• Published 29th Nov 2022
  • 1,082 Views, 34 Comments

The Pony Guard: Rainbow Rocks - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion and Pony Guard along with Sunset Shimmer join forces once again in the other world as they face off dangerous magic at works in the upcoming Battle of the Bands

  • ...

The Band Competition

The Band Competition

The next day at Applejack's place, the Rainbooms and Lightning Bolts were practicing their counter-spell. However, for some odd reason, Twilight's singing was slightly off-key. Kion tried to follow her lead but found it very hard to sing in sync due to her uncharacteristically awful singing. Korra was singing a bit better than her friend, but only managed to sing bits of the words since her currently soften singing was being overshadowed by Twilight's high-pitch singing.

Sunset and Spike stood beside the amplifier, to which they both ended up quickly regretting it. Sunset being the Rainbooms and Lightning Bolts honorary tech-supervisor, tried to properly adjust the sound of Twilight's singing, with little to no success.

“Hey, hey, listen.

We've got a message for you

We're not all alike

But our friendship is true.”

Twilight's voice grew higher and Sunset found herself covering her ears due to the horrid tone increasing with every passing second. Kion too couldn’t help but cringe himself.

“Yeah, we're really different

But we still get along.”

Fluttershy tried to play her tambourine a bit louder to help with Ono doing the same with his harmonica, but Rainbow shook her head against it…

“So hey, hey, listen to our song

…until now.

“You may think you're in control

But we're here to prove you wrong.”

Applejack and Rarity could feel the ears appearing, but only for a fraction of a second when the static of the mic hurt their ears. They turned to Pinkie Pie, who had briefly stopped playing, and had to be given the look for her to keep playing. It was clear that something is really wrong if even she feels that there is nothing she can do to help with this cringe-worthy performance.

From outside, Granny Smith had to cover her ears with apple cores to cancel out the noise. Rainbow Dash played her guitar louder and saw her pony ears beginning to appear…

“And the friendship in our music

With the power of our song

Gonna stomp our feet, clap our----“

“All right…” Fuli moved to pull the plug on the amp in order to stop this nightmare performance. “…that’s enough.”


“Whatever singing you call this…” Fuli replied while tossing the plug aside. “…because this doesn’t even sound close to the singing I heard when you sang in front of everyone at school last time you were here.”

“Oh come on, if you ask me I’d say it sounded…” Spike tried to say in her defense. “…way better than the last... five times you've played it. Heh heh."

Big Mac’s human self happened to be passing by the window carrying a bucket of apples and stoically said in response. "Nnope."

Fuli looked on unimpressed in the little dog’s direction with crossed arms. “Anything more you want to try to add to that?” Spike just lowered his head and ears and looked aside. “I didn’t think so.”

"I think it's pretty obvious what's going wrong with this counter-spell." Rainbow spoke up.

"You're turnin' what should be the chorus into a five-minute guitar solo?" Applejack figured while narrowing her eyes at Rainbow knowing exactly what her ego is thinking.

"I had to pick up the slack somehow! Are you girls even trying?!"

"I'm trying." Fluttershy lightly asserted while Fuli frowned in the arrogant girl’s direction.

Twilight is clearly having a hard time with this but still kept her composure with a small nervous laugh. “It's fine. It'll be fine. One more time from the top!"

“Uh, actually Twilight…” Ono quickly spoke up before they could even start. “…How about we let Kion try for a change.”

Twilight not one to argue given that the last five times were all admittedly horrid performances moved to relent for everyone’s sake. “Sure, sure…why not?”

Kion now felt guilty and bad for Twilight since the pressure is already starting to get to them and at the same time is not feeling confident himself due to yesterday’s trauma.

Upon sensing this, Rarity moved to try preoccupy them with something else. "Or, perhaps we could take a short break, try on some of the wardrobe choices I've put together?" Out of nowhere she managed to pull a clothing rack and took out an outfit, "I'm particularly fond of this one." She pushed the rack aside to reveal a sparkly pink marching band-leader's feminine upper top over her clothes. "Eh, of course we could always go with something a bit more modern."

Applejack face palmed herself and groaned in annoyance. Leave it to Rarity to care more about looks than what was important. "We're tryin' to save our school here. Enough with the costumes!"

"Oh, you could never have enough costumes!" She said while now wearing a futuristic, sparkly yellow jump suit, complete with a helmet with flashing pixel diamonds on it and spoke in a robotic voice from underneath.

Now Canterlot High Bunga was interested in what she had on the rack. “Ooh! Got any more of those robot costumes?”

“I mean…” Bunga spoke up. “… there’s nothing wrong with a little fashion here and there… “He said while inching closer to the clothing rack to get a look at what Rarity had brought with her.

Beshte was quick to kindly talk the two duplicates down. “I know, but there really is a better time and place for this kind of thing.”

"She just wants to make things fun!" Pinkie Pie counter-argued before pouting. "Isn't that what being in a band supposed to be?" She played a rimshot with an upset frown.

"You don't have time for any of this!" Sunset Shimmer said urgently. "You're all supposed to check in at the Battle of the Bands in fifteen minutes!"

The others gasped in horrified shock. The girls and boys all rushed to gather up their instruments and make it to school on time, scattering all over the place in collecting of what they need.

"What? But it's not ready!" Twilight exclaimed on the verge of losing it herself. "If we play our counter-spell in the first round and it doesn't work, the Sirens and Wild Ones will know what we're up to and make sure we don't get a chance to play it again!"

Upon hearing that they all literally screeched to a halt. What Twilight had just said was true, if they play it now it would derail any chance of stopping them.

So Applejack spoke of a resolution to the matter. “Then we'll have to buy ourselves some time so you can keep workin' on it!"

"But how do you propose we do that?" Rarity asked.

Rainbow Dash spoke up with the perfect solution. "We compete in the Battle of the Bands for real! I take over lead vocals again for the Rainbooms and we stay alive until the finals! We unleash the counter-spell then!" She turned to Twilight and Kion. "You'll have figured it out by finals, right?"

Both the prince and princess looked at each other with uncertainty and nearly speechless when Spike walked over and smiled confidently. "Of course they will. Kion and Twilight Sparkle have never met a problem they couldn't solve. Right, guys?"

"Right." Twilight answered with a forced smile yet having zero confidence deep down.

"Then let's go win us a Battle of the Bands!" Rainbow confidentially said as she lead everyone back on over to the school, leaving Kion, Twilight and Spike alone to work on the counter-spell.

With little time on their hands, Twilight moved to gather her belongings but not without casting a frustrated and disapproving glare at the dog that opened his mouth. Upon seeing the way she was looking at him had him realize that his efforts to help instill confidence in her did the exact opposite.

Kion himself is still feeling like a nervous wreck inside just knowing of the potential embarrassment that’s awaiting them courtesy of the main competition. But at the same time, he could only understand what Twilight’s going through. If nobody hated her here, then she’s going to feel that’s going to happen if all fails to go through.


Twilight still had her back turned from her best friend. “I’m sorry, Kion. I don’t know what getting into me. Normally this is something I can handle, expect right now. It rarely happens.”

“You’re cracking under pressure again, that’s what’s happening.” Kion calmly replied with the ashamed girl’s face still facing away from him. He places a hand on her shoulder. “It’ll be okay, Twilight. Maybe we need use this time to our advantage to really think things through and see if there is another solution to all of this.” He then suggested.

Twilight quickly turned around to face him but not the calm and happy response he expected. “How?!”

“I don’t know.” He honestly answered before once more imploring of the distressed girl to at least listen to him. “But please, just try to hear me out and see if there is something that we’re overlooking here.”

Twilight’s anxiousness briefly faded for the moment upon realizing the truth in her friend’s words. She truly wants to get this counter-spell created but in order to do so does really need to keep it together and fully look at the full picture if she really wants this all to work. And together both she and Kion are both yin and yang to each other, like each other’s BBBFF and BSBFF.

