• Published 22nd Aug 2022
  • 1,639 Views, 51 Comments

Solar and Lunar - marmalado

So...how do the sun and the moon move in G5, anyway?

  • ...

United We Stand, Divided She Falls

Sunny, Izzy, Pipp, Hitch and Zipp rushed to Maretime Bay as fast as their hooves would take them. Along the way, Hitch and Pipp's disguises wore off, and they reverted back to their usual forms -- which was a good thing, because although they wouldn't admit it, they weren't sure if Izzy's spell really was temporary. Along the way, the group neglected to stop at Terra's house, with Sunny citing that she was sure they could handle the rebuilding of the Unity Crystals and the restoration of the town themselves without the more experienced alicorn's assistance. Surely, all they had to worry about was Phyllis, and she didn't seem like much of a threat, she said.

As they passed the Welcome to Maretime Bay sign, the relief and excitement shared by them only served to grow bigger. Izzy, in particular, looked like she could almost start vibrating from it, while Pipp looked about ready to burst into song. Being in the home stretch of a mission was a wonderful thing, and everypony was reveling in it.

From his spot in front of the police station, where he was removing a few expired notices, Sprout turned to spot the group approaching them. "Sunny! Izzy! Hitch!" he called in relief, running up to meet them. "You're back!"

"Sure are!" An airborne Sunny landed and stopped to catch her breath before continuing. "How's it going?"

Sprout sighed. "Could be better."

As if on cue, a harsh cry cut through the vicinity. "Ponies of Maretime Bay! Hear my words and listen to me!"

Hitch's ears folded downwards, recognizing the voice. "Oh no."

"Oh yes." Sprout held up a hoof. "Just listen for yourself."

"We will be under attack by unicorns and Pegasi very soon! And leading them will be two alicorns, one of them being our very own Sunny Starscout!" Phyllis's words were practically screamed into the megaphone she held in her hoof. "We must take all precautions necessary! If you haven't already, buy some Anti-Unicorn-and-Pegasi heavy-duty household tape at Canterlogic to protect yourself and your loved ones from harm!"

Sprout scoffed. "The tape doesn't even work. She's selling bogus products now." He rolled his eyes. "At least her Anti-Mind-Reading Helmets and Unicorn Entrapment Devices actually worked as intended. But tape? To secure your house with? That wouldn't even keep an Earth pony out!"

Sunny stared at the ponies heading in the opposite direction of her, presumably towards the sound of the voice. "We were only gone for two days. Not even!" she exclaimed. "How..."

"How much has she sold?" Sprout finished. "A lot. More products than one would think could be sold in that small of a timeframe. She's become rich. Richer." His eyes widened in horror. "The richest."

Hitch bit his lip nervously. "It was always her dream to become the richest pony in Maretime Bay, wasn't it?" he recalled. "And now it's become a reality."

"Uh, pardon my ignorance..." Pipp made her way to the front. "But being rich isn't necessarily a bad thing. If somepony wants to get rich, and they get rich, then what's the problem?"

"Sis, did you ignore the fact that she was advertising tape that keeps out Pegasi and unicorns?" Zipp pointed out. "She's just like everypony else in Zephyr Heights and Bridlewood. Living in dissonance instead of harmony."

Pipp blinked. "Ohhh. Well, when you put it that way...yeah, that's not good."

"We have to stop your mother, Sprout." Sunny said. "Can you take us to her?"

Sprout hesitated for a moment. "I'm...not so sure that's a good idea." He swiveled his head around to look at a mare who was eagerly galloping past him and the rest of the group. "I don't know what she's going to do to you if she sees you. Let alone with, uh..." He pointed at Zipp and Pipp. "...you two."

"Maybe we should introduce ourselves?" Zipp offered, making her way up and standing next to her sister. "I'm Zipp Storm. The current Queen of Zephyr Heights." As Sprout bowed, the Pegasus waved a hoof. "No need to bow. Just call me Zipp."

"And I'm Pipp Petals! I'm the Princess of Zephyr Heights, Zipp's little sis. Niiiice to meeeet yooooou~!"

Sprout appreciated the ditty Pipp sang, and a smile formed on his face. "Nice to meet you both. I'm Sprout Cloverleaf. Been friends with Hitch and Sunny for years. I work at the Maretime Bay Police Station with Hitch, actually."

"We make a great team." Hitch gave a wink to Pipp and Zipp.

"Okay, now that introductions are over..." Sunny said. "Sprout, we have all the Unity Crystals. If we put them together, we can bring back magic!"

Sprout frowned. "It's a good idea in theory, but something tells me joining the Crystals together and restoring magic won't be the way to go."


"Even with magic back, who's to say those guys won't still hate unicorns and Pegasi?" Sprout pointed behind him. "Then Canterlogic is really going to thrive, even more than it already has. Phyllis is going insane because she has so much money and is profiting off of the fearful propaganda she's pedaling. She has almost everypony under her hoof, as supporters and as consumers." He paused for a moment. "If you guys want to try speaking to her, then be my guest, but don't be surprised if it doesn't work."

