• Member Since 12th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen 39 minutes ago


Perfection? I don't want that, because that would mean stopping, standing still, instead of improving.


Rain Shine, upon discovering that Autumn Blaze has gone missing, goes out in search of the missing Kirin, only to go missing herself. She then finds herself in an unfamiliar world, in an unfamiliar body, in a city that is visited by adventurers and merchants while being hounded by the forces of darkness. She joins a group of three heroes in their quest to track down the thieves who attacked each of them upon entering Baldur's Gate, recover their stolen possessions, and right the wrongs of the city along the way... all while uncovering a dark plot that's bigger than they could have imagined.

(Baldur's Gate, Dark Alliance/MLP Crossover)
(Part of the Demon War story series, but reading the others isn't required)

Chapters (41)
Comments ( 206 )

I wonder what class she is going to take, this is a D&D adventure after all.

it is interesting indeed, i would assume 'Variant Human' as a race...possibly a Ranger? it would give her access to the best healing spell in D&D, Goodberry. she would also be able to get Spike Growth as a Ranger, an excellent Control spell...

11463951 The thing is that Vahn, the human in the first game, is an arcane archer, so that would give them two archers.

11463788 I have yet to decide on such a thing.

do not let her pick up Horizon Walker or Monster Slayer though, those things are basically subclassless Rangers...

11464022 I'll take your word for it. I was just saying that having two rangers might be redundant or unnecessary.

yeah, Arcane Archer is not a Ranger, its a Fighter Subclass. it has spell like effects, but it in and of itself is not a Caster, its a Martial. anything an Arcane Archer can do, a Ranger can do better and it can do more. so from the party composition thus far, you have a Fighter, the Dwarf is probably a Cleric and Heal-bot, a Sorceress and a Kirin. quite frankly, i would seriously re-spec the Heal-bot into something far more useful as healing potions are not that hard to get ones hands on and they heal way better than most Cleric healing spells. and as i said, as a Ranger, Rain Shine would get access to Goodberry, the best healing spell in the game...and, depending on stats, she could even Multiclass into a full Caster rather than a Gish...

oh, and heres someone who knows a lot more than i do explaining why Horizon Walker and Monsterslayer Rangers suck...

11464104 Actually, Kromlech, the dwarf, is a warrior. So a fighter sub-class, a warrior, a sorceress, and an unclassed kirin for the first game. In the second game she would have a barbarian, a cleric, a rogue, a monk, and a necromancer as her allies.

im going on D&D 5E as to what these things are, not the old video games

11464134 I'm just saying that deciding on a good class for Rain might be a challenge, given who she'll be traveling with.

I remember DA2 being one of my favourite ps2 games. That said, this ought'a be interesting.

well, you essentially have two Martials (Fighter) and one Caster (Sorcerer). a Gish or another full Caster would optimize the party at least a little. given Rain Shine being a Kirin, a Ranger or a Druid would probably be best, as im guessing that your other Caster is going to be going the way of the 'Boom Mage' more than anything else, probably Dragonblood Sorcerer and showboating with Metamagic...something that deals insane amounts of damage at low levels by the way. now, if it was me? i would go Ranger for five levels, taking Hunter as my SubClass. its basic, but it really works well and you can have a lot of fun with the extra damage dealt to injured enemies, as well as being able to cast Spike Growth, Goodberry and Pass Without Trace. after five levels i would multiclass into Rouge, probably Arcane Trickster SubClass, that way i get Sneak Attack to add to any damage rolls, that extra 1D6 at Rouge Level One can be devastating, as well i get access to Wizarding spells for taking the SubClass...

11464183 The two Dark Alliance games were favorites of my family in the early years of the PS2... played them as much as the two PS2 Champions of Norrath games. I usually played either the dwarf, for gold/price reasons, or the sorceress, because magic!

11464187 I see. That's a lot to take in.

As she turned around, however, Rain was suddenly overcome with exhaustion, like she had come down with something that instantly zapped her strength or something, where she staggered for a moment before hitting the ground, the world going black around her as she slipped into unconsciousness.