“Okay…” She said with a smile and a raised finger to add a condition to these terms. “…as long you as try to help get this spell put together.”


To cement their deal, they both shook hands on it.

Minutes later, it was now time for the first annual Battle of the Bands competition where everyone is all ready to give their all in this but not without bad blood involved in between them.

"Welcome to the first ever Canterlot High School Battle of the Bands." Principal Celestia announced on the gymnasium stage with her sister standing by her side in front of the whole crowd of students all lined up, ready to compete. All while oblivious to how the students really feel towards one another due to the Dazzling’s and Wild One’s spell. “I believe I speak for everyone when I say it is by far the greatest thing we have ever done here at this school!" The students all cheered in agreement. “We are so glad our nine newest students encouraged us to turn this event into something exciting!"

Adagio, Aria and Sonata smiled arrogantly and waved from the top of the bleachers at their adoring public like the divas they were while Uovu, Kasi, Nguvu, Mwenye Kuona, Kidevu, and Hifadhi all gave small waves not trying to bask on their newfound glory just yet.

Vice-Principal Luna then took the mic with a few words to say. "But, as this is now a competition, we can only choose one winner. Who is it going to be?"

The students all argued with one another all while unknowing feed the forming green mist into the Dazzling’s red pendants and Wild One’s stars and badges.

Adagio smiled as she spoke to her girls. "You feel that, girls? Our true power is being restored." Aria and Sonata giggled with glee when the doors of the gym opened where the Rainbooms and Lightning Bolts made their (un-dramatic but casual) entrance. Adagio silenced the two, "And that's before we've tapped into the strongest magic here." She said as she look down on the Rainbooms and Lightning Bolts, all looking nervous…all except for Twilight trying to put on a brave and stoic face alongside the equally brave Fuli and bold and brash Bunga’s.

She was not about to let her emotions get the better of her and the look she gave the bad guys and girls receiving praise for raising the stakes in what is supposed to be a friendly competition into an all-out battle for blood perfectly clear of what she’s thinking. “You might be able to fool everyone else, but you’re not fooling me. I know who you are. I know what you have done and you’re going down.”

Uovu upon seeing this is clearly impressed as he clearly likes it whenever they is someone posing a good challenge and can actually back it up. Even when it is clear that these two bands pose a threat to their plans, he isn’t intimidated likewise whether it’s her, Kion, or anyone in general.

"But the Rainblossoms, or whatever they're called, aren't under our spell." Aria pointed out. "How exactly are we supposed to get to their magic?"

“Do you want them taken out?” Kasi asked Uovu in a whisper while placing his fingers on a hidden gun inside his jacket.

Uovu placed a gentle grasp on his arm to prevent him from doing so. “No. Not yet.”

“Right. Too early and we’re in public. I just wasn’t sure.”

“Exactly.” Uovu nodded as Kasi wisely refrained from pulling out his gun. While he’s definitely someone who can keep a cool head and quiet when needed, he’s not afraid to pull punches when needed. “Startling and scaring them off won’t be necessary. They might appear strong on the surface but deep down they’re just as vulnerable as anyone else. They’re all human.”

“The Rainbooms and Lightning Bolts are just as capable of falling apart as anyone else.” Adiago chimed in. “They just need a little... push in the wrong direction. I have a feeling everyone here is going to be lining up to give them a shove."

“So that should they get into the finals alongside us, they’ll fall harder than everyone else around them when they start arguing.” Kasi deduced upon being the first to put the pieces together. He then smiled when he got another idea of how to fracture the team’s friendship with one another. “And I think I know what we can do in the meantime.” Uovu smiled at him to commend him for his intelligence before turning his attention towards Twilight. “But in the meantime, what should we do about our fearless girl in the face of danger? She’s definitely sure to pull through and put on us on edge if we’re not careful.”

“Even so, she knows enough that there is nothing that can be done other than competing alongside the others.” Uovu assured before pulling out a confidential file that appears to have Twilight’s name and information on it. “Either way we’ll make sure she won’t be placing too many obstacles in our path…”

Kasi upon giving a sneak peek looked on while nodding and approving of the idea itself. “…I would back off too if I had done all of that.”

Uovu smiled in response before tucking the file away in his jacket for the time being, ready to watch the competition unfold.

First up were Snips and Snails performing together as a hip-hop duo, dressed down to the very T, with hoodies, backwards hats, medallions and glasses with no lenses.

The two beatboxed, but very, very poorly.


“Aw, yeah! Snips and Snails indahouse, yo!


“They call me MC Snips and that ain't no lie

My favorite food is like pumpkin pie.”


“I'm DJ Snazzy Snails, I like whales

When I go to the beach, I always bring my pails.”

The Lightning Bolts and the Rainbooms all winced as they watched the performance. The only ones truly enjoying this amongst the team are Pinkie Pie along with both Bunga’s dancing in sync with the beat boxers. Everyone else on the contrary just looked on unimpressed with even the Principals disliking the performance.

Amongst the bad boys and girls of the bunch, Aria and Adagio both snickered alongside Mwenye Kuona and Kidevu, while both Nguvu and Hifadhi look on clearly disgusted with their poor performance, and Kasi just shook his head feeling bad for them already with Sonota being the only one enjoying their performance like Pinkie Pie.


“Everybody knows my favorite color is orange

My rhymes are so fly, you better... uh... um...”


“Orange, yo!”








“Bam! That just happened!”


“Aw, yeah! We out!”


“Snips and Snails outta here!”

They both dropped their microphones, which caused a screeching sound, forcing everyone to cover their ears from the horrible sound it produced.

Celestia and Luna looked on unfazed. "Please do not drop the microphones."

The two friends were completely unaware of how horrible their act was, but they none the less high five and left the stage, bypassing the Rainbooms with a confident yet cocky attitude and demeanor.

"In your face, Rainbooms!"

“You too, Lightning Bolts!”

Fuli could only shake her head clearly unfazed by that remark. “Oh you sure showed us. Showed us how that you two clearly can’t perform.”

“Clearly.” Applejack agreed. “And least we know one group who won't stand in the way of us gettin' to the finals."

"Let's get ready to rock!" Rainbow Dash stated knowing that it is their turn to perform. But Pinkie Pie then noticed that one of them was missing.

"Wait! Where's Rarity?"

"Here! I'm here!" Rarity came running and panting as the metal fringes on her ankles and jacket shimmered and clang against her outfit. A hippie inspired outfit added with a headband and sandals. She proudly flipped her hair, striking a pose as the fringes jangled all while everyone looks on silently yet wondering if she’s lost her marbles. "We will be performing in front of an audience. I'm not going to wear something fabulous?"

Applejack face palmed herself in response alongside Ono.

“Hapana, Rarity this really isn’t the time or the place for experimenting fashion.” He grumbled while pinching his nose.

“I think it looks lovely.” Twilight commented before turning to everyone before a dispute could occur. “And I think we should all leave it at that.”

“Well said.” Rarity replied feeling greatly appreciated by that compliment before pulling out something from her pocket. “And before I forget…” She pulled out a container of a cream before placing it around her left eye covering the scar on it to mask its appearance. “…this is for your eye.”


“Just a precaution to avoid the contempt and scornful heat from the rest of the competition...” She gently advised while maintain her grip on her friend and managed to make the mark disappear with the cream she had handy. “…not saying that you have that here, but can truly look deceiving and untrustworthy in the eyes of others.”

“Okay, I understand.” Twilight said accepting her help without further question and minimal protest. With all things considered it actually was probably for the best that they don’t judge by her the scar on her face even if they don’t have reason to hate her guts. It could happen at any time for any reason.

Next up are the Rainbooms where they all makes sure their instruments are tuned up and ready for their performance. During which Twilight took the time to give crucial last minute instructions with her hand covering her mic to avoid everyone else hearing it.

"Remember, we have to be good enough to make it through but not so good we let the Sirens and the Wild Ones see the magic within us. They could realize we plan to use it against them."

