• Published 10th Sep 2022
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A King to a God - JDPrime22

It’s up to the heroes of Equestria to form unconventional bonds, discover the primordial evil living beneath their world, and fight a battle they could never have prepared for. When Godzilla and Kong clash, and until the last king stands.

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Chapter 6 – Lock and Key

Present Day

Canterlot, Equestria


Shatter Heart had to hand it to the Equestrians, the T.I.T.A.N. Headquarters was always a wonderous sight to behold.

The wait in the elevator did not take long, and soon they found themselves once more beholden to the Equestrian sector of T.I.T.A.N., for having kept their creation in pristine condition. The doors slid apart and the heart of Canterlot Mountain unveiled a living, breathing world of magic and technology flowing seamlessly.

A slew of aircraft hovered throughout the cavernous space, both airship and hovercraft mixing with one another as each dropped off and resupplied fresh resources for the HQ’s workforce. Scientists, miners, hardhat crews, crane operators and pilots alike moved about the various catwalks that shrouded the mountain walls like veins. Multiple observation decks and stations covered the walls, while the steel floor at the base of the headquarters was nearly filled to the brim with construction vehicles, T.I.T.A.N. agents in training platoons, and mounds upon mounds of boxed supplies, technology, and rare resources. All needed in completion of their creation.

And what a creation it was, and had turned out to be.

In the heart of the mountain, standing slightly hunched forward but locked firmly and safely in place, their mechanized warrior rested. It was showered in lights, from the blinding lamps hanging above the cavern, to the moving spotlights constantly flowing onto and off of its steel exterior, and to the construction lights always pressed against it. Always keeping the machine well-lit and well alive. Sparks danced as constant construction and development shrouded the machine.

It stood at a miraculous 400 feet tall, perhaps even more with the recent design updates. A skeletal body contained a dark rib cage, with rows of rectangular dorsal plates upon its back, all of them holding dark LED lights on their surfaces. The plates lined the creation’s back and tail, ultimately mimicking a certain Alpha Predator, with improvements upon improvements Shatter and his team of scientists meticulously put together. Hidden underneath steel shoulder blades and under its feet, massive propulsion thrusters were constructed, ultimately giving the machine the power of flight.

Through hours of research into Titan studies and biology, they saw the limitation of Equus’ natural kingdom and sought to have a counter to every last strength. Jagged claws with buzz saws, steel jaws with rotating, metal grinders, a tail scythe, rockets hidden across its frame, and a superheated energy beam powered not only by its core, but by its pilots.

It was the perfect blend of science, technology, raw engineering, magic, and willpower most of all.

It had been a busy year for T.I.T.A.N., but the nations that came together—the hoofful that braved the unknown and contributed—could rest assured that their monetary and physical contributions did not go in vain. Help arrived from the Changeling Empire, the Griffon Kingdom, Hippogriffia, the Dragon Lands, Yakyakistan, and others. The closest allies of Equestria. Resources and donations poured in once confidential news spread only to the T.I.T.A.N. sectors, news of Equestria and Neighpon uniting to create a first line of defense in case of any Titan-related emergencies got too out of hoof. Canterlot, the Crystal Empire, everywhere… such a travesty one year ago would never be allowed to happen again. Not when they had a Titan on their side.

Shatter Heart could still hardly believe they managed such a construction in a year’s time, but it made sense in the grand scheme. When word got out of a means to defend themselves, giving their species the power of the Titans in their own grasp, it did not take long for production to get well underway. And when updates showed a steady progress of the work on the Mecha, even more riches, resources, and labor came forth to unite in one singular cause. A cause they could all believe in.

Project Mecha’s whole purpose for T.I.T.A.N. was to save lives, protect cities, prevent disasters that the Titans caused. A safer version of Godzilla that acted to keep lives safe, to act for the betterment of Equus’ species above all else. That was always the goal, and that never changed, not even now. Yet still, many felt there was always something more hiding behind the curtain, unable to unveil itself out of uncertainty or fear of what others would think. Shatter was not afraid to share it. He proudly let his T.I.T.A.N. brothers and sisters know visually of what they were creating, and the name gave it all away just as well.


