• Published 19th May 2023
  • 6,451 Views, 254 Comments

Remnant - Ebonyglow

On a quest to unravel an ancient mystery, one which ties all ponies of Equestria together, Sunny Starscout and her friends make an awe-inspiring discovery...

  • ...

Chapter 7: Where It All Began

Rushing wind was all Sunny could hear, her screams devoid of sound as she hurtled further into the darkness that was consuming her. Everything felt like it was ignited in flames from the darkest depths of Tartarus, her nerves alight in a furious agony unlike any other.

She hurtled, falling through nothingness with oblivion awaiting her from below, and she could do nothing more than helplessly pray to the stars above that something, anything, could stop this.

A hellish nightmare was one thing, but this felt all too real.

We can’t stop her.

A chorus of voices cracked through the seams of her anguish, filling her with an inexplicable sense of hope.

But we can help you.

The voices were distinct. Ranging from raspy to soft. Sunny couldn't discern their number, but an instinct within her urged her to place her trust in them.

Help you save her.

The wind stopped as she felt herself slam into the ground—if that’s what she could call it. She felt no pain, laying in terror and confusion as nothing but darkness shrouded the area around her.

Restore her hope.

And like a flame on a wick, the burning and voices were snuffed out in an instant. Sunny heaved, her body convulsed as lingering echoes of pain rippled through her, and a torrent of tears welled up in her eyes.

“H-Hello…?” she croaked.

Her throat burnt, her voice dry and coarse as she had screamed bloody murder the entire time she tumbled into nowhere. Her entire body shook as she rolled onto her side. She flinched and shied away from the mere sensation of her hooves touching the ground below, her mind trained on fear from the pain she had experienced.

Weakly, she stood up, glancing around, attempting to figure out where she was. Nothing could help her, as she was in literal nothingness. An endless void greeted her on all ends. The ground felt solid in oblivion, and the world above her reflected the darkness below. She called out again, desperate for any signs of life, any signs of comfort, but all she heard was her own terrified voice echoing through this endless chamber.

Who are you?

A voice seethed, growling and dripping with malice. It shook Sunny to her core, as she frantically spun around in place in a futile attempt to locate whatever spoke to her.

“W-who was that?! Where are you?!”

Wisps of purple, pink, and similar arose from the nothingness, clouding the void Sunny stood upon. It drifted through the air like a fog, brushing against Sunny’s fur. As it contacted her, an intense feeling of dread consumed her. The anxieties she felt were still potent, but the hopelessness that ran through her dwarfed them in comparison. Her reaction was instant, tears started to stream down her cheeks once more, as her breath heaved and shook.

“W-Why…are you making…me…f-feel this…”

The mist swirled around her, filling her with the same awful feeling. It was a constant stream of despair, anguish, and hopelessness. But most of all, it was lonely.

This is what she feels. Always.

“Who…who is she…”

My bearer.

A large volume of the mist began to build up into a ball before Sunny, shimmering with light and color. Through blurry, tear-filled eyes, she looked up at the mass, blood running cold as two blinding white eyes snapped open before her.

The one you are unworthy of.

Sunny recoiled, letting out a terrified scream as the figure from before materialized right in front of her. It hovered ominously, its spirit-like presence casting a menacing gaze upon her. It was now more distinct, with each detail coming into focus. A horn, a muzzle, a face—what confronted her was reminiscent of a pony, yet simultaneously unlike anything she had ever seen.

“Unworthy…? W-what do you mean?”

Magic was sealed away for a reason.

The entity lunged forward, forcing Sunny onto her hind legs as she yelped in terror and staggered backwards. Tears still welled in the corners of her eyes as she looked back into the shroud’s harrowing gaze.

Balancing herself, if only just, Sunny croaked out a response. “But…magic's the reason why ponies are together again!”

It was not yours to give.

Sunny took heavy breaths, pushing back against the despair consuming her. She was terrified, yet succumbing to fear would yield her nothing. Strengthening her resolve, she stood upright once more, tears still streaming down her face.


Ponies do not deserve me.

The entity’s way of referring to itself teased Sunny’s curiosity. “Deserve you? As…as in…”


Sunny’s heart skipped a beat, piecing together the pieces of the puzzle that had been thrown at her. The Elements had returned, but the one that was missing…

“Magic,” she mumbled to herself, looking up at the spirit. “You’re the Element of Magic.”

A remnant of it.

“A…remnant…” Sunny mumbled to herself. “Why didn’t you return? With the other Ele-“

Do not speak of them.

