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Party of the Hedgehog

School of Friendship

It had been a few days since the School of Friendship was reopened, and all seemed to be going well. Aside from one incident involving Pinkie and her Sister that happened, which involved the latter finding a Stallion she loved even if she was sounded completely bored.

But after that happened everything went smooth sailing from there, until about a day ago when Pinkie remembered that she had yet to have thrown a party for their Hedgehog friend, and from what she could tell from all of the information she had learnt about him, it turns out he has never been thrown a party at all in his sixteen years of being alive.

With all of this in mind she began planning, preparing and inviting the entire school for this one party. Although she didn’t invite all of Ponyville with a few exceptions, she wasn’t dumb in knowing that Sonic had to slowly introduce himself to the townsfolk, to hopefully prevent a panic and a potential exposure to all of Equestria.

Now that she was prepared, everything had to now play out as she and everyone else hid away in a dark room waiting for his arrival.

School of Friendship: Front Entrance

Sonic who had been told to meet at the School’s entrance by late afternoon was confused, he didn’t exactly know why he was told to do so but went along with anyway since Pinkie told him it was something special.

Once arriving at the entrance he looked up at the door with awe once more, always seeming to be floored anytime he saw something that peaked his interest. “I still can’t believe they managed to pull this off!” He whispered to himself.

After a few more moments he faced forward once more before walking up to the doors, knocking on it with firm strength while not going all out with it.

This was soon followed by the bright pink Mare opening the entrance slightly, peeking her head around the corner looking at the Hedgehog with a cherry smile that showed innocence. “Heya Sonic! You ready to come in!” She asked with excitement with a nod from the former answering her question.

“Alright come on in!” She disappeared behind the door into the black abyss that was inside, Sonic pushed the door open walking inside getting slightly fearful from how quiet it was.

He ended up closing the door behind him taking slow steps, as if he was tiptoeing through his home at night when everyone else would be asleep.

He came to a stop after a few more moments only being able to hear his own breathing, until the lights came on revealing all the teachers and students standing around him, all yelling one word in unison. “SURPRISE!!!”

This made him jump a little bit, but that quickly stopped when he smiled widely. “Now this is what I call a surprise! Wait a second is this for me?” His question was met with Pinkie Pie zooming up to him.

“Yes it is buddy! And we’re gonna give you so much fun!” Sonic nodded, looking at everyone around he pumped his fist into the air. “What are we waiting for?!” This was met with the cheers of the crowd, as they all began to have fun.

School of Friendship: Lobby

The music blared loudly as many dance around, some were talking with others and some were just running around with pure joy. Sonic meanwhile was having a great time, playing all of the games that were there, interacting with a few fellow students and even eating some cake which he loved very much.

But the music was something Sonic wanted to spice up, give a little more fun vibe. So without anyone noticing, he quickly left the School before returning back to his position with a record in hand.

He walked up to Earth Pony known as DJ Pon-3 who was operating her DJ stand, the Hedgehog came up to her tapping the shoulder of the former getting her attention.

She looked to see Sonic holding up a disc of sorts with the title of it being known as Saturday Night Fever. Dj Pon-3 smiled with a nod taking hold of the record, before placing it down onto her setup.

A song then played…

The sudden music caught them all off guard but the sound of clapping became audible, as Sonic walked out onto the dance floor… that only exists for this one chapter.

Many watched in curiosity of him walking out doing something unexpected, Pinkie gasped seeing this new discovery that their Hedgehog friend was going to dance with talent.

His clapping was followed by more clapping as the lyrics had yet to start, but when the first words happened Sonic began to dance.

He started by taking a few steps backwards, which was changed to him walking forward with style, he then spun around a few times clapping after each spin.

He then placed his hands on his hips before shifting from side to side, he then pointed out his index finger placing it down on his hip before moving it back up to the air, doing five times in a row.

He then rolled his arms in front of him before swinging them side to side behind him, he then began to repeat it all over again. But when he did those who were close by joined in on the fun, more specifically Pinkie Pie who got up on her hind hooves, standing next to Sonic on his left following along.

