• Member Since 20th Jun, 2019
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Aspiring novelist testing his characters in the MLP verse.


What if during 'Dragon Quest,' Spike met dragons different from Garble and his goons? What if they became close enough friends for Spike to form his own friend group? How would things be different? How much would things stay the same?

Kind of a re-telling of MLP from 'Dragon Quest' onward, with Spike having a group of five dragon OC friends. Twilight and the Mane Six will still have their usual adventures, but will have some additional backup along the way. Additionally, I'll have my OCs learn a couple lessons of their own.

Chapters (72)
Comments ( 544 )


:rainbowlaugh: Glad to make you happy. :pinkiehappy:

I look forward to sharing more soon. Might be a bit slower than my previous stories, but I definitely hope to share more about these guys in the future.

Until then, thanks for reading. :twilightsmile:

Can't wait to see the adventure with Spike and his dragon friends.

Although, go easy on yourself... I don't want you to suffer burn out or writer's block.

Great take on episode BTW. :pinkiehappy:

Thanks, buddy. :pinkiehappy:

Glad you enjoyed it.

I'll definitely take my time on the next episode, but only because I want to make sure it's fun and enjoyable for everyone.

Always happy to share. :twilightsmile: 👍

Excited for more. If you'd like to borrow any OCs for this story, let me know via PM.

Great to see that your story is out. If you ever wanted to borrow any of my OCs, PM me and let me know.

Can't wait till the next chapter.:twilightsmile:


Thank you both for your offers. I'll definitely keep it in mind. :twilightsmile: 👍

Now this is the kind of story I didn't know I was looking for. A story where Spike finds his own group.
I love the dragon OCs you made for this story. I look forward to more!


I love the dragon OCs you made for this story. I look forward to more!

:raritystarry: Thank you so much. I look forward to sharing more of their stories. :pinkiehappy:

Since I love dragons and dragon ocs in general. I can't wait to read more


I look forward to sharing more. :pinkiehappy:

Well, I'm looking forward to seeing what other kinds of dragons you have to share.

Spike's gonna be having better times now that he has his own group

this story has a lot of potential I hope to see more chapters over time, I would like to know if you would let me do a translation into Spanish, sorry if something is not understood I am using the google translator


I would like to know if you would let me do a translation into Spanish

By 'a translation,' do you mean posting your own variation with this changed from English to Spanish?

As long as you credit me with a 'Written by JNKing', then sure.

Thank you for sharing my work. :twilightsmile:

WOOOO UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now to read it

I enjoyed this and am excited for more.

Well, I have to admit that this looks like it could be an intriguing story. Certainly appreciate the work that went into the exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up. Certainly appreciated the work that went into Spike's first meeting with his new friends as well as the details that made them different from other dragons. And Blazing Phoenix being an ex-slaver? Yeah, that might actually be quite helpful when the two groups end encountering Sombra in the season 3 opener (i.e. she can understand the slavers' mindset and take advantage of that to figure out at least a couple of Sombra's weaknesses).

And, on to the next chapter.

Another really good chapter with some wonderful exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up. And, yeah, I could see where Jackknife might have to learn to NOT just go rushing into dangerous situations (as well as figure out when situations AREN'T so dangerous) and, thus, brains can be as valuable as brawn (if not more so).

Thank you for your feedback.

I was worried that I hadn't written Jackknife that well, so hearing that you could see where he was coming from and how he could be developed is really awesome to hear.

Looking forward to sharing more.

Until then, thanks again.


Working on Chapter 3; trying to sort out some kinks while also juggling work IRL.

Still, glad this story has your interest; will let you know when the next chapter is ready. Until then, thanks for reading. :twilightsmile:

I keep intending to continue it, but doubts about how good the next chapter is along with other projects keep causing me to delay.

I might end up putting the 'hiatus' status on this one if I can't find the time to get the next chapter published by this weekend. Sorry again for the long wait. :twilightsheepish:

Great job on this next chapter. Took a while, but was certainly worth the wait. Definitely appreciated the work that went into the exchanges, characterizations, action, general wrap-up and future chapter set-up. Definitely appreciated the showing that past actions DO have consequences, the fact that going too far in getting payback can make the victim just as bad as the original violator and how, sometimes, the best we can hope for is small, continued steps in the right direction.