The spirit’s bellowing voice shook the void of nothing around Sunny. Wind spawned from oblivion, blowing into Sunny and sending her hurtling back. She rolled over and over, tossed like nothing more than a bag in the wind—gasping and groaning as she felt every impact on the ground from the tumble.

Coming to a stop, wincing in pain, she looked up, seeing the entity’s state had changed. The calm mist around it was now funneling, swirling and swishing intensely, wind blowing constantly from it.


Do not.

Another intense burst of wind sent Sunny flying back.


She twisted in the air, balling up to brace for impact.

Of them.

She slammed against what felt like an invisible wall, letting out a yelp of pain as she fell back down onto the ground. Cringing from the aching in her joints, she slowly rose up again.


The entity didn’t reply, looming over her stoically.

“What…do you want from me?”

Destroy it.

Sunny blinked, raising a brow. “W-What?”


“What?!” she blurted out, taking a step forward. “No! We just reunited ponies, we just restored Equestria’s magic, we just did the impossible!”

Shatter the crystals.

“I…I just said…”

Eliminate unity.

“But…but we can’t…”

You do not deserve what we protected.

“But it’s what you would’ve wanted!”

Sunny screamed out in defiance, stamping her hoof against the ground. Tears continued to run down her face as the figure stood still before her. The wisps from it began to bubble up, filling everything around them with their presence. The earth below shook, as a wailing, defeating screech bellowed from the shroud.

She died with them.

Sunny’s eyes went wide in sheer horror, as she scrambled back. “I…I’m sorry! I didn’t…”

I died with them.

“Please! W-what do you mean?!”

I gave them a chance. I gave you a chance. You betrayed me.

Worst of all, you betrayed them.

Her pupils shrunk. Sunny braced herself as the entity surged down at her. It morphed into a monstrous form, a corrupted, warped version of its former appearance as it barreled towards her. She had expected impact, and she heard an impact, but nothing came—she felt no pain, no fear, no anguish.

But instead, hope.

Hesitantly opening her eyes, she saw a group of figures swirling around her, shielding her from the shroud. They were barely distinguishable, with the only defining qualities in them being their colors and shapes. Cyan, white, orange, pink, and yellow were the colors that filled the pony-esque shapes before her, as they spun around her and continuously blocked the spirit of Magic’s attack.

You need to save her.

Sunny looked on in utter confusion and amazement alike, hearing the shroud’s agonized screams as it clashed against the group of figures.

Your story is your own.

It seemed surreal to her, but it sounded like the monstrous entity had begun to...cry. Its attacks were slowing down, yet its agony felt more apparent.

Find her ending.

The figures looked back at her, as Sunny eyed each. Each one filled her with an unfathomable array of emotions, thoughts, and ideas—but it all felt encouraging. It felt hopeful.

Our ending.

Feeling her body begin to tingle, as if magic was dancing over it, Sunny let out a gasp. The figures began to fade away, as did Magic, as arcane sparks swirled around Sunny.

The start of it all will guide you.

With a blinding light, Sunny felt reality around her fade away. The free fall began again, but this time there was no pain. A warmth radiated over her, a pleasant sensation that was the opposite of the burning she felt before, as she plummeted through a void, not of black, but white.

The further she fell, the longer she had to ruminate on her thoughts. She was too shocked to grasp her current situation, struggling to come to terms with who, or rather what, she had just encountered.

Magic—that was what the entity said it was. That was a mystery in of itself, but her bewilderment only furthered as she tumbled through the heavenly void. Five figures saved her—and there were five other Elements.

“Were those…”

Her eyes widened, as she saw a cloud fly by her, and then another. Quickly, the blinding white she was surrounded in turned to a blue sky, and, glancing down, she saw the earth below. Houses soon dotted her vision as her descent gradually slowed down, and before long, she felt herself being gently reoriented, placed carefully on a path below.

She cast a glance around, her eyes taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. Everything appeared hazy, as if veiled in a mist less intense than that of the figures, but enough to obscure her vision. Amidst the blur, she discerned houses, winding paths, and ponies trotting and soaring through the air. It resembled a bustling town, and she even caught the distorted echoes of distant conversations among the figures. Stowing away her thoughts of the Elements for a moment, Sunny tried to wrap her head around where she was.

“Maybe the ponies in Ponyville have interesting things to talk about!”

Or rather, when.

Heart skipping a beat, hearing the first coherent, clear voice in what felt like ages, Sunny whirled her attention behind her. Though, as she saw the source of the voice, she felt her heart stop.