Sunny glanced at her friends. "Well, trying and failing is better than not trying at all, right?" She smiled. "I say we try talking to her. And if we can't do that, then we can at least try to convince the ponies of Maretime Bay to embrace other pony kinds. Who's with me?"

"I am!" Izzy frantically waved her hoof in the air. "Let's do it!"

"I'm in." Pipp nodded.

"It really couldn't hurt to try." Zipp concurred.

Hitch hesitated for a moment, looking from Sunny to Sprout and back again as though he didn't agree. After a couple minutes, however, he relented, and gave a nod. "All right."

"Great! Sprout, can you lead the way?" Sunny asked.

"Sure. Follow me!" Sprout took off in a gallop, and the group followed suit, ignoring the stares, the screams, and the cries of their names from ponies who were looking at them. All they were focused on was getting to meet Phyllis face-to-face and try to talk her down from her maddened state.

The pink-coated Earth pony spotted Sprout first-hoof as he pushed through the crowd, willingly ignoring Sunny and the others. "Ohh, Sprout! Welcome back, sweetie. Have you come to help me out?"

"Look at them, Mother."

"Here, I'm sure I have another megaphone around here somewhere..."

"Look at them, Mother."

"Or maybe I left it back at ho-"


The words were an echoing shout that washed over the crowd of ponies and silenced them. Phyllis gave a single scoff, jerking her head away from her son and looking at him through a side-eye. "And why should I?"

"Because they aren't the harmful ponies you think they are!" Sprout fired back, gesturing to Pipp and Zipp. "You see those two Pegasi over there? They came with Sunny, Izzy and Hitch. And they haven't attacked us or anypony else!"

"Yet." Phyllis raised a hoof. "They're just biding their time and making a plan. You'd do well to stay away from them."

"No. You're being irrational. You've been blinded by your wealth and power. There are better ways to sell your products than to prey on the fear of your customers!"

Phyllis merely scoffed. "Sprout, sweetie, I wouldn't expect you to understand anything about business." she said. "In this industry, you must do whatever it takes to survive. And of course, that means appealing to the customer's whims. If the ponies of Maretime Bay fear unicorns and Pegasi, then of course I'll capitalize on that."

"But by doing that, you are pedaling the fear further. Fear that should be nonexistent. Don't you understand?" Sprout took a few steps forward. "Sunny, Izzy, Hitch, Zipp, Pipp...they all went on a journey to restore magic in Equestria and restore unity within the ponies that live in it. Are you really just going to make all their efforts not worth it?"

Phyllis hesitated for a short moment before she responded with a simple "Yes."

Realizing that there had to be somepony in the crowd who knew a thing or two about business, Sprout leaped onto the platform, rudely shoving his mother aside and grabbing the megaphone from her. "Ponies of Maretime Bay!" he called. "My mother, Phyllis Cloverleaf, has been preying on the fear you harbor for Pegasi and unicorns, taking your hard-earned money and pushing products that only serve as scams. But!" He pointed towards Sunny and the others. "I encourage you to look at Sunny and her friends, and tell me if you honestly think they are going to harm you!" With his free hoof, he gestured to himself. "Look at me! They certainly haven't harmed a single strand of fur on me, so what makes you think they're going to harm you?"

The crowd began to mutter. Sprout couldn't tell whether they were seriously considering his words or doubting them. Still, he opened his maw to continue.

"Do Pegasi really eat their young?" came a voice from the crowd.

Sprout glanced at Sunny's group. "Why don't you ask them?"

Sunny's eyes widened as Sprout performed a "come here" gesture with his hoof. She glanced back at the others, then tentatively stepped forward, her friends following suit. She, Izzy, Sprout and Hitch made room for Pipp and Zipp to take center stage, with Zipp waving the megaphone away when Sprout offered it to her.

"To answer your question..." Zipp began. "No, we do not eat our young. On the contrary, actually. We raise them just like Earth ponies do."

Surprised murmurs rippled through the crowd. Although no one noticed, Phyllis's eye twitched.

"You guys aren't gonna eat us...are you?"

"Absolutely not!" This time, it was Pipp who took over the floor, a grin on her face. "Believe me, we all eat normal pony food. Same as you guys!"

"Do unicorns really fry pony brains?"

The question came forth before anyone could react to the previous one. "Nope!" Izzy said, pushing her way in between the two Zephyr Heights sisters. "There are some old, old Bridlewood legends about zombie unicorns doing that, but they're just legends, I guarantee it!"

Zipp facehoofed. The crowd began murmuring again.

"Stop spewing lies!" Phyllis snapped. She stamped a hoof down, her cheeks beginning to glow a bright red. "W-what do any of you know?!"

"A lot, actually. A lot more than you." Hitch fired back, a smug smile on his face as he turned to the crowd again. "Anypony have any more questions?"