A Titan to match the King of the Monsters. To defend them in case Godzilla ever decided they were the next threat to be eliminated from the only world they knew to call their home. His followers in Neighpon believed in this, for Shatter’s T.I.T.A.N. were the lead designers of such a project. Equestria—and a deep part of Shatter always truly thanked them for this—provided a safe haven for them to develop their dream, uniting others to their cause and giving resources and riches to help further it. In a way, Shatter never could thank Equestria enough for what they had managed to accomplish thus far.

The team marveled still at their creation. Peaky was the first, breathing out an astonished chuckle and shaking her head. Her eyes were as wide as could be as she said, “I never get tired of this. Seeing him… Still can’t wrap my head around how we managed to…”

Her coltfriend draped his foreleg across her withers, bringing her in close. She stared at Cross, awe still in her eyes, as they exchanged smiles and returned to the Mecha.

“It took all of us,” Moonshadow said, cutting whatever Blossom’s lingering thought was off. She turned to her left, staring at the side of the lead pony’s face. “You knew exactly who to look for when designing it.”

In a way, Shatter Heart had done exactly that. He wanted the best of the best, no weak links to hinder them. His first choice, obviously, would have always been his brother, but as he looked deeper into Neighpon’s T.I.T.A.N. and military forces, there were some lights shining in the darkness.

Pilots, all in their own right, but having specific skills necessary to Mechagodzilla’s unification and completion. Peaky Blossom, arguably the best pilot among them. Rotor Wrench, the brains behind the nuts and bolts of every square inch of the Metal Titan. Moonshadow, the technical, scientific mastermind behind their robotics division, knowing the mind and the power of this mechanized marvel. Cross Heart, the aged pony with the most level-headed military experience they needed. The glue that kept them together. A born leader. The perfect co-pilot to their unifier.

Shatter Heart, quite possibly the most well-versed pony when it came to such a creation. He had the piloting skills. He had years of engineering expertise. He dabbled in the recently formed robotics division in Neighpon’s T.I.T.A.N. sector. He had seen his fair share and lived to lead just as his older brother had. Somehow, holding a shred of all of their skills but still incomplete without them by his side. Still, holding one thing they failed to fully grasp: raw passion, and the will to wield it.

“I need nopony else,” he answered, slowly turning to meet Moonshadow’s emotionless stare hidden behind her shades. “I have all I need.”

Their skills weren’t all he was looking for. He wanted specific magic users, because powering the Mecha required an intense energy input. A generator never before constructed in Equestrian history, now made possible with the intellect of Neighpon. But other than that, a magical neural link was needed between a highly-skilled user and the machine’s central processor. Nothing could truly function—could truly live—without a mind, and Mechagodzilla was no different.

They couldn’t risk an Alicorn, much like their rulers, so they went with the next best thing: unicorns. Five in all, each one piloting essential functions of Mechagodzilla. Each pony shared the energy output, carrying the mental weight that the central processor inflicted on their minds. Too much for one pony, and the mind would break. It wasn’t healthy, nor was it natural for the brain, the body to absorb such massive intakes of energy. The skull of the machine would be where they would be operating.

He stared into the dark eyes of the Mecha. It stared right on back at him.

“You really think that’s what they’re gonna use him for?” Rotor asked. “Just… some kind of helper to Godzilla? If so, what was the point of all this if we’re still gonna be under his rule?”

Shatter was quick to answer, perhaps anticipating the question and already knowing the answer in his heart. “We didn’t use a year’s worth of resources, trillions in gold, labor in the hundreds of thousands just to build a slave. Just for us to remain enslaved.”

Cross sighed, dropping his gaze. Peaky turned to him, concern riddled in her expression. It only amplified when his foreleg fell from her. “Maybe we should look at this from another angle. Perhaps… from theirs,” the older brother said. “Without the guardian kaiju, without Mothra, Equestria was looking for a protector. The princesses, the directors, maybe that was all they were looking for. All they wanted was another guardian.”