"Got it!" Rainbow Dash nodded in response. "Be cool enough to win, but not so cool that we end up showing off the whole ears and tails and rainbows thing. Sooo... about twenty percent less cool."

“Right around there.” Twilight nodded while giving her the eye to get her to understand to make good on that.

Pinkie Pie tapped on her drum sticks now that they are all ready to perform. "One! Two!"

The music played and the girls began singing in unison.

"We've just got the day to get ready

And there's only so much time to lose

Because tonight, yeah, we're here to party

So let's think of something fun to do.”

So far the girls were singing in perfect sync, one the best performances thus far in the competition and truly enjoying themselves out there as they all performed to the beat.

Though little do they realize, the Wild Ones have sneaky tricks up their sleeves when Kasi ushered Mwenye Kuona and Kidevu to follow him so they can have some fun during their performance.

“We don't know

(we don't know)

What's gonna happen

We just know

(we just know)

It's gonna feel right

All our friends are here

And it's time to ignite the lights!”

As they sang, up above them on the catwalk, Photo Finish and her two band mates lowered down two magnets on the strings towards Rarity jacket. The metal fringes on her jacket were immediately pulled up and Photo Finish began playing with the magnets, causing Rarity to look like a puppet on strings.

“Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight

Shake your tail, shake your tail.”

While Photo Finish fooled around with poor Rarity, Applejack arced her eyebrows in her direction thinking that she is doing it on purpose.

Rarity struggled to break free from the magnets hold but it was futile. Kion watching from the side when he looked up, quickly tossed a cylinder right at the girls like a Frisbee up ended up throwing it too high. Luckily and unluckily for him and just then Kasi quickly grabbed it up high and from the shadows and used it to knock them with deep cuts to the heads leaving the boy to look on horrified by what had just happened before slowly stepping away to act like nothing happened sparking Fuli’s attention.

“Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight

Shake your tail, shake your tail.”

Twilight Sparkle.

“So what you didn't get it right the first time.”

From the audience, Apple Bloom called out while leaning beside the other Crusaders with the same look of disinterest. "Boring!"

In an effort to put smiles on their faces, Pinkie shoot confetti from her drums.

Pinkie Pie.

“Laugh it off, no one said it is a crime.”

Once Rarity was now free she moved to sing into her mic.


“Do your thing, you know you're an original."


“Your ideas are so funny that they're criminal."

The Rainbooms;


One of the confetti pieces flew into Twilight's mouth, causing her to cough. Fluttershy quickly slapped her back to force the paper out of her throat. During the brief moment of recovery she noticed Flash scowling at her much to her dishearten surprise.

“What I did do to deserve that?” She thought before she and everyone sang I unison.

The Rainbooms.

“We've just got the day to get ready

And there's only so much time to lose

Because tonight, yeah, we're here to party

So let's think of something fun to do.”

Fuli upon taking her turn along with Ono both looked up noticed both Snips and Snails attempting to sabotage the act as well. The two laughed mischievously as they moved the spotlight….

Onto Fluttershy.

The shy girl stopped singing and playing her tambourine and moved in vain to avoid having the spotlight on her literally.

“We don't know

(we don't know)

What's gonna happen

We just know

(we just know)

It's gonna feel right

All our friends are here

And it's time to ignite the lights!”

Fuli deciding to take action pulled out a rock from her shorts pockets and chucked it right at the two with it first hitting Snips and then rebounded onto Snails thus causing them to drop to the ground after being knocked out. Fuli simply had her hands in her pockets like nothing had happened even when Mwenye Kuona and Kidevu moved to shove them off of the platform causing them to fall down and land on their necks.

The whole time, despite the weirdness that was all happening around them, the girls never stopped singing. Fluttershy still traumatized by stage fright hid behind Pinkie Pie's drums.

“Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight

Shake your tail, shake your tail”

Rarity initially had some relief that she was able continue performing without further incident only for it to be short-lived when the pompadour boy used the magnets left behind to rip the sleeves right off of her jacket with a smug grin. Seeing this, had her crying with her mascara running down her cheeks.

“Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight

Shake your tail, shake your tail

Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight

Shake your tail, shake your tail.”

Rarity finally managed to pull away from the magnets hold, only to have her fringes and sleeves completely ripped off. Seeing this, she began to cry, her mascara running down her cheeks.

“Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight

Shake your tail, shake your tail

Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight!”

Once their song had ended, came the only applause courtesy of both Celestia and Luna while everyone else is still under the hate and overly-competitive bad blood from the bad guys and girls spell.

“Wow!” Was all Ono could say in response to the sabotage during their performance.

As the girls returned backstage, the Lightning Bolts minus Kion looked on in complete shock of what they just saw while Rarity was still weeping and wiping the mascara from her eyes.

"Ruined! Absolutely ruined!"

“What happened?” Beshte asked in concern while rushing over to give her some tissues to help wipe the tears and ruined makeup off of her face.

Before Rarity could answer she is quickly confronted by Applejack as she put her base down. "Rarity, were you tryin' to make us lose out there?!"

"Wh- Oh! This was not my fault! This was an act of sabotage!"

“That’s true.” Fuli spoke in her defense. “The other contestants were toying around with you in an act of jealousy.”

“They were literally trying to make you all look bad!” Canterlot Bunga added in agreement.

“But both Kion and Fuli…”

But much like her stubborn pony counterpart Applejack refused to believe it. "Yeah, well, either way, this couldn't have happen if Rarity didn't insist on dressin' like... like…this!" She gestured to Rarity's clothes once more. "We need to sound good! Is there some reason that concept seems to escape you?"

As the two argued, Kion, Sunset and Twilight all shared worried looks.

"And what was with the confetti, Pinkie Pie?" Rainbow Dash argued in her direction while waving a piece of orange confetti in her hand, "How am I supposed to shred if there's paper stuck in my frets?!"

"It was pretty distracting…" Fluttershy said in agreement thus offending her greatly.

"Ugh! Says the girl who was running from a light the whole time! A light!"

Before their frustrations could boil over, Twilight stepped in to stop it. “QUIET!” She shouted. “Arguing solves nothing. We need to keep better control of her emotions.” She stressed with gritted teeth. Everyone immediately stopped and looked aside like she is their stern mother frowning upon them. “It’s okay.” Twilight assured everyone in a now kind and gentle tone. “We still advanced to the next round regardless of the shenanigans that were going on during our performance.”

“Twilight’s right.” Sunset agreed. “You all sounded much better than most of the other bands. I'm sure you'll make it to the next round. But it won't matter if you don't have that counter-spell ready."

At the mention of this, Twilight’s composure cracked once more with Kion knowing full well that’s not great to see. "You all find a place to practice where the sirens can't hear you. I'll keep an eye on things around here and watch over the Lightning Bolts performance."

“Which means we go right after them.” Fuli stated while ushering Kion and the remaining boys to the side of the stage so they can be prepared to perform. “Good luck, girls. You’re going to need it.”

At that moment the next band came out on stage, Derpy’s band. Their instruments consisted of a cowbell, a triangle and…a saw.

“Judging from the way things look, there might not be much competition to worry about in the next round.” Ono commented in disbelief at their instrument selection. “What’s next? Ding-dongs and doorbells?”

“I’d rather try not to think about it.” Sunset replied while they prepare to watch the band on stage give it all they got performance-wise.

In the meantime the six girls all walked down the halls looking for a good and quiet place to practice. As they walked Twilight, once again, bumped into the human Flash Sentry. He was leaning on the lockers along with his bandmates.

Twilight smiled nervously as she brushed the dust of her pants and straighten up her vest. “Ha, ha, we really need to stop bumping into each other like this." She said with a smile only to see that Flash Sentry is acting like she isn’t there.

"Uh, you guys hear something?" He asked rather coldly and indifferent much to Twilight’s surprise.

The band-mates shook their heads and muttered no in response.

"I said, we have to stop—"

"There it is again. So annoying."

"Why are you acting like this?" Twilight asked not understanding what she did to deserve this attitude. "I thought we were friends."