"Yeah!" A stallion held up a roll of Canterlogic's Anti-Pegasi-and-Unicorn Tape. "Can you look at this and tell us if it really keeps you guys out?"

As he threw it towards the stage, Izzy instinctively caught it in her corona, causing the crowd to gasp and huddle down. The alicorn tilted her head, a frown dancing on her face for only a fleeting moment before it turned into a smile. "Nope! We can totally break into your home if you had this up. N-not that we would, of course!" She noticed the stares of her friends, and gave a nervous chuckle. "Unicorns and Pegasi don't go breaking into ponies' homes."

"You see?" Sprout said, an edge of hope in his voice. "Canterlogic has been selling you all nothing but faulty products that claim to keep out Pegasi and unicorns, but really don't. Phyllis is a fraud!"

Silence rang out among the crowd. Everyone on the stage held their breaths, awaiting the reaction of Maretime Bay's residents to see whose words they believed more.

Hopeful chatters began to grow.

Sunny gave a surprised gasp, and then a laugh.

Surely, it seemed like Maretime Bay was coming around, with mares and stallions, fillies and colts, all growing curious as to what unicorns and Pegasi were really like.

"Hey!" Sunny's voice cut through the crowd. "If you'd like to meet some Pegasi, then Zipp and Pipp would love to meet you!" Both Pegasi waved as the alicorn continued. "And my friend Izzy used to be a unicorn, so you can ask her any unicorn-related questions you'd like!"

The crowd took a few steps back to allow Zipp, Pipp and Izzy to hop off of the stage. The second the trio's hooves met ground, however, they were instantly swarmed by Earth ponies, all of them asking a flurry of questions ranging from the mundane to the bizarre.

Within the chaos, Sprout's eye caught his mother's teeth grinding together in rage. Before she could say anything, he decided to take this opportunity to try once more at making her see the light, trotting over to her.

"You see, Mom?" he said. "Maretime Bay has come to accept other pony kinds, simply by lending their open ears and developing open minds. And if you were smart, you would do the same."

"No!" Phyllis screamed. "I refuse to accept this! I..." She devolved into such incoherent stammers that Sprout could swear he saw the gears turning in her head. "This can't be happening!"

"But it is. We're one step closer towards unity." Sprout smiled. "I have a feeling their journey isn't over yet, though."

Phyllis's lips curled back into an ugly snarl. "What are you saying?"

"They still need to convince Zipp and Pipp's hometown, and Izzy's. And of course, there's still...you." Sprout's smile turned into a frown. "It's up to you. You can either stand united, or fall divided. That goes for Canterlogic, too."

Phyllis glared at her son, then at the excited crowd below. She squeezed her eyes shut, the rage building inside of her as she contemplated her options. Finally, after a few minutes, her expression and posture relaxed, and she slowly opened her eyes.

"I would rather take a third option." she sneered. "I won't stand united or fall divided. I will gather up a new crowd, a new base of customers to sell to. Bring unity to Equestria all you'd like, but there will always be ponies who are stuck in the ways of routine, ponies who will never change."

"Speaking only of yourself, are you?" Hitch trotted up, raising an eyebrow as he stood beside Sprout.

"Scarlet has softened you. Both of you." Phyllis scoffed. "I never should have let you two play together. I knew that mare was up to no good."

Sprout idly admired his own hoof, a distraction from his mother's nonsensical ramblings. Hitch, however, had more to say in his stead.

"You're just afraid to admit that she was right. Unity can be achieved in Equestria. And we are living proof of it." Hitch waved a dismissive hoof. "But if you want to run away, then by all means. We won't stop you."

"Run away? Who said I was doing that?" Phyllis raised an eyebrow. "I am conceding. Big difference."

Sprout snorted. "Right. Sure."

"And if you are going to side with these...ponies who wish to engage in such foal's play..." Phyllis thrust her face into her son's until they were touching noses. "Then don't even bother calling me your mother anymore."

Both stallions' eyes widened. They exchanged a glance, not expecting Phyllis to go to that extreme. The moment of surprise was short-lived, however, as Sprout burst into uproarious laughter. "You're disowning me? Just for doing what's right?" He stopped to try and catch his breath. "Oh, Phyllis...you are a laugh riot."

"When I become the richest mare in Equestria, you'll reconsider."

"I don't need riches to live a happy life. I would rather have magic back."

"Money is power."

"So's magic."

Both mother and son stared at each other for what felt like hours. Hitch swallowed a lump in his throat, suddenly getting the feeling of being a third wheel, like a friend whose friend had gotten in trouble with their mom. He wasn't sure what Phyllis was going to do, though, and in spite of his nervousness, he remained on guard, just in case she tried to attack.

Luckily for him, the mare wasn't so keen on doing that. Instead, she narrowed her eyes.

"Don't come crying to me when ponies become divided again."

With that said, she spun on her heels and began trotting away, her head held high like only an elite member of society would.

The weight of what he had done crashing down on him, Sprout sat down, placing a hoof to his head as he tried to process what had happened.