The shrill, young voice emanated from a creature, one she very well recognized. He looked just like the plushies her father had made her when she was younger, but he looked real—far beyond what felt like simple imagination. Before her stood a living embodiment of a figure from the past, a character she had heard countless stories about.

She was looking at Spike.

The sight of the small drake was bewildering to her. Unlike every single other entity in this realm, he was clear as day. She could make out every scale on his body, the smile he wore, and even his eyes. He was so clear in fact, that Sunny was able to follow his gaze as he was looking up at…

“T-Twilight Sparkle…”

If one could pass out in a dream, Sunny would’ve done exactly that. The spitting image of the pony she idolized stood right beside Spike, frowning down at him with uncertainty. She too was clear as day, as if she were really directly in front of Sunny in reality. Unable to contain her excitement, any senses of fear or anxiety from before replaced with childlike wonder, Sunny let out an audible squee as she pranced in place.

“Y-you’re Twilight Sparkle!” she exclaimed, reaching out without thinking. “This is surreal! You’re my - wha?!

Her eyes widened as her foreleg went straight through the unicorn. She staggered, nearly losing her balance, but managed to catch herself just in time. Blinking, nearly facehoofing herself in embarrassment, even with no real company, she quickly realized her own foolishness.

“Right…a dream…” she grumbled. Raising a brow, she eyed the pair before her. “But this…doesn’t feel like one.”

Realizing they were wholly unaware of her presence, she urgently tried to find out what was going on. The first thing she noted was that the alicorn princess wasn’t an alicorn, nor a princess. She was just a normal unicorn, which told her that whenever this dream was seemingly taking place was in the former half of the ruler of Equestria’s journey. Spike too looked younger than some depictions of him her father had shown him, missing his wings for one and also looking far, far smaller.

Something pink in the corner of Sunny’s eye grabbed her attention, as she twisted her head to face whatever it was. A pink figure trotted towards them, merrily making its way through the town. Curiously, unlike Spike and Twilight, the pink figure was blurry and unclear—though she carried a sense of familiarity too.

Still, this entity differed from the rest as well. Wherein the majority of the pony-esque shrouds in the town were faint, unidentifiable figures, this pink one shimmered with light. Even with her special appearance, Sunny still couldn’t make out who she was beyond faint traces of its poofy mane, color, and feminine shape.

“C’mon, Twilight! Just try!”

Sunny’s ear twitched as Spike spoke. Glancing up at Twilight, seeing the unicorn’s uncertain expression further, she tilted her head curiously.

Twilight threw on an awkward smile, ears folding back as she hesitantly spoke. “Uh…hello?”


Sunny nearly leaped in surprise, swiftly turning around to find that the pink shroud had, in fact, actually leaped in surprise herself, emitting a distorted, exaggerated gasp. Before she could even begin to comprehend what was happening, the entity dashed forward, passing directly through her, causing both Twilight and Spike to instinctively duck.

Looking as confused as her present company, Sunny blinked wildly, desperately attempting to piece together what exactly just happened. “H-huh?!”

“Well…that was interesting alright.”

Snapped from her bewilderment by another comment from Twilight, Sunny watched as the unicorn began to trot ahead. Seeing Spike tailing behind her, with nothing better to do herself, Sunny followed. Sure they couldn’t see her, and she hadn’t a clue what was really going on, but following her idol. Even in a dream, this was a no brainer to her.

She trailed behind the two through what she now recognized as Ponyville, thanks to Spike's remark. She yearned for the world around her to become clearer, eager to finally behold the village she had heard so many tales about from her dad. Yet, wherever they ventured, everything and everypony remained obscured by a veil that rendered them impossible to see clearly.

Except Twilight and Spike.

Cantering through the town while picking up on the conversation Twilight and Spike were having, Sunny’s curiosity continued to grow as they approached what looked like the end of the town. Before her was a sea of trees, dotted with red splotches within their leaves, and between them all was a bright, red structure—something she could guess was a barn.


Looking to the side, Sunny was met with another shimmering shroud. Orange this time, with what looked like a hat atop of her head, this entity was barreling towards one of the ghostly trees in this realm. Wheeling around in place, she reared onto her forelegs and bucked the tree, slamming into it and forcing the collection of red, green, and yellow blobs to fall out of it and into what looked to be buckets.

“Wait…” Sunny mumbled to herself. “A barn…in Ponyville.” She glanced to the side, eyes going wide. “Wait! Those are apple trees…so this must be…” Her eyes went even wider, looking at the orange shroud. “And that must be…”

As she was busy putting together the clues she was being given, the orange figure began to speak.

“I’m Applejack! We here at Sweet Apple Acres sure do like making new friends!”

