• Member Since 17th Jun, 2017
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The Red Parade

Cars are still parked outside. If the rapture had happened, why was it unrecognizable? Why was the sky blue? Why did no one tell me? Do these things not announce themselves?


"Most things out here are ambivalent. The animals, the forest, they don't care about you. But the river? The river is trying to kill you."

"I have found that in our darkest days, we judge ourselves not in terms of what we can do, but in what we fail to do."

CW: death by drowning in the background, implied suicide attempt

Entry for the Twilight Files contest. This story is a media fic best read on the site. If any piece of media is not working (and Red is still active on FimFic) please let him know.

Chapters (33)
Comments ( 54 )

That last image, wow. I'm loving this so far, the images are a really awesome way to convey the story and the simple 'To Do - Get Your Act Together' is so powerful.

Holy shit Red. This was absolutely fantastic, I love the way you showed Night's gradual decline and then her fight to get better again. I love the variety of epistolary, from newspapers to the calendar, to letters and the receipts, you told the story in a very clever way.

Outstanding work in both storytelling and presentation. Night Glider's fall and rise is heartwrenching and uplifting by turns. The incidental details really make Equestria feel like a rich world that exists beyond the scope of the story. Thank you for a great read, and best of luck in the judging.

I don't find 1 word

saw title, thought of this.

This was a wonderful fic! Had me feeling a lot of things, and I loved the ending.

Talk about going the extra mile for immersion.

This is top tier stuff. Best of luck in the contest!

It wasn't her fucking fault!!

Oh shit...I can see where this is going...

...don't do it...

OutSTANDING story! I absolutely loved the format, for I was totally immersed in the story and felt my heart go out to your protagonist with every chapter. This is some bold writing, and if it's for a contest I hope you win.

But if I may, I think this needs to be here as well: The Suicide Prevention Hotline.

For anyone that needs help.

I know how hard you worked on this one, and the effort definitely paid off. Great story, Red, thank you for making it.

While I personally think that the Tragedy tag is a bit misplaced here, that's more of a mechanical quibble about the tag's meaning (if I recall correctly, it's meant for stories where the protagonist ends up failing rather than the fall followed by rise we get here) than one with the story itself.

Speaking of that story, I loved it, both the unique format and the story that format told. The sense of sickening dread eventually leading up to 23rd, and the sense of healing from the latter half of the story, were incredibly evocative, reminding me of the song "To Hell and Back." At some points, I could almost hear the opening whistles of it while imagining Night Glider sitting in bed. And the ending, uplifting while not denying what Night Glider went through, to me captures the spirit of its closing lines, the sense that someone's been through Hell... but they've come out the other side:

She saw gravestones crop on Canterlot,
Where no ranger sleeps and where Hell's six feet deep;
That death must wait, there's no debate,
She charged and attacked, she went to Hell and back!

Alondro shoots a glance at the river near his house... the river swiftly hides a dagger behind its back!

"The story was right!" :pinkiegasp:

"This is all your fault."
You can not control the fate of people who make wrong choices. Failure is always possible and risk of it will be always be there.

Whoa, I haven't seen this story format before.

Glider and Cider's reports aren't quite matching up.

The way the prepackaged, soulless "Have a nice day" message from the receipt contrasts with the grim situation is really good.

Looks like the drinking and isolation isn't helping.

Glider hasn't been submitting the forms huh? That's not good.

Glider's bender ended and they started marking the calendar again!

I’m assuming “rubber duck” is a replacement for “therapy” so Night doesn’t get triggered? If it is, it’s a wonderful detail.

This was great, and you conveyed the story well using this unconventional method. That said, since I was reading this on my phone, in the chapters without any images, I often wasn't sure if that was intended or if my phone just failed to load the images.

Night Glider's situation felt relatable, though I've never been in a situation like that. I'm glad you chose to have her get therapy and have the story continue well into her therapy, rather than going the edgy route and ending with the period where she disappears for a while.