"Hey." Hitch placed a hoof on his shoulder. "You did great. Phyllis won't be a bother to us or to Maretime Bay anymore."

"I know. It's just...I really didn't expect her to just disown me like that." Sprout gave a halfhearted chuckle. "Though maybe I should've seen it coming."

"Maybe. But hey, the important thing is that unity has been restored here now." Hitch's smile grew bigger. "I couldn't be prouder of Sunny. Her dream finally came true, and it's thanks to you."


"If you hadn't alerted these guys to what Phyllis was doing to them...if you had stopped us at the town line and been just as hateful as her...nopony would have seen the light." Hitch shook his head. "But you kept an open heart when nopony else did. That takes guts."

Sprout lightly blushed.

"She could've hurt ponies too, with her crazy ideology. You realize that?"

"Yeah. That was the one thing I was fearing, especially when you, Sunny and Izzy left Maretime Bay. I was so worried that she was going to attack the town and attack the ponies here...but she didn't." Sprout blinked a few times in an effort to suck back in some unwanted tears that were pooling in his eyes. "We really did it, didn't we?"

Hitch wrapped his front legs around him, pulling him in a tight hug. "Yeah. We did." Both stallions embraced the hug for a minute or two, before Hitch pulled away. "We're not done yet, though."

"Huh?" Sprout blinked. "Oh yeah. You still have to go to Zephyr Heights and Bridlewood and convince the ponies there, don't you?"

"Yup. But I have a feeling they won't give us too much trouble." Hitch stood up and began making his way over to the center of the stage. "You mind watching the station for just a little while longer?"

"Of course not. It'd be my honor."

Hitch turned to the crowd of ponies, still swarming a very flustered Sunny, Zipp, Izzy and Pipp. "Hey, guys!" he called. "Can you come here?"

It took them a while to break free from the crowd, but the four ponies eventually climbed up onto the stage.

"Phyllis is done and over with, but we still have a few more things to take care of." Hitch pointed to the path where the group had come from.

Sunny tilted her head. "I...don't get it. What are you saying?"

"It's great that we've unified Maretime Bay. But now, we need to unify Bridlewood and Zephyr Heights, too." Hitch glanced at Pipp and Zipp. "Pipp, Zipp, maybe you two can fly back to Zephyr Heights and speak to the ponies there. You're royalty, after all." His gaze then shifted to Izzy. "And Izzy, maybe you can go back to Bridlewood and spread the word."

His suggestion to Izzy ended with him raising his voice as though posing a question, which Izzy caught on to, rubbing her right leg with her left one. "Um...I could try, but...I don't know if anypony's gonna listen."

Sunny smiled. "I'll come with you." she offered. "Who knows? Seeing two alicorns might do something to lift everypony's spirits."

Hitch could feel the hope building up in his heart. "I'll come with you too, Sunny and Izzy. The ponies of Bridlewood could use all the happiness they can get." He nodded at the two Pegasi. "You two have got things covered in Zephyr Heights, right?"

"Right." Zipp smirked.

"Of course!" Pipp reached under her wing and pulled out her phone. "And I may have a plan in mind."

"Oh?" Zipp turned to her sister. "Do tell."

"Ap ap ap. That'll be for when we actually get there." Pipp winked. "Trust me on this."

Hitch clapped his hooves together. "All right. When we're done, we'll all meet back in Maretime Bay, and we'll bring the Unity Crystals together!"

Everyone erupted into cheers. As Pipp and Zipp took off for Zephyr Heights and Sunny and Izzy began racing for the town line, Hitch turned to the crowd.

"All right, everypony. I'm leaving to go and reunite Bridlewood and Zephyr Heights. I should be back soon, and then, we'll restore magic to all of you! To all of Equestria!"

With that, the stallion bounded off of the stage, the cheers of the audience following him as he galloped after Sunny and Izzy. The hope that was in his heart remained, and it made his body feel rather jittery as he began to grow excited at what was going to come.

Arriving in Zephyr Heights took no time at all for Pipp and Zipp, even more so when they began to grow excited at what was about to happen.

"All right, sis." Zipp paced around the throne room of the castle. "Lay it on me."

Pipp didn't say anything. She sat with a smirk on her face and tapped her phone once before holding it up to her face.

"Hellooooo ponies of Zephyr Heeeeeights!" she sang. "Have I got some good news for you! Whoo, have we had quite the adventure." She chuckled. "With the help of an Earth pony, Hitch Trailblazer, and two alicorns named Sunny Starscout and Izzy Moonbow, we have managed to restore peace and unity to Hitch and Sunny's hometown of Maretime Bay. But that's not all!"

Zipp amusedly rolled her eyes, wondering how she didn't see Pipp's plan coming. She stayed silent as her younger sister continued.