Flash Sentry turned to look at her angrily. "Yeah, and then you decide to come back here just so you can beat me in the Battle of the Bands. I want this, Twilight, and you're trying to take it from me! Some friend."

"That's not why—" Twilight tried to speak in her defense only for Applejack to grab her by the arm to try to drag her away.

"Come on, girls. We've got things to do."

But Twilight wasn’t having it as she moved to confront Flash face to face while shaking off her friend’s grip. “No! That’s not why I’m here. I’m here because there are more important than winning a simple band competition.”

“And just who do you think you are?!…” Flash suddenly finds himself slammed up against the lockers by the now aggressive and agitated girl frightening his band mates in the process.

“I’m the girl you once fell in love with and even spent days wanting to see me in my absence. You must the other guy who is now treating me like I’m not someone you met once before and acting like you have the right to talk to me like this so don’t you dare tell me that there is a reason for throwing away what you had.” Flash was now left terrified by her and literally had nothing to say in response in the face that when push comes to shove she can throw down as hard as Sunset and is not someone to be trifled with. “I am not trying to take anything away from you…” She said in a calmer tone. “…I’m just a friend who wants to see the Flash I truly know and if you can’t show it, then I guess there is no more for a relationship.”

Flash having snapped back to reality for a second just looks on now feeling regretful upon realizing his attitude but by then it was too late since Twilight had already released his grip on him. “So what you’re breaking up with me?”

Feeling like there was nothing left to discuss feeling he might still be under his spell and use that to verbally attack her again she replied. “Yes, I guess I am.” And she left it at that before turning his back on him and left. “Now we can go.” She said to the other girls without eye contact.

They all followed after her but not without looking on scared and intimidated by her to the point not one of them dared to say a word to her about it while Flash was rendered deadly silent to the point he didn’t even try a mount a hateful comment in her direction and can only look down in shame. All in the name of what was supposed to be a friendly competition turning into a hateful and spiteful blood bath filled with cruel and harsh insults directed at one and another he lost a potential love interest.

Twilight as she walked away didn’t feel much better herself due to having to say that in a desperate and harsh manner just to get through to him with tears coming out of her eyes despite keeping a straight and serious face.

Away from their view, the Dazzlings watched the scene taking great pleasure of what emotional pain they have caused just now.

Adagio chuckled with a sadistic grin. "Tears already? This is only the first round."

Aria and Sonata also laughed at Twilight's expense when Celestia's voice was heard through the intercom. "The next band to take the stage will be Trixie and the Illusions."

Adagio then motioned the other girls to follow her. "Better head back. We're supposed to go on after Trixie." The Dazzlings made their way backstage, only to confront Sunset leaning against the wall, her arms crossed and her face partly covered by a shadow. She stood before them with a stern glare in their direction.

"You're never gonna get away with this."

"Why? Because you didn't?"

Sunset remained silent in response trying to understand where she is getting at she moved to circle around her as she walked. "Oh, we know all about you, Sunset Shimmer. You've got quite the reputation at Canterlot High."

"I've changed! I'm in a much better place now!" Sunset defensively exclaimed as Aria joined in on circling around her.

"Waiting in the wings while your friends have all the fun?"

Adagio smirked as she continued. "Oh, yes, you girls are so tight. And yet... they didn't ask you to be in the band."

Aria then added. "Probably afraid no one will want to see them play if she was in the group."

Sunset was now left with her previous composure cracked as the truth of their words sink in yet didn’t want them to get in her head.

Sonata then chimed in with the mocking. "Too bad! So sad!"

"If it's any consolation, no one is going to remember you at all by the time we're done." Adagio said as she and her sirens walked pass Sunset, but not before she and Sonota bumped hips with Sunset in a taunting manner, leaving the poor girl now downhearted and downcast.

Kion having witnessed from inside the gym went outside to comfort her all while avoiding being seen by the Dazzling’s. “You know they’re wrong and they’re just trying to break you.”

Sunset acknowledged this but still didn’t make eye contact and she was still hurt by their words. “Well its working and they’re also not wrong too. You heard what they said and you’ve seen it all.”

Kion still moved to console her. “Well for what it’s worth you’re not alone there since Twilight is now walking around with a broken heart.”

Sunset looked at him curiously and confused. "What does that mean?"

"Ever since the Canterlot Wedding since the day her brother and future sister-in-law were supposed to get married, she hasn’t been the same. She correctly suspected that the bride was an imposter and nobody believed her to the point she got yelled at big time when she confronted her during the rehearsal.”

“You were there?”

“I was there, me, Beshte, Fuli, Ono, Kyoga, Bunga, and my dad were all there and comforted her when no one else would, but by the time Scar unleashed his attempted invasion during the wedding she had already gotten scarred from the whole ordeal to the point after some convincing and a dark magic infection from Scar she would go on to help him conquer the Pride Lands.”

“Really? So that’s why she’s acted all tough and aggressive since she was last here?”

“Yeah, that really hurt deep down, especially due to feeling betrayed thanks to some mean kids pulling a very cruel prank on her when she was in magic kindergarten that shattered her faith in friendship up until she met me and the other girls back home.”

"The paint, confetti, and stuffed animal prank?"

“Yeah, how did you know?”

“I didn’t. It was just a lucky guess between that and shaving a poor kid bald which are considered here the ultimate pranks anyone could ever pull on someone.” Sunset shrugged to emphasize how lucky she was on the mark with her guess.

“Anyways, I’ve only seen this prank once more back when I was first exploring through this world.” She recalled the memory of her first days here in this world. “You know, back when I was you know all mean and malicious, I came across this school that is known that to have the most academically talented students in the city. Because they only allow students and facility on campus I had to do my research in secret and yes that does mean spying on them unnoticed. It was there I witnessed the meanest girls in school pulling the biggest pranks anyone could ever imagine. Razors, paint balloons, clown props, the art of internet video creations, party props, you name it.”

While wearing a black spy suit to conceal her full appearance it was all possible for her to witness this from outside the classroom windows. “Then came one day where I saw it in its full glory where paint came raining down along with confetti and stuffed animals for all eyes to see in the gym. After first everyone was shocked then the whole crowd erupted into laughter. And yet a very few pair of eyes didn’t finding it funny, me included.” She recalled doing just that upon seeing the poor girl run off in tears. “I don’t know why back then but it wasn’t until I saw what happened the other day with you that I came realize why it wasn’t really funny. Rumors had it this girl has just started out her first day here and this has been the reception she’s been getting ever since then.”

“Right…” Kion knew exactly what she is talking about with the memory of his humiliation resurfacing. “…that.”

“And before I forget…” Sunset continued. “…I just want to say I’m sorry for what happened back there and of course back then when you were first here.”

“Me too.”

“For what? You didn’t do anything back then.”

“No.” Kion corrected. “I mean the other night when I accidentally got a little too invested in the Lions of the Past sending rain your way and actually comparing you to Scar. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, I was just overly-curious at the thought of you still being able to possess the Roar even after what happened back then.”

“I know you didn’t mean it, and it’s all very confusing for me too, if the Lions of the Past judged me by having the inner demon inside of me destroyed and I somehow am able to roar even after using it for evil, what does that mean?”

“Good question. Maybe it was they saw that you aren’t totally evil.” Kion suggested. “Maybe they saw you as someone who deserves a second chance much like the friends you have right now, including me.”

Sunset smiled in response to that heartwarming compliment as Kion returned it in kind. “Thanks. Twilight sure is lucky to have a friend like you in her life and I’m sure to death she knows it.”

“Oh, you have no idea.” Kion returned with a grin knowing full well of how true it is more than she probably realizes.

The Dazzlings prepared for their performance as they stood behind the curtain. "Remember, girls. We want to save the good stuff for when our full power has been restored." Adagio she reminded s their red pendents glowed brighter before the curtains opened up and the Dazzlings stepped forward so they can perform. Their hypnotic singing capturing the attention of everyone around the room as they began their performance.

“Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh

You didn't know that you fell

Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh.”


“Now that you're under our spell

Blindsided by the beat

Clapping your hands, stomping your feet

You didn't know that you fell."

Sonata and Aria;


Now you've fallen under our spell.”

Sonata and Aria;


As they sang, the rest of the bands competed against one another giving everything they have. All while Kion looks on worried watching this all-out war drag on.

The Dazzlings;

“We've got the music, makes you move it

Got the song that makes you lose it

We say "jump", you say "how high?"

Put your hands up to the sky.”

Bulk Biceps played his violin and bested Snips and Snails in the one on one match-up thus eliminating them from the competition.

“We've got the music, makes you move it

Got the song that makes you lose it

We say "jump", you say "how high?"

Put your hands up to the sky.”

Flash Sentry and his band competed against the eco-teens, and managed to best them. Twilight shook her head. Counterpart or no, this was not the Flash Sentry she met when she first came here. But she needed to focus more on the counter-spell. The poor girl was pulling her hair out as she is desperately trying to figure it out.

“Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh

You didn't know that you fell

Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh

Now that you're under our spell.”

Adagio Dazzle;

“Listen to the sound of my voice.”

Sonata and Aria;

“Oh-whoa, oh-oh-oh.”


“Soon you'll find you don't have a choice.”

Sonata and Aria;

“Oh-whoa, oh-oh-oh.”


“Captured in the web of my song.”

Sonata and Aria;

“Oh-whoa, oh-oh-oh.”


“Soon you'll all be singing along.”

Sonata and Aria;

“Oh, whoa, oh.”

The Rainbooms then competed against Octavia and her cello, but the Rainbooms managed to best her with hard fought effort.

After the Rainbooms performed, the Lightning Bolts performed taking on the Cutie Mark Crusaders band, to which the Lightning Bolts were able to take on but not without regrets of having to do this to them. Even when they tried to console them and wished it hadn’t come down to this, they all bitterly slapped it away, literally, clearly hurting their feelings in the process. It was getting clear that the Siren’s and Wild One’s spell is increasing in intensity.

“We've got the music, makes you move it

Got the song that makes you lose it.

We say "jump", you say "how high?"

Put your hands up to the sky.”

Lyra Heartstrings and Sweetie Drops performed a piano duet but were bested by Trixie and her band-mates. Trixie was on her way to the semi-finals along with the Rainbooms, Lightning Bolts, Wild Ones, and the Dazzlings.

“We've got the music, makes you move it

Got the song that makes you lose it

We say "jump", you say "how high?"

Put your hands up to the sky.”

In the meantime, Twilight is still struggling on creating the counter spell, all while listening in to everyone minus her friends arguing amongst one another repeatedly. Sunset could only stand by alongside Kion greatly worried by the growing negative energy spreading around the whole school.

“It was like a buffet for the sirens.

Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh

You didn't know that you fell

Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh

Now that you're under our spell

Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh

You didn't know that you fell

Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh

Now that you're under our…”



Muah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!….”

After most of the events have unfolded in this band competition, Vice-Principal Luna crossed the very last band to be eliminated on the white board as she arranged the four final bands. Trixie's, the Lightning Bolts, Wild Ones, and the Rainbooms. Flash Sentry was left furious upon seeing that he and his band have been eliminated before storming off from the tournament bracket.

Upon sipping his drink, Kidevu eyes opened up and widen when he noticed something that had him spit his drink accidentally in Nguvo’s face. “Uh-oh! Oops! Sorry!”

“You better have a good reason for spitting right in my face.” The short-tempered boy voiced with a tranquil tone of voice while his anger is still radiated from the look of his expression.

“I do! Look! Over there, at the entrance!” He pointed them there.

“What?” The band member with the pompadour asked before dropping his mirror in shock. “Oh, sugar honey iced tea!”

Uovu is the only one alongside Kasi keeping their cool. “It’s okay. Just quickly act naturally.”

Just then the trio wearing business suits and shades arrived along with their superior as they walked inside to get a glimpse of the best competition heading into the upcoming finals tomorrow. In order to avoid being seen and drawing attention, the four all stood by the doors and acted casually by helping themselves to refreshments and hid their badges from sight. Right now their eyes were briefly focused on the Dazzling’s then the Wild Ones, along with the Lightning Bolts and Rainbooms, specifically Twilight Sparkle when they all went backstage together.

Their leader whose face is still unseen locked eyes with their Wild One’s who all turned their eyes aside to avoid eye contact with him with a narrowed look before turning away to focus on the purple haired girl.

“You think he’s on to us?” Hidafu asked once they weren’t under the radar.

“If he doesn’t have bigger fish to fry, then yes.” Kasi replied before focusing their sights on the stage. “All part of the plan.”

“Correct, Kasi.” Uovu nodded. “As long as his eyes are them they’re not going to go looking for and arresting us on the spot.”

Sunset gathered the others together to let them know of what this means through a little pep talk. "This is it! Last round and you're in the finals! Unless you think the counter-spell is ready to be played now." She asked Twilight hopefully when she turned to her.

Sadly, Twilight held the book tightly as she looked still looked on rather downcast.

“I’m afraid not.” Kion replied for her.

"Don't worry, Twilight." Applejack reassured, "Finals aren't until tonight. We'll get in a little more practice before we're supposed to hit the stage. We won't let you down!"

“Neither will we!” Fuli confidently stated while giving her an uplifting punch to the shoulder while shrugging off slight pain due to how tough and dense her arms are.

"Yeah!" The others all agreed in unison sharing Applejack’s reassuring smiles and upbeat attitude.

But Twilight still sadly turned away and muttered under her breath. "You won't let me down…"

Both Kion and Sunset looked at Twilight equally sad for her as Fluttershy spoke up to Rainbow Dash, "Um, I was just wondering. We haven't played any of my songs yet, and…"

"It's the semifinals." Rainbow interrupted clearly not interested in a word she said. "We gotta do "Awesome As I Wanna Be"."

Fluttershy looked down in disappointment, "Don't know why I even asked…"

Beshte having heard that attempted to reason with Rainbow Dash, "Come on Rainbow. At least give her a chance.” He gently but assertively pushed of the cocky girl.

"We'll play her songs latter. Right now, we need a killer song that is sure to get us into the finals."

Now it was Kion who is now looking on clearly annoyed with Rainbow's attitude right now. At least her pony counterpart can take having humble pie gracefully even while refraining from being too girly, girly at times.

“Any idea how a girl like her can wear a pink skirt and carry out with a ego as big as Jupiter?” He asked Ono’s human counterpart.

“Good question, Kion. I could ask Applejack the same thing minus the ego size as Neptune.”

“What?” Kion looked on clearly confused.

Ono quickly shook his head to clarify. “I meant Applejack wearing a skirt every day alongside everyone else amongst the group.” He then muttered. “Though I truly think Rainbow’s ego is more fitting the size of Uranus.”

Both Bunga’s having heard that both giggled in response.

“Oh my…”

“He said…oh he said…”

“You both think this is funny?!”

“No, no, no, no!”

“It’s just that word you said, made us laugh!”

“What word? Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto…no wait Pluto doesn’t count…Uranus?”

Both Bunga’s laughed uncontrollably.

“He said Uranus!”

“I now right! Hey Ono, Uranus is showing!”

Ono was clearly irritated and fuming. “There’s nothing funny about Uranus.”

Both briefly paused for a few seconds before resuming their fit of uncontrollable laughing with the already tested boy walked off clearly disgusted with their sense of humor.

Trixie and her band were nearly done with their song.

“...I got tricks up my sleeve

See me dominate

'Cause I'm powerful and grea-ea-eat!”

Trixie and her band-mates bowed as the crowed cheered and Celestia and Luna applauded.


Trixie left the stage and met up with the Rainbooms and Lightning Bolts. Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes at her when the magician herself smiled smugly at her. "Hmph. You're never gonna top that performance, "Rain-goons". You shouldn't be allowed to when you have such a big advantage over the rest of us."