Sunny had her hunch confirmed, with the entity confirming itself to indeed be Applejack, and the place where they were now was Sweet Apple Acres. The realization had Sunny starstruck, now having her biggest idol and another one of her idols together before her. Her eyes were filled with wonderment, untold volumes of excitement and curiosity filling them, as she looked between the cowgirl and unicorn. Applejack’s voice was partially warped like everything else, but it was a portion clearer than the other ponies Sunny had seen when she had followed Twilight through the town.

“Friends? Actually…”

Twilight’s uncertain response caught Sunny off guard. Eyes going wide, Sunny whipped her attention towards Twilight, as she found herself trying to fathom what she just heard. Allowing the unicorn and the farm pony to indulge in their conversation, tuning them out as Applejack began to rant on and on about apple-based foods, Sunny tapped her chin.

“If that twinkling one is Applejack…and that one before was sparkling too…” She thought to herself, humming quietly. “Then that pink one must have been Pinkie Pie!” She raised a brow, looking over to see Twilight reluctantly beginning to chow down on the literal tower of apple snacks she had been offered. “But…Twilight didn’t know her, and she didn’t know Applejack either…so that must mean…aha!”

Whenever this dream was taking place, it was at the start of Twilight Sparkle’s journey. Though the implications of it seemed odd, she couldn’t help find that fact something that made this entire vision all the more amazing. Snapping from her thoughts as she watched Twilight begin to trot ahead of her, the unicorn’s belly bloated from the sheer amount of food she must have just ingested, she scurried up and followed behind her.

Time was moving at an abstract pace in this realm. What should’ve taken several minutes to do for Twilight and Applejack happened in mere moments, as if the reflection she was viewing was focusing on only certain parts, attempting to relay some kind of message.

Sunny found herself thinking over what the figures said to her before she ended up here, running it through her mind.

The start of it all will guide you…

It wasn’t hard to piece together that the spirits had sent her here, but for what reason, she didn’t know. She was however rather capable when it came to putting together a mystery, and she was quick to assume those figures from before might have been the other Elements of Harmony.

Nothing was for certain, and she didn’t want to assume anything, but with nothing better to do than idly spectate the happenings of this world whilst she waded in this dream for who knows how long, she at least wanted to use her time wisely.

Hmm,” Spike hummed, glancing around. “There’s supposed to be a pegasus pony named Rainbow Dash clearing the clouds…”

The mention of another one of her heroes snapped Sunny to attention, as she eagerly looked around the sky. She had heard endless stories about the feats of the most famous Wonderbolt of all time, ones her dad always told her with immense energy and excitement. They were some of her favorite tales Argyle would tell her, and seeing the pegasus from them in action was something she didn’t want to miss.

“Well…she isn’t doing a very good job, is she?”

Sunny eyed the sky. Albeit blurred and warped like the rest of the world around her, she could tell that there were a fair few white splotches—which were obviously clouds. Her attention shifted however, as a whirl of color flew past her vision.


And right into the vision of Twilight Sparkle.

Whirling around, Sunny watched as a figure she could only assume as Rainbow Dash began to giggle to herself as she loomed over Twilight in a puddle of mud. She overheard a brief exchange, before Rainbow Dash brought over a cloud and…

“Oh…well that isn’t exactly efficient,” Sunny grumbled to herself, watching the ancient unicorn get doused in rainwater.

A few more exchanges, and a literal whirlwind from Rainbow Dash to try and dry the drenched unicorn later, the pegasus of the past had fallen to the ground cackling. Sunny couldn’t blame her. Even though Twilight Sparkle was her idol, the poofy state her mane had ended up in from the ‘Rain-blow Dry’, at least that’s what it sounded like, was utterly hilarious.

Stifling her giggling, Sunny kept a keen ear on the further exchanges between the two figures. The raspiness of Rainbow Dash’s voice was unmistakable, and despite the distortions affecting her, Sunny managed to grasp the gist of what she was saying. She longed for the clarity of vision she had with Twilight, but unfortunately, it eluded her when it came to the pegasus and the other Elements she had encountered thus far.

Then again, everything began to raise a question to her. Why was Twilight the only thing clear as day in this dream? The sounds, ponies, and entire world was blurred, but yet the unicorn was as clear as if she were right in front of Sunny’s eyes in the real world. Raising a brow, watching as the figure of Rainbow Dash began to rapidly clear the clouds, she glanced over at Spike.

Why was he clear as well?

Sunny’s eyes went wide, realizing the sky had been cleared in no more than ten seconds flat, and her muddled expression matched that of Twilight’s before her.