"If we want unity to spread across Equestria, we can't just stop at Maretime Bay, no no no. And that's where you come in, Pippsqueaks!" Pipp grinned. "When it comes to Earth ponies and unicorns, you have nothing to fear. Me and my sister are proof of that. Together, we went on a journey with two Earth ponies, and a unicorn!" She blinked. "Well, uh, I-I mean...Sunny was an Earth pony...and Izzy was a unicorn. But anyway!" She cleared her throat and held up her phone so that Zipp was in-frame. "My sister would like to give a royal decree."

"I, uh..." Zipp got a bountiful of excited whispers from Pipp, which couldn't be heard by the Zephyr Heights citizens but could be perfectly heard by her. She began to understand just what her sister had in mind, and eagerly nodded as she straightened with purpose. "Yeah! So as the Queen of Zephyr Heights, I declare that the city and its borders are now open to any and all kinds of pony races -- Earth pony, unicorns, alicorns. All are welcome here, and nopony will be treated with disrespect or harassed just because they're not a Pegasus."

Neither member of royalty heard it, but murmurs were coming from all sorts of Pegasi, many of them hopeful, others skeptical. The former was a rather overwhelming and surprising majority, one that could only come from the trust that the people had in their leaders. Surely, if they had ventured with Earth ponies and unicorns and had come back unharmed, they must be safe. Never had Zipp or Pipp lied to them, at least to their knowledge, and it was this realization that made them come to trust them.

"With this new rule, I'd like to express my hope for a new era in leadership. One that isn't mine." Zipp rubbed her leg. "Some of you might remember when my sis introduced an alicorn -- that's an Earth pony, a unicorn and a Pegasus in one -- named Terra, back when Haven was still leading. Alicorns have been leading Equestria since ancient times, and I believe we can thrive a lot better with an alicorn leading us now." She smiled. "So, I'd like to propose that Terra be the new ruler -- not just of Zephyr Heights, not just of Bridlewood, not just of Maretime Bay, but the new ruler of the entirety of Equestria. She can lead us to greatness, to unity, to harmony. I know it, because I've met her." Zipp stopped to take a deep breath. "So, what do you say, ponies?"

She paused again, this time for longer, so she could stare at the phone. All sorts of emojis flooded the screen, though a majority of them were unsure.

Zipp bit her lip.

And then, more and more happy emojis came floating upwards, followed by a flurry of comments.

an alicorn? as the leader of equestria? sure i guess

I can't believe Princess Pipp and Queen Zipp met an alicorn! OMH! If they say we should have an alicorn as our leader, then yeah!!

idk i'm still a little skeptical...but if anything goes wrong then princess pipp and queen zipp will save us right?

She had to be honest, in that she was surprised by how many seemed to be in support for her. The general consensus was that if things with Terra went wrong, Zipp and Pipp would hurry to fix it before any damage was done, which she supposed was better than outright denial of Terra as the new leader.

All right. Now that we've got Zephyr Heights on board, we should try and convince Bridlewood and Maretime Bay, too. But first, we need to restore magic.

She cleared her throat again. "Thank you, everypony. I promise that Terra won't let you down, and that we'll help all of you if things get crazy." she said. "As for the whole magic thing, we're still working on that. Now that we have your support, we're sure to restore magic to all of you. It's practically a definite." A content smile formed. "If Sunny, Izzy and Hitch can convince Bridlewood to share and spread unity, then we will live in a world of magic once again!"

Cheers erupted from the city as Pegasi stomped their hooves and leaped up into the air. Excited murmurs also quickly spread, which quickly filled Zephyr Heights with anticipation and joy.

"That's all for now. Uh..." Zipp waved. "Take it away, sis."

"Thank you, Zipp." Pipp smiled. "Just hang tight, everypony. We're so close to finishing this mission, I can feel it in my wings!" She squealed and trotted in place. "Pipp Pipp hooray!"

As Pipp pressed the Stop button on her phone, the cries of the Pegasi as they recited her cheer could be faintly heard through the castle's open windows, which made her and Zipp both smile.

"Well, I'd say your plan was a success." Zipp said. "Good job, Pipp."

"Aww, it was nothing! For all that you trash-talk social media, you can't deny that it has perks."

"Can't argue with you there." Zipp spread her wings. "Why don't we head to Bridlewood and see if Hitch, Izzy and Sunny need help?"

"I'm with you!"

Together, the princess and the queen took off, flying as fast as they could out of the castle and towards Bridlewood. None of them could stop the excitement and energy that rocketed through their bodies as they began to taste victory right on the tips of their tongues.

Izzy set Hitch down on the ground as she and Sunny landed at the entrance to the forests that made up Bridlewood. Sunny and Hitch went ahead, but Izzy paused to take a deep breath. Realizing that things would be okay as long as she had friends by her side, she mustered up the courage to gallop after them, though she couldn't fully purge her mind free of worry. Still, she didn't think any members of the Gloomy Doomies would show themselves in the midst of Bridlewood.

Once the trio arrived in the main square, Izzy hopped up into a slanted tree, pulled out a cowbell from out of nowhere, and began shaking it. "Ponies of Bridlewood! Hear our words!" she called out, as loud as she could without using any magic to amplify her voice.

