• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2020
  • offline last seen 13 hours ago


A pony of mystery in the darkness. Or I forgot to take the lens cap off. (They/them is fine.)


Pegasi have their own ways of saying, "You're awesome and I love you."

Prereaders: CarlosSainz55 (no, not THAT CarlosSainz55, a different one.)

Contest Link Thingy: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/216159/bikes-personal-contests/thread/496122/bpc-v-lofty-and-holiday-contest-2022-may-22-jul-31

Art: Mockingbirb made an MLP screencap and edited the wing anatomy, for reasons.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 23 )

It was either this, or an orange grease spot. Only two possible endings.

Of course, flying UP isn't what a pony needs to get DOWN safe. A controlled glide is enough, if you're on your way down.

And that's saying nothing about her ability to fly horizontally, adorable little scooter motor that she is.

We can even prepare a nice PonyPoint for you. Bureaucrats like PonyPoints, right?

I have a few questions about how that works without a computer. Do they just break out a slide projector?

"Here!" the pegasus said, dropping an envelope upon Mare's forehooves. "It's a very special event, and everypony in town is invited!"

"I'm a little jealous, honestly. I love my Dinky, but by the time her magic will be reliable enough for me to throw her off a cliff, I'm not sure if I'll be able to lift her. Not enough to get a good toss, anyway."

Lovely tale of an unconventional but undeniably loving family. Best of luck in the judging.


And that's saying nothing about her ability to fly horizontally, adorable little scooter motor that she is.

For that matter, "Flight to the Finish" had her come close enough to flying to imply that she could plausibly use her wings to slow her descent.

Then again, her desperate attempts to get flying in that episode imply that if there was anything medically wrong with her wings, she didn't know about it. Which, in turn, implies that she hadn't seen a doctor about it, despite being well past the age when the average pegasus would start flying. Which does not reflect well on her biological family.


Which does not reflect well on her biological family.

And surprisingly enough, later continuity corroborated that. Is Bindi Irwin suing Hasbro for defamation of her late father?


Then again, her desperate attempts to get flying in that episode imply that if there was anything medically wrong with her wings, she didn't know about it.

"Denial" is a common response to bad news from doctors, too, though.

Good story.

Apropos of nothing, I love your comments. You always have fun things to say about the fics you read.


"Denial" is a common response to bad news from doctors, too, though.

Fair point. It would also logically explain why she never bothered to get herself a hang glider or something - by the time she actually did come to terms with her condition, it was too late in the series to properly explore that.

Sweet, short one-shot :scootangel:

EDIT: and thankyou for the head-canon on pegasi having their quirks and ways of saying “I love you“.

Heh, I can see it. Very sweet, in a nicely twisted way.

FOME is a gentleman and a scholar. It is known.

That was sweet I’m really glad we got to seeScooialos aunts

I read the title in Shining Armor's voice.

This was good, but the ending provided no closure for Lofty and Holiday, and instead gave it to Rainbow Dash who showed up out of nowhere? I mean yeah, Scootaloo's idol and all that, but this whole story is about L&H and their relationship with Scoots. And they practically don't show up at all in the entire third act. Still, good. But could be great.

I suspect her issue is magical rather than medical. Insufficient mana flow to the wings, or whatever terminology Twilight might use.

Am I the only one who was excited to see someone on fimfiction use the proper punctuation for continuing a quotation across paragraphs? :twilightsmile:

I suspect this is an example of how even though the Tribes live together in Ponyville, they still don't care enough about each other to know their particular customs. Gotta do more than just smile and nod at the other pony as you pass them on the street...maybe...take the time to get to know them?

Sermon ended, I'll see myself out...

No, it’s ok, I think you’re right.
That’s what makes this story fun - while the three tribes live together, they each have their unsuppressable quirks.

The pegasi have a different view of heights (heights do not always mean certain death) and saying “I would throw you off a cliff” is a very pegasus way of saying “I love you and trust you enough to throw you off a cliff and I know that you’ll be safe”.

And here we have a fantastic contrast in parenting methods. On this hand is the (ironically) ground bound helicopter parent. In the other is the parent who gives their child room to grow as an individual.

Well done

In an incredibly small package, this was delightful world-building, adorable fluff with two adorable aunts, and a neat little comedy about different species not seeing eye-to-eye. I enjoyed it thoroughly, thank you for writing.~

Maybe you should keep a tighter rein on her, watch her a bit more closely? That's all I mean."

hehe, “rein”, because they’re horses!

"It's not a joke. She can't even fly! It's crazy to fling somepony up into the air like that who can't even fly. She really could have died!"

i guess in most contexts that does seem like a really irresponsible thing to let the CMC try to even do!

She leaped up into Holiday's lap, her wings giving her a little power assist.

aww, cute! and yeah, Scootaloo can’t fly, but that doesn’t mean those wings are doing nothing

"Wow!" Scootaloo said. "You really are the best aunts ever. And I love you too. You two too."

"Awww!" Pinkie said, watching the three ponies hug. "How cute!"

aww, that is so cute! i am so glad for Scootaloo that she has two aunts who would throw her off a high cliff like that!

Mayor Mare came to visit the little family (or maybe, she thought, just a half-family, assembled from mismatched scraps?) at home.

second pony who’s brought this up in the story! i guess it fits the theme of closed-minded Ponyville earthponies just not understanding Scootaloo’s family

Holiday added, "I wouldn't call it a THREAT, exactly."

Mare stared in disbelief.

Holiday said, "More like a promise."

Mare was speechless.

and what is a threat but a promise of a negative consequence?

Lofty wheedled, "How about we talk about this later? We can even prepare a nice PonyPoint for you. Bureaucrats like PonyPoints, right?"

aww, surely Mayor Mare is more than just a PonyPoint-loving bureaucrat!

Outside, a gray pegasus mare hovered. One of her eyes looked directly at the Mayor.

Mare opened the window.

i love how often the word “mare” is being repeated here

Mare sighed. "Ponyville is crazy. And pegasi are even crazier."

hehe, always a fun callback to the classic Twilight ilne

Flitter was busy flirting with a tree, or maybe a lamppost. "Hey baby, you could light up my life." She batted her eyelashes at a pegasus pony sitting in the tree.

i have no idea what you are doing with Flitter in this story but so far she is my favorite character in it

"No fair! Don't kill your own kind!" the same colt said.

i mean i gotta hoof it to the kid this is a killer line

Scootaloo sighed. She buzzed her wings very, very hard to gain a little altitude, and glided down to land on Rainbow's back.

"Ok," she said. "Let's go."

aww! of course Scootaloo would want to hold on to the feeling of flight for just a little bit longer, not to mention showing up those non-pegasus ponies that think she is even less able to fly than she actually is.

vry fun bit of cultural misunderstanding, both of pegasus culture and of Scootaloo’s family. and of course, a Scootaloo story wouldn’t be complete without her being thought of as an orange bird, so i very much appreciated that as well. thank you for writing!

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