“You’re a laugh, Twilight Sparkle!” Rainbow exclaimed, hovering near Twilight. “I can’t wait to hang out some more!”

As fast as she had arrived, Rainbow Dash's silhouette zoomed off into the distance. Even with the blurry imagery, Sunny could tell the pegasus packed speed—just like her dad had always told her. It gave her a warm sensation, seeing her father’s tales hold some weight, though she hadn’t a clue if this was all made up, or some kind of vision.

Nevertheless, Sunny liked to believe that her father's stories were entirely true. Besides Twilight Sparkle, he was her hero, indeed, the greatest hero in her eyes. Smiling to herself as she reminisced about her father's tales, Sunny surveyed her surroundings as she followed Twilight into a large, cylinder-shaped building in the heart of town.

Beautiful…” Spike cooed, his voice layered under wonderment.

Twilight glanced up and down, eyeing the blurry decor. “Yes, the decor is coming along nicely. This ought to be quick.”

Sunny pursed her lips, frowning at the decorations. Perhaps they looked nice, but to her all they looked like were colorful splotches that cluttered the warped walls of the building.

“I’ll be at the library in no time! Beautiful indeed.”

“Not the decor,” Spike corrected, pointing ahead, “her.”

Sunny followed Spike’s finger, finding her focus landing on a white silhouette playing around with some ribbons. From the colors it had, the tone of its voice as it grumbled ‘no’ while cycling through decorations, and the fact that she had caught onto what was going on, Sunny had a decent idea of who it might be.

“Rarity…” she mumbled, looking onward, before glancing back at Spike. She couldn’t help but notice the drake’s enamored look, chuckling. “Oh right, Dad always said he had a thing for her.” She pursed her lip, looking between the silhouette and him. “Always found that a bit weird...”


Sunny nearly jumped in place, having briefly lost her focus on the situation to observe how adorable Spike’s hopeless romanticism literally looked on his face. Whirling around, she watched as Rarity had actually jumped in place, seemingly shocked by Twilight’s mane from the exchange she quickly had with the unicorn.

She knew that Rarity was a fashionista from her dad’s stories, so Sunny wasn’t awfully surprised by Rarity’s immediate focus on the sodden state of Twilight’s mane. Though, what she didn’t expect was for Rarity to literally force Twilight out of the building and towards another one a minute or so away.

Hastily trotting behind them while hearing Twilight’s pleas to be let go, Sunny found herself slipping into what seemed like a parlor of sorts. Visages of dresses and the like lined the walls, and on a center podium Twilight was trying on an array of ensembles.

Strangely enough, each time Twilight donned one of the dresses, they turned entirely clear. While not particularly significant, it did allow Sunny to catch a glimpse of some rather extravagant ensembles that Rarity had chosen for Twilight. The dream, compared to the previous nightmare, was proving to be much more enjoyable, and Sunny soon found herself giggling once more at the ongoing antics that Twilight was getting pulled into.

As the scene went on, Sunny found her curiosity shift at the mention of Canterlot. Bar Rarity’s brief rant about the beauty and sophistication of the city, she did find herself rather curious. She knew of many ancient cities thanks to her father, but the glamor of the royal capital was always one that caught her fancy. Eyeing the window, she was curious if she could manage to make out the city on the obscured horizon. After all, to her knowledge, it was on a mountain overlooking Ponyville.

“Quick! Before she decides to dye my coat a new color!”

Thankfully for her curiosity, she’d get the opportunity sooner than later. As Rarity slipped into the backroom of her boutique in search of rubies, Sunny perked up and tailed after Twilight as she scurried out of the building in a rush. She somewhat spaced out during Twilight and Rarity's interaction, but Sunny knew full well that trying on that many things surely would tire anypony out.

Escaping from within Carousel Boutique, Sunny galloped behind Twilight as she glanced up towards the towering city in the distance. She had hoped to catch a glimpse of Canterlot and possibly see a glimpse of a city long forgotten, but there was nothing more than a vague blotch beside the mountain she knew it rested on.

“I’m sorry, what was that?”

Sunny wheeled around, having spaced out while following Twilight, hearing the ancient unicorn ask a question. For a moment, Sunny thought it was meant for her, but as she caught sight of a yellow figure with pink hair, she quickly pieced together what was going on.

“Fluttershy…” she mumbled, looking between the pegasus’ phantom and Twilight.

Sunny watched what seemed to be an awkward, unclear exchange unfold before her, fighting back a giggle as she observed Twilight trying to be polite with what she could only assume was an extremely quiet exchange with Fluttershy. She scrunched her muzzle in confusion as Fluttershy’s figure soon began ranting about how incredible of a creature Spike was, Sunny resumed trying to wrap her head around what was going on.