To their surprise, ponies ceased their moping around, either lifting their heads up to stare at the crazy pony in the tree or just moving their eyes towards said pony. Some even began gathering towards the town square, not caring that the two ponies that were already there were of completely different races.

Sunny decided to take the helm, turning to face the growing crowd. "Um, so! I hear you guys don't like Earth ponies or alicorns..." She bit back a groan at how lame that entrance was, before clearing her throat and continuing with something a lot better. "But anyway, my name is Sunny Starscout, and this is my friend Hitch Trailblazer. I'm sure a lot of you know about Izzy Moonbow up there..."

A happy squeal left the alicorn as she tucked the cowbell away and bounced down the tree, parking herself at Sunny's side.

"Together, we went on a journey to restore unity and harmony to Equestria. But that's not all we're looking to restore." Sunny smirked. "How would you all like magic back?"

Gasps rung out through the crowd. Unicorns began whispering and murmuring amongst themselves.

"If you do, then I am happy to say that you are the key to restoring it -- not just for Bridlewood, but for all of Equestria. Yes, even you!" Sunny pointed at a filly with a confused expression on her face. "Together, we can fix Equestria and return it to its former glory. Bridlewood can be a joyous and thriving forest town, something that would extend to its citizens. All you have to do is...be friendly!"

The murmurs continued.

"When you see somepony in need, lend a helping hoof. When you wake up in the morning, give your reflection in the mirror a smile!" Sunny threw up her hooves. "It's the smallest things that can make the biggest difference. Trust me, I've seen firsthoof how friendship changes ponies. It can change you too!"

It felt like hours before the sounds of the crowd went from confused and skeptical to understanding and hopeful.

"Let's give it a try."

"Why not? It couldn't hurt."

"For friendship!"

Sunny had to admit that she was surprised at how well her speech worked, but she knew that the unicorns would be back to how they were when magic returned. For now, this was as good of a start as any. She watched as the crowd began to cheer, give themselves hoofbumps, and communicate with each other for the first time in what was likely moons.

"Wow." Hitch chuckled and gently nudged Sunny. "I guess you didn't really need my help at all, huh? Should've known better than to contend with your public speaking skills."

"You did it, Sunny!" Izzy wrapped her forelegs around Sunny and pulled her close. "Well, not entirely, we still gotta restore magic, but you did it!"

Sunny laughed. "Yeah!" She took a deep breath, then wriggled her way out of her fellow alicorn's hug to address the crowd. "Thank you, everypony! I promise, magic will be returned to all of you very soon!"

With that, the three ponies bounded away.

"Hey! Izzy!"

The addressed alicorn stopped her flight, turning around to face the source of the deep, gruff voice that had called her.

"Oh hey, Alphabittle! What's up?"

Alphabittle's frown turned into a gentle smile. "You've done a good thing for us. Just know that I, and the rest of Bridlewood, believe in you."

Izzy opened her maw to speak, but was stopped by the familiar sight of her dad, smiling and waving at her from where he was turned in the opposite direction of the crowd. As well, there was a more ominous figure that wore an unreadable expression from someplace else in the mass of ponies, a figure that widened its eyes and darted away quickly the second it locked eyes with Izzy. She outstretched a feeble hoof, but ultimately pulled it back and smiled at Alphabittle.

"Thanks!" she said. "If you see a biiiiig giant boom in the sky, that's us and you should say hi!"

Alphabittle laughed. "I will! Good luck!"


Izzy soared off after her friends, screaming at them to wait for her as she moved at high speed.

"That's my daughter." Astral trotted up next to Alphabittle.

"Hm. You've raised her well, Astral."

The two stallions watched until Izzy completely disappeared from sight, then went back to the excited crowd.

With all three towns taken care of, the group reconvened back in Maretime Bay. Once they found Sprout, they agreed to meet at Sunny's lighthouse, finding it to be a good meetup location.

"Okay, everypony!" Sunny took the three crystals out, handing the Pegasus one to Zipp and Pipp and the Unicorn one to Izzy. "Let's do this."

Before anyone could move their hooves forward, however, the crystals acted entirely on their own, moving slowly towards each other until they joined to create a rather regal shape.

Nothing happened for a few moments.

And then, a thick bright beam shot towards the lighthouse, engulfing it in a blinding white.

"W-what's happening?!" Pipp cried, though the hum that was emitted from the magical feat very nearly drowned her voice out.

By the time the light died down, a gorgeous structure stood in its place. The crystals raced to the sky until they could be seen no more, emitting a burst of light that washed across the sky and seemed to extend for miles and miles. Then, they settled somewhere on the top of the structure, and a bright rainbow beam began to shoot vertically both ways, touching the clouds in an array of colors while also touching somewhere on the inside of the structure. It was a sight to truly behold, and no one could say anything for a few minutes.

"Oh...my...hoofness." Izzy breathed. "Sunny, your lighthouse, it's..."

"Incredible is what it is!" Sunny's eyes shimmered with delight. "I can't believe it! I-I think magic has been restored!"