REALLY looking forward to more of this.

Thank you very much for your feedback.

I appreciate your patience, and hope to have the next chapter out by next Saturday.

I look forward to sharing more. Until then. :twilightsmile: 👍

This was a grand chapter you wrote.

Thank you. :pinkiehappy:

I'm glad you enjoyed it. 👍

What a chapter! I hope those hags don't even think about returning, cause I think it will be the worst for them.

Another rather well done chapter. Again, the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up were well done. Certainly appreciated how this chapter focused on Swift and his family issues. And yeah, the stuff in the flashback was quite well done with Swift meeting his mother (named for her firepower NOT her personality), the one-sided "fight" with Hawke and the mockery he took. And, yes, true courage is about doing the right thing in spite of fear rather than the absence of fear (something Fluttershy can definitely vouch for and also something Spike and Twilight will gain first-hand experience with when Sombra returns), which is another really good lesson.

Definitely looking forward to more of this.


I hope those hags don't even think about returning, cause I think it will be the worst for them.

Sunny might not show up, since as far as she's concerned, she got what she could get from Swift.

Hawke, on the other hand, isn't as ready to lose a guy she can bully so easily. But you're right in that her attempts to get Swift back are going to get her in a lot of trouble.

Looking forward to sharing more. Until then, thanks for reading and commenting. :pinkiehappy: 👍

Thank you very much for reading and commenting.

Swift's family issues are going to have a major part of his development, and I'm excited for when I can write the episode where he finally rises above Hawke and beat her as a show of how much he's grown.

Until then, we got plenty more adventures on the horizon. And I appreciate your willingness for me to share them with you. :pinkiehappy:

Not a problem.

And if Hawke should be stupid enough to try and return, I hope it's the worst for her all the way.

Another well done chapter. Definitely appreciated the work going into the exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up here. Really appreciated how Night learned that the joy and happiness of others is all good and well, but it shouldn't come at the cost of letting yourself and your friends being treated like garbage. And the foreshadowing for this universe's version of "A Canterlot Wedding" was rather well done too. Sounds like the next chapter or two is/are going to have the Mane Six teaming up with the Drake Six unless I miss my guess (which, admittedly, I might be).

Definitely looking forward to more of this.

Thank you very much for your feedback. :pinkiehappy:

Night's lesson is one that I had to learn myself, so I'm really happy I was able to translate it over to her pretty well.

And I'm also excited for the next few chapters Though before the Drake Six can worry about saving Canterlot, they'll need to worry about themselves. After all Dragon Greed - the stuff that turned Spike into a monster in 'Secret of My Excess' - is going to be a thing with them. But if they can overcome the temptation Greed gives them, it will lead to one epic team up between the dragons and the ponies.

I'm very excited to share more of this soon.

Until then, thanks again for reading. 👍


You're very welcome. And thanks very much for both the correction and the verification.

You got it.

Almost gave away something of a twist that I'm saving for later episodes with a few typos. It's going to be a pretty big reveal. :raritywink:

This was yet another good chapter. I really like how you made use of the lesser known species that only had one character or cameo use it.

I will admit, there are many other mythical creatures I'd love to see be used a characters that the show never used.

But regardless, I look forward to the next chapter.


I will admit, there are many other mythical creatures I'd love to see be used a characters that the show never used.

Agreed; I'm kinda hoping to be able to explore them more - give species like the diamond dogs, griffons or the kirins a bit more screen time - but we'll see what kind of adventures my brain can come up with for that.

For now, I'm happy you enjoyed the chapter, and I look forward to sharing the next one when it's ready.

Until then. :twilightsmile:

Sounds good to me. Plus, it would be nice to see the Thestrals (batponies) get some attention.


Sounds good to me. Plus, it would be nice to see the Thestrals (batponies) get some attention.

:raritystarry: Considering a pretty big twist I got planned, I think we'll get to explore the thestrals a bit more in the future.

Thanks for the pointers and ideas on where I can go for more chapters and episodes. :pinkiehappy: 👍

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