She was certainly in a dream, but everything so far, from the nightmarish entity of magic to this manifested day in the past, felt all too real. There was an aura of something in the air, something that reeked of the truth—something that convinced her there was more to this all than just a very odd dream. Mumbling to herself quietly, tuning out Fluttershy’s barely distinguishable voice while barraging Spike with questions, she sighed.

Deep down, she knew she should’ve been enthralled in this dream, savoring every bit of a glimpse into her six idols’ past, but something just wasn’t sitting right with her. There was certainly something amok. The Elements returned, magic was missing, and now here she was, reliving the events of the start of Twilight Sparkle and her friends’ legendary tale.

Following along with Twilight, watching the mare give a rather forced goodbye to Fluttershy, Sunny stopped in her tracks, soon gazing up at the location they had walked to. Even with it blurred, Sunny knew it was a tree, but not just any tree. The Golden Oaks library was a location she knew very well, even having had a small recreation of it her father had carved out for her when she was a foal. It was grand, glorious, and the setting of so many intriguing tales and adventures—or so she believed from her father’s tales of the place.

Trotting into the home behind Twilight, Sunny’s curiosity piqued at the darkness within. It was pitch black, enough that she could barely make out her hoof before her own face, but in the midst of Twilight rambling about ‘crazy ponies trying to make friends’, she nearly shot up into the air as a clamoring yell met her eyes.


She’d have been embarrassed at her own reaction if not for Twilight sharing a similar one, as the lights within the library came on and a crowd of figures surrounded them. Surveying the area, she easily pieced together what was happening. A party, and if there was a party…

“Hi, I’m Pinkie Pie! And I threw this party just for you!”

Even with her voice distorted and warped, Sunny could tell what the bright pink ghost that was obviously Pinkie Pie was saying. A warmth of happiness washed over Sunny, as she realized that, even though she wasn’t really there, she was at least somewhat experiencing one of the party pony’s legendary events. The treehouse was stacked to the brim with ponies, and even with so much clamor and celebration, she was surprised to catch Twilight’s annoyed grimace.

Still, Sunny was at a party. Even though she couldn’t directly partake, she supposed she could indulge in spectating the event. She was quick to make out who was who, identifying each of the other six Elements of Harmony rather quickly. Keen on learning anything she could and finally casting aside her theorizing for the sake of indulging in her wonder, she finally sat down and just watched.

Yet, her goal was short-lived. In the blink of an eye, the world around her began to morph. Swirling into a blur, the phantoms and setting all being cast aside and shifted back into the void from before, Sunny’s heart immediately began to race. Everything so far had been so quaint, calm, and interesting that she had completely forgotten about the menacing figure that had thrust her into this dream in the first place. Nervously spinning around, trying to prepare for whatever may happen next, she clenched her eyes shut as the swirling void around her exploded outwards.

Flinching, she felt her hooves touching solid ground again, cautiously peeking an eye open to see where, or even when, she had ended up. Raising a brow, she eyed the sky. The moon was clear as day, the wind was brisk and cold, and to her side, she noticed a familiar group.

Eyeing the Elements of Harmony, Sunny blinked wildly, whipping her attention back up towards the moon, and then back towards the group.

“Of course…Nightmare Moon…”

Where their story began. You’re watching it all unfold again.

“Wha?!” Sunny yelped, trying to pinpoint the voice. “W-who’s there?! Magic?! P-please just leave me alone...“

The voice chuckled, speaking softly to her.

I understand your fear, I’d be quite afraid too. Though let me clarify, I am just here to act as a guide for you.

“O-oh, wait, g-guide?” Sunny muttered, blushing lightly. “Why weren’t you here before?”

My presence was passive until you went to sit. Now your dream has evolved, so I’m stepping in a bit.

“Did…did me seriously sitting down cue you to do…whatever this is?”

You sat on your rump causing the change in setting? It was merely a coincidence, if that’s what you’re betting.

“Right…” Sunny grumbled. Turning her attention back to the group of ponies standing at the edge of the forest, she pressed the voice further. “Is this…when…”

It is indeed when your ancient heroes faced off with a most fearsome foe, all the way back when they were barely friends, though.

Sunny watched as the world began to shift again, moving from the forest’s edge, to the interior of what looked to be a castle. Sunny was still at the sidelines, looking over at the bearers of Harmony, and opposing them, a towering nightmarish shroud.