"Whoa!" Hitch leaped back as a flower seemed to suddenly appear in front of him. Examining his glowing hoof, however, proved something different. "Is this..."

Sunny turned towards her friend and gasped. "Earth pony magic..."

Hitch simply stared for a few moments. "Wait. I have...I have magic?"

"Yeah you do!" Zipp soared in the air. "You can grow plants and stuff! That's so cool!"

Hitch wasn't sure what to make of the new revelation. Growing plants wasn't his forte, and for him to have magic seemed to be nothing more than a mere fantasy. But this certainly wasn't a dream -- his hoof was glowing green. Curiously, he stomped it onto the ground, only for another flower to appear right next to the old one.

He gave a soft chuckle. "Yeah...it really is cool. Strange, but cool."

"Izzy!" Sunny gripped her friend by the cheeks. "We have to go tell Terra about this, now! Let's go!"

"Right behind ya, friendo!"

As the two alicorns took off, Zipp and Pipp agreed to depart for Zephyr Heights to see if magic had been restored to the ponies there as well. Meanwhile, Hitch rushed into the town square to inform the ponies of Maretime Bay and see their reactions to the phenomenons.

"Ponies of Zephyr Heights!"

At the castle, Zipp stood on a balcony that overlooked the entirety of Zephyr Heights. A small cylindrical drone acting as a camera broadcasted her, her sister, and their message for the city to see. Pegasi, many of who were struggling to fly, stopped to look at what was going on, giving confused but excited murmurs.

"We told you we were going to bring magic back, and...we did!" Zipp smiled. "Me, my sister, and our friends. Together, we have restored magic not just to Zephyr Heights, but to the entirety of Equestria. We know learning to fly again will take a while for some, so I will be offering flying classes to those interested."

"And I will be opening a new salon in Maretime Bay!"

Zipp blinked. She turned her head to look at Pipp with a confused expression. "Huh?"

"Siiiiis. Surely you haven't forgotten my dream?" Pipp rolled her eyes. "I've always wanted to open and run a salon! Ponies have to look their best, after all, and who better to give them new looks that inspire confidence than the pony who embodies style?"

"Nice humble ego." Zipp smirked. "I know you've talked about opening a salon. But won't going back and forth between Maretime Bay and Zephyr Heights be a little...you know...tiring?"

"Yes, but it'll be worth it. Now, maybe this is a conversation we should have in private? Hm? There are tons of ponies waiting to hear what else we have to say!"

Zipp nodded and looked into the drone's camera again. "There is one more announcement I'd like to make." She steeled herself and took a deep breath. "Many of you might remember when I introduced Terra, the alicorn who I met when Mom was still in power."

The nerves got to her before she could keep going. Pipp reached out a hoof and placed it on her shoulder for support, giving her a warm smile. Zipp returned the smile eagerly, taking a deep breath and continuing.

"As I said previously, I would like for her to lead all of Equestria, just like in ancient times. Back then, two princesses led the country to greater times, all the way up until their retirement. Terra is kindhearted, and only wants to do good. I think...I think she'd make a far better leader than me." Zipp sighed. "Because if I'm being honest...I don't want to lead Zephyr Heights. I'll always love this town and the ponies that live in it, but being queen just isn't for me."

Pipp didn't express too much surprise, having heard complaints from her sister before about being next in line for the throne before. The ponies of Zephyr Heights, however, reacted with resounded gasps and murmurs, many uneasy over Zipp's apparent resignation. Neither Zipp nor Pipp could hear the shocked reactions, but they could certainly feel the tension in the air.

"I know this might be tough for some of you." Zipp paused. "Okay, most of you. But you have to trust me on this, ponies. I wouldn't be endorsing Terra if she were some evil alicorn."

The tension shifted a little, but not by much. Zipp was starting to get antsy, and Pipp could see it.

"A-and I endorse Terra too!" she chirped. "She's a great pony, and she'll lead Equestria through years and years of harmony. I just know it."

It shifted again, but still not by much.

Zipp heaved a sigh. "That's all for now. Terra will be making an official announcement in the coming days. Thank you for listening."

The lens of the drone, shaped like an eye, closed, and Zipp flicked the OFF button, watching as it fell into her hoof. She tucked it under her wing before she began marching back inside.

"Sis? Are you gonna be okay?"

Zipp didn't respond at first. She grit her teeth, her mind reeling as she began to wonder if she had made the right decision. She thought back to after she had told her mother off, when Terra had advised she get the permission of Bridlewood and Maretime Bay first.

If the ponies of Zephyr Heights aren't going to welcome Terra with open hooves...what makes me think Maretime Bay and Bridlewood will?

A headache began to form. She put a hoof to her forehead, one eye open so she could see where she was going as she made her way to her room.

"Sis! Let's talk this out. You and me."

"Just leave me alone, Pipp. Okay?" Zipp said, her tone edging into a snap. "I just need some time to think. Now that things have calmed down...hopefully."