“Mechagodzilla will be their guardian,” Shatter retorted, turning quickly to meet his brother’s eyes. “He will be everycreature’s guardian.”

“But what do we guard?” Cross questioned, taking a step forward. He expressed a calm and quizzical nature, while Shatter’s was cold and accusatory. Especially with every word that continued to flow from Cross’ lips. “There hasn’t been a major kaiju incident on the homelands since the Crystal Empire. And Godzilla… despite everything we had anticipated… has done nothing but kept the creatures in line.”

“Are we at war, Cross… or no?” Moonshadow interrupted. Silence befell the team of pilots, nothing but the sounds of progress echoing around them. The unicorn mare jostled the toothpick between her teeth, slowly grinding it. “Is every day with these monsters an issue of our survival on the line… or no?”

Cross stared at her, but didn’t dare say a word. Not when there was still a part of him that knew she spoke truth. Shatter spoke instead, and he explained, “Equestria came to us… with the idea of a mechanized Titan to defend them all. A Global Protector, that is what we all wanted. We give them Mechagodzilla… and now they reject him. They want to make allies with Godzilla, but we know his true nature, don’t we?”

There was utter silence in return. Shatter blinked and realized he had been facing his Mecha the whole time. So, he turned to face the one he had been intending the question towards.

“Brother…” Shatter called, “… don’t we?”

He couldn’t let the others see weakness. Even when it grew so vapidly across his body like frostbite. Cross gulped, and looking down with a slow, very small nod, he agreed with his silence.

“What’s our place now in all this, then?” Peaky asked, finally stepping into the conversation. She spoke as if the question was offered to all, but she directed it solely to Shatter Heart. Her eyes, devoid of all awe and wonder that Mechagodzilla brought to her heart, was cemented in solemnity.

“Our goals have not changed,” Shatter answered without hesitation. “Our place is with the survival of our species. With that… we… and the rulers… can find some common ground. Soon, our Mecha will be revealed to the world.”

A short stare down was instituted between the two, and for a time, neither pony was willing to back off. The tension was growing hotter, larger, consuming the team of pilots until everypony found themselves on edge. Until there was one among them willing to pull them back.

“And we’ll be the Global Protectors of Equus, just like we always dreamed!” Rotor declared with a victorious cheer, slapping his commander’s back and shaking him. He laughed loudly, easing the rising temperatures and earning several breaths of relief. Just enough to get a small smile out of Shatter. A smile and a soft exhale, almost like a scoff, which was more than worth celebrating.

Rotor took what he could get—and thankful the tension had died down—he waved his hoof onward and said, “Come on, then! Let’s head to the rec room, get some drinks on me! And… Moon, too; she can pay.”

“You’ll have to outdrink me first, big guy,” she murmured, passing by Wrench and giving him a playful bump of her rump against his rib cage. Seeing the sly grin on her lips was another victory Rotor gladly chalked down for memory’s sake. "And not pass out like last time."

"You spiked my drink, and you know it!" Rotor laughed, to which she replied with a subtle shrug and smile.

While two of his team proceeded off, Shatter hesitated. Cross and Peaky did as well, turning back to the younger brother to see him wave them off. And to hear him say, “You all go ahead. It’s been a long trip; enjoy yourselves while we’re in Canterlot. I need to speak with the minds.”

He excused himself, moving on to the next observation deck with the T.I.T.A.N. scientists, hoping for any further updates to their Mecha. Just before he did, he gave one last look to the miraculous machine in the heart of the mountain. His dream made real, his hope brought to life. His hope that would soon lead them to victory.

The fight for such a dream was still not won, however. There were still obstacles in the road ahead. Some they couldn’t see, and some they did. Actions Godzilla had yet to take, and the actions their leaders have already made against them. It was just a setback. They were still well on their way in terms of production. Before long—after months of rigorous testing and strenuous hours into the night—their Mecha would finally be leading the charge toward the future. He would be marching in parades celebrating Equus’ victory against the Titans that sought to destroy them. He would soon be flying in the skies.