Rainbow Dash smirked as she adjusted her guitar, "My superior guitar playing and off-the-charts awesome singing voice?"

"Oh, don't be ridiculous. I mean her!" Trixie pointed towards Twilight, who returned a glare in her direction for insulting her friends like that. "If you were really all that, Rainbow Dash, you wouldn't have needed to bring in some magical ringer to have half a chance." She further mocked while inspecting her nails, "Everyone's talking about it."

Rainbow Dash laughed, "Ha! Puh-leeze! I could win this thing as a solo act and everybody knows it!"

Hearing that really sparked anger in everyone’s hearts including Pinkie and Fluttershy with Kion looking very angry compared to everyone else. Those arrogant words she just spoke are something that her pony self would not even say even at her worst, a clear sign that she is letting this whole band get to her head.

"Sure you could." Trixie scoffed, before finding Twilight gaining the courage to stand up right in front of hers.

"Trixie, I think it is time for you to go." She said in a demanding tone.


“I said now!”

Trixie complied without another word before tossing down a powder bomb and disappeared in a puff of blue smoke. The Rainbooms all coughed as the smoke diminished.

Pinkie Pie gasped. "She's gone!….Oh, wait. There she is."

Trixie was hiding behind a drum set before zipping away before anything else could happen all while leaving behind a handful of hairpins.

Celestia's voice was heard on the intercom. "Next up, the Lightning Bolts."

The Lion Guard’s human counterpart’s move to take the stage ready to do their part in hopes they can advance to the finals. For their next performance they performed something that’ll be sure to be worthy to advance with Fuli taking lead on singing.

You Don't Know Me

After the song had ended the crowd cheered for them. Everyone loved their performance for the first time throughout the whole competition. All but one band, the Dazzlings who are now feeling shocked that everyone is no longer under their control.

For the first time during the competition, Adiago is left utterly shocked beyond words. “But how…?! This is impossible…?! They can’t actually be doing this! They’d have to…”

“By spreading the Power of Friendship?” Both Sonota and Aria asked in unison.


Uovu who was sitting beside her isn’t too worried about that. He still remained calm and collected. “At least for now…”

After the cheering had died down, Vice Principal Luna spoke through the microphone once more. “And now for our next semifinalist, the Wild Ones.”

Uovu stood up before leading his boys on over to the stage. “And now is the time we start to have some fun with our competition.”

“The part we start laying out some of our cards. Starting with the Lightning Bolts…” Once he was on stage he made a little announcement for the crowd. “And before we begin our next performance, I’ll need volunteers to come up on stage…” He eyes everyone in the crowd before deliberately eyeing the Lightning Bolts. “…how about you five?” Minus Kion they all look confused before realizing why.

“No, no, that’s quite all right, thank you.” Fuli politely declined on behalf of the team.

But both Kasi and Nguvo were quick to whisk her upstage away with the others doing the same for Beshte and the two Bunga’s.

“But we insist that you join us, after all its bad manners to refuse a good musician’s offer.” Kasi said.

“Yeah, you wouldn’t want to disappoint everyone would you?” Nguvo added threateningly.

“Trust me when I tell you that you don’t want to piss him off.” Uovu advised. “Not even anger management is capable of taming his temper. In addition, this performance fits you to the T.”

The Lightning Bolts minus Kion were then left completely unprepared for what happened next during their next musical number with Uovu taking the lead on singing while the others play their band instruments. With Nguvo on drums, Hidafu and Kidevu on trumpets, Mwenye Kuona and Kasi both playing the piano they performed this tune together.

You're Only Second Rate

"I must admit,

Your parlor tricks are amusing."

Uovu using the magic summoned from the growing bad blood from the angry students managed to have Kion appear wearing a magician's outfit with his top hat stuck and covering his eyes leaving the boy struggling to remove it until the former moved to remove it.

"I bet you've got a bunny

Under your hat!"

Said large bunny suddenly appeared over his head causing Kion to collapse to the ground because of it. Just then another puff of red smoke appeared and had said hat have cards appearing from it with Uovu shuffling the deck with his eyes now focused on both Bunga's.

"Now here's your chance

To get the best of me,

Hope your hand is hot!"

He then scatters the cards around while the two appear wearing joker costumes as a result.

"C'mon, clown,

Let's see what you've got!"

Feeling challenged and acting in his friend's defense, Kion moved to try to redirect that magic against them.

"You try to slam me with your hardest stuff

But your double whammy

Isn't up to snuff..."

Uovu shrugged it off like it was nothing before yanking him down to have him appear with sudden and rapid aging to the point he is a senior citizen.

"I'll set the record straight

You're simply out of date

You're only second rate!"

Furious, Fuli briefly appearing in her cheetah form moved to attack in her friend's defense with Kasi taking turn in singing and fending her off in defense.

"You think your cat's a meanine,

But your tiger's tame."

Fuli suddenly appeared as a harmless kitty when she went through the hoop courtesy of Kasi before finding herself up on a rising stool with a chalkboard appearing behind her with the latter now wearing a tutors and graduation hat.

"You've got a lot to learn

About the magic game."

Just when Fuli appeared in her human form and was ready to fight she suddenly found herself falling down the hidden trapdoor on the stage.

"So for your information,

I'll reiterate

You're only second rate!"

Next up was Mwenye Kuona's turn as he showed Ono his fingers all with his faces appearing on each and every digit to intimidate him into falling on his back.

"Men cower at the power

In my pinky

My thumb is number one

On every list."

Next up Hidafu moved to sing where appearing large and in charge in the face of the Lightning Bolt's strongest.

"But if you're not convinced

That I'm invincible,

Put me to the test!

I'd love to lay this rivalry to rest!"

Feeling determined not to let this ongoing humiliation continue, he gave his all in his charge with Kion joining alongside him in his current and young age.

"Go ahead and zap me

With the big surprise

Snap me in a trap,

Cut me down to size..."

Ono briefly looked up and winced at the sight.

"...I'll make a great escape

It's just a piece of cake

You're only second rate!"

Now feeling outmatched and intimidated with Beshte and Kion both getting literally covered in cake, both Bunga's moved to literally make a run for it before finding themselves facing off against Nguvo who takes his turn in singing the song.

"You know, your hocus-pocus

Isn't tough enough

And your mumbo-jumbo

Doesn't measure up."

During the dodging him, they both narrowly dodged a hot magical blast from the short man before splitting apart.

Let me pontificate

Upon your sorry state

You're only second rate!"

Both Bunga's were left running around trying to get away from the Wild Ones when Kidafu appeared all over the stage.


Granny's gonna grab ya!"

Appearing and floating over the stage, Uovu took center stage once more before he and his men surrounded them with Mwenye Kuona pantsing them both, having them cover their boxer shorts underneath and sporting embarrassed smiles to the audience.


And this thing's bigger than the both of us!

So spare me your tremendous scare!

You look horrendous in your underwear!

And I can hardly wait

To discombobulate

I'll send ya back and packing

In a shipping crate

You'll make a better living

With a spinning plate

You're only second rate!"

After their performance, the band was all left humiliated as everyone cheered for their performance along with laughed at the Lightning Bolts at their expense.

“Well…looks like it’s all up to you girls now.” Fuli said as she went ahead to fetch towels so they can get all cleaned up. “Since I now get the feeling that the Wild Ones have just cemented themselves as a finalist alongside the Siren’s.”

“Next up…the Rainbooms.” Principal Celestia announced through the microphone thus getting their attention in getting up onto the stage so they can perform a worthy song that’ll get them in the Finals alongside the other three bands already locked in.

At this time the girls were not really excited to go on. All but Rainbow Dash who is the only one excited and ready to perform her favorite song.

Spike wagged his tail as he called after them. "Knock 'em dead, Rainbooms!" he said encouragingly.

Sunset waved after them while wishing them luck too. "I'll be here... just... watching." She then looked downcast as her friends got up on stage just wishing she could be treated as a trustworthy equal alongside them.