They both gave each other smiles not once faltering, eventually the rest of the party joined in on the fun some staying on their hooves while others stood on their hind hooves/feet.

Even Twilight who was bad at dancing followed along, seeming to have an easier time doing so as she followed what everyone else was doing.

Not once did it slow down everyone was swept up by the music, which kept blaring loudly entering all ears within the school.

Sonic eventually decided to add something new by placing his hand onto the floor, he began to spin around quickly switching hands. His legs moved rapidly as some took a step back to avoid getting hit, he got closer to the ground until eventually he raised himself up into the air spinning on one hand, finishing by stretching his right leg up into the air holding the tip with his right hand.

(End song)

Many cheers erupted from the crowd as the song stopped, Sonic got back to his feet smiling at them bowing in quick succession. “Thank you! Thank you! I’m here every Tuesday ready to dance some more!”

With that said the music changed to a much more quiet piece, making everyone calm down to which Sonic took the opportunity to sit off to the side with a fresh cup of fruit punch.

After a few minutes everything had settled down allowing peace to be restored, that was when Twilight walked over to the Hedgehog’s side smiling at him. “Hey Sonic.”

“Heya “Bookmaster!” How’s it going?” He asked her with a goofy look, getting a chuckle from her.

“Alright but I… uh wanted to talk to you in private right here right now.” She requested making the former nod. “Sure we’ve got time to do so, plus this conversation won’t be heard by anyone else within a foot’s distance of us, so go ahead talk away!”

She smiled at him which turned into a frown. “Well I just wanted to apologise with what happened a few days ago, when we opened the school and how I forced you to hide your identity from everyone else!” This made the Hedgehog look at her with sympathy as she looked down at the ground, only to feel her head move up to see the face of the former who had finger under her chin.

“Hey don’t worry, if anything I should be the one saying sorry! After all I said something that insulted your intelligence!” But Twilight’s face didn’t change immediately.

“But you were in the right to say that, I pushed you and our friends away just because of some stupid, piece of—“ Sonic then covered her mouth with his hand preventing her from finishing.

“Okay that’s enough of that attitude! Look I get it you feel responsible for what happened on that day, but I was also responsible with the damage that was caused but look at us now, we fixed up the school, we have awesome happy Teachers, Great Students of all sorts and a Headmare who does what she can to help those in need!” He explained.

He slowly took his hand off her mouth showing a shocked face that stared at him. “It’s okay, we’re all here right now partying inside of the very thing that you managed to accomplish, with the help of those closest to you! And if you can do that, then nothing can ever bring you down!”

Twilight felt mesmerised with what he said to her, he was usually jokey and non-serious but here right now he was giving a bigger insight on life to her very face, making a smile grow across it. “I’m not even going to ask how you managed to think of that, but all I can say is that you should keep doing it whenever possible.”

“Sure! But just know that this doesn’t change how I’m going to act around you guys.” He reassured, getting a giggle from her.

“Oh my god you can be adorable at times!” He teased, causing the inside of Twilight undo a chain that locked up something deep inside of her.

She however didn’t realise that she had zoned out with what had just happened. “Hey you alright?” Sonic asked placing a hand on her shoulder, making her shake her head quickly realising he spoke. “What? Oh yeah, yeah, I’m fine just thought about something!”

He continued to smile. “Well if that’s the case then let’s continue to have fun with the night while it lasts.”

After receiving a nod from the latter, they both proceeded to join the rest of their friends to have as much fun as possible before they all had to go to sleep.

But adventures still awaited them with some potentially, being just right around the corner.

Author's Note:

I’m so sorry for not posting anything for awhile, I just felt demotivated and lazy but hopefully I can post more frequently within the coming days.

But first a few things I wanted to go over.

First off the leader will apologise for accusing Sonic for kidnapping their own Students, except Thorax who was against the idea in the first place.

Secondly the dance Sonic did was a reference to his breakdancing, within the games with the biggest example being this one:

And finally who do you want Sonic to meet/interact with next, here are the choices:

1. Starlight
2. The CMC
3. Discord
4. Trixie

Please let me know who and I’ll do it as the next chapter, anyway have a good one and I’ll talk to you all soon.