“So, if my memory is right, then this is when…”

“Applejack, who reassured me when I was in doubt, represents the spirit of honesty!”

The Elements found their bearers, yes. the voice confirmed.

Sunny’s eyes went wide, watching as Twilight and friends faced off against Nightmare Moon.

“Fluttershy! Who tamed the manticore with her compassion, represents the spirit of…kindness!”

Sunny’s eyes only widened, nearly giddy to see such a momentous moment in history unfold right before her eyes.

“Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger, represents the spirit of…laughter!”

One by one, Twilight revealed the bearers of Harmony, all to Sunny’s absolute delight.

“Rarity! Who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift, represents the spirit of…generosity!”

“This is incredible!” Sunny exclaimed, watching as the origin of her heroes began to take form. “This is the start of true harmony!”

I wouldn’t be so certain…

Sunny raised a brow at the voice's words, but quickly found herself enthralled in the event unfolding before her.

“And Rainbow Dash, who could not abandon her friends for her own heart’s desire, represents the spirit of…loyalty!”

“Ohhh! Here it comes!” Sunny cheered.

Yes…it does…

“The spirits of these five ponies got us through every challenge threw at us!”

Sunny pranced in place, her excitement beginning to know no bounds. “Only one more!”

You naive filly…

“You still don’t have the sixth element. The spark didn’t work!” Nightmare Moon exclaimed.

“But it did! A different kind of spark,” Twilight continued, turning towards her friends. “I felt at the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear you, to see you. How much I cared about you. The spark ignited inside me!” She smiled at each of her friends. “When I realized that you all…are my friends!

Sunny gnawed her lip in anticipation, awaiting for the moment she had been dying to see. She knew this story well from her father, and any second now…

You do not have the right to see our bond!

Magic would arrive.

Sunny whirled around, seeing the terrifying smog that was Magic itself. Her blood ran cold, her heart began to race, and her pupils shrunk, as she watched the horrifying ghost begin to charge at her from the other end of the castle’s hall. Sunny threw her attention to Twilight, praying that her hero could somehow save her, but as she looked to her side, Twilight too was now a faded shroud—just like the rest of her friends.

“No! Please! I can’t face it again! I don’t want to!” Sunny cried out, scrambling back as Magic grew closer. “Help me! Not again!”

She pleaded, tears beginning to form in her eyes as she watched Magic gain ground, mere feet away from her as it shrieked and wailed in ways that’d scar Sunny for months. It looked more disfigured, more distraught, and all the more hopeless, and it seemed it had all its malice reserved for her.

Bracing herself, terrified of what was to come, Sunny felt the world around her rapidly shift. In the blink of an eye, Magic’s wailing ceased, an empty, silent void replacing it.

“I can protect you this time, but the reality you’ll soon face is quite the mountain to climb.”

Sunny cracked her eyes open, finding herself in a white void. Looking around, she saw nothing but oblivion, but unlike the black void, this one felt safe—comforting even. Following where the voice had come from, she spotted an actual ghost. Not blurry, clear as day, but obviously a spirit of sorts. They weren’t a pony, but rather…

“A zebra?” Sunny blurted out.

“That is what I am, yes,” the zebra replied, eyeing her. “I hope my presence can help alleviate your stress?”

Sunny slowly stood up, wiping the tears away from her eyes. “You look different…almost like…”

“An actual spirit?” the zebra replied, chuckling. “I am exactly it.”

Stepping closer to the zebra, Sunny pressed for answers. “But…how? You don’t look like the figure in this dream, but you don’t look as clear as Twilight did either…”

The zebra nodded. “In my days on Equestria, I trained to be in tune with my soul.” She turned, smiled down at Sunny. “I hope that answers your questions before you get on a roll.”

Her method of speech perplexed Sunny, ushering forth her curiosity to eclipse her previous worry. “O-oh! So, erm, who might you be?”

“Back in time Zecora was my name, though I still bear it without my mortal flame,” she replied.

Sunny, for what felt like the thousandth time, was wide-eyed with wonder. She had heard tales of Zecora many times in her younger years. Stories of her brilliance as a potion maker, her vital role in helping resolve various challenges, and much more. Though the stories were brief and left her longing for more, she still had unfathomable volumes of admiration for the zebra.

“You’re Zecora…like the Zecora?!” Sunny blurted out. “I’ve heard about you! You’re incredible! You helped Twilight Sparkle and her friends on so many adventures! You’re a hero!”

Zecora chuckled, shaking her head. “I only did what was right, and even now I try to help ponies see the light.”