Pipp disobeyed, following close behind. "You're making the right decision! I'm sure the Pegasi will come to accept Terra in time. It's only natural!"

Zipp, not having the energy to snap at her, continued walking down the hallway.

"Wait! What should I tell Sunny, Izzy and Hi-"

The door to her sister's room slammed in Pipp's face before she could finish. Rubbing her pain-ridden muzzle, she stared at the door for a minute or two before she sighed and began trudging back towards the outside, trying to figure out a way to break the news to her new friends without disappointing them.

Something told her there was no way to break the news without disappointing them. But it wouldn't be for a lack of trying.


"Terra, we did it! We brought back magic!"

The words were unisonant, and loud enough to make Terra drop her teacup in shock. She got up from the couch and made her way to where Sunny and Izzy were standing in the doorway, big grins on their faces.

"You...brought back magic?"

"Sure did!" Izzy hopped up and down. "It took a liiiiittle bit of convincing for Zephyr Heights and Bridlewood to accept each other and embrace unity, but we made it work!" She stopped and folded her ears down. "Sorta. Bridlewood's a little shaky."

"And, my lighthouse turned into this awesome crystal structure!" Sunny chimed in. "With the Unity Crystals sitting on top!"

Terra's eyes widened, shimmers of excitement and joy sparkling within them. "Goodness...this I must see. Are Pipp, Zipp and Hitch with you?"

"Pipp and Zipp went to Zephyr Heights to see if magic returned there. Hitch stayed in Maretime Bay to see what happened to its residents."

"I see." Terra nodded. "Then let us go to Maretime Bay, posthaste. I must see this new structure you refer to, Sunny."

The excitement built up further and further, so much so that all three alicorns opted to teleport to the outskirts of Maretime Bay instead of simply galloping there. As soon as Terra took on the form of a striking blue Earth pony, they made their way to Sunny's new house.

Terra tentatively opened the door and stuck her head inside, marveling at the wide-open space of the living area. To her right sat a kitchen, and to the left sat a door as well as something that looked like it could be used as a rest space. Curiously, she made her way in and up the stairs, until she got to an area that looked like it could potentially be used as a bedroom. Sitting in the middle of it was a beautiful rainbow pillar surrounded by glass, which she had to assume led to the Unity Crystals up above. As she passed by the doors, they automatically opened, and curiosity took over her as she slipped inside. To her surprise, the pillar of rainbow light felt rather warm on her fur as she began ascending upwards, and a smile fell on her face.

"Terra? Where'd you go?"

The sound of Sunny's voice grew distant. Terra stepped off of the platform once she reached the top, and her eyes widened at what laid before her.

The Unity Crystals...all together. I never thought I'd...see them all together.

Unbeknownst to her, the platform lowered, then rose up again to reveal Sunny and Izzy. They, too, stepped off and looked at the Unity Crystals, hovering in midair and protected by the rainbow beam. It brought everyone a sense of peace and relaxation, knowing that it was the beacon of newfound harmony in Equestria.

Sunny blinked. She could have sworn she saw a flicker in the beam, but supposed her eyes were playing tricks on her.

"This...is wonderful." Terra breathed. "I had hope in you two to bring harmony and magic back to Equestria, but to have it result in this..."

"And three new friends!" Izzy hopped up and down. "Though I guess for Sunny, it was kinda sorta...two friends."

Sunny frowned. "Yeah...but this entire building? I can't possibly live in it all by myself. It's nice, but..."

"Unity among ponies must first start with those who brought back unity in the first place. I believe your home was turned into this structure to reflect that." Terra smiled. "It was meant for all of you to live in."

"Really?! We get to have roomies?! Awesome!"

Izzy's excitement wasn't shared by Sunny, however. "I...well, I'd like for Izzy, Pipp, Zipp and Hitch to live with me...but I don't know if they want to." She glanced at Izzy. "I know Izzy will want to stay, but will Pipp, Zipp and Hitch really want to leave their homes to live here?"

"That is a question for them, not for me."

Sunny knew Terra was right. She took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay. When they come back...I'll ask them."

But as they say, the waiting was the hardest part. Even while the trio got accustomed to more of the interior, Sunny couldn't help but feel antsy and anxious. She had a gut feeling. Something didn't feel right. Something was wrong. Her friends were going to say no, weren't they?

Well...it really wouldn't hurt to ask. Please, please, please let them say yes...

Author's Note:

One more before the new year?

This chapter admittedly got a little sloppy, as I had initially wanted to wrap everything up with this one. I ultimately decided to put everything into one or two more chapters after this, one being an epilogue that sets up a sequel with Phyllis and Opaline and Misty and...somepony new (or perhaps, not-so-new).

I put off this story for waaaaay too long due to IRL responsibilities, other stories, and playing catchup with Make Your Mark and Tell Your Tale. I plan on utilizing this TYT hiatus to the absolute fullest, so expect more chapters hopefully soon! I've got an idea for how this story should end and I'm hoping it'll please folks.