Despite everything they had done and everything they had promised, they were still locked down. Fear and cowardice from their leaders kept them hidden. Cowardice for the self-proclaimed King of the Monsters. Shatter Heart was not afraid. He wrestled with the beast in his nightmares nearly every night, and every day he would fight to better every chance they had against him. Against every Titan. He was still a sickness in his spirit, one Shatter swore to cure.

The rulers, Godzilla, they were holding them back. Keeping them, and their creation, chained like dogs.

Mechagodzilla was the key.

He believed that.

And then he was gone.

Peaky watched him in the numerous seconds she counted in silence. Watched his mannerisms, watched his labored steps that took him away from them, and she stared instead to his older brother and watched him do nothing. Say nothing.

So, she said, “Cross, um… you know I don’t like to pry, but…”

“It’s about Shatter,” he finally uttered.

“Sorry, it’s just… he always seems so distant. And I know you don’t like talking about Izunokuneigh..."

His hoof found its way back to her. Feeling his touch calmed her nerves, and she sighed a great release because of him. Her eyes fluttered to a close, finally lifting them so they could meet his. In his eyes, she could see every ounce of pain he still carried seeping free. But with her, for her, he felt as if there were things they could offer each other. She could hope to understand. He could help lessen the burden he and his little brother carried.

Even now, it burned to speak of it. But he did. He said, “Everything changed after the tragedy befell our home. After our parents were taken… we had the beginnings of a fresh start, maybe a healing, once some time had passed under our grandfather’s care. But time kills just as easily as nuclear fire…”

He was clearly struggling, and Peaky calmed him with a touch of her own hoof to his chest. To his heart, where she felt it beating so very rapidly.

He sighed, heaving in and out and finally maintaining his breath. Because of her. For her. “When he passed, that was it. There was nothing left for us. So, we hoped to move on, carrying the ghosts of Izunokuneigh to hopefully help those who carried the same weight.” Cross lifted his head and watched his brother’s form vanish within the observation deck at the end of the catwalk. “Shatter never really walked away. Times I wonder if he still imagines himself or a piece of himself trapped in the burning city. Even as the flames died, he stayed. He stayed in the shadows while I moved on into the light.”

It felt right to remove such weight from his spirit. It felt good, and he was thankful it was her who was there to listen. Before, he felt as if it was only his brother and himself who could speak of it alone, to each other. And they have, but there was never a healing. Even if they tried to pretend there was. If this was to be the first step, then Cross was glad to take it.

He wouldn’t hesitate to help his brother when the time came.

“You don’t feel the same as him?” his marefriend asked, voice soft.

“Of course I do,” Cross breathed, staring deep into her eyes. “But I know when to let go. Holding on to the past does not help us move toward the future. I have tried countless times to help him through this, but he still…”

Nothing came free from his voice. It was agonizing, and even now he could feel the fires from that night piercing his skin like it had before. The burns on his forelegs had left their mark. Physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, every last which way he could never forget. But he could still move on.

“He won’t let go,” Peaky answered.

He just couldn’t say the same thing for his little brother. Cross nodded. “Yes.”

“What was he like before?”

He lifted his eyes and stared. Stared into the dark gaze of Mechagodzilla and praying to see the same future his brother did. Praying they shared the same ambitions, goals, and endgame for the betterment of their species. He prayed that was all he could see, hopefully one day.

“He laughed a lot.”

The sounds of progress were deafening. Voices distant and voices close rang a tune almost piercing to the bone. Sparks flew and fell like waterfalls down the mechanized kaiju, blinding lights washing all around in the mountain facility just outside of the world. The world that had no idea what they were building, what was coming, and what was assuredly meant to change it forever.

They stood in silence, gazing to the Mecha. Peaky leaned into him, nuzzling him comfortingly. A kiss to her forehead was his response, followed shortly with his soft voice whispering by her ear, “If this will bring peace back to his life… let it be so.”

Author's Note:

Artwork by Shrekzilla