire group. They would've been hit if they hadn't ducked. The Time Eater then opened up another rift and disappeared into it.

"That thing is really starting to push my buttons," MC said.

"I agree," Twilight said. "We need to find the others." They started moving onto the next area of the White Space.

"Every time we've been going through each space in this place, we've been restoring the proper time lines," Tails said, looking back.

"Which means we can stop that thing when we've restored each place we've gone through," Classic Tails said.

"Impressive observation, you two," Sarah Crayton said. "We can restore the time line by coming near them and rescuing your friends."

"We've already got five Chaos Emeralds," Sonic said, holding out the fifth Chaos Emerald. "We just got two more to collect, and then we take that thing down."

"That won't be as easy as you think," Sarah Crayton said. "That machine is very hard to destroy, especially in this space. Not even I can make a scratch on it's armor."

"Perhaps we'll find something when we get a good look at it," Sally said.

"Yeah, even machines have a weak spot," MC said. "It's core."

Sarah Crayton thought of something and said, "Of course. The Chrono-Core."

"Chrono-Core?" Twilight asked.

"It's the machine's power source," Sarah Crayton said. "Take that thing out, it'll be shut down for good, and the ones piloting it will be trapped in this void."

"Whoever's piloting that thing, they'll be lucky to survive in this white limbo for all eternity," Shadow said. He then started walking away.

"I swear, he needs to lighten up a little," Sarah Crayton said.

"He already has," Maria said. "Because of me."

"Oh, right," Sarah Crayton said. "You two have been best friends for over fifty years. Even though you both were frozen in suspended animation for fifty years." Maria nodded. Then they all continued walking through the white limbo.

Author's Note:

Next Episode:
The Generations Saga (Part 5):
Fragile Times

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