This was great, really great, almost horryffing to think she almost ended it for good

Wrangler, leader of Whitetail Park's ranger detail, also warned of dangerous river currents which are typical for the season (cont. on 4)

im guessing that this is foreshadowing!

- get excited! :)

yay :)

Signed, Night Glider

hey it's Night Glider! guess that is who "Nigh" is, and "Ranger Cider" is "Ci".

Haydog Buns x 5: 15.00

don't they have carrot dogs, not hay dogs? literally unreadable! (also, dang, those are some pricey buns!)

"What tends to happen is the snow that's built up over the window begins to melt rapidly," explained Moondancer, a researcher with the University of Canterlot.

i guess waterfallology was yet another subject that Moondancer ended up getting a degree in


Gloriosa Daisy

oh, so that's what the pony version of her is up to, makes sense!


i'm guessing the medevac system is based on pegasi in Equestria? pegasi like, say, Night Glider, perhaps???

Party was unresponsive and had no pulse. Ranger Glider and I administered CPR and requested medical aid. Paramedics pronounced party deceased on the scene.

dang teenagers, always ignoring the advice of park rangers and then immediately dying of the thing they were warned about! and oof, i am sure that one's gonna leave a mark on everypony involved, especially Night Glider.


yeah she has been through a lot today!


Tried to keep your name out of the news, you shouldn't be bothered by them too much. Take the rest of the week off, however much time you need, you got it. Let me know if there's anything I can do.


glad that Wrangler is doing right for her ponies. and augh, why did that teenager just ignore Night Glider like that?


Hope you're ok. I'll stop by after my shift n' chat with ya. Night you're really great and this wasn't yourfault. I hope you know that.

- Ci

it's easy to think this rationally but hard to let oneself believe it in any way, augh.


it's only on the second reading that i noticed how the incident reports differ here without necessarily contradicting. fascinating how the same events can come off with such a different spin depending on what's being emphasized, and Night Glider is definitely emphasizing the self-blame here. :fluttershysad:

The Princess announced that a full procedure review would be conducted of the incident (cont. on 2)

yeah after this it feels prudent to just not allow tourist ponies anywhere near the river!


oof, the new text is heartbreaking. i couldn't imagine going on a vacation after all that either, augh, poor Night Glider

Princess Luna has allowed you to carry out any vacation plans you may have had already, provided you agree to remain in contact with our office should we have questions.

i'm guessing that all that time in a row of not having anything to do to keep her busy will end up being very Not Good for poor Night Glider...


and oof, yeah, getting a bad feeling about this


now this is environmental storytelling. (also probably a bad sign if my own shopping list ever looks anything similar to Night Glider's blaming-self-for-a-death-depression shopping list)

Pending the investigation into the fatality that occurred, officials announced that the entirety of Whitetail Park would be shut down.

yeah i hope they get to the bottom of just what is drawing ponies to that river...

Got your vacation stuff all sorted out, you'll get the time back in exchange for the leave.

well at least she won't be spending a week plus her leave eating microwave pizzas at home

Opinion: Shutting Down Whitetail Woods is a Huge Mistake


i do wonder if i'm supposed to be able to tell who this researcher is

Sent ya some of the ciders you asked for. Don't go drinkin em all in one place, ya hear?

oof, hope Night Glider hears

The Daily Equestrian

Princess Twilight Authorizes Extensive Research Project

well i wonder what bad thing specifically for Night Glider this will lead to

I don't know what else there is to say. I failed. Everything was on the line and I failed. I should've been better. I should've been better. I failed and now somebody is dead, because I wasn't fast enough. Wasn't strong enough. Is this what you wanted me to say? I'll say it louder: I'm a failure, and I

yeah that is probably not what they were looking for...


probably not best for Night Glider right now just how cheap beer seems to be in Equestria...