Pinkie Pie played on her drums as the spotlight appeared on each of the girls.

The Rainbooms;

“Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!”

Rainbow Dash;

“Awesome as I wanna be.”

While the girls sang backup, Fluttershy frowned in Rainbow’s direction as she played her heart out with her guitar.

The Rainbooms;

“Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!”

Rainbow Dash;

“Awesome as I wanna be.”

Rainbow began playing beside her friends, showing off as usual. Fuli couldn't help shake her head in disapproval.

“First you see me riding on a sonic boom

Got my guitar shreddin' up the latest tune

There is nothin' you can do to beat me

I'm so good that you can't defeat me.”

As the Rainbooms sang along with her, they all did so without sharing the energetic passion Rainbow has. They still sounded great but they weren’t feeling very excited knowing this is only boosting their lead singer’s overgrowing ego.

Rainbow and the Rainbooms;

“Yeah, I'm awesome, take caution

Watch out for me, I'm awesome as I wanna be


I'm awesome, take caution

Watch out for me, I'm awesome as I wanna be.”

Sunset looked on in worry upon seeing Rainbow’s performance. This is clearly going against their plan to keep their magical advantage under wraps.

Sure enough, the spotlight moved to aim solely on Rainbow Dash during her guitar solo, much to the growing annoyance of her other band-mates who made through their singing tone clear of their disapproval.

The Rainbooms;

“Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!”

As Rainbow gave it her all her ears were starting to magically manifest, the only friends keeping it a secret looked on in horror.

“Oh no!”


“What is she doing?!”

“Hapana! She’s blowing her own cover!”

Sunset’s eyes widen in panic upon seeing Rainbow is about to blow her own cover. So without thinking she was quick to force herself onto the stage and tackled Rainbow Dash during her solo and the two girls landed on the ground, accidentally knocking Twilight, who bumped into Rarity, who tripped and kicked Applejack's base right off of her hand which fell right into one of Pinkie's drums.

The music stopped when it happened.

Once the lights got back on, Fluttershy squealed and ran away in fear, while dropping her tambourine. Rainbow's ears disappeared and she glared angrily at Sunset who stood up, looking at all of the people glaring at her, even the Principals.

"Now that's the bad girl we love to hate!" Flash Sentry shouted amongst the crowd with everyone in the room joining in on the booing at her.

"I knew she was still trouble!"

"The real Sunset Shimmer is back!"

Sunset felt her heart race and her blood boiling due to her anxiety. This was exactly what she didn't want. She clenched her head, trying to drown out their angry cries, but it was futile.

"No. It isn't like that."

But it was all on deaf ears, as everyone started throwing empty soda cans and pencils at her as they continued to shout, jeer, and even cursed. All of their yelling and anger, it was all too much for the poor girl.

Upon seeing this and seeing flashbacks of her similar past encounters with this kind of jeering, Twilight looked on in shock for a few seconds. She then snapped out of her flashback scene before moving to take a microphone from her stand to speak up.


With one loud booming voice everyone immediately shut up as all eyes and ears were now focused on the purple girl who moved to turn to Applejack and Rarity. With a nod, she got the farm girl and fashionista to start playing their instruments. With music starting up she moved to start singing.

In a slow and somber tone…

“Here I am, once again

Feeling lost but now and then

I breathe it in to let it go…”

Twilight motioned for both girls to up-tempo the music as she start singing in a more upbeat tone as everyone watches curiously, including their antagonistic competition.

“And you don't know where you are now

Or what it would come to, if only somebody could hear

When you figure out how

You're lost in the moment, you disappear…”

Suddenly everyone was all in awe and free from the spell as they listened in to this song as the other girls all joined in on playing their instruments even the reluctant and cross Rainbow Dash. While singing she extended her hand to Sunset to take before pulling her up on her feet so she can have her dance alongside her and the band.

“You don't have to be afraid to put your dream in action

You're never gonna fade, you'll be the main attraction

Not a fantasy, just remember me

When it turns out right

'Cause you know that if you live in your imagination

Tomorrow, you'll be everybody's fascination

In my victory, just remember me

When I make it shine…”

The Dazzlings and Wild Ones all looked on in astonishment as she too is managing to sing the right chords to counteract their influencing spell while watching Twilight and Sunset dance together. During which Rainbow came to join in on the song with a more upbeat attitude while reigning in her over-excited passion.

“Reachin' high, feelin' low

I'm holding on but letting go

I like to shine, I'll shine for you

And it's time to show the world how

It's a little bit closer, as long as I'm ready to go

All we have is right now

As long as you feel it inside, you know…”

While watching the four authority-like figures all watched on looking very impressed even when their leader’s facial expression don’t show it. Clearly, this girl has improvising chops on her hands.

"You don't have to be afraid to put your dream in action

You're never gonna fade, you'll be the main attraction

Not a fantasy, just remember me

When it turns out right

'Cause you know that if you live in your imagination

Tomorrow, you'll be everybody's fascination

In my victory, just remember me

When I make it shine.”

To cap off their performance, with magic smoke bombs and sparkles, there was a dazzling display of magic from the background on the stage. The crowd cheered and applauded for the stunning display. Twilight held both Rainbow and Sunset's hands as she rose them up in victory. Sunset smiled graciously as she whispered. "Thank you."

However, the Dazzling’s looked on unhappily at the sight just knowing that girl is really going to start posing a threat to their plans.

“Easy girls…” Uovu calmly assured as he eyes the four men taking notes and looking and sharing information through their phones. “…This will be taken care of in just a few minutes. Just watch and learn…”

Backstage, the girls sighed in relief. Thanks to Twilight’s quick thinking, not only were they sure to get into the finals, but they managed to convince everyone it was all part of the act. Twilight had to take deep breathes to calm her anxiety before managing to tame it and calm herself down.

"What was that?!" Rainbow angrily demanded with her fury focused on Sunset for shoving her aside like that.

“What was what, Rainbow?” Twilight asked.

“Sunset! You! Pushing me in the middle of my performance like that?!”

"You were showing them your magic! What else was I supposed to do?!" Sunset quickly and innocently defended.

Rarity spoke next siding with Rainbow Dash. "Ugh. Close the curtains? Unplug her amp? Give us a chance to deal with the situation?"

“And risk allowing the Siren’s and Wild One’s see our secret advantage for all eyes and ears to see?!” Twilight fired back. “If she didn’t do what she just did, then they would have found about it and taken action to stop us from foiling their power-hungry ambitions.”

“I just wanted to help." Sunset further pleaded with Rainbow Dash who is still refusing to understand the consequences she nearly caused upon everyone.

"Yeah, well, you didn't."

Applejack stepped in to defend Sunset Shimmer, and Twilight. "None of this would've happened if you weren't trying to show off – as usual."

The two girls glared at one another when Trixie showed up again, "Good show, "Rain-brooms". I especially liked the part where Sunset Shimmer, in a fit of jealous rage, knocked out Rainbow Dash mid-guitar solo!"

Sunset's cheeks burned red as she turned to yell back at the obnoxious girl., "It wasn't a fit of jealous rage!" Upon realizing her outburst, she backed away, while the others looked on in uncertainty seeing that this is not helping her own case here.

Trixie smirked, "If you say so."

“Trixie…” Twilight sternly voiced to her in an intimidating manner. “…we talked about this. Leave her be.”

Trixie wisely backed off once again but yet still smiled smugly feeling she is going to the Finals. “Very well. But with all things considered, you should try sticking to one song before going up on stage you know…” Twilight’s fierce scowl forced her to shut up while the principals looked over their papers.

Just then the doors opened and Sunset heard vocalizing courtesy of the Dazzlings. They were singing in harmony to the principals to further put them under their trance. Their red pendants glowed as they sang with the two sisters' eyes becoming blank as a result.

"What can we do?" Rarity asked in worry. "There isn't gonna be another opportunity for us to play. And I had the most gorgeous outfit for the finals!"