That would be "sapped" her strength.

11464203 You would be correct. Not sure how I didn't catch it, but I'll correct it.

thats just what i would do, personally. u could also play Rain Shine as a straight Druid, and u would still get access to a lot of the same spells, except for Pass Without Trace, which is a shame since it would allow the entire party a +10 to Stealth checks in addition to leaving behind no trace of their passing (heh) until the spell ends. in exchange though, u could get to use the most broken spell effect in all of D&D, the spell (which can be gained at 5th level) is called Conjure Animals, and the strategy is called 'The Unstoppable Raptor Swarm', AKA 'How to Break D&D in Under One Minute'...

oh it gets better, as a Druid, Rain Shine would have access to a somewhat evil but still very amusing spell, Heat Metal.

11464464 Would certainly help control a horde of enemies if things got out of hand.

theres near limitless option for character builds that can pull some fairly wacky stuff, as well of plenty of shenanigans that one can get up to with even simple spells...for example, you can have zero levels in Rouge but be a better thief than a Rouge, all by casting two simple spells, Find Familiar is a first level Wizard spell that can summon a small spirit in animal form. as an Action, you can banish your Familiar to a pocket dimension or call it back to a space within 30' of your position. you can also see through the Familiars senses in place of your own with another Action, though this leaves you Blinded and Deafened while you do it. this spell, combined with Misty Step which lets you teleport to a space you can see within 30', can get one into places they perhaps are not supposed to be...here, i will allow Gator to fully explain, as he likes to steal Kobolds money all the time...

Gator gets up to a lot of crazy stuff, take a look at what he gets up to with Conjure Animals...

11464682 It may seem crazy, but he does a good job explaining things.

eh, Kobold is the one who does all the actual maths and thinking stuff, Gator mostly just messes around...i mean, he pulled a brand new lawnmower into his watery home just because, and somehow made the thing come to life and attack people...dont ask, i dont know how myself, nobody does...

11464737 I see. Well, I'll take your word for it.

11464682 I know my original idea for Rain was more along the lines of a paladin, but the druid idea does seem to be more her style since kirin seem more in tune with nature... maybe that's what she'll develop into.

well, heres a sample Druid u can use as something of a base, this is a character i made using the Point Buy system

Laila Crusch, Druid 1

STR 11 (+0) INT 12 (+1) DEX 12 (+1) WIS 16 (+3) CON 12 (+1) CHA 13 (+1)

Hit Dice 1D8, AC 14, Prof +2, Speed 30'

* Athletics (2)

Acrobatics (1)
Slight of Hand (1)
Stealth (1)

* Arcana (3)
History (1)
Investigation (1)
* Nature (3)
Religion (1)

Animal Handling (3)
Insight (3)
* Medicine (5)
Perception (3)
* Survival (5)

Deception (1)
Intimidation (1)
Performance (1)
Persuasion (1)

Shortbow, 80/320, +3 To Hit. 1D6+1 Piercing
Quarterstaff, 5 feet, +2 To Hit, 1D6 Bludgeoning

C Level 1, Spell Attack +5, Spell DC 13

Level 0
Thorn Whip

Level 1 (2/2)
Detect Magic
Ice Knife


Lizardfolk Features:
* Your AC is 13+DEX mod unless your worn armour would be greater
* You can swim at a speed of 30' and hold your breath for fifteen minutes
* You can bite as an unarmed attack for 1D6 Piercing Damage
* You can construct weapons and shields from fallen foes during a short rest (see rules)
* Once beteen rests, you can make a bite attack as a Bonus Action, gaining CON mod Temp HP on a hit (min 1)

Barbarian Tribe Member Feature:
* You can forage for twice as much food and water white in the wilderness and have knowledge of Barbarian lands

Druid Features:
* Understand a secret Druid Language

Armour Proficiencies

Light and Medium Armour, Shields

Weapon Proficiencies

Clubs, Daggers, Darts, Javelins, Maces, Quarterstaffs, Scimitars, Sickles, Slings, Spears

she could multiclass, it would be tricky though...starting in Druid for five levels would help, as the ASI hits at Level 4, and she would need at least a 13 in both STR and CHA to become a Paladruid...like i said, difficult...but doable...