The Equestrian Daily

Port of Manehattan Faces Massive Staff Shortages

well even more intrigued how this connects with the rest of the story, but maybe it doesn't at all?


oof, yeah, i can imagine it taking a while to get the words out. a taped interview seems like it would be better for this kind of thing, though i guess that would look more like an interrogation

Mass Murder: Crow Population Surges in Equestria

perfect headline. also hilariously misleading


hey, someponies care a lot about this kind of thing!



I see their face everywhere I go.

yeah that is not an improvement on the previous attempts


it's the "HAVE A NICE DAY!" at the end that really makes this

Experts Believe Dancer's River Drowning Could Have Been Prevented

oof Night Glider's not gonna take that well


yeah i feel for Night Glider here


well that's not good...

Incident Debrief Form

Ranger Night Glider is a failure
Ranger Night Glider is worthless
Ranger Night Glider is a stupid piece of shit
Ranger Night Glider should've died in the river
Ranger Night Glider should be fired
Ranger Night Glider doesn't deserve to be alive
This is all Ranger Night Glider's Fault
Ranger Night Glider is a failure

as awful as this spiral is, i am glad to hear anything from her. with the calendar not updating, i was worried that the rest of the story would be Night Glider not responding to things until her body is discovered in her apartment...

Thank you for shopping at Pone-Mart!

Vodka: 20.00
Total: 20.00

and that is an escalation!

Incident Debrief Form

I attempted to rescue them from the river and I was unsuccessful. I did all I could but in the end I failed. I don't know what more I can say that I haven't already.

yeah i don't know what else Night Glider could be expected to say beyond that


Get your act together.

a ray of hope?

This is All Your Fault

This is All Your Fault

This is all your fault this is all your fault this is all your fault this is all your fault this is all your fault this is all your fault this is all your fault this is all your fault this is all your fault this is all your fault this is all your fault this is all your fault (help help help help help help help help help help help help help i can't breathe i can't breathe i can't breathe i can't breathe i can't breathe why didn't you save me)

i didn't notice the text in the black square until i read the text version, and oof. is this what Night Glider's mind perceives as the newspaper saying?


well that is very not good!

Since you're probably wondering why you're at the hospital: I found you last night trying to sneak towards Dancer's River, drunken and bleeding like crazy from nasty cuts on your pasterns.

oof, that explains the lack of anything in the previous chapter. glad that Wrangler found her


i gotta say that is a fantastic pony therapist name and business card

Millie Passion-Cotton

aww she sounds very nice!

- I know this is hard, but you are absolutely not alone in this. Nobody deserves to go through what you've been through, but you will make it through this.

aww, i believe in her...


aww that is a lot nicer to see than the piling amounts of alcohol (and no food???). the skipped day is a neat way to convey that Night Glider's life has been shrunk down to these sessions with Millie


aww, that's right, Sugar Belle lives in Ponyville now! they can talk about the time that they were trapped in a cult together and wow Night Glider really has been through a lot hasn't she

The Daily Equestrian

Whitetail National Park Reopens

aww, life moving on!


and it's nice to see that Night Glider is beginning to as well! also i just got that the switch from a monthly calendar to a day-by-day is representative of the switch to taking on processing what happened to Night Glider "one day at a time" and augh that is a great touch


aww, nice that Night Glider's coworkers were understanding of her off-screen awfulness. it certainly was a lot to go through

Can't begin to imagine how hard things must have been for you, and I'm upset with myself for not realizing sooner how bad it was.

yeah it seems very obvious in retrospect. so easy to think of silence as everything being left best enough alone

- The way you've described your weighted blanket makes me want to get one!

aww that is so cute!

Dear Night Glider,

I wanted to send you a letter that wasn't written on a standard font typewritter, because I would like to say something that I can't in a professional capacity.

aww, the personal touch is very nice. looks like it's all healing for Night Glider!


so true

It's a tough question for sure but this is a choice that nobody can make except for you. If you want my professional opinion, I think that this can go either way: you're doing better than you were before, but I think you'd agree with the claim you're not 100% yet.

it's a very tough choice to make!

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