Applejack rolled her eyes in annoyance yet again. "Yup, 'cause that's the real tragedy, Rarity – that you won't get to play dress-up!"

"You know perfectly well that is not what I meant!" She fiercely shot back.

Rainbow Dash separated the two bickering girls before another fight can erupt again. "You guys wanna keep it down? They're about to announce who's moving on."

"Who are you kidding?" Flutershy said hopelessly, "You know it isn't gonna be us."

Admittedly, considering of how they switched songs mid-performance, it wasn’t hard to see why they won’t be in the finals.

They were right, after the display Korra, Sunset and Twilight did, they were most likely disqualified. But Twilight remained optimistic otherwise as Principal Celestia announced the winners.

"The band that will be joining the Dazzlings and Wild Ones in tonight's finals…"

Trixie readied herself for what she expected to hear but...

"The Rainbooms and Lightning Bolts!"



"Did they just say, "the Rainbooms"?!" Pinkie Pie asked in disbelief.

Much to Twilight’s relief and everyone else’s surprise, that mid-song swap and blunder didn’t cost them. Though Trixie still snarled, baring her teeth as she stomped away in furious defeat, "This isn't over!"

The two bands all walked onto the stage and stood before the principals who smiled at them.

"Congratulations, girls and boys. You deserve it."

“Thank you.” Twilight kindly and humbly returned. “It means a lot to hear that from you.”

“We look forward to seeing and hearing you and our bands play tomorrow. It’ll sure be a treat to the audience.” Celestia returned with a smile even though one close inspection could tell Twilight that she is still under the Dazzling and Wild One’s spell.

The Dazzlings and Wild Ones approached their competition upon hearing the announcement.

"See you at tonight's big show, Rainbooms." Adagio said. "We are really looking forward to it."

Uovu then turned to Twilight with a smirk and then said. "That was quite a quick recovery, clever girl. Very impressive of being able to think on your feet like that for a smooth return to form. And I gotta say it is nothing like I have ever seen before."

“Uh-huh…” Twilight looked on warily of her. “…thanks.”

“No really it is.” Adiago insisted. “I could not have come up with a better comeback myself. Enjoy the attention while it last’s because after you lose, no will remember you.”

“Maybe so. But when you lose, no one will ever let you forget it.” Twilight confidently retorted leaving the opposing band stunned.

“Oh, wow, that is a good point.” Sonota spoke earning herself a slap on the back of the head from her leader while watching Twilight lead both teams off and away from the stage while everyone cheers for them.

“Touche.” Uovu complimented while seeing her off before his seemingly friendly wave turn into crossed arms combined with a devious smirk as he witnesses the sharp-dressed men follow after them.

These four men pursed the teens into the hallway with fast power walking strides as they caught up to them.

“Excuse me, kids. Hold up for a second.” Their leader spoke causing them to stop in their tracks rather shocked and surprised upon seeing stern and serious faces approaching them.

“Is there something we can help you with?” Sunset worryingly asked if everything’s okay or not.

“And who are you people?” Kion added as he also asked feeling intimidated by these men as the lead man pulled his shades and revealed his face.

“That’s a very good question, young man.” A female voice similar to Shenzi spoke up while removing her shades to reveal her face as she emerged from the shadowed portion of the hallway. “What do you think Banzai?”

“Oh I don’t know, Shenzi…” Banzai spoke feeling rather entertained before turning to the other man standing and walking beside him. “What do you think Ed?” Much like the hyena back in the other world he giggled manically while looking on with his crazed up eyes. “Just what I was thinking, two wonderful groups of musicians and performers…along with one little trouble maker!” He said the last part eyeing the purple haired girl herself.

“Special Agent Askari…” He answered while revealing his slicked back black hair, neon green eyes, and unscarred face, with reddish-orange skin to match his face while he along with the others presented their badges. “…along with my associates, Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed.” No question that this is Scar’s mirror counterpart along with the former henchman back in the other world only they are federal officers in this world. Much like in the other world his eyes were locked on Twilight Sparkle himself and it wasn’t a good look for her. “And in the name of Secret Service, Twilight Sparkle, we’ve come for you and you’re under arrest.”

Twilight was shocked to hear of this as she could be so sure she never even committed a crime here. “Arrest?! For what?!”

“Prime suspect in recent reports of magical disturbances around Canterlot High.” He replied just when Shenzi moved to place the cuffs on Twilight’s hands behind her back.

“Along with another suspect seen when there was word of brief lion appearance and rain shower near your home, Sunset Shimmer.” Banzai added while moving to handcuff the equally surprised girl herself. “And from what I’ve been hearing you been up to quite a lot of no good business recently and that’s just the cherry on the cake.”

Ed chuckled wildly in response while loudly licking his lips as everyone else watches on shock at the sight of their dear friends being handcuffed and arrested.

"But you guys..." Kion desperately protested to them like he is about to crack and break down. "...you got it all wrong, Twilight and Sunset are not criminals, the guys and girls with the pendants and badges are the ones you should be after. They're the ones causing the magical disturbance here at this school not them!"

"And what proof do you have to back that up with..." Askari inquired of the boy who can only remain speechless in response. "...along with reports of students grievously injured with deep cuts to the head behind the stage along with neck trauma linked to your band's performances throughout the competition?" Kion still had no counter-response in the face of the pictures of said incidents committed during the competition unless he wants everyone else to take the heat for his and Fuli's actions when Twilight shook her head against speaking up about that last bit. "...I thought so." He then turned his attention back to the girls he now has in custody. "You both have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law.” The lead agent told them as his associates moved to force the two girls to walk away from their friends with Fluttershy having to hold Spike back from risking getting arrested alongside them.



“It’ll be okay girls…” Twilight calmly assured even with all things considered even with Spike crying his eyes out at the sight of his mother / older sister figure being taken away from her. “…I'm sure this is just a misunderstanding. Just stick to the mission.”

Upon hearing what they needed to hear after hearing the commotion the Siren’s leader turned to Trixie’s attention and seeing her still fuming about her loss. “And here's for where we do our part.” She said while gesturing the girls to follow after her. “Follow my lead girls."

"This is a travesty! A travesty!” She raged just when the Siren’s approached her.

"It really is!" Adagio said in the most fake sincere matter she could do. "The Rainbooms and Lightning Bolts don't deserve to be in the finals. Not when your band was so much better in the semis."

"And wanted it so much more." Aria added. "Alas, this is the way it's going to be. Dazzlings and Wild Ones vs. Lightning Bolts and Rainbooms."

Sonata stepped in and added herself. "Unless, of course, neither the Rainbooms and Lightning Bolts don't manage to make it to their set or held up for some reason."

And that’s what Trixie’s mind intrigued ready to listen and do what she has to do in order to ensure that happens, the way she wants things to go down.

Author's Note:

Here the band competition is underway with many teams battling their hearts and emotions out as they via to get themselves into the finals and it is sure testing everyone to the max and boy it is not pretty.

Everyone getting on each other's nerves, little things are getting to them, Twilight's unable to get the counter spell written up and working along with having a clash with Flash, Sunset is having a hard time coming to terms with her past self, and Kion is trying hard in keep pace and the peace in the competition.

As for the Dazzlings and Wild Ones, they're playing this along like everything is going along accordingly to their plan with the latter taking extra steps in ensuring those who threaten their endgame which involves joining in on the toying around with the Rainbooms, along with spreading leads to certain agents so they won't go looking for them. Specifically both Twilight and Sunset who both wind up in trouble with the Secret Service even after the former managed to secure the Rainbooms a spot in the Finals and just when the Lightning Bolts advanced even after being humiliated on stage.

And judging from how the Dazzlings are roping Trixie into one of their schemes, they along with the Wild Ones are not done tormenting the Lightning Bolts and Rainbooms as if losing both Twilight and Sunset wasn't bad enough.

Without saying much about what happens next is that things are about to get worse before things can get better so stay tuned until then...