11465940 Given the layout of the first game, and who her allies are, starting with druid skills might not be possible, as Rain would likely learn some weapon skills from Vahn and Kromlech while getting an idea of magic from Adrianna. Any awakening of her powers might come later on, like when they head into the crypts or when they fight the Orb of the Undead.

not necessarily, Baldor's Gate is a very prosperous trade city on the Sword Coast, all kinds of people come there since the city is the last major port before trade caravans hit the Fields of the Dead on the Coast Way bound for Waterdeep. in fact, the Lords Alliance (of which Balder's Gate is a member) maintains contacts with a number of major Druid Circles in the area, known as the Emerald Enclave. the Harpers have also been known to stick their noses into matters all along the Sword Coast...

11466060 Mind you that fighting the Orb is what brings the Harpers to the players in the first place... or at least it should, if my memory is right about the game... so it would still be some time before Rain finds someone to mentor her in the art.

ah, actually, its likely that the Harpers did have at least one agent in the area before that, but more to the point...the Emerald Enclave and the Harpers...very rarely see eye to eye...the Enclave tries to maintain balance between the natural world and the needs of civilization...most of the time, they, and a lot of others, tend to view the Harpers as meddling busybodies...they do good work, aye, but they mess up a great deal of the places they try to help more often than not...also, the Harpers tend to attract for Bards, Rangers, a few Rouges...maybe the odd wondering Sorcerer or Wizard...Druids? not so much...

11466119 Well, they're still her best bet to find someone sooner, rather than later.

not if you really want to go Paladin or Druid...the Harpers don't really attract those kinds of crowds. for a Paladin, i would think that the Order of the Gauntlet, a relatively new organization, would be the better option. the Order tends to be a lot more blunt and straight forward than the Harpers, but they do attract more Divine Casters and Gishes like Clerics and Paladins. that being said, Baldor's Gate is still a trade city, folk from all over come to trade cities to, well, trade...it would make a great deal of sense that there could be a Druid or two running around, probably in the Outer City though, they dont really like being in towns that much. about the only other place on the Sword Coast that i can think of where you would for sure find institutions for both Classes would be in Waterdeep...theres a saying in the Realms, 'all roads lead to Waterdeep'...

11466169 I'll have to take your word for it, since my knowledge comes from the two games and nothing else.

well, if you do make Rain Shine a Druid, and i think that would be the best choice for her as your party needs at least one more Caster, might i suggest the Circle of Wildfire as her SubClass? it matches what i have seen of the Kirin, both the actual myths and what comes out of FIM. vengeful flaming destruction for the wicked, healing for the just... she would gain her Circle at second level.

*Sees that this is a Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance crossover story* *Bangs desk with fist*

You son of a bish! I'm in! *Clicks the thumbs up*

interesting thought process regarding where Rain Shine came from, but there are closer realms to the Prime Material than the Elemental Planes, theres also the Feywild and the Shadowfell. both are close enough that they are actually reflections of the Prime Material Plane, although this is a...much more recent development for the Shadowfell. it would actually make a great deal of sense for people to think Rain Shine originated in the Feywild, all sorts of creatures live there, not just the Fey themselves. Hags, Pixies, Unicorns, Satyrs...even Fariedragons live there...mischievous little trouble makers, Fariedragons...

also, Baldor's Gate is located on the Sword Coast, its one of the major port cities in the area...