Sunny beamed at the zebra but soon found her smile fading. "So... this is a dream, right? I've been so confused... I can't tell what's real and what isn't. Can you help me?"

“A dream would never be this real,” Zecora replied, stepping towards Sunny. “But if I told you this was a vision, would it seem surreal?”

“A vision…” Sunny mumbled, glancing around. “But…why me?”

Zecora sighed, tapping her hoof against the ground. “It has been many moons since ponies were together.” Her look morphed to a frown, as she looked over her shoulder worryingly. “Though it has certainly also ruffled her feathers.”

“Do you mean that monster?” Sunny asked, shaking her head. “Wait…that didn’t answer my question. Why me? Why would I be given this vision?”

“Yes, the monster that is magic. The feelings it has are quite tragic.” Zecora turned her focus back to Sunny, eyeing her closely. “I’m not sure what you have done to be given the right, but for some reason, harmony itself dictates you as the saving light.”

Sunny pursed her lips, trying to inspect Zecora closely. “How are you here? I know you trained, but…”

“I was always in tune with the world around me,” Zecora answered, swaying a foreleg before her and summoning a dense forest around the two. “It’s how my spirit has come to be. I act as a guide for the world unknown, as it is where some ponies like you are unfortunately thrown.” She trotted ahead of Sunny. “There are many threats in our world, and with magic’s return many have been unfurled.”

Sunny hastily followed her, pressing her for more information. “Threats? Like who?”

“An alicorn is your threat, just to let you know,” Zecora swiftly replied, pausing in an opening within the forest. “One can be a friend, and one can be a foe.”

Sunny paused in the clearing, freezing in place as two towering figures grew at an exponential rate before her. Two purple alicorns, both menacing, both twisted, and both unclear of their true intentions. One of them with a bright, shimmering mane, the other a surreal violet. They glowered down at her, both wearing apparel that belonged to royalty, and both radiated with an intense, magical glow.

“Both can be saved, though one may refuse,” Zecora furthered, shaking her head. “It is quite difficult to shift ancient views…”

“Who are these ponies?” Sunny asked, snapped from her confusion. “Do…do I know them?”

Zecora hesitated, looking between the two gargantuan alicorns. “Yes and no, is the best I can say.” She shook her head. “You may know them both, one for certain, but they are far different than back in their day.”

“You have to know more! Please, Zecora! Help me! Why was I able to see the Elements!? Where am I?!”

Zecora lowered her head. “A spirit can only affect the world so much, otherwise, I’d abuse my powers a bunch.” She swayed a hoof, the forest around them vanishing into dust, as the two towering, unclear alicorns were both engulfed in purple flames. “You have been chosen, as have your friends, to finally help bring their stories to their ends.” Zecora glanced at Sunny’s neck. “Magic is missing, that is an obvious fact. Though it is because its bearer remains intact.”

“Wait…what does any of this mean! Woah!

Sunny’s question trailed off, as the ground below her began to shake aggressively. Cracks in the scenery began to reveal themselves, as the two ghostly alicorns crumbled to pieces and slammed into the ground below. Throughout all the chaos, Zecora remained stoic, staring straight into Sunny’s very soul. The faint roar of Magic made Sunny’s ears twitch with fear, as she looked around in sheer panic.

“Zecora! Help! Please! It’s coming again!” Sunny begged, her adrenaline already spiking once more.

Zecora remained still, staring at her intently. “It shall not hurt you here in this realm. Though, be wary of the individual in reality with magic at their helm.”

“Z-Zecora! I d-don’t get the rules you have to follow but please!” Sunny cried out, the ground beneath her breaking apart into pieces. “I need to know more!”

The ground beneath Zecora crumbled away, yet she remained there, floating without fear. “This is your story, you must fulfill it in all its glory. I can guide, but not solve, you will achieve that with your own personal resolve.”

As the zebra spoke, Sunny's gaze shot upward. Suddenly, breaking through an unknown barrier, Magic erupted, shrieking with fury as it descended directly toward her. With a plea in her eyes, she turned to Zecora, only to find the zebra smiling. Before she could process the situation, the ground beneath her gave way, and she was sent hurtling back into the abyss.

She began to spin, hurtling through the void, Magic's screams echoing after her all the way. She squeezed her eyes shut, her mind awash with even more questions, and her fear intensified. Yet, amidst the turmoil, there was a glimmer of comfort as she heard Zecora's final words.

“You must give her peace.”

Author's Note:

We're back! Sorry for the late! Long chapter + custom art pieces meant this was gonna be a big one! Hope you enjoy! Updates will be much more frequent!

Artwork done by (in order of appearance)