11467783 I will endeavor to do my best with the story.

11467865 Both games only talk about the four Elemental Planes and the Plane of Shadow, nothing more. So it's all new information for me... plus I don't think the Sword Coast is mentioned until the second game.

and the Plane of Shadow is what became Shadowfell...at least after the Raven Queen did her thing...as for Baldor's Gate, its located to the south end of the Sword Coast, bordered to the north by the Fields of the Dead and to the south by the silent trees of the Cloakwood...the ancient library of Candlekeep also lies to the south of the city. Baldor's Gate has a little bit of a rep, unfortunately, a lot of dark happenings seem to happen there, though im not that surprised to see Kobolds, those little guys get everywhere.

on the subject of Kobolds, i feel i should point out that they tend to stand about as tall as a Gnome at two and a half feet tall on average, they would be taller if not for the fact that they have digigrade legs. they also have their own culture and language, a language that a Kirin could conceivably be able to speak, as its a kind of pigin Dragonic. the reputation that Kobolds have as weak and cowardly beings is by design...Kobold design actually, makes others tend to underestimate them. i could tell tell tales though, of Tucker's Kobolds...Kobolds are, in fact, master trap builders, and they are even better at mining than the poster children for fantasy mining...thats right, Kobolds can out mine Dwarves when it comes to looking for 'shinnies', makes sense really, it might be cold, but they have the blood of Dragons running in their veins, and dragons do love their shinnies...their God, Kurtlmek, actually has his own heavenly mine where all the most loyal Kobold go to work after they die, assuming they didnt get really lucky and reincarnated as a true Dragon (been known to actually happen!)

11467950 Kobolds... reincarnating into dragons. Interesting. As for their height, gnomes are shorter than dwarves... unless the DnD gnomes are different from the ones I'm used to.

Dwarves stand about four feet tall on average, shorter than a Human or Elf, but very much wider than them. Gnomes and Halflings stand about three feet tall on average. Kobolds only stand shorter than them by way of how their legs are shaped. the video i posted goes much deeper into Kobolds...

11468031 Okay, the Kobolds from DnD are the same height as the ones from WoW.

that is, of course, just the standard Kobold...there are those that go larger and even have wings who are more powerful than your run of the mill Kobold. also, since i mentioned them, Tucker's Kobolds...

as the story goes, a DM named Tucker had a high level party enter a Kobold warren as the first part of their adventure and everyone was thinking 'oh, Kobolds! easy win against cannon fodder'...unfortunately, they were in for anything but...Tucker's Kobolds used traps, guerrilla tactics, knowledge of their home field...basically every advantage they had and made this high level party so damn miserable that they preferred to rappel down to the bottom level of the dungeon and deal with the demon infestation there than continue to deal with Kobold commandos...it was a hilarious thing...

and yes, Kobolds, being born directly of Dragons, have Dragon blood in their veins. they believe in near instant reincarnation so they will willingly throw themselves into the meat grinder to defend the tribe if needed because the next egg laid in the Tribe (unless the individual gets unlucky or wasnt as devoted to their Tribe as they could be) will contain the soul of the slain to live again. now, this is at the direction of their God, and if a Kobold screws up, well, he might find himself reincarnating into one of the Dire Weasles the tribe trains as pets and mounts, or if he REALLY screwed up, one of the beetles the Tribe keeps for harvesting food and armour. either way, they get the chance to try again to better serve the Tribe, their family, and every Kobold hopes to either work for their God in his mine, or be reborn as a true Dragon. really, the little guys are quite impressive, and a Player Character can even choose 'Kobold' as their race in the game. i have several Kobold characters myself, though more recent UA has all but ruined the race...took away everything that makes it fun to play as a little Kobold.

11468057 If memory serves the heroes only meet the standard Kobold in both games, so Rain and her companions won't have to worry too much.

eh, she should still be able to understand Dragonic as a language, so speaking to Kobolds is still an option...and Lizardfolk now that i think of it...they also speak Dragonic. well, at least there isnt a Gnome in the party...that would get very messy if they ran into more Kobolds as im sure they will...Kobolds hate Gnomes, and the feeling is very mutual...

11468210 Indeed, there aren't any gnomes in the party, nor will there be since there aren't any as the main heroes of both games. Just humans, dwarves, and a few elves.

Well now comes the fun part of getting stuff to sell so you can get the coin to buy the good stuff.

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